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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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Still, if you can't control it, it's a telltale sign and if you know you have ADHD, you can control it better regardless of medication or other kinds of treatment. I didn't realise it was a classic symptom one until my doc (who also had late-diagnosis ADHD at ~50) told me. There are stacks of other signs as well that you'll have no idea are relevant until you talk to someone about it (who knows their shit).

Honestly, going to talk to a doctor/psych isn't going to hurt. It's like having a bump on your forehead checked out... it might not be anything serious, but you're going to feel pretty fucking stupid in a few years if it turns out it was cancer.

Essentially, this. Reading a list of symptoms, especially the ones laid out on that website doesn't say much about the real details, how they affect the life of the person suffering from the disorder and those around them.

The easiest one to look at is 'easily distracted'. Who does that describe? Pretty much everyone. There's a sudden noise or action or event, someone says something to you unrelated to what's currently occurring or any number of other things. Most people who would experience such a thing would be distracted by it, and it can happen many times throughout the day and in the majority of occasions they will be distracted. This appears as if it could be a definition of 'easily distracted', but it's unlikely that each person could tick the box as 'easily distracted' when asked about it in regards to ADHD.

The reason for this is simple, it's not whether you are distracted, but how you react to the distraction. Most people will experience the distraction and return to the task at hand soon after. The ADHD sufferer is likely to take the distraction and run with it, they might (and are likely to) run with it so far that they have forgotten what the task at hand is or have become so distracted by how far they have run with it, they are unable to return to that task.

The funny thing with diagnosing ADHD in adults is that it can more easily be seen by those around them. In children, the hyperactivity allows it to be more visible, as does the common co-morbidity with ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder); in adults the hyperactivity is no longer able to be seen by others around those with the disorder and the ODD often fades during adolescence. Fortunately, there are other indicators: number of friends; length and quality of relationships (both romantic and otherwise); number of jobs and how they ended; ability to handle money; ability to handle responsibilities; ability to control emotion; and the list goes on. These are things that are often looked at to assist in diagnosing someone with ADHD. Often the people who know you best are the people to ask, many SOs of those undergoing diagnosis may be asked things about what they are like, because if the person has ADHD, they are likely blind to a lot of the things they do.

ADHD is a serious disorder, trivialised by the name it has been given. It interferes with every single aspect of your life – not even the slightest exaggeration here. The earlier treatment begins, the better off the person is. Medication does a lot of the heavy lifting, but there are habits that need to be unlearned and let me tell you that doing so is incredibly difficult. There are some things that are incredibly difficult to control and some that are impossible, but they can be managed and somewhat eased with the help of those around you.

See a doc, Laf. The worst that could happen (if your are correct in your belief) is you waste your time and they say you don't have it. ADHD leaves a distinct wake of destruction behind it and the experienced professionals will know it when they see it.

One thing on video games: they feed ADHD. They are the perfect distraction that is incredibly hard to tear yourself away from. Being able to complete video games is not indicative of anything. I have ADHD, wanna know what I did when I was young? Played and finished a whole bunch of games.

Other things I have done: studied for exams, attained HDs on assignments and achieved personal goals. I went to a selective high school and topped my class on a number of occasions, including a number of subjects within 4u Science. Was I consistent in these things? Not at all. And that's part of the story of ADHD - truanting, detention, suspension, fighting, etc all occurred around these great things I did at the time.

Also, not all of these above things are indicative of ADHD, but some of them are when ODD becomes apart of the personality before it fades in adolescence. The majority of the rest of them can be attributed to Conduct Disorder which is another co-morbidity and may arise when ODD is fed by poor home environment, among many other reasons. Conduct Disorder is really bad and if you have it without treatment, you're kinda on your own at that point as to how you turn out. The bad path leads to a criminal life and perhaps sociopathy. The better path is neither of these things, but will often be via things such as theft, assault and drug use – those three things I definitely did.

Lastly, the longer ADHD goes untreated, the more likely it will be that it finds another disorder to link up with. The most common of these (not including ODD, which is a given and has an expiry date) are a mood disorder, such as depression, and anxiety disorder. Most adults diagnosed with ADHD are found to have depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed with ADHD super early (it was still called ADD then), but my treatment ceased in early adolescence and so I got the trifecta of ADHD, depression and anxiety. Add those to ODD becoming apart of my personality and CD giving the possibility of a literal prison sentence.

