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Mmmmm chilidog with jalapenos.

Find baseball boring as batshit to watch on TV. Would definitely go to a game though. Speaking of cricket, the ODI last night was just zzzz. Sri Lanka clearly didn't think they could win and Australia just nurdled singles. Lame.
reptilescorpio said:
Also baseball is boring. Alcohol makes it fantastic to experience though. I much prefer Cricket, just seems to be a much more intense strategic affair, kind of like NFL. Cricket certainly isn't a gentlemens games anymore though which I am disappointed about. Almost worse than soccer at times.

What format of cricket are you comparing baseball to?


reptilescorpio said:
Also baseball is boring. Alcohol makes it fantastic to experience though. I much prefer Cricket, just seems to be a much more intense strategic affair, kind of like NFL. Cricket certainly isn't a gentlemens games anymore though which I am disappointed about. Almost worse than soccer at times.
How is cricket more strategic? The only strategy in cricket is field placement, and delivery choice for bowlers I guess. Baseball is orders of magnitude more strategic.


I've said for years that ODI cricket should be a bit more like baseball, and have the teams alternate 10 overs each. It would create a lot more excitment and do away with the "boring middle" problem ODIs have. Test Matches are clearly the superior form though, so I'm not too fussed.

reptilescorpio said:
Cricket certainly isn't a gentlemens games anymore though which I am disappointed about. Almost worse than soccer at times.
Hey, did you see Dhoni called back a batsman that was given out due to a mix up because "I wouldn't want to see someone on our team get out that way." It was a very nice gesture, and he was on the losing team too.

commanderdeek said:
The only strategy in cricket is field placement, and delivery choice for bowlers I guess.
I'm not weighing in on baseball vs cricket because ultimately that comes down to the culture you were brought up in, but this is so wrong I don't know where to begin.


VOOK said:
When the CEO of your company rings me and requests changes, we don't need no fucking order number for an invoice. You just fucking pay.

Purchase order numbers are the bane of my existence. Its not my job to chase your order numbers because your employees are too stupid to fill one out!


Fredescu said:
I'm not weighing in on baseball vs cricket because ultimately that comes down to the culture you were brought up in, but this is so wrong I don't know where to begin.
True, and maybe I was exaggerating just a little, but having watched both sports actively for many years, there's really no competition deciding which sport has more strategic decision making.


Fredescu said:
Hey, did you see Dhoni called back a batsman that was given out due to a mix up because "I wouldn't want to see someone on our team get out that way." It was a very nice gesture, and he was on the losing team too.

Initially he didn't though and then during the lunch/tea break the senior english officials talked to the Indian team and 'sorted it out'.

Bell came back after the interval.


commanderdeek said:
there's really no competition deciding which sport has more strategic decision making.
I find the "orders of magnitude" claim really hard to believe, particularly in comparison to test cricket. ODI and T20, sure, relatively simple games. Baseball certainly has more stats, but a game of baseball vs a game of test cricket? My gut feel would be that the latter has more potential for strategic decisions.

Omi said:
Initially he didn't though and then during the lunch/tea break the senior english officials talked to the Indian team and 'sorted it out'.
He certainly didn't have to, and I bet you Steve Waugh wouldn't have.


Fredescu said:
I find the "orders of magnitude" claim really hard to believe, particularly in comparison to test cricket. ODI and T20, sure, relatively simple games. Baseball certainly has more stats, but a game of baseball vs a game of test cricket? My gut feel would be that the latter has more potential for strategic decisions.

He certainly didn't have to, and I bet you Steve Waugh wouldn't have.

That I won't deny. Waugh was an absolute hard nut, but he was Australian, so its ok. ;)
Also in SUPER IMPORTANT NEWS time I discovered that OGS are now offering a rewards system where you get gift vouchers for buying stuff. You also get futhur discounts for saving up reward points. That news made me tingle deep down.

Also Super Meat Boy SE with TSHIRT!!!! $25

Arkham City CE for $89
Super Monkey Ball 3DS for $20
Killzone 3 MEGABOMBA for $28
Fallout New Vegas PS3 for $20
Kinect Joyride! (for Shaneus) $19
14 months of XBL Gold for $50
Tomb Raider Trilogy PS3 $21
Red Orchestra 2 for $28
Skyrim PC plus Cloth Map $43
RAGE PC Anarchy Edition $40

Jay Z & Kanye colab is soooooooo good.
Do I get gift vouchers for old stuff I've bought, or referring people on (without using any links or whatever)? Because THEY OWE ME, DAMMIT.


Salazar said:
2010-11 Season Review is cheap on iTunes, Omi.

If you can bear it, it's a good watch.


arsehole. I might buy the 2006 FA Cup final while I am at it I guess.

@reptile - skyrim is steamworks ja?


Fredescu said:
I find the "orders of magnitude" claim really hard to believe, particularly in comparison to test cricket. ODI and T20, sure, relatively simple games. Baseball certainly has more stats, but a game of baseball vs a game of test cricket? My gut feel would be that the latter has more potential for strategic decisions.
But I think that gut feeling probably stems from the fact that a test match goes for 5 days. If you just compare them purely as sports, I would lean more towards baseball. If I wasn't half busy, I'd attempt to break this shit down, but I think we'll leave it at that since this could go on forever:)
DualShadow said:
What format of cricket are you comparing baseball to?
Test cricket. Most one dayers and 20/20 games don't grab me, at least at Australian team level. The IPL is fantasticly entertaining though. After playing cricket for quite a few years I really appreciate the overall strategy that most captains (should) deal with over a potential 5 days. Unfortunately a lot of games we have played the last few years haven't been brilliant in that regard but the basis is still there for a viewer to pick apart.

