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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


but ever so delicious
From a post over at reddit regarding GOG.

TheEnigmaticT 18 points 8 hours ago
If you've got questions about it, sing out. I'm the official GOG PR flack, so I'll be happy to answer 'em.

greyishpoweranger 6 points 8 hours ago
So if i lived in australia, would changing my location to say, canada get me a uncensored copy of The witcher 2?

TheEnigmaticT 29 points 7 hours ago
With great power comes great responsibility. We trust you won't abuse it. ;)

So i guess that's a yes? Could be interesting.


Very wink wink nudge nudge, hmm.

I have this sick sort of pit opening up in my stomach right now about life and work and stuff. Just gotta keep thinking to myself, all of this bullshit will be over in two months. Remind me never to take a volunteer position of responsibility ever again.
evlcookie said:
From a post over at reddit regarding GOG.

TheEnigmaticT 18 points 8 hours ago
If you've got questions about it, sing out. I'm the official GOG PR flack, so I'll be happy to answer 'em.

greyishpoweranger 6 points 8 hours ago
So if i lived in australia, would changing my location to say, canada get me a uncensored copy of The witcher 2?

TheEnigmaticT 29 points 7 hours ago
With great power comes great responsibility. We trust you won't abuse it. ;)

So i guess that's a yes? Could be interesting.
They won't come out and say, "Yes we are circumventing the stupid publisher who wants to charge more money and the stupid people in Australia who want to change our game". They are leaving loopholes for us to jump through if we choose to. They understand that the game will get a fan patch within days to allow the sex to be for the quest or that people may just pirate the game rather than pay the higher price. At least this way it is US being dishonest and going against the wishes of others, rather than GOG getting in trouble for ignoring the concerns raised.

Jintor said:
I have this sick sort of pit opening up in my stomach right now about life and work and stuff. Just gotta keep thinking to myself, all of this bullshit will be over in two months. Remind me never to take a volunteer position of responsibility ever again.
I don't mind taking on extra responsibility at work as long as I know I will be given credit for it. At the moment I am getting a little screwed around so I've made it very clear that I won't take any shit from them, they need me more than I need them so when another position becomes available I will be taking it. An unappreciated worker is not a valuable worker.


It's not at work, it's for a Convention in a topic I was more excited in last year than I am this year. But now I'm stuck and if I pull out now I'll screw a lot of people over.


evlcookie said:
From a post over at reddit regarding GOG.

TheEnigmaticT 18 points 8 hours ago
If you've got questions about it, sing out. I'm the official GOG PR flack, so I'll be happy to answer 'em.

greyishpoweranger 6 points 8 hours ago
So if i lived in australia, would changing my location to say, canada get me a uncensored copy of The witcher 2?

TheEnigmaticT 29 points 7 hours ago
With great power comes great responsibility. We trust you won't abuse it. ;)

So i guess that's a yes? Could be interesting.

Basically they're just covering their arse from all angles.

Almost as if it took the Witcher 2 situation to become really aware of what they could and couldn't do, then made the appropriate adjustments.
Jintor said:
It's not at work, it's for a Convention in a topic I was more excited in last year than I am this year. But now I'm stuck and if I pull out now I'll screw a lot of people over.
Oh that isn't quite as bad, hopefully they appreciate the effort you are putting in then. Plus if it is a big hit at least you will get the self-satisfaction of a job well done.

Every work day that I have had at home these last 2 weeks I have had someone from an electricity company come around to talk to me. The more I tell them I'm not interested the pushier they get and more they ask for me to grab a bill. Seriously, I don't give a shit. If I say we changed to a new company 2 months ago that means that I have no interest in you and you are wasting time that could be spent at the place next door. Clowns.

Fredescu said:
No. They said that years ago after the Orange Box. The rest of the Develop article is amazing though, I recommend reading the whole thing: http://www.develop-online.net/digital-edition
It really is a great article. Gabe was talking about how the episodic approach evolved into the value based approach they are taking with tf2. He could have walked out of Microsoft with his millions and just lived off the interest on some Hawaiian island but instead he wanted to work with the most brilliant people he could find. Maybe they took a bit of inspiration from Gabe when they were developing characters like Cave Johnson?
Also the fact that Valve only ended up on the PS3 because 4 engineers were disappointed no-one at the company wanted to do it is stunning. Basically they have the best management structure possible to increase creativity and it has paid off huge. For them and us.


reptilescorpio said:
Oh that isn't quite as bad, hopefully they appreciate the effort you are putting in then. Plus if it is a big hit at least you will get the self-satisfaction of a job well done.

