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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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So I think I may have possibly fixed my computer. I upgraded the sound drivers, USB 3.0 drivers and every other bloody driver imaginable. I've clean installed the current (260.99) nVidia drivers and it's been running really nicely. I can't believe this but after having a very short talk with a guy I just met last night he mentioned looping sound and I upgraded my drivers and then got consistent 116 bluescreens, which have apparently (oddly enough) got to do with graphics card and my western digital passport clashing. I'm going to add components back to the computer tomorrow since its pretty late and see how it goes.

I really hope I was stupid this whole time and that I don't have to talk to PCCG again. I can't be fucked driving that far to show them the fault.

fyi: it's been running the sf4 benchmark on max settings in 1280x1024 with C16xQAA (if you know what that is, tell me. i just scrolled to the furthest aa option) and it's run through thebenchmark around 6 times with no issues. normally it would break around the 3rd or 4th in the cammy vs viper fight or the cammy vs gen fight.

edit: as usual, i am wrong. ;_;


but ever so delicious
We have no life. X3n is leveling with his mrs so they are flying along. I've leveled enough times to know how it works.

I reckon kritz, yourself and colinp (sets) could easily level together. They should be your level by the time you get back.

Mega - It still fucked after that giant post? Damn :/


Ventron said:
Ubuntu is great. I used it full-time until I got my new computer which I do game development on, which needs Windows :(

My only tip is: it's not like Windows. Don't expect it to be. So many people complain that Linux is hard to use, when in reality they're complaining that it doesn't act like Windows or run Windows programs. I find Ubuntu more enjoyable to use than Windows.
turnsd out the 1.7gb ubuntu studio live disc I downloaded went wrong somewhere along the line, won't work as a live disc, stops recognising the keyboard if I try to install it :(
tried the Ubuntu home edition live disc last night which was pretty sweet except for no internets, so I couldn't try it out properly. Just finished burning an iso of the Fedora Design Spin, I'll see how that goes. I hope it's different to windows :)
I'll have all three oss and I'll never miss out on anything again haha

anyone else going to No Sleep Til Melbourne today? THE DESCENDENTS etc. I was going to ask why you were up so early on a Saturday cookie but I realised it's Friday and I took a day off.


but ever so delicious
Rass you could try linuxmint over ubuntu as well.

I wouldn't mind using mint for a htpc/storage server, That's the dream / plan anyway :lol


I am not going to have much time to WoW this weekend and following week due to meeting with friends, workmates and family. But once you guys hit around level 30 I'd love to rejoin a party and start going through stuff.

Today I'll be at work until 4:30, then from 7 until sometime tomorrow I'll be LANing. Then on Monday and Wednesday I'll be out with workmates... then at some point I'm supposed to go up to Launceston for family xmas... and THEN I'll be commitment free for months! :D

Also, last day of work! As much as I've loved this job, man it drives you crazy sometimes. Here's hoping for a nice relaxing day (browsing neogaf).


Agyar said:
Does anyone still actually play
, are the Officers still called Orificers, do they still worship flamingos

Ooter still plays i believe. I was talking to him only last week. What his char names are though, i have no idea. I'm pretty sure bas is still hooked.


HolyCheck said:
just logged into WoW, how the fuck are some of you guys level 40 + already
Well, my priest is still only level 6. We could level together if we are in the same lvl range.:p


jambo said:
Gotta love EA App Store sales


Wow, I just had a look at this, and I had no idea EA put out so much highly rated stuff on the iPhone/Pad. Gonna have to grab a few while they're cheap.



With weak sales performance of console game titles that have been newly released during the current fiscal year as well as harsh market feedback regarding a key title, the Group recognises the reinforcement of development capability in our Digital Entertainment segment as our most critical managerial issue.

We therefore have decided to spend additional time to further polish our upcoming game, DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION, resulting in a shift in release timing from our prior plan of the current fiscal year to next fiscal year.


Ouch. Deus Ex to flop hard. Calling it now.


