Is Nigel McGuiness retired from wrestling? Since hes commentating now?
Nah I will not fuck off, It true. I didn't say all Swift fans were Nazis. Just she is loved by them.
I mean, if we want to generalize, we will eventually get to the point where we can reasonably say that pro wrestling is enjoyed by neo-Nazis too.
WWE 2k18 looks awful imo
Graphics and gameplay wise
Fire Pro is where its at
I checked out the Madden Tournament videos on Up Up Down Down yesterday after seeing it mentioned here.
I never had a sense of how large Baron Corbin is until I saw him standing next to X Woods:
Terrible beard on Strowman.
Things are smooth though.
Nah I will not fuck off, It true. I didn't say all Swift fans were Nazis. Just she is loved by them.
I didn't generalize. Maybe try not to interrupt my post into something it isn't
I didn't generalize. Maybe try not to interrupt my post into something it isn't
She a tone deaf motherfucker. Nazi's love her.
Nah I will not fuck off, It true. I didn't say all Swift fans were Nazis. Just she is loved by them.
She a tone deaf motherfucker. Nazi's love her.
AJ Styles isa salty AF sore loser
And I'll still say "fuck you" to that generalization.
The salt was real.
so what if Nazis love her? I don't understand why did you post that and how is it relevant?
thieves, rapist, murderers love rap artist, rock bands or pop artists. it doesn't mean anything.
verb gen·er·al·ize \ˈjen-rə-ˌlīz, ˈje-nə-\
transitive verb
: to give a general form to
a : to derive or induce (a general conception or principle) from particulars
b : to draw a general conclusion from
: to give general applicability to generalize a law; also : to make indefinite
AJ's legit anger over that game gave me life.Rollins fucking bodied him in that game of Madden.
WWE 2k18 looks awful imo
Graphics and gameplay wise
Fire Pro is where its at
Again you are interrupting my post wrong. I said Nazis like her, I didn't say everyone that likes her is a nazi. There have been about 1000 articles on it.
#MandyMoore4Everwho gives a shit if someone likes or dislikes taylor swift.
we all probably have that one artist we like that others think is dog shit
He was awful unfortunatelyJim Ross at NXT!?
AJ's legit anger over that game gave me life.
Nazis like a lot of things. I don't understand where you are trying to go with this.
That was seriously one of the least competitive games I've seen in either of the Madden UUDD tournament games. Miz looked more competitive and Miz plays with the fucking Cleveland Browns
Fire Pro looks like shit even compared to the older Fire Pros
that filter is awful
Demon Show has a higher rating.Big Show's rating in this game is "84 + 88", I wonder if that's referring to 2 Big Shows or a situation where his rating raises due to some gameplay mechanic.
Big Show's rating in this game is "84 + 88", I wonder if that's referring to 2 Big Shows or a situation where his rating raises due to some gameplay mechanic.
Let the record show this time I had No Part in a Taylor Swift argument causing WrassleGAF to be in danger of being perma-got
Nazis like a lot of things. I don't understand where you are trying to go with this.
just trying to be edgy and garner cred.
Psh, I bet you didn't even support that shark movie she was in with a ticket
(It sucked)
How did Low Ki get away with the Hitman gimmick in GFW? Did they just not give a fuck?
How did Low Ki get away with the Hitman gimmick in GFW? Did they just not give a fuck?
Rollins fucking bodied him in that game of Madden.
How did Low Ki get away with the Hitman gimmick in GFW? Did they just not give a fuck?