Before Kane made his TV debut, he wore a cape at house shows.
Before Kane made his TV debut, he wore a cape at house shows.
All they have to do is admit anime is trash, just like wrestling is trash and move on.
Maybe so but perhaps this is what Demon Kane was missing when facing the likes of Super Cena and Reign's super man punch, the cape would have elevated him from Saturday morning cartoon jobber villain at least.Good call to ditch the cape. It makes him look like an over the top comic villain instead of mutekillingtombstoning machine out for revenge.
It's showtime
Even by F13 standards, Part 5 is fucking terrible. And I think this was an edited DVD on top of it. Not one actual shot of someone getting stabbed or anything. Every kill is cut so you don't see anything. The story is garbage, again even by F13 standards. It's so bad.
Have you ever watched that 9 hour documentary entitled Crystal Lake Memories?
Yeah. I liked the ANOES doc much more, but I always liked the series much more. F13 was always a distant 3rd to ANOES and Halloween in my eyes.
I've actually never watched that one. Is it on Netflix?
edit: yes, yes it is
Is that, Reggie Parks, the same famous belt maker who helped create the classic WWF Intercontinental championship, Reggie Parks?
Maybe so but perhaps this is what Demon Kane was missing when facing the likes of Super Cena and Reign's super man punch, the cape would have elevated him from Saturday morning cartoon jobber villain at least.
Lol botch
Have you ever watched that 9 hour documentary entitled Crystal Lake Memories?
Solomon Crowe
‏@WWECrowe Chipped my tibia bone in my leg..... Such a great birthday present! Lol
He did it at a house show at NXT. How long does it take to come back from that?
Emma/Paige on NXT vs Emma/Paige on Smackdown is like night and day, holy shit
Didn't you see The Incredibles? Never wear a cape.
Briscoes promo;
It was a waste of what could have possibly been a decent to good match.
Still the best act that will never make it to the big time. Let's hope that whoever is running a wrestling program in 2015 on Spike picks up the Briscoes.
Before Kane made his TV debut, he wore a cape at house shows.
Smackdown's gone (back) to complete shit recently. It at least had some good matches on earlier in the year even if nothing ever happened on the show.
Talk Is Jericho Podcast with Batista is great. I agree with him about the blood thing. $100,000 fine is over the top and $5,000 for Jericho the ref and Dean was so much for them not knowing. Batista even paid everyones fine on top of his cause he felt bad. You can tell he loves the business and hated the change in direction.
Apparently Batista is eyeing Mania 31 against HHH as his retirement match.
Also, Batista is good in the Jericho interview and comes off very humble. But, he still doesn't get why the fans turned on him at the Royal Rumble? Come on, Dave. It had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the company's treatment of Daniel Bryan. The company unintentionally booked a story where the people wanted to see Daniel Bryan finally overcome all of this dumb authority shit, and not Dave. Dave was looked at as a roadblock for Bryan's success in the fan's eyes.
I mean, I'll give him the CM Punk chants as being dumb, but the Daniel Bryan shit was 100% WWE's fault.
He has quickly become a favorite of top management, as both Vince McMahon and Triple H have become big fans of his, especially Vince. He worked his way up with a couple years on the indy scene followed by four years in WWEs developmental system, and now hes nicely filled a slot that especially Vince always likes filled on the roster - a big, muscular powerlifter guy. Vinces attention, which can be scattershot and finicky, has shifted sharply away from Big E. - a focus of his earlier in the year - to Rusev. Its not out of the question that Rusev will be kept undefeated (at least in terms of being pinned or submitted) until WrestleMania 31, with a very big name babyface opponent in one of the top three or four matches on the show. Agents have learned when in charge of Rusevs matches to make sure he is kept looking dominant or face the wrath of McMahon afterward.
with a very big name babyface opponent in one of the top three or four matches on the show