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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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In the public school corner. Don't come near us private schoolers, we've got knives.

Rollercoaster Tycoon is more like Transport Tycoon than Railroad Tycoon. Both are massive time sinks but I'd have to say TT is probably the better game. Making a successful park built around a crazy rollercoaster though is bliss.


lol no. I will be kind this time and say don't buy it since you haven't played your other purchase yet. If you like RC2 and want a version with updated graphics then the $20 might be a good drop, you can easily get 100 hours out of these games.
Oh, thank FUCK. Thank you. I think this is the first time you've spared me. First time in recent memory, anyway.

Oh guys, I just read this on another forum. There's probably an OT on it already, I haven't looked:

GreyWizzard said:
New Sonic & All-Star Racing due out soon. It borrows heavily from MK7 with transforming vehicles, but it has Vyse and Gillius Thunderhead plus a Panzer Dragoon stage.

There is a trailer but I have limited net access...

Last game was excellent.

cloud said:
Handling is still that same blend of Mario Kart and OutRun, but with a little more heft to it – perhaps down to the involvement of lead designer Gareth Wilson, who worked on Blur and Project Gotham Racing during his time at Bizarre Creations.
:run: :run: :run:
sfhadulghrulihregrehpgrehuvbherliuq INTO MY VEINS

Edit: Said thread. Hold me.

Golden Axe's Gilius Thunderhead – who was originally planned for inclusion in the original – gets to ride a Ray Harryhausen-esque bronze creature that morphs into a turtle and an eagle.


Demolition Man shit, right there. Zones ?

I went to Citrique the other night for dinner. Walked out pretty unhappy. Rude service, bad smell from the trout and too many people packed too near each other.

The food itself was great but couldn't overcome the bad dining experience.

Oh, and the name is terrible. I kept reading it as critique.

First year of uni was a disgusting bath of fleshy body parts. Or maybe that was just because I was always drunk and gravitated towards other people being fun drunks.

Also living on residence. So much incest. Never poop where you sleep, especially don't have sex with it.

Also everyone and everything is different! The thread is silly because it is not accurate. Only anecdotes.

lol, my uni experience has been significantly less erm.... drunken. so far. But yeah, sex with someone you barely know seems off. I have no idea how people do it.
lol, my uni experience has been significantly less erm.... drunken sex filled. so far. But yeah, sex with someone you barely know seems off. I have no idea how people do it.

Alcohol. And being in a new environment out on your own feeling vulnerable and needy. Need to feel that human connection yo.

One night stands are pretty straight forward and usually both parties make it 100% obvious from first glance. Usually.


Yay, Lego R2-D2 is out! It's tough, but I'm going to need to wait for another fortnight to buy it, though. It looks like my Walmart copy of Diablo III Collector's Edition might exist after all, so I'll try to get them shipped together.

And for those too lazy to click the link, here's the amazing 2,127 pieces of awesome:

I'll be getting it, but not until June.


I dont hate bayonetta, but I would feel extremely awkward playing it and having someone else walk in on the opening scene.

Handling is still that same blend of Mario Kart and OutRun, but with a little more heft to it – perhaps down to the involvement of lead designer Gareth Wilson, who worked on Blur and Project Gotham Racing during his time at Bizarre Creations.


I say this as someone who played PGR2 to death online. PGR3 and 4 were poo, had rubbish handling and no balance to the career mode.

I dont miss the series one bit. I miss PGR2, but I dont want PGR5.


I remember feeling awkward playing Tomb Raider when other people came in the room. How times change!

Tomb Raider nowadays is a hell of a lot more grounded in reality - even the pre-reboot entries. Bayonetta in presentation terms is ... intimidating?

It would be as bad as someone walking in on the FFX "HA HA HA HA HA" scene.


My friends were cracking up so hard at the opening cinematic to Bayonetta.

I guess it depends on what media your friends have seen before. All I know is that if my wife walked in on me playing bayonetta, she would give me a big "what the fuck is that?" look.


I guess it depends on what media your friends have seen before. All I know is that if my wife walked in on me playing bayonetta, she would give me a big "what the fuck is that?" look.

Oh, yeah. I still felt super embarrassed. "I only play it for the gameplay!" is the new "I read it for the articles"...


Oh, yeah. I still felt super embarrassed. "I only play it for the gameplay!" is the new "I read it for the articles"...


I could easily justify bayonetta with a simple line: "its the same guys who made vanquish".

But without any context, someone walking in on bayonetta would likely have some questions to ask.



I could easily justify bayonetta with a simple line: "its the same guys who made vanquish".

But without any context, someone walking in on bayonetta would likely have some questions to ask.

It's amazing how desensitised you become to it though. After a while I was less concerned with all her clothes coming off than I was with the amount of damage each weave was doing, or the amount of buttons I needed to hit to get to a weave, etc.

You play a game enough, all the aesthetics melt into gameplay systems.
I had the Jalapeno & Cheddar ones last week. So good!

Had a pack of the Chilli & Lime this afternoon. Pretty good!

Have a pack of the 3 cheese waiting for me. Hope it's good!


Eh Bayo wasn't that awkward to play, had no problems with it. Jint you should probably be more embarrassed about that other game you play/played a lot of recently-ish:p

Let me know what the 3 cheese one tastes like rooster!!