I didn't mean this to turn into a life story, sorry for that, I'll leave it here anyway. It does serve to illustrate that I mean it when I say it's a serious disorder. Also, the things I've listed above? Tip of the iceberg. See a doctor.
My parents used to say that thing came to life and would walk around at night. It took YEARS for me to believe otherwise. Still get the heebyjeebies when I see it -__-

Just LOL mate, we all have those things. A mate of mine told his young son when the ice cream truck's music is playing they're all out of ice cream. Evil genius bastard.


Good shit Danoss, thanks for elaborating a little more :) How you travelling, BTW? (Feel free to let me know in a PM if you like, all good either way)


Good shit Danoss, thanks for elaborating a little more :) How you travelling, BTW? (Feel free to let me know in a PM if you like, all good either way)

My pleasure, hopefully someone is able to glean some useful info from it.

To be brief-ish (heading out shorty to finally play that Star Wars LCG I picked up ages ago with a friend of mine), I'm going well. I've been keeping myself occupied doing various things, most of them in the realm of tabletop gaming – drafting some custom tokens and templates to be produced on a laser cutter; assembling and (to a lesser extent, painting) miniatures; building and painting terrain to be used for tabletop games; helping to improve an Android app related to the main miniature game I play; and various other related things. If none of that makes much sense, that's perfectly fine, just know that I'm enjoying myself outside of the regular things that need to be done.

There are negatives in the home life and within the family, overall they're what I'm sure most people experience and are hardly out of the ordinary. Many people have it far worse than I do, it wouldn't feel right even mentioning them.

Most of the above is why I haven't been on here very often. Distractions (of the good variety) noted above have kept me away from some old habits, not as much as I would like, but any progress is a good thing.

I hope you and everyone else here are keeping well, I've been trying to keep up with happenings here even if I'm not contributing as much as I'd like. I do notice some absentees, I hope they're okay and if they're reading on to maybe just say hello or at least know they haven't been forgotten.

Some pretty good accounts there, though I only managed to read a handful. One thing I don't like seeing is people trying to highlight positives provided by having the disorder. Not to crap on their positive outlook, but there are no good aspects of ADHD. Even a brief look at the effects/consequences of one of these so-called positive aspects presents a plethora of negatives.

In particular, many people tout the great benefits of hyper-focusing. This is one that is mentioned frequently and it's amazing that everyone who does, fails to see the reality of what it is and inherent problems it presents. Hyper-focus is not so much giving something your undivided attention as it is being unable to tear yourself away from it. Something else may need doing and it will go undone because your mind is locked on one thing only. Only when the realisation that whatever was sacrificed to maintain the focus went uncompleted does it sink in, but it's too late. Hyper-focus is importantly not something you choose to do, it is not an expression of will and self-control, it is the exact opposite of these and is evidence of one of the main problems with the ADHD brain.

The other is people mistaking their good traits for a gift that ADHD has given them. Assumptions that ADHD people are highly intelligent, quick thinkers, ideal for X, Y and Z are all false. There is only you and your traits, and then ADHD stomps on them with its all-encompassing boot and restrains their potential. No one in their right mind would wish they had ADHD as if it was some kind of blessing; if they do, they're welcome to take it away from me. You do not achieve things or possess abilities because of ADHD, but in spite of it.

I don't mean to be incredibly negative, although I totally have. Outside of these things, it seems those accounts paint a pretty decent picture of the pervasiveness of the disorder. I just wanted to point out how it is best to interpret the 'positives' mentioned – the true positive is when someone triumphs over the disorder, no matter how small a thing it is, because it is an ongoing battle where the disorder itself has literally crippled your ability to fight it.

Thanks for sharing man. :)


Some pretty good accounts there, though I only managed to read a handful. One thing I don't like seeing is people trying to highlight positives provided by having the disorder. Not to crap on their positive outlook, but there are no good aspects of ADHD. Even a brief look at the effects/consequences of one of these so-called positive aspects presents a plethora of negatives.