Doesn't help all my uni stuff is crashing down on me and I've got double-deadlines every month. Ah well, it'll be done soon and I'm sure my output and outlook will improve once I've skated this rough patch of "EVERY ASSIGNMENT DUE NOW!!!!"
Danoss said:
HL2 storyline to be continued via hats?

I was more worried/interested in what this means they will be doing next.
I'm eagerly awaiting the next Valve game thats been in development for the past 6 months to be announced and i fully expect it to be amazing.

Also looking forward to DotA 2.


Marshmellow said:
I was more worried/interested in what this means they will be doing next.
True, going on that article, if enough people are interested in something else, a new Half Life game just won't get made. Which is cool but sad at the same time.


reptilescorpio said:
It really is a great article. Gabe was talking about how the episodic approach evolved into the value based approach they are taking with tf2. He could have walked out of Microsoft with his millions and just lived off the interest on some Hawaiian island but instead he wanted to work with the most brilliant people he could find. Maybe they took a bit of inspiration from Gabe when they were developing characters like Cave Johnson?

Insane, total disregard for human life, obsessed with science?

/edit I'm really tempted to get a subscription to Develop now. That's Gamasutra's real-life arm, right?
Jintor said:
Insane, total disregard for human life, obsessed with science?

/edit I'm really tempted to get a subscription to Develop now. That's Gamasutra's real-life arm, right?
Yeah Develop seem really great for a publication. Also I meant more the insatiable desire to move forward, improve the product beyond reasonable expectations in that shoot for the moon, reach the stars kind of way. Who cares about economics, who cares about profits lets make the coolest shit possible.
reptilescorpio said:
Yeah Develop seem really great for a publication. Also I meant more the insatiable desire to move forward, improve the product beyond reasonable expectations in that shoot for the moon, reach the stars kind of way. Who cares about economics, who cares about profits lets make the coolest shit possible.

...and so the conspiracy began.

also no bungie @ E3 supposedly. Cant wait to see their next project either.
evlcookie said:
Googling that model brings up tits, Might not be a good idea at work.
Lovely ones though.

reptilescorpio said:
Yeah Develop seem really great for a publication. Also I meant more the insatiable desire to move forward, improve the product beyond reasonable expectations in that shoot for the moon, reach the stars kind of way. Who cares about economics, who cares about profits lets make the coolest shit possible.
Yeah, I've been meaning to get a subscription at some point to it. They have oldish copies (2 months old) of it at uni and reading them is very interesting.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Here's an idea gaming sites. Instead of posting up bullshit news during the pre-E3 drought, write things instead. You know, original articles with thought and meaning.

It's a wasteland of shit out there.
Fredescu said:
True, going on that article, if enough people are interested in something else, a new Half Life game just won't get made. Which is cool but sad at the same time.
Better to have no Half Life than a Half Life made by people not interested in making one.

VOOK said:
Here's an idea gaming sites. Instead of posting up bullshit news during the pre-E3 drought, write things instead. You know, original articles with thought and meaning.
Why bother? People view the sites with their dreck anyway.

Writing is hard.


VOOK said:
Here's an idea gaming sites. Instead of posting up bullshit news during the pre-E3 drought, write things instead. You know, original articles with thought and meaning.

It's a wasteland of shit out there.

Don't be so hard on yourself. :3 (I keed, I keed)
VOOK said:
Here's an idea gaming sites. Instead of posting up bullshit news during the pre-E3 drought, write things instead. You know, original articles with thought and meaning.

It's a wasteland of shit out there.

I assume you are referring to the same thing that happens every year Vook.
Few weeks to a month before E3 is on all of the "what will be at E3 this year?", "most anticipated E3 announcements" crap all comes up.

So annoying. Agree with you, sad and poor/pathetic excuse for news and the readership.


Develop is very very much worth reading too BTW.

