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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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I wonder if there's a heap of aviation journalists who are writing "5000 jobs cut, hope they all land on their feet!" blog posts and going back to their daily business.

A Perfect Day.
Greatness Awaits... Elsewhere.

yep, nothing to see here.

Oh oh!
"the pilot who flies Brisbane to Sydney is safe, so I'm ok."

TAA is dead


Horrible news about the Qantas job cuts.

Thread about Sony losing 50 jobs: greater than 2000 replies
Qantas losing 5000 jobs: 9 replies

I know they are not like for like and there are some reasons for this, but perspective is an interesting thing at times.
Watched the Wolf of Wall Street. Hilarious movie, 3 hours of naked women and endless drug taking. Has no chance of winning the Oscar purely because of that but at least a nomination acknowledges that it's a quality film. Also that Donna chick from Neighbours appears full nude in the film and is smoking hot.
Yeah, I feel like I would have enjoyed that film way more if I hadn't gone in blind with my mother to see it :|
I also feel like the ending was a bit unsatisfying, but I guess it was based on reality.

Qantas. 5000 jobs. :(
man, the whole industry is so messed up.
I wonder if there's a heap of aviation journalists who are writing "5000 jobs cut, hope they all land on their feet!" blog posts and going back to their daily business.
There are still aviation journalists?

Horrible news about the Qantas job cuts.

Thread about Sony losing 50 jobs: greater than 2000 replies
Qantas losing 5000 jobs: 9 replies

I know they are not like for like and there are some reasons for this, but perspective is an interesting thing at times.
Especially interesting when people were calling for Yosp's head over the restructuring, even more so once it came out that it was most likely due to their project failing to meet expectations.

5000 is a fucking huge amount of people :(

Dead Man

Horrible news about the Qantas job cuts.

Thread about Sony losing 50 jobs: greater than 2000 replies
Qantas losing 5000 jobs: 9 replies

I know they are not like for like and there are some reasons for this, but perspective is an interesting thing at times.

Thread about major gaming company on a gaming board versus thread about one of hundreds of airlines in a general discussion board :/

Ask the average punter and the importance of them would flip.

There are still aviation journalists?

Especially interesting when people were calling for Yosp's head over the restructuring, even more so once it came out that it was most likely due to their project failing to meet expectations.

5000 is a fucking huge amount of people :(

As if nobody wants Alan Joyce to be killed.


I understand the differences (ie gaming board etc) it's just interesting "oh those poor game devs, hope they land on their feet" vs company I am not vested in, who gives a shit. Either way a job loss is a job loss and that sucks.


I have 80,000 frequent flyer points, I hope I don't get fucked in the ass.

Oh and also, 5000 jobs lost is bad. Didn't Abbott say he would create 2 million jobs? Is he playing on hard mode?


I was looking forward to playing thief this weekend but after reading a bunch of impressions my expectations are now pretty low. Hopefully I can still go into it with an open mind, turn off all the hand holding mechanics and have some fun with it. But if not, there is always Stick of Truth next week :D
Between the last I visited SomethingAwful and today more has been put behind a paywall. (Or if there wasn't one before there is now, I'm too oblivious to know which is true)
All I want to do is have a quick read of the thread on The Genius after watching the Season 2 finale, I ain't paying 10 buckaroos for that privilege.

The concept of paying to participate/read average people's discussions on popular culture amuses me a little. I'm sure SA has its perks but I do doubt their forum culture and discussions are inimitable enough to pay for.

I understand in reality it's not really paying to participate but rather supporting the forums and ensuring their vitality. But as a very, very casual user there I would selfishly prefer a different method of revenue raising. Like Evilore is able to live (and prosper) almost solely off the advertising revenue of gaf isn't he


SA puts bits of its site behind the paywall every few months and cycles them in and out.

I don't begrudge it of them, but so far, I haven't felt compelled to buy a sub. GAF covers most of my daily discussion needs. Was kind of tempted when I was big into VGCW, AusPoli and some other stuff though.
Oh, right. The Genius finale, woo. Time to watch.

