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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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Finally got around to eating my dinner. Quarter Pounder BLT. Turns out they put a bun and two patties in the bag. >_<

This is why people fucking hate Arts students.

EDIT: Still managed to put fucking pickles in it. Arseholes. Next time I am in drive thru (which shouldn't be for months since this was meant to be a last meal type deal with fast food) I will take my time to check every single item I ordered and berate them if they dare to question me holding up the line to check for their incompetence.

More like, this is why people hate 15 yos? As if macdonalds hires anyone over 18 :p

Pickles are delicious. Did you order without?
I still don't buy the Official Industry Narrative that Japanese games are rubbish and Western games are creative nirvana.

There was a thread around the middle of last year about which single country you owned the most current gen games from. My answer at the time was Japan with around 60%. Quickly looking over the games I've bought since then, that'd be bumped up to around 66%.

I mean really, the whole idea of "one place is putting out shit and everyone else is awesome!" is silly, it just depends on what kinds of games you like. Large swathes of western developed stuff does absolutely nothing for me, but I wouldn't say American and Euro games are shit. Then again, I also have more retail Wii games than PS3 and 360 combined, so yeah.
More like, this is why people hate 15 yos? As if macdonalds hires anyone over 18 :p

Pickles are delicious. Did you order without?

Most Maccas out here are staffed by dopey 18-21 (and above) uni/tafe students. You can usually tell by the oompa loompa tan and general shitty attitude.

Also pickles are one of the few things I hate eating. I never ask for them to be taken off as my fiancée loves them so I always pick them out and give to her, but for them to only make half the fucking burger but STILL put pickles in is just rude. I wanted some fucking bacon on this shit! At least some cheese to give it some moistness.

An apt way to take a break from fast food I suppose. Disappointment mixed in with a sore stomach.
Some sweeping generalisations here...

I think the perception (or at least my perception) is that Japanese gaming is stuck in a rut from 5-10 years ago. Things like save points, terrible online implementations, laughable anime characters and designs that still look like FF7 are hallmarks. But it seems to me that many of these are cultural things. IMO Japanese gamers don't want the same sort of co-op Western gamers want, they like those sorts of characters and will in the future.

Western gamers have moved on, and Japanese developers don't care because we're not their target market anyway, and when we are they often don't understand our market (just like Microsoft has no clue in Japan). If Westerners like their games, great, but if not, who cares, they weren't made for us anyway.

Obviously any game could be used as an example to prove otherwise, like Dark Souls' save points being integral to the game, but I think broadly speaking this is why things are the way they are, and why idiotic outspoken developers are saying the things they are. Basically they just think they're right and their way is the only way.
Some sweeping generalisations here...

I think the perception (or at least my perception) is that Japanese gaming is stuck in a rut from 5-10 years ago. Things like save points, terrible online implementations, laughable anime characters and designs that still look like FF7 are hallmarks. But it seems to me that many of these are cultural things. IMO Japanese gamers don't want the same sort of co-op Western gamers want, they like those sorts of characters and will in the future.

Western gamers have moved on, and Japanese developers don't care because we're not their target market anyway, and when we are they often don't understand our market (just like Microsoft has no clue in Japan). If Westerners like their games, great, but if not, who cares, they weren't made for us anyway.

Obviously any game could be used as an example to prove otherwise, like Dark Souls' save points being integral to the game, but I think broadly speaking this is why things are the way they are, and why idiotic outspoken developers are saying the things they are. Basically they just think they're right and their way is the only way.

My sweeping generalisation is that it is all down to HIGHER MARKETING BUDGETS.

Gamers think that the Japanese games are stuck in the past because all we ever see here on TV or on websites is a huge marketing budget being pushed onto the games media who NEED THAT INCOME so they report on what gives them the money to keep a roof over their heads.

Just my 2c.
My wife asked an interesting question today, I couldn't answer it.

What game have you played recently you would replay.
Assuming I were in a position where I had no new games to play, I would go back to any of these (all played within the last 12 or so months):

Just Cause 2 (actually have played twice)
Alice: Madness Returns
Saints Row the Third... maybe...
PS3 Ratchet and Clanks
Arkham Asylum (actually have played twice)
Arkham City (started a second playthrough, not finished)
Enslaved (actually have played twice)
Portal 2

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Please note, none of those games are from Japanese developers.
sorry, I couldn't help myself
Assuming I were in a position where I had no new games to play, I would go back to any of these (all played within the last 12 or so months):

Enslaved (actually have played twice)

Please note, none of those games are from Japanese developers.
sorry, I couldn't help myself
Isn't Enslaved Japanese? Oh! British? Why the hell did I think they were Japanese?
For some reason both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved both give off that Japanese-developed style to me. Andy Serkis being in Enslaved didn't make much sense at the time, but whatever!

