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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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So the seminal hip hop song White Lines (Don't Do It) about the dangers of cocaine, addiction, and drug smuggling WASN'T conceived as an anti-drug song?

Last Night a Dj Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey said:
The song was co-written by Melle Mel and Sylvia Robinson. Originally, it was intended to be an ironic celebration of a cocaine-fueled party lifestyle, but it was abridged with the "don't do it" message as an anti-cocaine song as a concession to commercial considerations

Hell, even not so rich ones become arrogant like fish and blow. They must love the sound of their own voice.
Do you have some offending material from Blow? I actually enjoy most of the stuff I read about him, even though I think Braid was a glorified NewGrounds flash game with little enjoyment to be had.
Fish on the other hand is a complete toss pot. Fez doesn't seem worth my while, but I will be reading reviews to see what the deal is that puts it above similar, free, games available on the PC.



Five weeks into this stupid unity project.

It's coming along smashingly.

Nobody else on my team has done anything. :(


Oh hell yeah I am all over that. Missed it in the last sale so super happy to get it now.

Also, the amazing and all-round Mr Nice Guy CryptiK hooked me up with Dota 2. First time playing any of these types of games. Am I already dead? Will expletives be filling my screen?

Clearing out my bedroom and amazed at the amount of PC Powerplay, GamesTM, and Edge magazines I've amassed over the years. I don't want to throw them out, but I don't want to keep them either. There's probably 40 magazines minimum. Suggestions?

Edit: shit, Game Informer and Hyper too. There's 56 so far, and about 10-20 more at work. DAMN.

Agyar and/or Rez(bit?)! What is that app for tracking calories and exercise. So I have a nice visual indication of if I have burnt more than I have taken in today.

Also AdBlock is now taking out ads and replacing them with pictures of Cats. It even asks if you just want to have nothing. I have chosen to keep the cats.
Before anyone whines, I DO have NeoGAF on my green list. I am currently looking at ads for wedding invitations & stationary since the fiancée has been trawling the internet for wedding related information. Better than health insurance I guess. EDIT:
Also now have PerthCity: Get to know me, down the bottom ???

Clearing out my bedroom and amazed at the amount of PC Powerplay, GamesTM and Edge magazines I've amassed over the years. I don't want to throw them out, but I don't want to keep them either. There's probably 40 magazines minimum. Suggestions?
Donate them to your local library so the kids of today can see the wonders of yesteryear.

I would take them but postage would be astronomical since I can't abuse free AAE any more.
Before anyone whines, I DO have NeoGAF on my green list. I am currently looking at ads for wedding invitations & stationary since the fiancée has been trawling the internet for wedding related information. Better than health insurance I guess. EDIT:
Also now have PerthCity: Get to know me, down the bottom ???

After the hilarious ads I've previously seen on gaf (Cambell Newman spider, creepy "what will your baby look like" baby) how could you NOT like gaf ads. Its also not like they get in the way or anything, unlike many websites (youtube).


I want a tag give me a tag
A Saturday? Might work out okay, get in before lunch and have a bevy of beers and nibbles. Not sure if I am free that weekend though. I also just bought my wedding band so not sure if I can afford it either >_<

I'm happy to have some people around my tiny apartment for drinks and xboxing or something to make it cheaper if people would prefer that


Do you have some offending material from Blow? I actually enjoy most of the stuff I read about him, even though I think Braid was a glorified NewGrounds flash game with little enjoyment to be had.
Fish on the other hand is a complete toss pot. Fez doesn't seem worth my while, but I will be reading reviews to see what the deal is that puts it above similar, free, games available on the PC.

Blow came out in support of fish's outburst last I heard.


How bout you do some kind of competition on BTC or FWC?

Zynga bought out OMGPOP. OMGPOP employees were offered a contract to stay with Zynga/OMGPOP as long as they gave up any games they currently had for sale/had developed. One dude had made a game for his grandmother years ago, before he took a job at OMGPOP and had put it up on the iTunes store for $1 or something. He decided to look for another job rather than give Zynga all rights to his old game and wrote about it on his blog (or maybe it was an interview?). He was VERY clear that he wasn't forced into anything though and some shitty rag blew it up to make it seem like Zynga were forcing him to hand it over.

