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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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MrSerrels said:
This has happened to me twice in my life, and the first time it freaked the shit out of me.

I got home one night, tried to read the newspaper and discovered that I physically could not read. The words would scramble, as if both my eyes were seeing something different and my brain couldn't make up the difference.

Then I started to get weird tunnel vision. Couldn't see anything properly, started losing my balance.

To make matters worse I got really disorientated - I couldn't answer simple questions like what year it was, where I was, my name, etc, without seriously having to pause and consciously think about it.

I started freaking out and had my first ever panic attack. I thought I was having a stroke, at the age of 23. I didn't know what the hell was happening to me.

Turns out I was just having my first serious migraine. Didn't understand - I thought a migraine was just a bad headache.

It's only happened to me once more since, but it's really fucking weird.

Migraines are like influenza, in that most people who think they have them don't. Bad headaches aren't migraines and bad colds aren't the flu. The problem with this is that when people who are really suffering from either say so, people assume they just have a headache or a cold.


I get cluster headaches commonly nicknamed suicide headaches google them

I wouldn't wish them upon my worst enemy they are called suicide headaches for a reason


Today has been fun...

Setting up a 32 core server with 256GB of RAM for our research group.

Seems like they are hyperthreading to 64 cores according to 'top' too.

Perhaps we overspecced just a tad...


Clipper said:
Today has been fun...

Setting up a 32 core server with 256GB of RAM for our research group.

Seems like they are hyperthreading to 64 cores according to 'top' too.

Perhaps we overspecced just a tad...
That's a big game of minesweeper.


Clipper said:
Today has been fun...

Setting up a 32 core server with 256GB of RAM for our research group.

Seems like they are hyperthreading to 64 cores according to 'top' too.

Perhaps we overspecced just a tad...


Oh, I was just mentioning antihistamines... he said he didn't know what they were, I figured I'd offer some examples he would've seen advertised :)


FUCK YOU NAB FUCK YOU IN THE ASS. I am -399 and apparenrtly its my fault BUllshit It was your stupid glicth that has overdrawn my account my SAVINGS account at that how the fuck do you over draw a savings account its not a fucking credit account...


this isnt NAB complaint forums

Hey everyone!


CryptiK said:
FUCK YOU NAB FUCK YOU IN THE ASS. I am -399 and apparenrtly its my fault BUllshit It was your stupid glicth that has overdrawn my account my SAVINGS account at that how the fuck do you over draw a savings account its not a fucking credit account...


this isnt NAB complaint forums

Hey everyone!



Seeing Tron in 3D in Gold Class tonight.

Oh yeah.

Also, The Jim Jones Revue "Burning Your House Down" is the best album of 2010.


I never saw the first Tron and I think this one is going to bomb. I don't think people in my generation will care.

The first time I ever heard about Tron was the Simpsons.

"Has anyone seen that movie Tron?"







"Yes. I mean, no."

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't seen the first Tron but this one looks kinda neat.
legend166 said:
I never saw the first Tron and I think this one is going to bomb.
There was a good point raised in the Variety review, that Disney has intentionally let the original go out of print so people will see the new one without knowing anything about the old one.

The original is alright but not really deserving of a sequel.


Fredescu said:
The original Tron is so bad. I liked it when I was a kid, but when I rewatched it when I was older my nostalgia was shattered.
I'd watched it for the first time the other day... it's pretty bad. The movie is only getting all the hype because of Daft Punk and not much else.

Want to do a sequel to an 80s videogame-based movie? Give me The Last Starfighter II.


Fredescu said:
The original Tron is so bad. I liked it when I was a kid, but when I rewatched it when I was older my nostalgia was shattered.
This is why I won't be rewatching it, I saw most of it when i was pretty young - never the whole movie though.

So, computer gaf help me find a better way of sending myself links.
When I find interesting shit at work I tab over to mail and send myself the url. This mean I send like 8 emails a day to myself and never really look over them. It's annoying. Is there a browser addon or a website or SOMETHING that I can use to do this instead of email? Could I use evernote? Whatever app/website it is it needs to be able to integrate with chrome on mac.


but ever so delicious
rass said:
So, computer gaf help me find a better way of sending myself links.
When I find interesting shit at work I tab over to mail and send myself the url. This mean I send like 8 emails a day to myself and never really look over them. It's annoying. Is there a browser addon or a website or SOMETHING that I can use to do this instead of email? Could I use evernote? Whatever app/website it is it needs to be able to integrate with chrome on mac.