I am fucking proud of Katawa Shoujo and the time I spent playing it. That game has more integrity than almost everything else in the business. It's an absolutely pure labour of love.
I am fucking proud of Katawa Shoujo and the time I spent playing it. That game has more integrity than almost everything else in the business. It's an absolutely pure labour of love.

My saves got deleted when my laptop melted ;.; I've been meaning to go back and finish it.

erm... just as a side note, is it an ecchi game? I never got that far, so erm...
I have a club nintendo code from a professor Layton game, anyone know how long they're valid for?

First dibs on it to Reptile for sending me Once Upon a Monster but if he doesn't want it I seem to remember someone needed one for gold nunchucks.


For a while I have thought these were the best chips on the Australian market.

No longer:

Ehhhh.... ahh... I dunno. They're *good*, but I don't know if they can topple lime or black pepper. Or sweet chilli Grain Waves. Or Safeway's home-brand Grain Wave equivalent with roast onion and rosemary. Seriously, the latter are pretty much THE BEST. Or the sweet chilli GW's, depending on what day it is.


Set it to skip in the options menu. It'll fast-forward through everything until it hits a decision point, and you should be able to click to stop it.


The H-scenes in Katawa Shoujo are actually good and add to the story instead of just being there for the sake of it, so I'm ok with them.

Dead Man

Ehhhh.... ahh... I dunno. They're *good*, but I don't know if they can topple lime or black pepper. Or sweet chilli Grain Waves. Or Safeway's home-brand Grain Wave equivalent with roast onion and rosemary. Seriously, the latter are pretty much THE BEST. Or the sweet chilli GW's, depending on what day it is.

I don't even know you any more.

I will have to try these grain waves
Yeah the process getting to yakju was pretty seamless. Make sure you do an 'adb pull /sdcard/ C:\phonebackup' before you start to backup all your content (then an 'adb push C:\phonebackup /sdcard/' after to get it back), plus also do a full phone backup. Not sure how to do it using adb, but if you use this you can do a full backup/restore of apps and their settings.

Yep, I'm referring to these so should be all good:

Full Phone Backup without Unlock or Root

Convert to latest yakju/takju build (from any other build) / Return to stock
Not a fan of lime at all. Can't eat them in chip for at all. No problem with a lime in a beer but in powdered form they make me want to vomit.

Max Payne 3 already has a season pass with SEVEN multiplayer map packs. :/ Also if New York Minute is DLC only I will rage (if I even end up buying it)

I have a club nintendo code from a professor Layton game, anyone know how long they're valid for?

First dibs on it to Reptile for sending me Once Upon a Monster but if he doesn't want it I seem to remember someone needed one for gold nunchucks.
If no-one needs it for a tier gift I would love to grab it, I only need a couple more for the Nunchuck too but I'm not sure what I will grab yet.


I am writing to let you know that we have received reports on your essay from two consultant specialists. Since the readers did not concur in their recommendations, we have sent the essay out to another reader. We hope to have the referee’s report within four to six weeks, and we will be in touch with you again as soon as the article and reports are back with us.

I am dying, Egypt, dying. This is such a brain-annihilating process.


I played Bayonetta and Catherine from start to finish in front of my gf and didn't care.

I want to play that Katawa Shoujo game, but from the sounds of it I don't think I would play it in front of the gf! :p

I need to work out how to get it on my Touchpad...


I just caved and pre-ordered Leisure Suit Larry via the Kickstarter after all. I was probably going to get the game anyway, but it's going to come very close to their stretch goal. If they make $28k in the next 18 hours, then we get:
Larry Kickstarter update said:
Now, here's the big one: at the $650,000 level, we're doing something that will change the face of Larry forever (if only!): we're adding a new location, new puzzles, and a new girl with her own storyline! Is this the infamous female character that Al was forced to cut from the original 1987 version of Leisure Suit Larry 1? Or am I just making that up entirely to add a sense of mystery? Your guess is as good as mine!
The game costs $15 and is essentially just a pre-order, so if you perhaps want a better game, consider adding your pledge now.

To see how close they are to the $650k level, look at this page rather than Kickstarter. You can also pledge via Paypal using that link.


I want a tag give me a tag
My tram has faulty brakes and its raining and I was meant to be at a meeting 20 minutes ago.

And now we've sat stationary for nearly 8 minutes.
I am dying, Egypt, dying. This is such a brain-annihilating process.
Those consultants need to feed their kids man! Expect another 3 or 4 to not be able to come to a conclusion until the Consultants Union decided they have milked it for all it is worth.

I just caved and pre-ordered Leisure Suit Larry via the Kickstarter after all. I was probably going to get the game anyway, but it's going to come very close to their stretch goal. If they make $28k in the next 18 hours, then we get:

The game costs $15 and is essentially just a pre-order, so if you perhaps want a better game, consider adding your pledge now.

To see how close they are to the $650k level, look at this page rather than Kickstarter. You can also pledge via Paypal using that link.
Everybody do this! Game looks great and they are passionate as shit about it. They do tons of updates and interviews on the Kickstarter so go have a read!

It is cold, wet, feel like shit and deadline approaches like a freight train so can't take the day off, fucking.
Start of the month now so my deadline has passed! I get a few days of breathing calmly (aside from now being able to stress about organising a wedding) until going back to panicking next week.
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