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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Bernbaum said:
Yeah I got roped into being a groomsman for next year.

What do they do? Social conventions like this normally go right over my head. I don't know what all the rules are, like what finger the ring goes on, and what the difference is between Mrs., Ms., and Miss. I only learned last week that it's rude to refer to someone's wife as their partner. Technicaly, 'Partner' is a broader catch-all term that can include people of various marital status, so from a scientific perspective, I think i'm perfectly correct.

Also, saying 'cunt' in front of chicks winds 'em up, apparently.

Groomsmen role depends on what level you are at. Best Man has the most crazy of it, need to ensure groom makes it to wedding and doesn't chicken, carrys the rings and also generally does a quick little speech in both the ceremony and the reception (with the reception one being a whoooooole load of fun ;) )

Other then that the groomsmen stand at the front of the ceremony with the best man etc. You may be asked to witness the marriage and sign a certificate if the best man is a blood relative of the groom, otherwise you have fun photos generally pair up with a bridesmaid (and i dont mean in the couples way, just for the day kinda thing) and enjoy it with the couple. You also take part in the official photos so that takes you away from any social event whic his occuring between ceremony and reception.

Not much work, unless you are a BM. But you do have to get measured for suits and if your Groom is worth his salt, then he will pay for your stuff rather then you having to fork but who knows :)
Shaneus said:
Mind blown. Which BF game is that? I'm generally not a fan of FPS games but that might be enough to sway me :lol
AFAIK pretty much all of the older Battlefield games run on Refractor 2: 1942, Vietnam, 2, and 2142. I think the new Play4Free Battlefield title also runs on a modified version of that engine although I'm not sure.

The newer games (Bad Company, 1943, Bad Company 2, Bad Company 2: Vietnam) run on Frostbite. And Battlefield 3 will run on Frostbite 2.


Yeah, being a groomsman is fun. When I was one, there was a temple celebration as well that required some minor rituals to be performed (the bride was Vietnamese), but there was a dress rehearsal the day before to prepare all that. You also usually get to sit at the main table at the reception, which is generally good unless the server can't reach the raised table properly and hence spills wine all over your hired suit...

Anyway, barring any disasters, just do what you are told and have fun. You'll probably be busy all day as the photo shoot will fill in any and all time that appears to be free.


Clipper said:
Yeah, being a groomsman is fun. When I was one, there was a temple celebration as well that required some minor rituals to be performed (the bride was Vietnamese), but there was a dress rehearsal the day before to prepare all that. You also usually get to sit at the main table at the reception, which is generally good unless the server can't reach the raised table properly and hence spills wine all over your hired suit...

Anyway, barring any disasters, just do what you are told and have fun. You'll probably be busy all day as the photo shoot will fill in any and all time that appears to be free.
Busy ? the reception is basically eating and drinking, unless you find those taxing tasks most of the reception is fun :lol


My experience of being a best man was super dodgy.

The guy who was getting married was a friend from Scotland who moved over here a year after me. He wanted to go Go-karting for his bucks. So booked it, put down a $500 deposit. A week before we were due to go, his in-laws and all his mates decided they didn't want to go. So I had to cancel it and was down $500. The groom basically didn't give a fuck.

So instead he said he just wanted to go into King's Cross to some seedy strip clubs. Whatever. I organise some places to go. The groom's in-laws all come along and basically act like a pack of arseholes all night. Sit in the corner and just drink themselves into oblivion with permanent scowls on their dials. Then have the gall to complain that nothing was organised after they all pulled out of the event I did organise at the last minute, putting me majorly out of pocket.

Wedding was also a hectic pain in the arse. Needless to say I don't really hang out with the groom anymore.


Pretty sure the only reason I'm not best man for my mate's wedding is because his fiance's family - however lovely they may be - are fundamentalist christians and I'm a palaeontologist and a quiet atheist. Doesn't bother me at all, and I can understand perfectly well why a family member is best man instead. Fiance's parents were initially on-edge when I was introduced to them as 'the palaeontologist friend' and I've never had any discussions at all with my mate on beliefs and world views but I think he's just assumed where my perspectives lie.

Years of experience have tought me it's pretty hard to be an atheist without causing any kind of offense when broaching the subject, so I just avoid those discussions entirely. I don't wanna offend anyone but I thoroughly look forward to seeing how 'crazy' a fundamentalist wedding can get.

