WEEKEND, and not a moment too soon.
Like alot things created by the Babylonians, the seven-day week cycle is totally past its expiry date with modern culture. A nine day week broken up as follows would be better:
- 2 day weekend
- 3 working days
- 1 midweek 'catchup' day
- 3 more working days before the weekend
And so on.
As such, the usual five-day stretch is mitigated by having two much more manageable chunks of three days straight.
Culturally, the mid week day would be the day you catch your breath and maybe do all the chores and shit that normally chews into your weekend. For students, the midweek day is for studying, lightening the homework load on regular days. It'd also be a regular trading day and a lot of people would still work.
As such, by having the catchup day, you're actually having proper time off on the real weekend and not doing the lawns or washing the car or whatever.
That makes for 40.6 'neoweeks' per year - so about 10-11 weeks per season. Get rid of the gregorian calendar and have 8 'months' all up - two per season. Give 'em poetic names or something, like 'Berntober'.
From a productivity perspective, there would be more days off per year due to weekends and the midweek day off (121 days compared to the current 104), but that doesn't factor in the work done by people on the midweek catch-up day. Plus, I'd argue that people would generally be more productive. At present, a core part of the economy really only works 4 to 4.5 days instead of the 5 official 8-hour days on paper. For alot of people, the weekend starts at Friday lunch-time, and from the behaviour I see in a lot of high-ranking workers in the city, you might as well write Fridays off altogether. The three-day blocks would be more work-focussed and I'd like to think that employees would spend less time farting about on facebook as they have more time outside of the week to do real socialising.
The benefits:
- a more productive working week (no fatigue due to the midweek hump and lazy fridays)
- more time spent actually enjoying your days off
- weekends are real weekends and you're not running errands
AusGAF dies in the arse over the weekend, so I doubt I'll get any good feedback on this. Maybe when the floodgates open on Monday I'll bring it back up again.