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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Fuck I'm bored here's a picture of Ella Morton with a videogame
Pikelet said:
God damn it Demon's Souls is so freaking good. Just beat the awesome spider boss on the first try, took approximately 20 minutes as i learned every single pattern he had and made contingency plans for any likely situation. If you play it methodically it isn't actually that hard, it is just that the game is extremely punishing if you become careless. Easily the best game i have played this year, it saddens me that i saw a shit load of returned copies at eb. Presumably they were sold by a bunch of people who have never played a game that was released before 2006 and gave up after the first boss killed them in one hit, 5 seconds into the battle.

The loot is great, the combat is fantastic and the online integration stuff that allows you to read other player's messages and see how they died is really neat. It is crazy that Dragon Age 2 can come out with such a dated-looking combat system (disregarding the tactical mode) when another game has already perfectly integrated action and rpg elements in a fantasy setting.

Agreed, if you play it with a strategy and not rush around carelessly then it's a lot of fun. If you die it's generally your own fault but you can usually learn and adapt pretty quickly. Great game, wish I got it earlier.


I'm replaying Halo Reach - a game that irked me on the first play. I couldn't quite figure out why I wasn't enjoying it and apprehensively called it an average game.

I was wrong.

Boy, was I wrong.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the platforming is a bit slippery, but it's alright. It isn't, you know, super-amazing-fantasticerific, but it does a few things pretty well.


Note that while I have fixed the E, that I am still MAYBE going to do more with the .GIF.

I think it'd be cool if he starts throwing money at the computer, with his expression slowly changing from :D to breaking down into tears as he throws more and more money at steam, finishing off with him just lying on the floor crying.

But whatever!



went to JB at Doncaster Shoppo at about 9.30. MY GOD THE QUEUES

20% off all software though (tonight only)

I got a couple of blu rays
How to Train your Dragon (for me)

Planet Terror
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (both for gf for christmas)

$fifty something all up, not too bad.

aaaand I just bought super meat boy.


Kritz DEFINITELY do the rest of the animation! It's going to be tops.

Took all my restraint to ignore the 20% off sale at JB tonight. Was enough of a hassle finding a store with an iPad available :)


Really tempted to get an iPad for the holidays, but I'm still concerned a new one might drop in the next 6 months.

Enjoying the hell out of my fresh approach to Halo Reach, but won't have time for co-op Jambo. Undoubtedly the greatest level of variety in how each confrontation can be approached for a Halo game, and the pacing is great. Must have had my retard pants on when I played it first time round.

I also picked up the Undead Nightmare DLC while it's 25% off on XBL. Watching the Quicklook right now, and not sure if it, like the core Red Dead experience, will be the game for me.


Kritz said:
Note that while I have fixed the E, that I am still MAYBE going to do more with the .GIF.

I think it'd be cool if he starts throwing money at the computer, with his expression slowly changing from :D to breaking down into tears as he throws more and more money at steam, finishing off with him just lying on the floor crying.

But whatever!

perhaps the money is vacuumed out of his pockets into the monitor


Bernbaum said:
Really tempted to get an iPad for the holidays, but I'm still concerned a new one might drop in the next 6 months.
100% there will be a new one.

Apple stick to 12 month cycles these days.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
jambo said:
100% there will be a new one.

Apple stick to 12 month cycles these days.
but the iPad doesn't have a precedent yet.

I mean, I'd bet money on a new one this year, but all the same... mmm. I'm definitely holding out for round two. Put a camera in it with FaceTime and you have yourselves a deal, Apple.


but ever so delicious
Nothing i want today either.

My Internet still hasn't switched over from adsl1 8Mbps to 20Mbps, it did say 4 days so tomorrow *should* be the day. Although i'm not expecting any change due to my distance from the exchange, but some random small boost would be nice :lol


evlcookie said:
Nothing i want today either.

My Internet still hasn't switched over from adsl1 8Mbps to 20Mbps, it did say 4 days so tomorrow *should* be the day. Although i'm not expecting any change due to my distance from the exchange, but some random small boost would be nice :lol
My work is 4.8km from the exchange and was getting ~1mbps on adsl1. Bumped to about 3mbps on adsl2. Still abysmal when trying to deliver large files to clients but whatever. Hope you get a speed bump man

Not much for me in the steam sale today, I love my smartphone though, can check it all before I get up haha


rass said:
My work is 4.8km from the exchange and was getting ~1mbps on adsl1. Bumped to about 3mbps on adsl2. Still abysmal when trying to deliver large files to clients but whatever. Hope you get a speed bump man

Not much for me in the steam sale today, I love my smartphone though, can check it all before I get up haha
Makes me feel kinda lucky that I'm on a RIM and get about 4-5Mbps :)


So i picked up Epic Mickey.