Personally, best man sounds like work whereas groomsmen sounds like I get all the perks without the hassle. Shame the bridesmaid I've been paired with is a bogan pigdog.


Bernbaum said:
Finished Red Dead Redemption.

I'm glad I played it. There's enough to enjoy, even if those moments don't arise because of any particular gameplay system. Parts like the first ride into Mexico as Jose Gonzales plays are brilliantly executed yet those moments aren't enough to really carry the whole experience. Very little skill is required - just pump enough time into any aspect of the game and you'll be successful.

There were two events in the game that arose as a result of the procedural systems present in the game that were great:

1) In the first of the many random encounters with a 'damsel in distress' on the highway that is actually an ambush, I disposed of all the bandits and went to chase down the woman as she was running away. I was about the lasso her as she was pleading for forgiveness, claiming that she'd been unwillingly coerced into the dupe by the bandits. Just as she was pleading for her life, a cougar jumped out of a nearby bush and mauled her to death. Fucking hilarious.

2) In the 'escapee running from two lawmen' random encounter, I shot the escapee as he ran towards me. The two lawmen mosey up to the dead body to thank me for my assistance and just as they arrive at the scene, a wolf charges in from nowhere and I shoot it in Deadeye mode, inches away from the sherrif. The lawmen thanked me for my last minute save and I felt like the fucking champ!

Those two moments, lasting about 5 minutes in total, were the most fun I had in the >20 hour chunk of time I put into Red Dead.

Apart from that, the game relies too much on staged sequences to deliver both the atmosphere and the story. I remember walking through the woods and coming across a man crying over the body of his dead wife. He couldn't be spoken to but once Marston walks away, a gunshot is heard and upon returning to the scene his body is lying next to that of his wife. Embellishments like that are cleverly implemented but from a gameplay perspective they don't really engage the player, rather just add another layer of paint to the tapestry. That is Red Dead Redemption's central flaw - it isn't so much a game as it is a very finely crafted world with minimal interaction. Sandbox games are at their best when there is a high level of interactivity with infinite outcomes depending on the players input - games like Crackdown and Just Cause 2 are the best examples. Red Dead instead relies on puppet strings behind the scenes to deliver the key moments of the whole experience and asks little of the player.

As silly as it sounds, the gameplay-heavy parts that require a high level of player input stand in stark contrast to the dusty plodding atmosphere of the game. Yes, realism in games should rarely be a key design goal, but with a billion turret sequences and encounters when Marston takes out 20 dudes in 10 seconds, the accurately recreated western frontier quickly falls apart and it turns into a circus show.

I stand by my case that is a oft-boring game with exceptionally high production values. It did a poor job of stressing the key beats of Marston's story and I was very rarely sure of the significance of certain characters or events. The majority of the game is spent in transit, and unlike GTA, a horse-riding mechanic just doesn't provide an on-the-moment sense of enjoyment like hurtling around in a car does. I guess they make up for that by peppering the highways and game trails with random stranger quests, but once you've completed enough of each individual quest type they all get pretty stale.

The game shines when it captures the spirit of the west, even if that mythology is intrinsically slow-paced and plodding. Sunsets and sweeping vistas are nice and all but cannot themselves make for a good game.

Overall, I did sorta have fun but I won't play a sequel. Considering how low the enjoyment:time investment ratio is in these new grittier style games from Rockstar, I will be very hesitant with the inevitable GTAV.

This post probably best encapsulates my experience with the game also. I found the moment-to-moment gameplay to be average at best. Riding a horse around a mostly empty landscape just isn't as fun as taking a car for a spin in a dense urban environment like a gta game. The feedback from the weapons was pretty neat, hitting a guy in the chest with a rifle and knocking him off his horse felt good, but the gunplay still mostly involved sticking behind cover and then popping out to shoot a guy ad infinitum.

For some reason i was also never interested in the side-quests like so many other people seem to love. It's like they took the grind aspect of a WOW character but they didn't give meaningful rewards. Pretty much any gun felt just as capable as your standard rifle in terms of being able to make progress through the game. New suits with mostly aesthetic changes don't interest me at all either. Shooting a bird, tediously getting off my horse and skinning it with an overly long animation just isn't fun.

It really baffles me that people think this is a goty contender. It is trying to create all these emergent moments, but most of them ring hollow because they are just as scripted as any old quest.

So yeah, i dissaprove of that game.


MrSerrels said:
My experience of being a best man was super dodgy.