My internet got shaped last night so I watched it by tethering my phone in 240p. IT WAS GLORIOUS

few thoughts on the final's games
I wish something besides Quattro was the last game. I know it's been used a lot but I think whatever the memoryboardtilewheel one is called is a interesting game to watch and a game that can easily be won with skill, and luck isn't going to outrageously go one way or the other. Also provides the ability to come back.
Quattro just seems to me like it's too influenced by chance and not as good a fit for the finals. (especially when the card swapping is reduced to 3 people!) And did I see Yooyoung not helping Yohwan to her fullest or did I imagine that?

Also the truth detector number game just doesn't seem very thrilling to me. It's a very systematic game. If Yohwan didn't approach things in an unconventional way it would have been pratically impossible for the producers to wring some drama and thrill out of it.

Can someone explain to me what Yohwan's card counting thing was like I'm five years old. I didn't understand.

SA puts bits of its site behind the paywall every few months and cycles them in and out.

Ahhh okay. Newspapers should do that too!



Nice one! Thanks for the heads-up on that one mate.

Honestly, I think the 30km/h speed limit is pretty generous. Considering how narrow are roads can be, even traveling past cars right on that limit could be considered unwise at best, idiotic at worst. While they're thinking of pedestrians, which is sensible, it helps to protect riders who may not have heard of or been subject to road rage incidents in such scenarios. There are drivers who will manoeuvre their vehicle to obstruct the path the rider is trying to take or, meaner still, will open their car door in front of the approaching rider.

Then there's this:

“Some drivers don’t actually understand that by filtering, riders are getting out of the rear-end danger zone which is the most common crash in NSW,” he said.

“If you are in a car and you get rear ended you might get whiplash.

“If you’re on a bike you get squashed.”

Super accurate and incredibly sensible. An anti-congestion measure is one thing that all road users reap the benefits from. Exposing a rider at the end of the queue enables another situation for the "sorry mate, didn't see you" accidents that can be pretty severe – I've been the victim of one and was sent into the path of busy roundabout as a result. Luckily there was minor damage to my bike and I came out unscathed, but a little shaken; others have not been so lucky.

It's because of such situations that riders (at least in NSW, and I assume in other states) are instructed to leave themselves enough room to move and to remain ready at all times, with an escape route available in case the above situation arises. In such instances, the rider will likely escape the danger by moving between vehicles ahead of them. Finally the preventative measure will be legal.

Since the last I visited SomethingAwful and today more has been put behind a paywall. (Or if there wasn't one before there is now, I'm too oblivious to know which is true)
All I want to do is have a quick read of the thread on The Genius after watching the Season 2 finale, I ain't paying 10 buckaroos for that privilege.

The concept of paying to participate/read average people's discussions on popular culture amuses me a little. I'm sure SA has its perks but I do doubt their forum culture and discussions are inimitable enough to pay for.

I understand in reality it's not really paying to participate but rather supporting the forums and ensuring their vitality. But as a very, very casual user there I would selfishly prefer a different method of revenue raising. Like Evilore is able to live (and prosper) almost solely off the advertising revenue of gaf isn't he

Thanks for letting me know The Genius finale is now available. I haven't yet looked at twitter today or Bumdidly's site to see. No torrent yet, but I may watch the stream due to impatience.

Initially, I felt the same way as you currently do about the cost of entry to the SA forums. After eventually forking out the cash, I'm glad I did and the benefits outside forum access are definitely noticeable.

The culture and discussions are one of the benefits seen by both the implementation of a one-off registration fee and rules which are enforced consistently and fairly. With a popular forum such as SA, the percentage of trolls and general scum becomes much more visible and invasive. If you want to be a big enough jerk to get yourself a ban, have another $10 at the ready to pay for access once more. It's not so much a disincentive to join, but an incentive to abide by the rules and provide a more pleasant environment for the rest of the community.

If someone is being a horrible troll, breaking the rules, sending a thread completely off-topic, or anything else that isn't cool, go ahead and report them. Guess what? A mod actually does something about it! They may cop a ban and, if it's warranted, the thread participants will be told its not okay and what consequences may occur if it continues. Also, they have bans that can be counted in hours or days, not just weeks. Sometimes it may be better to say "have a time out for the rest of the day" rather than "you did this thing, see you in a fortnight/month".