Nothing against baseball, I just don't enjoy it as much unless I am drunk.


commanderdeek said:
If I wasn't half busy, I'd attempt to break this shit down, but I think we'll leave it at that since this could go on forever:)
Do it! I'll do the same when I'm less busy. Hell, it's less depressing than arguing about riots or the economy.


Housemate sent me this today, Mona Lisa on Facebook


Omi said:
Initially he didn't though and then during the lunch/tea break the senior english officials talked to the Indian team and 'sorted it out'.

Bell came back after the interval.

Rather gentlemanly I'd say.


Fredescu said:
Do it! I'll do the same when I'm less busy. Hell, it's less depressing than arguing about riots or the economy.
lol ok, I have a 3 hour break at uni tomorrow arvo. Bring it!

And fuck I hate duck faces.


jambo said:
Can't wait for the sequel, Revenge of the Curse of the Rise of the Planet of the Apes!

Doctor Who stole that name already with Revenge of the Curse of the Rise of the Planet of the Daleks


Why not go all out and include the 1968 series of titles...

Beneath the Battle for the Conquest of the Escape from the Revenge of the Curse of the Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Fogz said:
Doctor Who stole that name already with Revenge of the Curse of the Rise of the Planet of the Daleks

I saw a guy wearing a red Fez in public last week. I have considered myself a Doctor Who fan since 1983 and I've never worn a scarf in public, worn a cape, used a walking stick, stuck celery to my lapel, driven an old car, worn clothing with question marks or married Lalla Ward.

Some people.

I've now watched seven Planet of the Apes movies in the last week. I'll leave them alone till the next one comes out.


ClivePwned said:
I saw a guy wearing a red Fez in public last week. I have considered myself a Doctor Who fan since 1983 and I've never worn a scarf in public, worn a cape, used a walking stick, stuck celery to my lapel, driven an old car, worn clothing with question marks or married Lalla Ward.

Some people.

The missus is knitting me a scarf. It should be ready sometime in the year 2215.

She also started playing the Game of Thrones theme on her Ocarina of Time the other night.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Whelp, my back-up drive is full. I knew I was going to have to buy a a NAS drive soon (I'm transferring all of my CDs to my Mac, 400 albums in I've only gotten up to "E") but I didn't think it would clog up so quickly.

So, I need some advice: Which 1 terabyte NAS drive should I buy? And is a NAS drive what I should be buying if I just want to cram my music library on to it so myself and my missus can access it? Also, should I buy a back-up drive to back-up the NAS drive?

I'm not good with computers.
Witchfinder General said:
So, I need some advice: Which 1 terabyte NAS drive should I buy? And is a NAS drive what I should be buying if I just want to cram my music library on to it so myself and my missus can access it? Also, should I buy a back-up drive to back-up the NAS drive?
Get a NAS if you're planning on sharing the files with more than one device (computer, iPod, etc). If not, an internal disk is OK if your computer can take such things.

Also, yes, backup your backups with the 3-2-1 rule.


legend166 said:
Let's be real though, he'll injure himself in round 2 and never play again.

With the pace of the a-league and the fact there is just 1 game a week (for the most part), he will be fine.


Dirt 3, get.

Get ready for me being able to WRECK PEOPLE'S METAPHORICLA SHIT over the weekend.

Well, for the first 20 seconds of each race, anyway.


but ever so delicious
My belt just snapped, the little metal thing that goes into the holes, just snapped off!

I guess I have to hold my pants up while I walk home or something. Shiiiiiiit

I don't think there's any shops around here I can buy a belt from, really screwed. Hope I have my old belt at home or I'm super screwed.


Saw some Super Mario jellied candy at the supermarket today so of course I bought it.
Eating an orange flavoured Yoshi and I feel like I'm eight.

You guys had any memorable video game candy?

livejournal postin'


the best thing about working in a school was when shit goes real bad with personal items, you have a fucking wealth of tools to fix it, none of them suitable for the problem.

I snagged my shirt on a door handle in one of the schools and ripped a big old tear through it as well as knocked off a button. It was after class and everyone had gone home so I just went into one of the year 6 classrooms and stole some paperclips, string, sticky tape and a bit of coloured paper.

I was the world's most inept Macgyver.


I think it's somewhere in one of my drawers. Or I might have thrown it away in my last room clean-up, actually.

I should ask him where he got them, they were a nice change from Eclipse.


commissar said:
Do you still have the box?

On second bite these things are a small step above plastic :[
They sell them at Minotaur in Melbourne. I have one still in plastic, along with tins in the shape of a scared ghost, Blinky and Pac from Pac-Man.


evlcookie said:
My belt just snapped, the little metal thing that goes into the holes, just snapped off!

I guess I have to hold my pants up while I walk home or something. Shiiiiiiit

I don't think there's any shops around here I can buy a belt from, really screwed. Hope I have my old belt at home or I'm super screwed.

cookie, will you hate me if I say I laughed at this?


evlcookie said:
My belt just snapped, the little metal thing that goes into the holes, just snapped off!

I guess I have to hold my pants up while I walk home or something. Shiiiiiiit

I don't think there's any shops around here I can buy a belt from, really screwed. Hope I have my old belt at home or I'm super screwed.
Get some rainbow suspenders!
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