The guy who was getting married was a friend from Scotland who moved over here a year after me. He wanted to go Go-karting for his bucks. So booked it, put down a $500 deposit. A week before we were due to go, his in-laws and all his mates decided they didn't want to go. So I had to cancel it and was down $500. The groom basically didn't give a fuck.

So instead he said he just wanted to go into King's Cross to some seedy strip clubs. Whatever. I organise some places to go. The groom's in-laws all come along and basically act like a pack of arseholes all night. Sit in the corner and just drink themselves into oblivion with permanent scowls on their dials. Then have the gall to complain that nothing was organised after they all pulled out of the event I did organise at the last minute, putting me majorly out of pocket.

Wedding was also a hectic pain in the arse. Needless to say I don't really hang out with the groom anymore.

That sounds really shit.

For my brothers we got the family all to go go-karting around lunch (big fmaily, around 20 people showed up), then after that was done, meet in the city at a pub for drinks. Then after a few hours the inevitable strip club adventure, but because we didn't go straight there, it gave everyone the oportunity to show up, even those not interested in that sort of thing. In between the go-karting and pub (for the goomsmen) we all went to the shot gun range and did some clay pigeon shooting. was a pretty decent day.

Your friends family sound like bitter jaded scottsmen.


giri said:
That sounds really shit.

For my brothers we got the family all to go go-karting around lunch (big fmaily, around 20 people showed up), then after that was done, meet in the city at a pub for drinks. Then after a few hours the inevitable strip club adventure, but because we didn't go straight there, it gave everyone the oportunity to show up, even those not interested in that sort of thing. In between the go-karting and pub (for the goomsmen) we all went to the shot gun range and did some clay pigeon shooting. was a pretty decent day.

Your friends family sound like bitter jaded scottsmen.

That's how my mate's should have gone down.

And you're right - that's exactly what my friend's family were like. The whole night I couldn't stop thinking to myself - it's people like you that made me want to leave Scotland in the first place. People that don't want to do jack shit but drink themselves to death in the exact same local for the rest of their pitiful lives.



I've been to two buck's nights myself and enjoyed them both, but they were very different.

The first was for a very mild night in Sydney. The groom had already been dressed as a stereotypical nerd by his church mates by the time I joined the group and then we went to the Lowenbrau for dinner and drinks followed by forcing the buck to try to get into the more popular Rocks night clubs in his outfit to see what the bouncers would say and then just cruising down Pitt St mall and stuff where he was forced to go to girls and ask if they'd seen his calculator... which ended up with him nearly picking up two cougars :eek:. The night ended with a quiz about the bride and there was no strip joints or anything. It was a fun night, but nothing outrageous.

The second, the one I was a groomsman for, was a much raunchier affair in Brisbane starting with dinner at a strip club (at which I was very surprised of the quality of the food). We all chipped in to get the buck on stage of course, and it was pretty great, although it seemed some of the older relatives of the bride were a bit dumbfounded by the whole thing. We then cruised the Valley for a while in a group going to a few clubs, bars and some more strip joints. The best man (the groom's brother) is a bit of a party boy and was sloshed pretty quickly and going the whole hog (including public urination, which disgusted me as I was still mostly sober, but I couldn't do much). Unfortunately, the night ended for the groom and some of us with a friend of the groom visiting from the UK taking a photo in one of the strip clubs and getting manhandled by security before he managed to secretly delete the photo as he handed it to the bouncers to show he hadn't taken one... At first he didn't want to comply and was fighting against the bouncers trying to drag him outside, and it's lucky I was sober enough to keep the groom from going to his aid (the bouncers were warning him to keep out of it but he was too drunk to understand). We left immediately after as the UK friend wasn't hurt (the best man and some others remained to continue partying) and we still had a nice chat about it all while we walked back through the city to find a cab, though. An eye-opening experience for sure, and scary at times, but still fun.

Amazing how different the experiences can be really :D.


Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-26-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 09:00:03 UTC 2010 i686

a bit of googling tells me this is probably not correct. Im on an Asus P6T mobo with core i7 920 chip. I dont know how Ive managed this haha.

I cant use the damn apostrophe either ahhh, i end up with this iǘe if i try to write Ive.

is there an easy solution or do I need to download a new distro?


I missed a workmate's buck's night two weeks back. One colleague is sporting a black eye from copping a stripper's arse to the face which pushed against his glasses. Another colleague's face was on the receiving end of what can only be described as a 'vaginally-projected dildo' from a hired private professional.

