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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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If its fine to rip into wii for lack of online games, its fair game to criticise the lack of working single player modes elsewhere.


Also: Ygritte aaaaaaaaaaah. So amazing.

I need to start watching the show.

shanshan310 said:
Neither of the lecturers made any indication that they were listening. One of them was writing the whole time, and the other figeting with the script. It was just an "erm what was the line..?" followed by a face palm. I really REALLY don't like speaking assessment. Guess I pick the wrong major :p
Ya I always stuffed up my speaking tests. Our tests were 2 students vs 1 lecturer done in private, so less stressful. The best was when we had to do a dialogue about gifts or childhood or something. Anyway, the other person finished their speech about her grandmother so it was my turn to ask questions about it in japanese.

And since I wasn't really paying attention I asked something simple:

"Oh, so where does your Grandma live?"
"Errr, tengoku"
"Oh, where's tengoku?"

teacher intervenes. Ohhhhhh woops, my bad lol!


Hopefully he only lasts a few minutes...





Is this an attempt to change the subject back to Diablo 3?

Also me trying to play SSBB online disagrees with your statement.

Eh, if you play the master race card, you better make sure its damn near infallible.

I make no bones about SSBB being (allegedly) bad online. Ive heard it is, but Ive never tried it, never gotten into it, but I dont dispute the claim. It is primarily a single player game though. For other wii online games like mario kart, Ive never had any dramas with it. In fact, Ive had far less issues with that than a lot of xbox live games.

Diablo as a series has always been a single player game. No doubt it has had multiplayer too - but it has always had very solid solo campaigns until now.

edit: wait, did you just compare lag in SSBB online versus Diablo 3 solo? There is the hint of inference there in your statement.


Eh, if you play the master race card, you better make sure its damn near infallible.

I make no bones about SSBB being (allegedly) bad online. Ive heard it is, but Ive never tried it, never gotten into it, but I dont dispute the claim. It is primarily a single player game though. For other wii online games like mario kart, Ive never had any dramas with it. In fact, Ive had far less issues with that than a lot of xbox live games.

Diablo as a series has always been a single player game. No doubt it has had multiplayer too - but it has always had very solid solo campaigns until now.

edit: wait, did you just compare lag in SSBB online versus Diablo 3 solo?

Um, I actually don't care at all about arguing anything Diablo 3. You're the one that brought up Diablo 3 by replying to my post. I compared nothing, just saying that "Wii games that have online functions that can be played online" is false when one of the biggest MP game on the system has a pretty big failure of an online mode. The whole Wii online system is dreadful with the 3DS only being slightly better.


Um, I actually don't care at all about arguing anything Diablo 3. You're the one that brought up Diablo 3 by replying to my post. I compared nothing, just saying that "Wii games that have online functions that can be played online" is false when one of the biggest MP game on the system has a pretty big failure of an online mode. The whole Wii online system is dreadful with the 3DS only being slightly better.

I guess the difference is that with wii online, expectations have always been pretty low. That's not the case elsewhere. Could you imagine the uproar if CoD or Halo next had inbuilt 200ms+ lag for multiplayer?
A Geelong Grammar School student is suing the school because she didn't get into law at Uni of Sydney. LOL.
Of her time at Geelong Grammar, she said: ''I didn't ever feel I was getting the support I needed to really excel.''
Her mother, Elizabeth Weir, is also suing the school for lost income and other expenses.
She said she gave up her chocolate fortune cookie business - which she had expected to make $450,000 over three years - because her daughter moved from Geelong to live with her in New South Wales.
She is also seeking compensation for $39,000 in rent paid when they moved to another house in Sydney.

.... Just do a year of arts and transfer when you get a higher GPA like everyone else?

Ya I always stuffed up my speaking tests. Our tests were 2 students vs 1 lecturer done in private, so less stressful. The best was when we had to do a dialogue about gifts or childhood or something. Anyway, the other person finished their speech about her grandmother so it was my turn to ask questions about it in japanese.

And since I wasn't really paying attention I asked something simple:

"Oh, so where does your Grandma live?"
"Errr, tengoku"
"Oh, where's tengoku?"

teacher intervenes. Ohhhhhh woops, my bad lol!

oh dear >< Nevermind. I guess unless you know tengoku it kinda just sounds like it could be a place name.

Dead Man

Blizzard should have just called it an mmo from the start. People would have known what to expect then.

Edit: Well, maybe not mmo, maybe just an online multiplayer game.


and so I bought Diablo III.

That didn't take much prodding at all.

Peer pressure from friends and way back in high school - no effect.

Peer pressure gaming? That works fine on me on the PC.


Hai Guise, I went and picked up DIABLO 3 as well. I couldn't handle not being involved!

Just kidding.
How much, how awesome and why? Practical reasons or just gamming? I need something decent to record music stuff at home.

Also, that Geelong chick. Sounds like she's someone who'd have a hyphenated-surname. Has no case, either.

Also also, just bought some moar cheese and pepper RRD chips. Self control FTL.


Also also, just bought some moar cheese and pepper RRD chips. Self control FTL.
I need to stock up!! I was at a smaller coles the other day and they only had three cheese:(

Settled for some normal rrds. Got a pack of roast chili and a balsamic vinegar, both of which I had not tried yet. They're alright, but I think I'm gonna be defaulting to those corn chips for a while!
and so I bought Diablo III.

That didn't take much prodding at all.

Peer pressure from friends and way back in high school - no effect.

Peer pressure gaming? That works fine on me on the PC.

I saw it at Dick Smith for $59 today and really thought about it. But this whole always online thing shits me. That's cool if I want people dropping in and out but I've always played Diablo alone and don't feel the need to change that.