In particular, many people tout the great benefits of hyper-focusing. This is one that is mentioned frequently and it's amazing that everyone who does, fails to see the reality of what it is and inherent problems it presents. Hyper-focus is not so much giving something your undivided attention as it is being unable to tear yourself away from it. Something else may need doing and it will go undone because your mind is locked on one thing only. Only when the realisation that whatever was sacrificed to maintain the focus went uncompleted does it sink in, but it's too late. Hyper-focus is importantly not something you choose to do, it is not an expression of will and self-control, it is the exact opposite of these and is evidence of one of the main problems with the ADHD brain.

The other is people mistaking their good traits for a gift that ADHD has given them. Assumptions that ADHD people are highly intelligent, quick thinkers, ideal for X, Y and Z are all false. There is only you and your traits, and then ADHD stomps on them with its all-encompassing boot and restrains their potential. No one in their right mind would wish they had ADHD as if it was some kind of blessing; if they do, they're welcome to take it away from me. You do not achieve things or possess abilities because of ADHD, but in spite of it.

I don't mean to be incredibly negative, although I totally have. Outside of these things, it seems those accounts paint a pretty decent picture of the pervasiveness of the disorder. I just wanted to point out how it is best to interpret the 'positives' mentioned – the true positive is when someone triumphs over the disorder, no matter how small a thing it is, because it is an ongoing battle where the disorder itself has literally crippled your ability to fight it.

Thanks for sharing man. :)
Glad to hear you're well :)

I think perhaps the positive stuff is maybe meant as more of a self-assurance thing than anything else? As in, a "don't feel that sorry for us, there are people worse off" kinda thing. But you're right though. People on Quora answering stuff about ADHD are likely putting the positive spin on it because they're in the sort of mood to impulsively spend (and therefore, justify) time writing a long-arse response on there. There are a small number of positives there, but hyper-focusing on something that genuinely warrants the attention is like throwing a dart at a dartboard while blindfolded... you might just hit that bullseye, but there's a better chance of you feeling like you've completely wasted your time after the fact.

The lateral-thinking, creative side is often overlooked though. I always think of myself as being quite fantastic at problem-solving when I can be fucked doing it.

Long and short of it is, Laf, just fucking go and get shit checked out. If you have it right now, you honestly don't even know how it's affecting you and how you can work through it. Absolutely no idea. Hell, I'm still finding out shit about myself I didn't realise could be attributed to it.


One thing on video games: they feed ADHD. They are the perfect distraction that is incredibly hard to tear yourself away from. Being able to complete video games is not indicative of anything. I have ADHD, wanna know what I did when I was young? Played and finished a whole bunch of games.

After getting medicated I've almost stopped playing video games altogether. I still like video games, but I have limited free time and I feel like I have more choice in what I spend my free time on now. If that makes sense. Video games were the default time waster so I wouldn't have to think about the things I should have been doing. Now I just do the things I should have been doing. Current project is restoring my grandfathers boat, something I should have done years ago.

I don't want to make it sound like video games are a problem to be cured though. This was just me in my situation. I definitely plan on giving Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity a go, at least because I've already paid for them. I will probably play Stick of Truth when it's cheap if it's well received too.


I made a comic about Pong.

I didn't do badly in school because I had ADHD. I did badly in school because there was very little in school about comics or video games, and for the past 25 years all I've ever really given a shit about is comics and video games.

Forgot to ask. Rlan, WTF is the context for that .gif :)
PC version of South Park should be $30ish or so.

Super keen to grab it and Wolfenstein.

I don't get to play enough games, I spend too much wasted time on the internet :)


It's too bad you couldn't encrypt the code using the encryption from Fez because until you actually played Fez you wouldn't know how to read the code.


Played the Star Wars LCG today and loved it! We only used the starter decks, but the greater potential game and meta-game presented parts of themselves throughout. It's interesting, engaging and exciting. Easy to learn with plenty of depth. I'm looking forward to playing some more.

It makes me all the more keen for some NetRunner action which has a similar feel with greater bluff/double bluff, baiting and gambling aspects to them. Some really well designed and unique games.