All true.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
ok, so my internet is absurdly slow since it was activated in my new place.

I'm within 2km of the exchange, it's just as slow wired and wireless, it's just as slow across multiple devices including my phone and the modem and service provider worked just fine in my other place.

according to TPG's website, the average DL speed around me is relatively high.

It could be an exceptionally poor phone-line, but I would like to think now. At this point I'm assuming my modem is at fault. Any suggestions? I can't even get speedtest.net to run. My Optus 3G is faster than this. :|


Rez said:
ok, so my internet is absurdly slow since it was activated in my new place.

I'm within 2km of the exchange, it's just as slow wired and wireless, it's just as slow across multiple devices including my phone and the modem and service provider worked just fine in my other place.

according to TPG's website, the average DL speed around me is relatively high.

It could be an exceptionally poor phone-line, but I would like to think now. At this point I'm assuming my modem is at fault. Any suggestions? I can't even get speedtest.net to run. My Optus 3G is faster than this. :|

Have you made sure nothing is plugged in without a filter?


but ever so delicious
It's TPG, you get what you pay for to be honest. There's a good chance, since you're in oakleigh, that the exchange is just flooded with TPG users bringing down the speed. I *think* that's how TPG work anyway, the less people on their equipment within your exchange the better.

Otherwise tweak your modem settings, update it, check your phone line, mess with filters. If none of that works bitch about it on whirlpool.


rass said:
Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-26-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 09:00:03 UTC 2010 i686

a bit of googling tells me this is probably not correct. Im on an Asus P6T mobo with core i7 920 chip. I dont know how Ive managed this haha.

I cant use the damn apostrophe either ahhh, i end up with this iǘe if i try to write Ive.

is there an easy solution or do I need to download a new distro?

No, that's correct. i686 is simply what the kernel developers use for all modern day Intel processors. If it said i386, then you'd have a problem :D
Also, what keyboard setting did you use? Did you pick anything other than US keyboard?


but ever so delicious
Oh god steam sales have begun. What am i meant to buy?!

So far i'm looking at oddbox, super meat boy.

Edit: Latest PoP uses Ubis bullshit DRM. I can't buy that.


evlcookie said:
Oh god steam sales have begun. What am i meant to buy?!

So far i'm looking at oddbox, super meat boy.

Edit: Latest PoP uses Ubis bullshit DRM. I can't buy that.

The Valve Complete Pack in 'Not Available in Your Region' :(



Ventron said:
No, that's correct. i686 is simply what the kernel developers use for all modern day Intel processors. If it said i386, then you'd have a problem :D
Also, what keyboard setting did you use? Did you pick anything other than US keyboard?
good to know, I was getting a little agitated when some programs I was getting werent working.
I used international english (its what the auto keyboard detect thing chose for me), well at least the comma works. I have no quotes, no apostrophe, no tilde (which is really freaking annoying in Blender, its the key to show all layers)

fake edit:
Well! problem solved. I set my keyboard to US instead of US international. Stupid keyboard auto detect system. " ' ` fuck yeah, punctuation.

thanks man, don't know why I didn't even try that, I tried heaps of keyboard layouts but never just plain old US.


Just woke up. Steam sales are awesome.

For today looking at:

Super Meat Boy
PoP 2008
PoP: Two Thrones
Titan Quest Gold Edition
Bad Company 2 (gifted)



so today i started Uncharted for Iphone

i mean shadow guardian

its pretty good. but gameloft honestly needs to get the shit sued out of them by Naughty Dog, its a carbon copy even drake and his voice is


Also, Fable 3 sucks once you are the King/Queen. It's just so crap. Why did Molyneux ever think this is a good game :|


MrSerrels said:
That's how my mate's should have gone down.

made me want to leave Scotland in the first place. People that don't want to do jack shit but drink themselves to death in the exact same local for the rest of their pitiful lives.


isn't this what people were saying a few pages back about australia! :p

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
everything Gameloft has ever released it three shades of grey away from being sued.


jercruz said:
The Valve Complete Pack in 'Not Available in Your Region' :(


because it has L4D2 uncut which is banned

same with why Rockstar pack is not available here, manhunt


Molyneux games in a nutshell.

Middle '>.>...'
End 'Wtf is wrong with that guy......'