Both are heavily, HEAVILY influenced by Eastern culture and history.
Enslaved was based on Journey to the West after all.
Their first game was called Kung Fu Chaos too :)

Heavenly Sword and DMC obviously owe a lot to Eastern fighters like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden too.
Cod, I totally agree with your critique about Japanese games. Recently I've been getting bored with their RPGs (many with plots that don't make much sense to me). If you look beyond RPGs though, they have made some amazing horror games, their platformers are still generally great, and I do enjoy the dating sim style games like katawa shojo. I guess what's really missing from the Japanese market is grit.

Most Maccas out here are staffed by dopey 18-21 (and above) uni/tafe students. You can usually tell by the oompa loompa tan and general shitty attitude.

Also pickles are one of the few things I hate eating. I never ask for them to be taken off as my fiancée loves them so I always pick them out and give to her, but for them to only make half the fucking burger but STILL put pickles in is just rude. I wanted some fucking bacon on this shit! At least some cheese to give it some moistness.

An apt way to take a break from fast food I suppose. Disappointment mixed in with a sore stomach.

Wow, that's just kind of insulting. I'd call up the store and complain - even if it was a while ago. Seriously, what the fuck?
Both are heavily, HEAVILY influenced by Eastern culture and history.
Enslaved was based on Journey to the West after all.
Yeah, I'm aware of that. I'm talking more about the style of characters, gameplay etc. That said, the stuff I posted above is somewhat dulled if I can't even tell which 'culture' made a game! Still there is definitely a cultural divide. Arcades are failing in the West but prolific in Japan, and the games played there will probably never have an audience outside of Japan.
Choc hasn't posted since Thursday morning which has meant I have the most posts in AusGAF again which again makes me feel like I am not being productive enough >_< Come back Choc!

I guess what's really missing from the Japanese market is grit.

Wow, that's just kind of insulting. I'd call up the store and complain - even if it was a while ago. Seriously, what the fuck?
In what way? It could just be that the games you would think have grit don't get enough attention to bring them to your attention.

Also I picked up the Maccas at like 6pm so I wouldn't feel comfortable calling up 2 hours later and saying I got the wrong thing, I really should have checked straight away. If the little guy hadn't been so crazy from being tired I would have eaten it straight away and noticed. Ah well, live and learn. Next time I will remember to wait there and check.
My sweeping generalisation is that it is all down to HIGHER MARKETING BUDGETS.
I don't disagree that Japanese games are under represented in the West but I don't think it's due to the marketing budgets. It has more to do with local developers targeting local players' tastes and Western and Japanese tastes diverging as the industry matures (or ages, if you'd prefer).
Japanese games moved from consoles onto handhelds and Western games moved from PCs onto consoles. That's pretty much the crux of what happened. Everything else is just the perception of console-centric western gamers.


Japanese games moved from consoles onto handhelds and Western games moved from PCs onto consoles. That's pretty much the crux of what happened. Everything else is just the perception of console-centric western gamers.

Reasonably accurate. I'd add in a bit of the old arcade ethos moving onto consoles with Wii, given the heavy focus on immediate attract mode gameplay. Or you could argue its NES reborn. iOS.is either the 80s computer scene reborn, or the dotcom boom part deux. The jury is out on that.


but ever so delicious
My wife asked an interesting question today, I couldn't answer it.

What game have you played recently you would replay.

I tend not to replay games. That seems to be my only one gaming rule. There's very few exceptions and the latest one is Burnout 3 via pcsx2. That's not a recent game though :D

Still they knew how to make games back in the day .. 7 years ago. 174 events, fuck! I think it's something silly like that. These days it's just 30 and you're done. 174 is probably going a little too far but every one of them is a blast, aside from the rubber banding AI, such assholes.