Although BE WARNED it covers STRANGE and PREVIOUSLY UNHEARD OF THINGS such as games that are not made in America or Japan! I know, right? HOW WEIRD IS THAT. Did you know that they made games in the UK, too?
you wouldn't by reading GAF that's for sure


I was actually very interested in the recruitment ad for the Middle-Eastern games company based in... well, I've forgotten now, but it's definitely something I'd never even thought about
Gazunta said:
STRANGE and PREVIOUSLY UNHEARD OF THINGS such as games that are not made in America or Japan!
I thought they just came out of some sort of giant sausage machine. Reality is crashing around me.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Marshmellow said:
I assume you are referring to the same thing that happens every year Vook.
Few weeks to a month before E3 is on all of the "what will be at E3 this year?", "most anticipated E3 announcements" crap all comes up.

So annoying. Agree with you, sad and poor/pathetic excuse for news and the readership.

Well at those would actually be writing things as, sites readers are interested in what people think will be there and what they can expect.

But shit off camera GTA V screens and crap like that, and just pure drivel. Bah.
Fredescu said:
For sure, if we keep getting games of Portal 2 quality I'm not going to complain.
The Develop article made Valve sound a bit like Google. You find another project more interesting? Go ahead and plonk yourself on the development team! Sure, some unexciting projects might fall by the wayside, but because people are passionate about what they do work on it should theoretically provide a better outcome.

Works for me.

VOOK said:
GTA V screens
New GTA screens? I'm there! *adds more pageviews to some shitty publication*
VOOK said:
Well at those would actually be writing things as, sites readers are interested in what people think will be there and what they can expect.

But shit off camera GTA V screens and crap like that, and just pure drivel. Bah.

Ahh fair enough. Yea but for fans that are clawing their eyes out in anticipation of things those off-camera 1st info things are like a newborn baby.

Jintor said:
Oh! Child of Eden review code incoming! Sweet.

0.o Interested to know if this is any good and has replay value. Makes me consider a kinect but i don't think it will warrant the purchase of one yet.
VOOK said:
Well at those would actually be writing things as, sites readers are interested in what people think will be there and what they can expect.

But shit off camera GTA V screens and crap like that, and just pure drivel. Bah.
It really would be the worst time of year to run a site as the sheer amount of possible content that you have to read through would be ten times as much as usual, with all the bullshit people put out to try and get hits. Also another reason I only venture off Gaf for RPS and Gamasutra. Also the occasional Serrels visit the that certain Australian charm. No offence of course Vook, I'm not really into Nintendo stuff.

Seems like the Duke 4 demo is coming soon? Also The League is awesome.

Fredescu said:
That was awesome and totally justified. Gives me the shits when people are wasteful like that. I don't mind if you only eat half your meal but don't just make up food and throw it out for no good reason.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
reptilescorpio said:
It really would be the worst time of year to run a site as the sheer amount of possible content that you have to read through would be ten times as much as usual, with all the bullshit people put out to try and get hits. Also another reason I only venture off Gaf for RPS and Gamasutra. Also the occasional Serrels visit the that certain Australian charm. No offence of course Vook, I'm not really into Nintendo stuff.

No offense taken, I have a niche and a I'm quite good at filling it.
VOOK said:
No offense taken, I have a niche and a I'm quite good at filling it.
Oh actually I was wondering if you like a folder of emails of just outrageous stuff that people try to tip to you? Like "Square to remake FF6 exclusively on WiiHD"? I remember talking to someone a few years back who had an outlook folder named Looney Bin with some incredibly funny stuff. The worst was he said he had one in there saying that Sega would go third party. We get some of the funnier ones on Gaf but I would think that there would be tons more.
legend166 said:
Can you use that 5 in 1 cord to charge more than one device at once?

How long does DealExtreme shipping take? I need this before I go away (May 27th).

Dunno about others but DXE shipping is usually horrible. ive bought things from there 3 times and its usually around 1-2 months before i get my item.


legend166 said:
How long does DealExtreme shipping take? I need this before I go away (May 27th).
I wouldn't risk it with them, even if you pay for courier fees.

I placed an order with them early last week, I made sure everything was listed as in stock and paid the extra for the items to be couriered to me. Not one item has been shipped yet, as they've been "waiting on supplier".
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