Glad to hear you're well :)

I think perhaps the positive stuff is maybe meant as more of a self-assurance thing than anything else? As in, a "don't feel that sorry for us, there are people worse off" kinda thing. But you're right though. People on Quora answering stuff about ADHD are likely putting the positive spin on it because they're in the sort of mood to impulsively spend (and therefore, justify) time writing a long-arse response on there. There are a small number of positives there, but hyper-focusing on something that genuinely warrants the attention is like throwing a dart at a dartboard while blindfolded... you might just hit that bullseye, but there's a better chance of you feeling like you've completely wasted your time after the fact.

The lateral-thinking, creative side is often overlooked though. I always think of myself as being quite fantastic at problem-solving when I can be fucked doing it.

Long and short of it is, Laf, just fucking go and get shit checked out. If you have it right now, you honestly don't even know how it's affecting you and how you can work through it. Absolutely no idea. Hell, I'm still finding out shit about myself I didn't realise could be attributed to it.

I can absolutely understand people looking from the positive side of things, that's part of human nature and our ability to cope with what we have. In no way do I want (or would be able even if I did) to take that away from them. I'm able to accept it for what it is – it's never going away and I can only do my best to manage certain aspects. I will stumble and I will fall as I do so, but that's okay as long as I keep trying. Not everyone is able to accept it in this or a similar manner, but a little more reality in some cases would be nice to see.

My main gripe is that it doesn't help our cause when many people view the disorder as inconsequential or non-existent. Why do we need assistance in the mental heath area when we are gifted with this awesome shit that no one else has? The real problem people are not so much the optimist view as much as it is certain people trumpeting "ADHD is my superpower!" That needs to stop. No one achieved greatness by forgetting things; being reliably unreliable, consistently inconsistent; blowing a fuse over a minor frustration; or hyper-focusing and not comprehending precious time passing them by.

I can see Batman coming to the realisation in the bat-cave and making a hurried phone call. "Joker, I know I was supposed to meet you by the docks at dusk or Batgirl would be cactus. I saw I had an hour to spare and got caught up playing the new GTA and completely forgot. Am I too late? I am? She's dead? Shit!" An inspiring superhero.

We can also look upon Superman's half-completed Fortress of Solitude, Frank Castle as he's "getting around to" avenging his dead family, Cyclops accidentally lasering the shit out of a bunch of people because he forgot to put his glasses/visor on.

The Empire Strikes Back would certainly take the trilogy for a different turn when Luke Skywalker (after hyper-focusing and blowing up the Death Star) goes to learn more and ends up punching Yoda in the face for talking in riddles and demanding the fruitless endeavor of raising his X-Wing from the swamp. Unable to control his anger, he succumbs to the dark side and joins his father in ruling the galaxy, but not before disposing of the Emperor because he won't put up with a prick like him telling him what to do.

Okay, I'll stop now, but they was fun to come up with. What were we talking about? Ah yes, squirrels...

After getting medicated I've almost stopped playing video games altogether. I still like video games, but I have limited free time and I feel like I have more choice in what I spend my free time on now. If that makes sense. Video games were the default time waster so I wouldn't have to think about the things I should have been doing. Now I just do the things I should have been doing. Current project is restoring my grandfathers boat, something I should have done years ago.

I don't want to make it sound like video games are a problem to be cured though. This was just me in my situation. I definitely plan on giving Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity a go, at least because I've already paid for them. I will probably play Stick of Truth when it's cheap if it's well received too.

Glad to hear it's working out for you Fred! It totally makes sense. Rather than acting completely on impulse, you're allowed the freedom of deciding what to do and it makes all the difference. I've been able to have goals, meet short terms goals as steps towards overall completion. It's a different and very rewarding feeling even to see the progress being made.

Video games aren't bad at all, it's just how the (undiagnosed and unmedicated) ADHD brain works with them. Constant stimuli and rewards keep the brain engaged in a constant loop. Everyone reacts similarly to rewards being just out of reach and another one appearing when the last has been obtained, but the ADHD brain is more susceptible/vulnerable to it. We will react to the closest event with a visible reward or consequence and the video game carrot/stick keeps those rewards/consequences coming, they're imminent and difficult to disengage from.
Oh that's good then, I just read that it was censored in EU and AU, didn't know it was just for consoles.

