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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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nice of people to stick DVD's and crap in my letterbox despite the no junk mail sign

this was today's haul. why put one pamphlet telling us we're going to hell when three will do?



ESCAPE FROM HELL. You will believe.

No seriously, we sent a camera crew there to film the spanning realm of Lucifer himself. Totally legit proof.


I've always wondered if you can just put that stuff in a church mailbox or something.

Why aren't there e-ink word processors? Besides the crazy refresh rate sucking, I mean.
Vodafail has me still stuck on 4.0.1 :(

Not anymore, I'm flashing stock yakzu tonight.
Yeah the process getting to yakju was pretty seamless. Make sure you do an 'adb pull /sdcard/ C:\phonebackup' before you start to backup all your content (then an 'adb push C:\phonebackup /sdcard/' after to get it back), plus also do a full phone backup. Not sure how to do it using adb, but if you use this you can do a full backup/restore of apps and their settings.


oh look a coalition scandal

Pyne had drinks with Slipper accuser

JESSICA WRIGHT 3:58pm | Coalition frontbencher spent two hours with James Ashby a month before the staffer lodged court documents against Speaker.

yes Pyne, you're an arsehole
I googled jessica wright and she has lots of cleavage pictures. Not sure I believe her. everyone knows people reporting in politics only wear turtlenecks or conservative clothing.

edit: im fairly sure its not who google showed up as


So while you lot have been complaining about coles (fuck em), games journalists as if such a thing exists (except Retro Gamer who are tops), josh Kennedy injured (probably tripping over twinkle toes when practicing goal kicking) - I've been driving. For 7 hours, since 6am.

If I had a dollar for every kilometre I drove today, I could buy a launch PS2.

Thankfully I'm home now.


I remember you asked for suggestions for roadtrip music. Any feedback on the AusGAF selections?

I feel guilty that I didn't get time to go shopping for them, and couldn't find any of the few suggestions I remembered to look for.

I did however buy the remaster of Dark Side of the Moon, having never listened to it before.

I rate it quite highly.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
So while you lot have been complaining about coles (fuck em), games journalists as if such a thing exists (except Retro Gamer who are tops), josh Kennedy injured (probably tripping over twinkle toes when practicing goal kicking) - I've been driving. For 7 hours, since 6am.

If I had a dollar for every kilometre I drove today, I could buy a launch PS2.

Thankfully I'm home now.

I like long drives.

It better not be on Sunday, VOOK...

Nope a Thursday :)


I feel guilty that I didn't get time to go shopping for them, and couldn't find any of the few suggestions I remembered to look for.

I did however buy the remaster of Dark Side of the Moon, having never listened to it before.

I rate it quite highly.

Did you get the one with the second live disc?

It's pretty awesome to have an official 1974 performance of DSotM.


I'll have to check. Its a 2cd version I think, but I only dug out one disc whilst loading up the cd player.

If it's the new remasters, then the second disc will be a live set of the album.

Same thing with Wish You Were Here, but the live songs are different than the album.


If it's the new remasters, then the second disc will be a live set of the album.

Same thing with Wish You Were Here, but the live songs are different than the album.

Cool sticks. I'd go and check now to confirm if I really needed to know, but Im too knackered to get back in the car today. :)


New Dead Letter Circus single on Triple J. Not bad. Very light, very vocal focused. Not great, need the bombastic guitars from the first EP. They were just as good as Cog when I saw them on the post-release tour for The New Normal.

oh damn i missed it! Hopefully they'll put it up on youtube soon

Dead Man

oh look a coalition scandal

Pyne had drinks with Slipper accuser

JESSICA WRIGHT 3:58pm | Coalition frontbencher spent two hours with James Ashby a month before the staffer lodged court documents against Speaker.

yes Pyne, you're an arsehole
There are so many things I hope Pyne did at that lunch. So, so many.
Perfection in cartoon form.
Me First's cover of nearly everything > the original song.


There are so many things I hope Pyne did at that lunch. So, so many.

