AdventureRacing said:
Well i haven't heard of that happening anywhere. That is disgusting but i think it's a very isolated issue.
It just doesn't make sense really. What do you think would look worse? Charging an indigenous person with rape when they have evidence? Or just ignoring the fact that someone was raped because of potential claims of racism?
Same as the other incident. If it's true then it's incredibly stupid by the police in so many ways.
I don't deny it's isolated, but it's not the only time it happens - another incident from someone else I knew - she accidently rear-ended a car during an intense traffic jam or something. Some aboriginals got out of the car, dragged her out and smacker her head against her window.
The police claimed both times that the perpetrators would be untouchable because it would be miscontrued as an act of racism. It's a bit ridiculous how bad it's getting.
Amazon ships most DS games to Australia, they only seem to block the Nintendo-published ones (I think by Nintendo's request). There are plenty of other import sites, like Play-Asia and YesAsia, where you can get decent prices on any US game, though.
I'd love to import a console but at the moment it just seems so unviable. For some reason though I'm expecting us to get the 3DS a day before Europe, since it falls on the typical Thursday that I'm fairly certain the DSi and DSi XL launched on too.
If I had a US Unit I'd have to buy all games from the US, but the UK route would let me buy locally and overseas for more obscure titles (if they ever get made).