Lastly, I think the subforums that are visible to non-members change at various times for various reasons, but I may be mistaken.
I bought a Something Awful account a couple of years ago because it was pretty much the place to talk about Game Center CX, since that's where the subs were coming from and a community had built around it. I haven't watched GCCX in months but I still use the forums regularly and feel I get my money's worth.

Probably one of the best Doctor Who communities on the internet there too, and the comic strip megathreads are great.

Dead Man

I'm all for bikes to be able to lane split, as long as they don't touch my car. Seen bad riders clip mirrors or balance on cars before, not a good look. But if it gets even one vehicle out of the line in front of me, I'll take it.
Probably one of the best Doctor Who communities on the internet there too, and the comic strip megathreads are great.

Try Rhoobarb's Doctor Who sub-forums at zetaminor.com. Its less 'internety' than most sites. You get people who work on the classic series DVDs posting there. You might need to register before the Who forums are visible.


I bought a Something Awful account a couple of years ago because it was pretty much the place to talk about Game Center CX, since that's where the subs were coming from and a community had built around it. I haven't watched GCCX in months but I still use the forums regularly and feel I get my money's worth.

Probably one of the best Doctor Who communities on the internet there too, and the comic strip megathreads are great.

For traditional gaming and photography discussion, there is no better place either.

I haven't wandered into any Doctor Who discussions, but a lot of the discussion in TV IV is excellent. I was reading the thread on Vikings whilst watching the first season recently and much of the discussion to be found there was brilliant and illuminating. I'd been meaning to read more books on that part of history and it just increased this desire, resulting in my picking up some more sagas to read, along with the prose Edda. The True Detective thread had me purchasing some of Thomas Ligotti's works that are still available too.

Plenty of niche interests on there with some great info too. I've gotten much more than $10 value from that site, I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bad paying to change my avatar or whatever.

I'm all for bikes to be able to lane split, as long as they don't touch my car. Seen bad riders clip mirrors or balance on cars before, not a good look. But if it gets even one vehicle out of the line in front of me, I'll take it.

Not sure if it was just my observation at the time, but I swear there was an influx of motorcycle riders around the time petrol prices rose over $1.20 and didn't seem like they were ever going to fall again. So many of them were being nuisances and each time, without fail, they'd be wearing helmets as their only protection. Shorts and maybe thongs would also be seen on these individuals in most cases. They give us a bad name and are likely to have a very hard lesson awaiting them.

Thankfully there doesn't appear to be that many of them out there in proportion to the sensible riders. I was just having a similar discussion with some of the blokes at the bike shop the other day as I was getting mine inspected for rego.
Updated Thief a little earlier, got this...weird message on the patch notes. What on earth could this mysterious super feature be?

Fucking hell, I think my ISP is blocking torrents now.

Starts up fine for first 5-10 seconds, then drops seed connections gradually to nothing. Can't make a proper connection with tracker as the target machine is actively refusing it

Because of my wanting to take my new (to me) PSP on the road with me and being unable to wait 20 days for delivery, I had to bite the bullet and buy a Memory Stick Duo at retail.

Even on special, I paid triple the eBay price but I didn't know what else I could do. I feel violated :(
I was being serious. I bought two or three MSDs from eBay, each time thinking I'd get a genuine one. But I didn't.
Is that a big issue? How unreliable are the knockoffs?

It hurts more because of the fact that the MSD cost more than the actual console. On a dollar-per-GB basis, I felt like I stepped back in time to 2007. I have to say, the price of mobile storage was not one f the things I was nostalgic for.


Yeah, all my ebay bought sony branded msd's are fake, except for a sandisk one.

I never really had too much trouble with the knockoffs. I think read/transfer speeds aren't as good as genuine cards, but I don't think it ever affected me playing games off the card or anything. Luck may have played its part, though.