At the same time the CEO of OMGPOP acts like an entitled douchebag. Similar to Rovio dude. This is what happens when fads that little developers create at the right time, in the right place catch fire. People who don't have the capabilities to function like an educated human being in the business world find themselves swimming in cash and contacts. We be interesting to see how long the bubble continues to float.
Thanks, appreciate that! I get the feeling that we'll see a LOT of these sorts of "CEOs" appear before their bubble bursts and their world comes crashing down. I also suspect that the people to pick up the pieces in the industry would be sorts who'd be capable of getting a Kickstarter project happening. Where you can actually see passion and their investment rather than the idea that a buck game that provides 5min of entertainment will make you a star.
Pretty sure Notch sits firmly in that camp and certainly hasn't let it get to his head, a la Rovio etc.

Previously mentioned So the seminal hip hop song [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Lines_(Don%27t_Don%27t_Do_It)#cite_note-2"]White Lines (Don't Do It) about the dangers of cocaine, addiction, and drug smuggling WASN'T conceived as an anti-drug song?
I love awesome, random trivia like that. Thanks again!

Do you have some offending material from Blow? I actually enjoy most of the stuff I read about him, even though I think Braid was a glorified NewGrounds flash game with little enjoyment to be had.
Fish on the other hand is a complete toss pot. Fez doesn't seem worth my while, but I will be reading reviews to see what the deal is that puts it above similar, free, games available on the PC.
I just find it amusing that you're talking about a song that glamorises cocaine use in the 80s, then go on to discuss a developer named "Blow".

Yes, ladies and gentlemen... I AM that immature.


Crysis 2 at GMG for $8.99 (US VPN needed)


In a dream world Notch would buy out rovio and zynga, then sack every one of them EA style, before using the funds to resurrect black isle, reunite real Rare and buy their independence, and get a proper 2D speedball sequel.


You probably can't kick members out of your team. Just screw them over when it comes to filling in those peer assessment/ group contribution forms.

If it's a real issue, dob on them to the lecturer asap lol.


I wouldn't be above dobbing them in. Fuck letting lazy cunts take advantage of people who put in the work.
Yeah, but it's really a last resort thing. Most lecturers don't give a crap since uni students are supposed to be old enough to deal with these issues themselves.


That's absolute rubbish. You can't kick them off the team and you can't make them participate, so they get a free ride? Sounds like the real world there. Work for a game production house with your feet up on the table doing nothing and see how long you last.

Kicking them off your team should be a totally fair solution if they're not prepared to put in.


Super Meat Boy is coming to iOS.

Now if anything was going to be an April Fool's, that is surely it, right?

What next - steel battalion with kinect?! WoW on GBA? Elite IV on anything?


so they get a free ride?
They won't. You just assign them low contribution when doing peer assessment, or whatever kritz's uni does for group assignments. So, if kritz's group gets 5/5 for their work, the dudes that do nothing get 1/5.


The larger problem is that nobody responds to my emails. Every day or whatever I'll send out the newest build ( by the way ) or see if anyone's made -anything-, and I don't get a response. Last week one of my teammates showed me his email, with my emails marked as unread, and he told me I was "clogging up" his email account. :\

But I have absolutely no experience with modelling or 3D animation and quite frankly I need some grunts to just shit out assets for me. One team member has been dealing with a family emergency, so hopefully once he's done with that I don't have to code the entire game myself.

Got about seven weeks left. It'll only take me a few hours to get this combat system at a "functional" state, hopefully. Then just refinements...


If everyone but Kritz gives the others 5/5 ( so this could be the first non-5/5 Kritz has given, lol), then Kritz may just look like a grump and they get off scott-free?
I'm happy to have some people around my tiny apartment for drinks and xboxing or something to make it cheaper if people would prefer that
The no cash thing was more about the $80 round trip train ticket :(
I need a Centrelink card again, those days were awesome.