He's denied phoning him, but sadly I doubt he will either volunteer or be compelled to surrender phone records.

He clearly fucken did.

"Pass the time of day" - you smug little bastard.

Dead Man

He's denied phoning him, but sadly I doubt he will either volunteer or be compelled to surrender phone records.

He clearly fucken did.

He took the bumsecks to get the guy to dob in Slipper, I know it, you know it, we all know it.

Fucking Christopher Pyne. I hate that guy. Sleazy little fuck.


Dead Man already knows this, but god fucking damn do I hate christian fundie schools. Bunch of hypocritic misogynistic, racist, homophobic bigoted anti-democratic government money stealing FUCKS.


My Christian school was remarkably chill, really.

Just some daft songs, handclaps, vague warnings that too much sex* would ruin sex itself.

*They really needn't have worried.


I went to a christian brothers (catholic) school
no touching there

Thankfully we had decent science teachers, great physics teachers and biology was only ever taught in view of evolution. None of this make believe fantasy creationist garbage. We even had comparative religion classes of hinduism, islam and buddhism. There was sex ed, although I can't quite recall if family planning and protected sex were discussed. I think they may have been, since it was never controversial to hear about later on.

I still resent the mandatory RE classes though. Valuable time was wasted which could better have been spent on philosophy, maths, electronics, geology and all sorts of other potential electives that get overlooked.

I wonder if there are any private schools that are secular in nature, which attract good quality teachers and resources? That's the kind of stuff I'd pay for for any future kids I may have.

(Although I do agree, private schools should be privately funded - not gov't funded).
Ive been doing some volunteering teaching migrant English. I'm really enjoying it, it's so rewarding. I feel like I should get a better grasp of English grammar though. Japanese grammar makes sense, English does not. No one seems to think I'm old enough to be doing it though ;.; the tesol teacher I was working with couldn't believe I was older then 15 =/ some lady told me off last week for being out so late on a school night too. Getting kind of weirded out...


I went to a christian (uniting church) school. It was actually quite good in the way it handled religion.

Instead of doing 'religion' as a subject, we instead did 'faith and values' which just taught basic life skills and values (compassion, sharing, all that jazz) thats applicable across any religion.

By year 11/12 the school starts organising excursions to churches, mosques, synagogues, etc to give us a chance to experience different religions. I thought its a pretty balanced way to educate, especially considering even though it was a christian school, you didnt need to be christian to send your kids there.


I get the impression that most religious schools are pretty normal and well rounded and not the browbeating kind. I get what Vince is saying about mandatory RE classes being a bit of a waste, but the high school with the best academic results for the last 15 years in NSW has mandatory agriculture.


One of my devoutly atheist friends did a teaching prac at a christian school. Given that this is someone who has written geology papers on "Why Creationism is a Crock of Shit" (direct quote) I found it amusing when he had to go to a Calvinist christian school for 8 weeks.

One of his best stories was coming across some kids fighting in the playground, a few of whom had singled one kid out calling him names like "f***tt" (not sure if its against ToS to write that pejorative term for homosexuals).

This guy wen up to the kids and said something like "Now, that's not a very Christ like thing to say, is it? Wasnt Jesus someone who cared for all the outcasts in society, like lepers and prostitutes and so on? Surely he wouldnt be attacking the outcasts if they were gay, would he?"

I'm impressed he managed to rationalise it in such terms. The guy is obviously a class-A bullshit artist to make it stated in clearly religious terms, even though he does genuinely believe that discrimination is wrong.


I get the impression that most religious schools are pretty normal and well rounded and not the browbeating kind. I get what Vince is saying about mandatory RE classes being a bit of a waste, but the high school with the best academic results for the last 15 years in NSW has mandatory agriculture.
But aren't people at James Ruse all super smart to begin with? The entrance test is super hard. I doubt the quality of teaching/ what they teach is the reason they do so well.


But aren't people at James Ruse all super smart to begin with? The entrance test is super hard.
It's the same entrance test for the other selective schools that don't have mandatory fairly non academic related classes. They are super smart to begin with though, for sure.
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