Only games that didnt suffer were his older pc ones >.<

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
turns out my modem was still pointed to my old TPG account. duuuuuuuuh


fuck i have never been so torn as to whether to pick a game up or not

epic mickey arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh

i read good things, i read bad things

sooooo torn
Just saw this via George Broussard's Twitter feed:



Choc said:
fuck i have never been so torn as to whether to pick a game up or not

epic mickey arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh

i read good things, i read bad things

sooooo torn

if you like it (which seems like you do), go for it.

if you decide to let the internet do the picking for you, then you'll end up buying nothing. just take note of whats been discussed.


Choc said:
fuck i have never been so torn as to whether to pick a game up or not

epic mickey arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh

i read good things, i read bad things

sooooo torn
Just get it stop being a tard.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
do you have a low tolerance for obnoxious tool-tips, late 90s fetch-quest design across multiple load screens, poor checkpoints and very little player feedback in everything from combat through to the feeling of movement? then Epic Mickey might not be for you.

It's a game that just feels so joyless and drab to me. As inspired as the setting and idea is, everything feels so... played out. One review mentioned how common green toxic sludge and sheet-metal floors are in video games in reference to Epic Mickey's environments, and I thought it was spot on.

I enjoyed it on a pure 64 era platformer nostalgia-kick level for roughly two hours, but everything slowly starts fading out of focus and suddenly you'll find yourself in a new environment wondering why you're still playing and being genuinely surprised at how little fun everything is.

And that's without mentioning the serious camera and pointer problems.


Choc said:
i bought meat

what about mickey :( so torn so so torn

If you can handle the rubbish camera, might be worth a bash. I've given up on it. If you don't already have DKC Returns, get that. Because it is a work of STAGGERING GENIUS!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
No amount of caps lock and bolding can really tell you how much better I think Donkey Kong is than Epic Mickey, and how much more worth your time it is.

Even Epic Yarn, for all its simplicity, is more worth your time.


I'm really enjoying Sonic Colours if that helps any.

I really turned off Mickey after seeing it at E3. After all the talk of Mickey using his paintbrush in inventive ways, and empowering the player with creativity to change the world, it just ended up being a gimmick around turning props in the world on and off. Whoop-de-doo.


jambo said:
Sonic Colours and DKCR are both wonderful
I haven't seen anything about Sonic Colours but I've never really played Sonic games growing up. I can't wait to buy DKCR though, I have to wait until after Christmas :/


Choc said:
fuck i have never been so torn as to whether to pick a game up or not

epic mickey arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh

i read good things, i read bad things

sooooo torn

If you're that torn about it I say no, just wait for it to go bargain bin price. You don't want to spend full price on a shitty game after all.


Shaneus said:
Aaand Australia gets dicked over again. Pirates! isn't even on our store :(

I also spent a few minutes furiously searching for this after seeing the logo in the sales catalogue. Considering purchasing Dawn of War, I have heard good things and I think it's the type of RTS I could get into (since it's apparently more of a squad-based RPG).


God damn it Demon's Souls is so freaking good. Just beat the awesome spider boss on the first try, took approximately 20 minutes as i learned every single pattern he had and made contingency plans for any likely situation. If you play it methodically it isn't actually that hard, it is just that the game is extremely punishing if you become careless. Easily the best game i have played this year, it saddens me that i saw a shit load of returned copies at eb. Presumably they were sold by a bunch of people who have never played a game that was released before 2006 and gave up after the first boss killed them in one hit, 5 seconds into the battle.

The loot is great, the combat is fantastic and the online integration stuff that allows you to read other player's messages and see how they died is really neat. It is crazy that Dragon Age 2 can come out with such a dated-looking combat system (disregarding the tactical mode) when another game has already perfectly integrated action and rpg elements in a fantasy setting.


Agyar said:
Considering purchasing Dawn of War, I have heard good things and I think it's the type of RTS I could get into (since it's apparently more of a squad-based RPG).
If the squad based RPG stuff is what you're after, you want Dawn of War II specifically. The first still has base building elements and such. Definitely get the expansion too if you're on the fence about that. The level design in the campaign is a dramatic improvement from the first, although it still ultimately takes place on RTS maps.


Fredescu said:
If the squad based RPG stuff is what you're after, you want Dawn of War II specifically. The first still has base building elements and such. Definitely get the expansion too if you're on the fence about that. The level design in the campaign is a dramatic improvement from the first, although it still ultimately takes place on RTS maps.

The Dawn of War 2 Gold Edition pack has the expansion for USD 23, sounds like a good deal.
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