Blow came out in support of fish's outburst last I heard.
Lots of people seem to be in support of him, hell even that Giant Bomb guy is like best friends with him and says it is fine for him to be rude and dickish to people. Worst thing is that everyone acts as if Fish is the only guy who has worked on Fez, even the white knights don't bother to mention that it is more than just Fish who has "sweated blood and tears" to bring out an indie game.

Also the more I look into Fez the less I can find for people to get so hyped about? Especially after already playing this.

I just find it amusing that you're talking about a song that glamorises cocaine use in the 80s, then go on to discuss a developer named "Blow".

Crysis 2 at GMG for $8.99 (US VPN needed)
Here is the proper Gamasutra piece about OMGPOP/Zynga thing before it got sensationalised by a certain rag.

It didn't actually glamorise it, they intended to but rewrote the song once the record company got involved.
Ticket to ride, white line highway
Tell all your friends, they can go my way
Pay your toll, sell your soul
Pound for pound costs more than gold
The longer you stay, the more you pay
My white lines go a long way
Either up your nose or through your vein
With nothin to gain except killin' your brain

Also Crysis 2 has been $10 on Amazon a few times if the GMG deal doesn't work.

In a dream world Notch would buy out rovio and zynga, then sack every one of them EA style, before using the funds to resurrect black isle, reunite real Rare and buy their independence, and get a proper 2D speedball sequel.
I thought the Bitmap Brothers were still releasing new versions? They recently did Speedball 2 Evolution on phones.

Just make it clear when you hand it in you did it all.
Since Kritz is a quirky guy I am sure he has some kind of running joke with his teachers, just insert some kind of reference into every single asset you create so it is obvious that it is all your work. Also send constant emails to your team members telling them to put in an effort and then print them all out and give them to the teacher along with the project since usually there is a requirement to show the communication during the project.

Careful, bastards took Darkness 2 off me because I used a VPN to get it
GMG did or Origin/Steam?
The larger problem is that nobody responds to my emails. Every day or whatever I'll send out the newest build ( by the way ) or see if anyone's made -anything-, and I don't get a response. Last week one of my teammates showed me his email, with my emails marked as unread, and he told me I was "clogging up" his email account. :\

But I have absolutely no experience with modelling or 3D animation and quite frankly I need some grunts to just shit out assets for me. One team member has been dealing with a family emergency, so hopefully once he's done with that I don't have to code the entire game myself.

Got about seven weeks left. It'll only take me a few hours to get this combat system at a "functional" state, hopefully. Then just refinements...

Yeah, I think you need to take this to a higher authority.


Welcome to uni. Everyone does nothing till the last day before it's due.
Basically lol. It worked out well for my degree! :D

But in kritz's case, you probably can't make a game in 3 days lol.

Kritz, try getting your team to meet. Like, find them during class, organise meetings, hassle the shit out of them. I wouldn't escalate this yet, you've got 7 weeks left after all.


Kritz, you need to change "winter is coming" on your banners to "wooden gourds are coming".

I have just been more helpful than his entire team.


Lots of people seem to be in support of him, hell even that Giant Bomb guy is like best friends with him and says it is fine for him to be rude and dickish to people. Worst thing is that everyone acts as if Fish is the only guy who has worked on Fez, even the white knights don't bother to mention that it is more than just Fish who has "sweated blood and tears" to bring out an indie game.

Also the more I look into Fez the less I can find for people to get so hyped about? Especially after already playing this.

No surprise to see the more obnoxious elements of the internet supporting Fish and his outburst. Giantbomb, jim sterling, all the microsoft mouthpieces, omgpop, that destructoid fuck, joystiq/kotaku/ign/gamespot etc etc. Not that all of them are implicated in this, just throwing out names of industry people who really do everything they can to come across as unprofessional and sycophantic when it suits.

I thought the Bitmap Brothers were still releasing new versions? They recently did Speedball 2 Evolution on phones.

I want a real Speedball with real controls and the Brutal Deluxe music that is in licensing hell because the guy who composed it and owns the rights died. Which is a shame. Although I think the licensing issue was around before he died.

fake edit in real time: I'm off to move my car. Looks like hail soon. greenish sky.