You could do it a few ways. You could use evernote, setup a gmail docs page and just paste links in there, do the same but with dropbox and a text file i which will sync over whatever machines you set it up with.

Evernote has a chrome plugin. I use that for all my awesome link note taking stuff. Also have evernote on the iPhone for my public transport direction and other misc shit that i need to access.


evlcookie said:
You could do it a few ways. You could use evernote, setup a gmail docs page and just paste links in there, do the same but with dropbox and a text file i which will sync over whatever machines you set it up with.

Evernote has a chrome plugin. I use that for all my awesome link note taking stuff. Also have evernote on the iPhone for my public transport direction and other misc shit that i need to access.
evernote webclipper now installed. Hopefully my email will be less overflowing now haha


legend166 said:

ozgameshop selling LotR Blu-Ray box set for $36.

I know it's supposed to be an average transfer, but for $36 I may as well.

I just bought Uncharted 2, Bioshock 2 and Assasains Creed 2 from ozgameshop for about $80.
rass said:
So, computer gaf help me find a better way of sending myself links.
When I find interesting shit at work I tab over to mail and send myself the url.
- If you use Google Chrome, you can set it to automatically sync bookmarks between computers. I use a "Later" folder where I chuck things into.
- If you use Firefox, there are a few bookmark sync extensions though I never bothered with them, because...
- You could use delicio.us and use the Firefox extension to have delicio.us bookmarks replace your Firefox ones, and sync those between computers.


The political point scoring off the current dire situation off Christmas Island makes me incredibly sad.

Andrew Bolt in particular gets me fired up.
Omi said:
The political point scoring off the current dire situation off Christmas Island makes me incredibly sad.

Andrew Bolt in particular gets me fired up.

In the words of Ice T, Andrew Bolt can eat a hot bowl of dicks


"Conventional wisdom is that Rudd will be Prime Minister for eight or nine years and then hand over the leadership 12-18 months out from an election. "


Some good stuff in there.


Fredescu said:
"Conventional wisdom is that Rudd will be Prime Minister for eight or nine years and then hand over the leadership 12-18 months out from an election. "


Some good stuff in there.

and that Julia is a loyal



1. (C/NF) SUMMARY: Described by her many supporters as "smart, tough, loyal, and the best parliamentary performer in the Australian Labor Party (ALP)," Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard - who visits Washington later this month - has positioned herself as the heir apparent to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as ALP leader (ref A). Part of Rudd's inner circle, she has handled a combined workplace relations and education portfolio with confidence and ability. Gillard has had a good year. She successfully shepherded through Parliament the Government's key workplace relations reform bill in March and she is overseeing the Government's investment in every school in Australia. Gillard, a product of the ALP Left in the state of Victoria, has shifted towards the political center since Rudd became ALP leader and is now a strong supporter of the Australia-US Alliance and Israel. Although she is still seen as a leftist by key right-wing union powerbrokers, that is not likely to stop her from succeeding Rudd as the next leader of the ALP. END SUMMARY

its those leftists that put her in power


8. (C/NF) David Hicks was a ratbag who had almost certainly been up to nefarious things, and should probably spend a long time in jail, Beazley said. Still, he predicted most Australians would never accept his conviction by a military commission, even if the Administration manages to structure one acceptable to the Supreme Court. Unless he can be tried by a civil court or by a fully constituted court marshal, it would be better, Beazley argued, to let him go. The British citizens who were released would never pose a threat again, CANBERRA 00001366 003 OF 003 since they were under constant surveillance by the UK authorities. Hicks would be no different, and would quickly fade into well-deserved obscurity.

Beazly wasn't all bad.


Woah... Vodafone just pushed out version 2.2.1 upgrade to my droid phone. (old HTC Magic)

That is some fucking upgrade seeing I think I was on 1.6 ish.


but ever so delicious
x3n05 said:
AusGAF WoW is a bit of a failure unfortunately, anyone know of an aussie casual guild on Cael that we can move to?

I'm trying to keep an eye out for one as well. Everyone just plays at random times so it's hard to get anything going which is a shame but expected. We also don't have huge numbers which also isn't unexpected. Hopefully people are still enjoying the game and we can do shit together at 85, whoever hits it anyway.

You might be able to try the cael WoW forums?