That's not bad considering you would probably only get 2gbs for that price back then:/

The other crap thing was, I didn't even pay that much less than retail for my ebay ones. Didn't realise they were fakes until a good while after:(
Holy shit that's more expensive than a fancy new Vita proprietary one!

In other news a dangerous looking stretch mark has got me starting C25K again. Went on my second session today with RunDouble which does everything I want and better. Really damn good app, I'll definitely pay the $1.60 to use it past the trial C25K date. Plays nice with pretty much any audio player which is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge plus for me.


I wonder if there's a heap of aviation journalists who are writing "5000 jobs cut, hope they all land on their feet!" blog posts and going back to their daily business.

Funny you say that. In the email section of this weeks Bombcast, the writer queried the fact that the games industry alone has their press using social media to get folks jobs, unlike related press to other industry (politics and film being compared to). It was mentioned in relational to the Giant Bomb crews stance about not getting involved in games kickstarters because of potential conflicts.

It is kind of interesting.


Fucking hell, I think my ISP is blocking torrents now.

Starts up fine for first 5-10 seconds, then drops seed connections gradually to nothing. Can't make a proper connection with tracker as the target machine is actively refusing it


Don't MMOs use torrent for updates? I remember talk about that with WoW year ago for instance.

Its pretty pointless in any case. Folks will just use VPNs.
Games media people will jump on the twitters to help games industry people because most media people want to work at publishers/developers. A hell of a lot of media people move into development, so it's a logical thing to want to help out with. There is no separation between media/developer in the gaming industry, it isn't an objective field.

Fucking pirates.

not a router issue?

Hey! I'm no pirate!

Router is def on the way out but it isn't that. Updated everything I could find, couldn't work it out. Initial connection finds seeds, starts drawing while tracker is pinged but once it passes 5 or so seconds the tracker comes back blocked and the connections drop fast.

Found a plugin to randomize your incoming ports whenever it appears to be in the process of being blocked by your firewall/ISP.

Worked a treat and is running faster and stronger than ever even with full encryption. Not sure if it is indeed the fix but in any case torrents are working so I'm happy.



I, too, wish my time machine hadn't broken down.

I now have the theme song stuck in my head.

I can't remember how it goes! I'm trying and trying but it's just gone.

Now I know what it must feel like to lose a loved one and then forget their face years later.

I just went to youtube the theme song but instead I stumbled into the rabbit hole:



Bobby was born in Summer Bay as the illegitimate daughter of Morag Bellingham (Cornelia Frances) and Donald Fisher (Norman Coburn). Morag kept the pregnancy a secret. She was adopted by Doris and Al Simpson (George Leppard; Terence Donovan), who she moved with to the city when she was two years old. Al was a violent alcoholic was imprisoned seven years for petty crime. Meanwhile, Doris and Bobby returned to Summer Bay to stay with her grandparents. By this point, Bobby had begun rebelling and earned a reputation as a wild child. When she was fifteen, her mother Doris died of cancer, and her grandparents sold their store to Ailsa Hogan (Judy Nunn). Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher) soon felt sympathy for her and got her a job at the store and allowed her to live behind his boatshed, she resented Alf being an authority figure to her but slowly warmed to Ailsa.

Home and Away season 1, Bobby Simpson!



My internet got shaped last night so I watched it by tethering my phone in 240p. IT WAS GLORIOUS

few thoughts on the final's games
I wish something besides Quattro was the last game. I know it's been used a lot but I think whatever the memoryboardtilewheel one is called is a interesting game to watch and a game that can easily be won with skill, and luck isn't going to outrageously go one way or the other. Also provides the ability to come back.
Quattro just seems to me like it's too influenced by chance and not as good a fit for the finals. (especially when the card swapping is reduced to 3 people!) And did I see Yooyoung not helping Yohwan to her fullest or did I imagine that?

Also the truth detector number game just doesn't seem very thrilling to me. It's a very systematic game. If Yohwan didn't approach things in an unconventional way it would have been pratically impossible for the producers to wring some drama and thrill out of it.

Can someone explain to me what Yohwan's card counting thing was like I'm five years old. I didn't understand.