I've successfully organized a meetup sometime tomorrow ( I did this during our last tutorial ). I have a three hour gap, and so does everyone else. Hopefully something gets done.

Kritz, you need to change "winter is coming" on your banners to "wooden gourds are coming".

I have just been more helpful than his entire team.

lol >_<

It's taken me longer to model a T-posing wizard than code the entire game, so for now I'll let little capsule planks replace what will hopefully be a wonderfully animated goblin by the animation part of the team!

By the way, if anyone has any feedback on how the game's controlling that'd be cool. Might as well try to fix things now rather than later. Considering I spent pretty much all of thursday and friday making my own camera movement and character controls, after finding I didn't like Unity's default ones. Which was more an exercise in learning how to code in Unity's version of C#, but y'know.

If I remember I'll post weekly builds here so people can watch this game progress, maybe.
I don't have a PSVita yet so
As a special thank you for being a loyal Inside PS Vita subscriber you can download a brand new Unit 13 theme to your PlayStation®3. The voucher code will also enable you to download the exclusive Resistance: Burning Skies&#8482;, LittleBigPlanet&#8482; and Little Deviants&#8482; themes from PlayStation®Store.
Code as follows

Domino's. Get 2 pizzas for the price of 1. DON'T order the Aussie or anything with the "egg" on it.

I'm buying Connectrode on iOS because of my flimsy system of superficial beliefs and because something something Zynga are evil.
If it was on Android I would buy a copy for myself and the fiancée. Seems like the kind of thing she would love.

Not that all of them are implicated in this, just throwing out names of industry people who really do everything they can to come across as unprofessional and sycophantic when it suits.
Seems to be the backlash to gamers wanting their media to be more professional, a lot of media people now say fuck it and just act up for clicks because of how the system works. As long as they suck up to publishers in certain ways they can rip on the occasional game in order to stay in the fanboys good books and enjoy the clicks. Being professional like Chris Kohler is less reqarding than fanning fanboy flames and super duper over hyping the odd release that the big publishers want in exchange for hanging shit on their lesser (usually funded more by the developers than the publisher, say for instance Alice 2 or SotD) games that they don't give a fuck about and don't care if they bomba as it gives them an excuse to tell the developers to fuck off.

(sorry still a little cranky about PS3 Skyrim)


I still don't buy the Official Industry Narrative that Japanese games are rubbish and Western games are creative nirvana. Maybe if you play a new military fps every three days perhaps, but creative gaming is surely not a monopoly held by Ubisoft, ea, Activision, take 2 or Bethesda. In fact its found everywhere but those places.

Games media are just doing pr for studios with high operating costs, hence the Official Industry Narrative .


My wife asked an interesting question today, I couldn't answer it.

What game have you played recently you would replay.


Kid Icarus


But you know, I'm still playing both of these, so I don't know if they count.

Sitting here at the Molyjam watching games being played on a projector. It's pretty interesting, but the yank games will still probably be crazier.
Both Japanese games too Jintor. Point made!

I still don't buy the Official Industry Narrative that Japanese games are rubbish and Western games are creative nirvana. Maybe if you play a new military fps every three days perhaps, but creative gaming is surely not a monopoly held by Ubisoft, ea, Activision, take 2 or Bethesda. In fact its found everywhere but those places.
This generation has had tons of awesome Japanese games. Great diversification. Not to mention all the publishers have studios in Japan or China for certain things.

My wife asked an interesting question today, I couldn't answer it.

What game have you played recently you would replay.
Don't you constantly play Football Manager? Couldn't that be considered replaying. Also I think Deus Ex 3 was great enough that you would replay it in a few years time.

I am still going back through MW3 campaign. Also currently replaying Minerva's Den/Bioshock 2.
Finally got around to eating my dinner. Quarter Pounder BLT. Turns out they put a bun and two patties in the bag. >_<

This is why people fucking hate Arts students.

EDIT: Still managed to put fucking pickles in it. Arseholes. Next time I am in drive thru (which shouldn't be for months since this was meant to be a last meal type deal with fast food) I will take my time to check every single item I ordered and berate them if they dare to question me holding up the line to check for their incompetence.
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