The prevailing theory is that they've moved it into their next financial year to make that year look better and that the game is pretty much done. Not that I can see it doing that well to begin with.


Fredescu said:
The prevailing theory is that they've moved it into their next financial year to make that year look better and that the game is pretty much done. Not that I can see it doing that well to begin with.

Mmm, the saying can't polish a turd is particularly apt as far as games go.

I live in hope however with Deus Ex.


Omi said:
Mmm, the saying can't polish a turd is particularly apt as far as games go.

I live in hope however with Deus Ex.

Complain when publishers push games out the door, complain when they delay them to tweak and polish. Never change,


Agyar said:
Complain when publishers push games out the door, complain when they delay them to tweak and polish. Never change,

Hah, just saying why I think the game is delayed. You don't have to agree. ;)

On a bit more light hearted note... check out this movie preview.


Not sure what is more amusing, Mel Gibson doing some sort of redemption film, or the fact his 'beaver' has a gratuitous australian accent. :lol


I never look at this thread so it may have been posted already, but for any Get This fans Tony and Ed and a couple others are doing a podcast during summer for Nova. http://www.novafmpromotions.com.au/summerloving.xml is the subscribing link thing. Two episodes so far, haven't listened to any yet but I'm assuming they'll be great. Hopefully this could be hinting at a new show for next year...


vanty said:
I never look at this thread so it may have been posted already, but for any Get This fans Tony and Ed and a couple others are doing a podcast during summer for Nova. http://www.novafmpromotions.com.au/summerloving.xml is the subscribing link thing. Two episodes so far, haven't listened to any yet but I'm assuming they'll be great. Hopefully this could be hinting at a new show for next year...


Why won't the subscription add to Googe Listen? WHY?!


evlcookie said:
Your card still on order fred or have you bailed out? :D
I think I'm going to stick with it. Work is closed over Xmas until the 10th for an office refurb so I might as well have a nice new card for the break. I think it's a good choice, although there's every chance I would have caved if they had 580s in stock. No one seems to have them in Sydney. Glad I reserved the 570 too because it sold out this morning.


rass said:
I installed a second HDD (seagate barracuda 1tb) and windows isn't recognising it. Waaahhh.

Go into computer management, disk management and make sure the drive is 'initialised' or whatever windows wants it to be.

I am not on a Win7 box, so I can't remember what the exact option is. :D


it's in the device manager, do I need to initialise it in bios?
never done this before, I figured it would be plug and play :lol


but ever so delicious
rass said:
it's in the device manager, do I need to initialise it in bios?
never done this before, I figured it would be plug and play :lol

Right click on the white space > create simple volume > next > next > quick format > done


thanks guys, working now -- best way to transfer my installation of windows to the new drive (is that even possible?)
Or should I do windows backup then partition my current windows drive in 2 and use half for linux half for windows? Why is this so

Bernbaum said:
twitter being a bucket of retardedness for anyone else this morning?
twitter is a bucket of retardedness, so I suppose so


Booooo! Haters.

Twitter is great because you can make it what you want it to be and isn't an intrusive mess like Facebook, which I refuse to use. I choose to follow interesting insightful people whether they be celebrities, scientists, comedians, game industry people or whoever, so long as they're positive and add quality to my twitterfeed
I even follow a few AuGAFers :p

For anyone who wants to keep their finger on the pulse of gaming news at all times, NeoGAF and a well-populated twitter list renders pretty much every other online source redundant.

Someone tweeted a while back that "Twitter makes me like people I don't know, Facebook makes me hate people I know" which sums up the experience pretty well although 'hate' is probably a bit strong. Facebook seems to devalue the time put into it whereas twitter doesn't seem to consume time at all. A Facebook account is also a surprisingly hard thing to nuke completely - I'm still getting tagged in photos even though I've tried to bury my account.


Bernbaum said:
Booooo! Haters.