Guess i'll be getting the Pc version unless the NA PS3 version is censored too :(


Awww, my number's on a microsoft scam artist calling list. Now I'll have to make sure the parents don't wire all the money to con artists somehow.


Watched the Wolf of Wall Street. Hilarious movie, 3 hours of naked women and endless drug taking. Has no chance of winning the Oscar purely because of that but at least a nomination acknowledges that it's a quality film. Also that Donna chick from Neighbours appears full nude in the film and is smoking hot.

Is AusGAF planning to start Diablo 3 again now that the game appears to be actually good now?

They'll always live in the basement of my heart <3

They'll always live in the basement of my heart <3

Speaking of ghettos, I just acquired a secondhand Playstation Portable. It's a PSP-1000 model, last used (and no doubt shoved into a drawer and forgotten about) back in February 2007.

That's crazy long ago. Back then, I was still living at home, having just starting my first job out of uni, my wife was just some cute blonde chick living in London and my son was just a twinkle in my eye. I even had a PSP back then and I modded it so the face buttons were clickier and installed custom firmware (sold it the following year because reasons). The PSP-2000 (Slim and Lite) wasn't even a rumour back then. I don't even know if iPhones were even a thing.

Oh man, I turned it on, had the ping happen and nostalgia'd so hard. Could any of you fine ladies and gents please direct me to where I can find a Memory Stick for cheap? The current one that came with the system is 32MB, which is at least 2 orders of magnitude too small for my needs, possibly 3.

Also, is the Vita still using Memory Stick Duos? Heck, I don't know if they even still make them or sell them in stores.
Oh man, I turned it on, had the ping happen and nostalgia'd so hard.

Could any of you fine ladies and gents please direct me to where I can find a Memory Stick for cheap? The current one that came with the system is 32MB, which is at least 2 orders of magnitude too small for my needs, possibly 3.

Also, is the Vita still using Memory Stick Duos? Heck, I don't know if they even still make them or sell them in stores.

eBay or DX is your best bet. Here's a brand new 16GB one for $20 posted, you already have the adapter obv.

Also the Vita uses proprietary storage which costs $99 for 64GB :/

I sure hope you have Burnout Legends on that thing!!!

I picked up the Crisis Core edition of the 2000 :)
eBay or DX is your best bet. Here's a brand new 16GB one for $20 posted, you already have the adapter obv.

Also the Vita uses proprietary storage which costs $99 for 64GB :/

I sure hope you have Burnout Legends on that thing!!!

I picked up the Crisis Core edition of the 2000 :)

$10 more and I get the 32GB version, although that seems like it'd be overkill. Pity about those shipping times. I'll be on site by the time it arrives, so it'll have to wait for now. (I took the job, by the way - a fella's gotta feed his family).
Yeah, I really don't think you'd need 32GB. Still only have a 4GB card in mine from when I got it and space has never really been a concern. I've had to do a little fridge cleaning in terms of install data but that's not a big deal when I'm done with a game and moving on to the next one.
Oh yeah, definitely want all the memory you can stuff in on a Vita. I've got an 8GB in mine and despite remaining retail-only for actual Vita games the Minis, PS Mobile, the odd digital PSP game I bought on sale, squeezing PSOne Classics on there when I want to play them on the go and game updates (checked Everybody's Golf the other day and there was 500ish MB worth of updates for it) have pushed it just about to capacity.

Final Fantasy X-2 HD being download only is gonna force me to do a proper fridge clean.


Who was it who said they had a dream about Titanfall even though they don't give a shit about it? Because last I night I did too! And I also don't give a shit about it! Dreamt I was actually like in the game, weird.


Who was it who said they had a dream about Titanfall even though they don't give a shit about it? Because last I night I did too! And I also don't give a shit about it! Dreamt I was actually like in the game, weird.
Those marketing campaigns are getting pretty advanced.


Who was it who said they had a dream about Titanfall even though they don't give a shit about it? Because last I night I did too! And I also don't give a shit about it! Dreamt I was actually like in the game, weird.

What was it like, dreaming in such low resolution?


I wonder if there's a heap of aviation journalists who are writing "5000 jobs cut, hope they all land on their feet!" blog posts and going back to their daily business.
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