I agree that Quattro had no place in the finals, but that somewhat sums up my feelings about this particular series. I disagree that the memory game is a better alternative as that is also luck based, it was also a shitty exit for Hongchul as there was nothing that could be done (even though Junghyun played it best for the position he was in).

Yooyoung absolutely helped Yohwan, that's where his blue 8 came from.

I doubt I can explain the card counting thing well because it didn't really sink into my head either. I'd go back to try and understand it fully but it's a bit late for me to try. My basic processing of it was that there are 4 card decks with cards numbering from 2–10. If you add the value of the cards found in each deck, 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55. Since there are four decks, 4x55 = 220. As the shared cards were revealed and after he saw what Sangmin had, Yohwan deducted the total from 220. So if the first shared cards were 5 and 6 and Sangmin's card was 8, he would calculate 220–(5+6+8) = 201. He'd use some of his chips to keep track of it as the rounds went on, but I don't recall how he did this exactly. Since he kept track of all the card values up until the end, the maths told him that after subtracting the final pair of shared cards and Sangmin's last card, it left a value of 2 remaining, so that was the card he must have. If that makes no sense, I apologise, but if if it does, excuse me while I give myself a pat on the back for my late night comprehension.

As for the end result, I'm glad Sangmin won. Honestly, Yohwan did not deserve to be there at all. He was terrible at the main matches, would make deals with people and break them immediately for no discernible reason, this includes himself and the strategies he would come up with and then not follow. Yes, he is incredibly strong in head-to-head matches, but that's as far as it goes. It was said that his partner wanted him to go on so he could improve his social skills and improve; he did not demonstrate anything indicating he was learning or adapting. In fact, he demonstrated the exact opposite by sucking any fun out of a lot of games for his fellow contestants and viewers by intentionally tanking in games and, in some cases, bringing others down with him.

The icing on the cake was him saying that he wanted Jinho to travel to the end with him. Yohwan claimed he wanted to beat Jinho in the finals and make him 2nd once again. The first opportunity that presented itself, Yohwan showed us that it was all bullshit – he told Jiwon how to play against Jinho as well as informing him to keep the chip count low from the very beginning. That's not the behaviour of a man claiming they want to travel to the top of a mountain (even if he had to carry him there himself) so he can throw them off the summit, he gave a gun to someone else and told them to shoot him at base camp.

Yohwan is one of the people you'd expose to a socially based deathmatch, but that didn't happen to him, and every other person who deserved to meet the same fate was given an equal chance, unlike the undeserving victims of this season's social deathmatches.

Yohwan-bashing aside, I still enjoyed the finals. I had the same reaction as Jinho in the Sangmin wasted the bonus on 5 extra credits from the beginning. Yohwan was playing the strict numbers game throughout and that's difficult to beat. Sangmin needed to get an edge early when bluffing is stronger, which he was moving towards, but lost it after folding with a pair and it slowly escaped his grasp afterwards.

I actually didn't mind the second match. I was waiting for someone to accidentally tell the truth, which would be incredibly easy to do and I could see Yohwan doing it as he was stumbling about trying to remember that it's essentially opposite day when interpreting Sangmin's answers. Yes it would've been less interesting had Yohwan not used the method he did, but it was another match that favoured his abilities. Sangmin did the best anyone could have to get the win.

I hope it does come back for another season and the producers take something out of it. Playtesting the games is one thing (some where pretty off), but I think they almost need to playtest the whole season multiple times over to make sure that things like alliances don't break it as a whole.

Some of you silly monkeys play Settlers of Catan or something like that, right? Anyway, somebody made their own 3d resin board for it: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=774782

Ah. Settlers of Catan. The game of trading, where if you want to win... don't trade.
Tomb Raider free on PS3 next month - both US and EU PS plus.

Guess I'll finally push myself to finish that PoS I left halfway.

Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition

Tomb Raider
Brothers A Tale of Two Sons (EU)
Thomas Was Alone (US)
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut (US)

PS Vita:
Unit 13 (US)
Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite (US)
Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate HD (EU)
Smart As(EU)
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