I don't mind the server since it's empty but i don't like it because it's empty :lol . I did try to log into my main server, jubei'thos at 9pm on maint night and i was 480+ in queue, I can logon instantly with cael so that's nice.


evlcookie said:
I'm trying to keep an eye out for one as well. Everyone just plays at random times so it's hard to get anything going which is a shame but expected. We also don't have huge numbers which also isn't unexpected. Hopefully people are still enjoying the game and we can do shit together at 85, whoever hits it anyway.

You might be able to try the cael WoW forums?

I don't mind the server since it's empty but i don't like it because it's empty :lol . I did try to log into my main server, jubei'thos at 9pm on maint night and i was 480+ in queue, I can logon instantly with cael so that's nice.

Yes, it was to be expected. It would just be nice to get some of those guild perks to make everyone's life easier, XP bonus, mount speed increase etc. With Blizzard gimping the guild perk system shortly after release of cata there doesn't seem much hope in us getting past level 3 (if we even get there).

I have checked a few forums, but most guilds seem to cater towards hardcore raiding, or expect you to be 80 already. Guess we just have to keep looking, as you said it would be nice if we could get a few of up to 85 so we can at least to some 5 mans (normal and heroic).


Still Tagged Accordingly
evlcookie said:
I did try to log into my main server, jubei'thos at 9pm on maint night and i was 480+ in queue, I can logon instantly with cael so that's nice.
jubei represent!


but ever so delicious
x3n05 said:
Yes, it was to be expected. It would just be nice to get some of those guild perks to make everyone's life easier, XP bonus, mount speed increase etc. With Blizzard gimping the guild perk system shortly after release of cata there doesn't seem much hope in us getting past level 3 (if we even get there).

I have checked a few forums, but most guilds seem to cater towards hardcore raiding, or expect you to be 80 already. Guess we just have to keep looking, as you said it would be nice if we could get a few of up to 85 so we can at least to some 5 mans (normal and heroic).

I think i read somewhere that it should take 133 days with 5 people to get all the guild perks. Something like that. So there's still hope! :lol
I just love it when people change configurations on servers without telling anyone, and it screws things up. And then they don't answer their phones.


I tried playing wow casually.

I log on a day later and everyone had already surpassed me. :(

I now haven't logged in for almost a week due to work and having other, actual games to play, and I suspect at this point there's no hope for me ever getting any further. Feels like if I don't play the game every waking moment there's never a chance to keep up.

Edit: Yeah that bluray was mighty tempting until I saw it wasn't the extended edition. I already have the theare versions on DVD, so not too keen to rebuy stuff just because it has a higher resolution.


but ever so delicious
Kritz said:
I tried playing wow casually.

I log on a day later and everyone had already surpassed me. :(

I now haven't logged in for almost a week due to work and having other, actual games to play, and I suspect at this point there's no hope for me ever getting any further. Feels like if I don't play the game every waking moment there's never a chance to keep up.

Always a chance to catch up. You just hate being alone in game, which you will be a lot of the time. The end level is 85 and even when we hit it the only thing that then separates us from you is gear and that's not too hard to come by. It's grinding through all the levels that's the most annoying aspect of the game.

This is ausgaf though. We roll with an idea and a week later everyone is bored of it. So it's no surprise some of us are still playing and will continue to play while others are pretty much done.


evlcookie said:
Always a chance to catch up. You just hate being alone in game, which you will be a lot of the time. The end level is 85 and even when we hit it the only thing that then separates us from you is gear and that's not too hard to come by. It's grinding through all the levels that's the most annoying aspect of the game.

This is ausgaf though. We roll with an idea and a week later everyone is bored of it. So it's no surprise some of us are still playing and will continue to play while others are pretty much done.

Worth bolding. At the end game we are all equal, and since we will probably only be doing 5 mans (instances) as soon as you get to 85 you can play with all of us. Just a few standard instance runs to gear up for heroics (a lot of the needed gear you will get through questing anyway). Not to mention I am currently playing 3 characters so it's inevitable that anyone could catch up to me before I get them all to 85. WoW really does start at 85, as cookie said, the grind is just getting there.
x3n05 said:
WoW really does start at 85, as cookie said, the grind is just getting there.
I don't know much about WoW, but if you get access to special quests and separate instances for them etc once you hit the max level, I wonder why the hell hasn't anyone else had success with a game that goes straight to the good stuff instead of forcing you to spend months in a mindless grind?
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