Twitter is great because you can make it what you want it to be and isn't an intrusive mess like Facebook, which I refuse to use. I choose to follow interesting insightful people whether they be celebrities, scientists, comedians, game industry people or whoever, so long as they're positive and add quality to my twitterfeed
I even follow a few AuGAFers :p

For anyone who wants to keep their finger on the pulse of gaming news at all times, NeoGAF and a well-populated twitter list renders pretty much every other online source redundant.

Someone tweeted a while back that "Twitter makes me like people I don't know, Facebook makes me hate people I know" which sums up the experience pretty well although 'hate' is probably a bit strong. Facebook seems to devalue the time put into it whereas twitter doesn't seem to consume time at all. A Facebook account is also a surprisingly hard thing to nuke completely - I'm still getting tagged in photos even though I've tried to bury my account.

Agree totally. The #R18au hashtag was the moment where I really realised just how fucking awesome twitter could be, and what it could be used for. I really enjoy it.


Bernbaum said:
Booooo! Haters.

Twitter is great because you can make it what you want it to be and isn't an intrusive mess like Facebook, which I refuse to use. I choose to follow interesting insightful people whether they be celebrities, scientists, comedians, game industry people or whoever, so long as they're positive and add quality to my twitterfeed
I even follow a few AuGAFers :p

For anyone who wants to keep their finger on the pulse of gaming news at all times, NeoGAF and a well-populated twitter list renders pretty much every other online source redundant.

Someone tweeted a while back that "Twitter makes me like people I don't know, Facebook makes me hate people I know" which sums up the experience pretty well although 'hate' is probably a bit strong. Facebook seems to devalue the time put into it whereas twitter doesn't seem to consume time at all. A Facebook account is also a surprisingly hard thing to nuke completely - I'm still getting tagged in photos even though I've tried to bury my account.
I'm fully with you on that, I actually really like twitter, I'm just too lazy to check it regularly so it gets out of hand and I give up. Super useful for following world news.


rass said:
thanks guys, working now -- best way to transfer my installation of windows to the new drive (is that even possible?)
Or should I do windows backup then partition my current windows drive in 2 and use half for linux half for windows?

Fresh Windows is best Windows


I just subscribe to people's twitters via Google's RSS reader, saving me from ever having to learn how to use the site itself. One time I tried to work out how to follow a conversation and found no actual means of doing so after looking for, like, 10 whole seconds.

But even still, I find the actual quality of tweets to be... really unfufilling. As nice it is to read about Jeff Green's ability to take areoplanes or Ryan David's random profanities or Chris Remo's moon games... I feel like I'd rather read an actual blog.

Having said that, I am fucking pysched Jeff Green is posting on Greenspeak again.


I like Twitter, I find it quicker and easier to communicate with people (although the 140 characters gets a little restrictive if you're including two or more people in the conversation). Facebook has its value in photos, apps, events, groups etc but I don't use a whole lot of stuff extensively.
Kritz said:
I just subscribe to people's twitters via Google's RSS reader, saving me from ever having to learn how to use the site itself.
People use twitter.com? I use Twitter all the time and have an app on my phone which tells me when I have updates. You don't have to "catch up" so much as just see what's new -- unless you want to see all tweets from someone. I usually read all my friends Tweets, and people I follow that are interesting but I don't know I just check when is convenient for me.

Edit: Should also add that a lot of companies have a Twitter presence and I've had really positive results getting problems sorted after I bitch about them on Twitter (and had no luck through their regular channels).


Friday arvo + white chocolate covered coffee beans + mundane work = impending disaster (or fun)

Edit: Oh shit, package arrived. Second 5850! Don't care, it came with bubble wrap :lol


Just said my goodbyes to everyone, have nothing left in the day. Drinking a beer, leaning back, and waiting for the day to end.


Flights have been booked, accommodation has been arranged, tickets have been paid for.

Armin Only New Years Eve Melbourne.

Bring it on!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
speaking of which, they put on a completely amazing show. what an awesome stage.

very happy they played Citizen Erased. Also the drum/bass solo on the rotating stage in the middle was fucking ace.
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