Seriously, why the hell can't I find just a plain black t-shirt? I went to like 8 stores. Even Big W had none but they had tons of Assassins Creed Revelations shirts. -_-
Seriously, why the hell can't I find just a plain black t-shirt? I went to like 8 stores. Even Big W had none but they had tons of Assassins Creed Revelations shirts. -_-

Really?.......are they any good? :)

Otherwise if you want a plain tshirt go to a cheapo shop like The Warehouse or Dimmeys or something.
lol, zing!

lowes or target should have plain black shirts right? Or myer, depending on how much you're willing to spend. Otherwise you might need to resort to online.

In what way? It could just be that the games you would think have grit don't get enough attention to bring them to your attention.

Also I picked up the Maccas at like 6pm so I wouldn't feel comfortable calling up 2 hours later and saying I got the wrong thing, I really should have checked straight away. If the little guy hadn't been so crazy from being tired I would have eaten it straight away and noticed. Ah well, live and learn. Next time I will remember to wait there and check.

Nah, even if you call back tomorrow it'll be fine. Some staff cut so many corners because of laziness. Can't be bothered opening a new box of lettuce? Oh well, they probably don't like it anyway. In my experience the managers tried to cut corners as well. You don't have to bring the burger back, just tell them. You shouldn't have to put up with that.

And the bit about games is probably true :p Any recommendations?


Gaming wise, the only good thing from Japan these days are the games from smaller devs like Gust, Image Epoch, Nippon ichi etc. Yeah they all mainly make rpgs but at least they're trying new things! The bigger devs keep pumping out the same out-dated crap and still manage to get away with it - best example being the Yakuza series. But at least Xenoblade is a thing, so the jrpg isn't quite so dead yet!

Black t-shirts are the best! Closely followed by grey.


Gaming wise, the only good thing from Japan these days are the games from smaller devs like Gust, Image Epoch, Nippon ichi etc. Yeah they all mainly make rpgs but at least they're trying new things! The bigger devs keep pumping out the same out-dated crap and still manage to get away with it - best example being the Yakuza series. But at least Xenoblade is a thing, so the jrpg isn't quite so dead yet!

Black t-shirts are the best! Closely followed by grey.

I take issue with the words "crap" and "Yakuza" being in the same sentence. Oldish gameplay yeah, but in no ways crap!

Also I don't know if it's just me but I find Xenoblade to just be "good to great" instead of the "OMG ONE OF THE BEST JRPGS EVER!!!" that people are spouting around. I think people are just really starved for good JRPGs this generation, plus the whole thing with it not coming over. Oh wells, hopefully it'll lead to a resurgence in the genre.


I take issue with the words "crap" and "Yakuza" being in the same sentence. Oldish gameplay yeah, but in no ways crap!

Also I don't know if it's just me but I find Xenoblade to just be "good to great" instead of the "OMG ONE OF THE BEST JRPGS EVER!!!" that people are spouting around. I think people are just really starved for good JRPGs this generation, plus the whole thing with it not coming over. Oh wells, hopefully it'll lead to a resurgence in the genre.
The narrative of the series is still good, but everything else is ehhh. I just wish they'd try to, you know, innovate a bit. Yes, 4 did the different characters and that was cool, but overall it was still the same tedious game structure in the exact same city as all the previous main entry games. It's ridiculous.

I can't really comment much on Xenoblade since I've only played like 20hrs, but what I've loved so far is how it attempts to modernise jrpgs. It's the little things like save anywhere, don't need to turn quests in, change the freakin time of day - it's amazing! Oh and story seems alright and battles are fun lol


Anyone heading down to a nearby DSE at 9am? All this talk about staff having first dibs makes me think there's no chance to get a cheap 360, so I might skip out on it.
Anyone heading down to a nearby DSE at 9am? All this talk about staff having first dibs makes me think there's no chance to get a cheap 360, so I might skip out on it.

Not me. Doesn't help that I'm working, but the first dibs thing doesn't inspire hope. Not to mention that I've been warned against it by some mates of mine that work at DSEs.


Anyone heading down to a nearby DSE at 9am? All this talk about staff having first dibs makes me think there's no chance to get a cheap 360, so I might skip out on it.

I'm heading to a store and hoping for the best. I'm also going to try and get an online order in. Hopefully not all staff will take everything for themselves...
Whos ready for crazy sales! Whats this about staff first dibs? did something happen? I am sending my mother as she works at a shopoing centre. I hope I get some wii motes as they had 6 but im just as likly to get nothing. Sure uill be a little bummed out but whatever
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