Played a few hours last night and I kind of like it. In fact I want to play more. It's such a love letter to Disney fans

Considering Rez in the official thread said it gets better then after a few hours i think, considering i didnt mind the first few hours, this could be ok.., hopefully :D


never a truer comic written, the camera is so bad.


Fable 3 on the other hand is the biggest piece of shit i have played all year. The end of the game is so shit, it makes you think you have ages, then bam, ending

fable 4 should not happen.


I would buy Bioshock 2 in the steam sale, but I just ordered it from ozgameshop for 360. Bought Super Meat Boy for the second time and BC2.

I'm always up for Reach too guys. MP/FF/Co-Op. Whatevs.


holy shit Choc, just saw that wolf 3d remake. ridiculous.

Apparently there's a demo going up today? I'm going to the movies tonight but I'll check it out tomorrow, I love LBP


I’m probably gonna give up on Weekend Confirmed. It’s an okay show, often informative and there’s some deep discussion but Garnett grates on me and I don’t think any of the hosts have particularly likeable personalities. Hard to imagine that the crew are somewhat close to the Idle Thumbs crew through the Shacknews connection – WC just sounds so ‘California-ish’ their jokes aren’t funny and Garnett’s fake laugh shits me. Brian Leahy has some really insightful stuff but he’s a bit of a nerd, even for me.

6 months ago I was whinging about the Bombcast, but it’s been really great in recent months. Unlike Weekend Confirmed, it’s still entertaining if I listen to it a week or two late – WC’s value is really only for the news. I’ve really come around on the Bombcast - it’s the perfect gaming mainstay for the iPod, has plenty of news and can be really funny even if I’m not 100% on the same wavelength with the host’s gaming tastes. If I drop Weekend Confirmed that’s it, just the Bombcast and nothing else.

I’d really like a good Australian podcast – there’s a slew out there (AG, GAPcast) but they’re a bit average. Any recommendations?

Edit: No Skypecasts pls.


jambo said:
Add me on Live stackboy, jambo1977

Done, surprised that page isn't blocked at work. If you see me online, send me a party request.

I can't wait for LBP2 either. The recently launched lbp.me is awesome and I can't wait to see what the entire community comes up with. Plus I really dig the levels MM make anyway.

Podcasts I listen to: The Geekbox, Giantbombcast and Rebel FM. I'm about 6 months behind on all of them, so it means I always have something to listen to.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Choc said:
Considering Rez in the official thread said it gets better then after a few hours i think, considering i didnt mind the first few hours, this could be ok.., hopefully :D
let the record show that I said i enjoyed the first hour or so on a 90s platformer nostalgia-kick before falling into a massive pit of WHHHHHHHHHY


getting sick of this, they've done nothing wrooooooong

apple deleted the wikileaks app from appstore (had the cables leaking daily to your phone)

fuck the US government


Experienced a lifetime first yesterday – bought my niece a DS game to go with her Santa present, her first ever video game system.

This is a big deal for Uncle Bernbaum. Only seems like yesterday that she was a screaming little poop-making neonatal droolmonster.

*fights back tears*


but ever so delicious
Ausgaf has already had 2 podcasts. The ausgaf one and then the gamecrux one, which might still go i guess once Mar sorts his house and what not out.

I haven't listened to a gaming podcast in ages. Idle thumbs is the last gaming based podcast i've listened too, i actually haven't heard the pax one yet either since i'm waiting for video footage of it instead.

The only podcast i've listened to recently was the skeptics guide to the universe ones. I found them really interesting even if 90% of what they are talking about goes over my head :lol. But science and space has always fascinated me, even if i can't grasp it correctly.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Nowadays all I really listen to is the Bombcast and Out of the Game. It's a shame.


Rez said:
Nowadays all I really listen to is the Bombcast and Out of the Game. It's a shame.
What is this? How big is the Rez stamp of approval?

I'd like more developer-produced podcasts. The Irrational Podcast was great and Irrational Interviews is almost as good and they should do them more frequently. I see that Double Fine are doing one but I'm yet to listen. Still waiting for a good Aussie podcast - are there any that I'm completely missing?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
OOTG is Shawn Elliott, Jeff Green, N'gai Croal, Robert Ashley and (very rarely) Luke Smith talking about gaming, movies, music and other random things like how frustrating the new Skype is.


but ever so delicious
jambo said:
Where can the AusGAF podcast be downloaded?

Kritz used to host it but i can't find it on his website. Maybe he has them somewhere.

Out of the game sounds good going by that lineup. I might have to check it out over this christmas break or better yet the train ride into work.
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