Single player lag is even more bullshit. I'm with Vince on this one.

If that's the future of pc gaming I'm suddenly pretty dubious. Whatever problems they have you can at least play consoles without an internet connection


I need to stock up!! I was at a smaller coles the other day and they only had three cheese:(

Settled for some normal rrds. Got a pack of roast chili and a balsamic vinegar, both of which I had not tried yet. They're alright, but I think I'm gonna be defaulting to those corn chips for a while!
Man, the day I went to a Safeway looking for them only to realise they didn't sell them there at all... I was crushed. But only until I went to a Coles.

It was a close call.

In other news, labourers are fucking idiots.
Ugh. Got given a pretty major audit by the boss to handle by Friday this week on Monday and spent the entire week putting out grassfires and solved 2 pretty major flareups today that would have cost us quite a lot of money if they weren't handled delicately to keep the peace and I know I will STILL get the disappointed look like I have been a bad puppy and shit in the corner tomorrow. Big companies really do suck to work for. Big does not mean lots of resources at your disposal, only more people to spread the blame onto!
Bought myself a $27 bottle of scotch and a 79c bottle of cola to celebrate :(
Also Funeral For A Friend circa highschool Cloud McFox era. (&#12494;&#3232;&#30410;&#3232;)&#12494;&#24417;&#9531;&#9473;&#9531;

Man, that Canadian dude on Master Chef sure is doing a great job of making Australia hate his country of origin. After this series I wouldn't be surprised to see Canadian uni students on exchange getting attacked more than Indian students. Our love of Master Chef trumps our love of Cricket according to my fiancées Facebook feed. Also racism.

Free Wolfenstein 3D avatar mask on 360! EDIT: FUUUUUU SHANEUS

Amazon Digital Sale!
Serious Sam 3 (4 Pack) - $29.98
Gray Matter - $4.99
Syndicate (2 Pack) - $49.99
Medal of Honor - $4.99
Square Enix Ultimate Collection - $7.49 Contains; Just Cause 2, Kane and Lynch 2, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Supreme Commander 2, Tomb Raider: Underworld
Deals running from 5/17-5/28:
Divinity II Dragon Knight Saga Steam Version: $5.99
Bioshock 1&2 - $7.49
Mafia II - $7.49
Metro 2033 - $4.99
Arma 2 - $9.99
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - $9.99 (if you already own Arma 2 from the GMG freebie a while back grab this for that Apocalypse game)
Arma 2: OG&OA - $14.99

sure its ign but man, slammed
I like my Move but it has really only been great for FPS (more fun than dual analog but I think I prefer controller for comfort, not a candle on a decent mouse/keyboard setup) and Sports Champions which is FUCKING AMAZING FUN. Great to play alone, unlike Wii Sports which was only ever fun in a group.
I can't even fucking get my Kinect to work because I don't have enough room apparently. TECHNOLOGY! So fucking good!

One that note why the fuck am I still brushing my teeth!?! Are we not men of science? Why have I not sprayed some cool shit on my teeth to stop decay getting to them! I understand the dental industry and Colgate need their fucking revenue, and they employ a lot of people but come on! Are we still going to be doing this shit when we are flying cars around and travelling to the wild wild west to make sweet sweet love to our grandmothers? Come on!
Wait! Or is this all the master plan by the dastardly tobacco industry? They want to keep their jobs but people are kinda sick of dying from cancer and shit. People are sick of their teeth dying too guys! Just let us live ffs! Think of all the wonders of science that could be achieved if every billion people didn't have to spend 20 minutes a day brushing their fucking teeth! We would already be on Uranus and shit! How has no-one ever thought of this before and accepted a cushy government grant to research the hell out of this!?!

With any luck they'll just take out Geelong (minus the resident redhead DJ types)
They are from Sydney so hopefully they stay the hell out of the state from now on. I recommend the Sheriff of Border Town VIC throw a restraining order on their asses and keep them out o here.

meh, motion controls is the future.

as they get more accurate, joystick lubbers will be left behind.

Depends on what genre is considered to be still alive in the future. Joysticks have been around for AT LEAST 20 months now. I don't see them going away while Joe Sixpack still enjoys spending $120 twice a year on games that heavily feature said Joystick which, unless, motion, controls, are pushed as a REPLACEMENT for said Joystick, he will not give two packs about buying a motion controller. If Black Ops 3 (set in Avatar times with robots and old guys who kick arse with scars) is totally WII U tablet controlled only and WII U exclusive and the WII U tablet is totally motion controlled and gets rid of the buttons and joysticks (artists rendition follows)

I can see them becoming the main input device in the FAR future. Like in a decade or so. But since this console generation is slumping like a dead hooker in a Tim Burton broadway production into its 7th showing I can't see it being the MAIN control focus (as in the controller is the MINORITY device sold in terms of accessories) of the next next generation of AAA(AA at that point I guess PR-wise) games.

fucking higher ups

beside two of the big three embracing the tech fully and the other being dragged along?

besides it seeping into consumer electronics like television controls?

The only reason gamers are so ambivalent with motion controls is because of accuracy.

Remember the madness when the Wii hit e3? its only a matter of time before the technology improves to meet gamers' expectations.
Sony threw together an great effort with no fucking support. At least Nintendo put out some worthy WiiMote games, Sony haven't done shit since the launch of Move. PixelJunk 4am makes the damn thing worthwhile, damn DAMN good use of the Move controllers. Not much else to go with though.
Microsoft tried to differenatiate themselves, and it has worked to a degree. Kinect sold like bananas in a snooty, rich plantation of snooty, rich apes stolen from SCE Japan. Too bad the software AGAIN isn't up to scratch. I bought 2 Double Fine games for it. THAT IS IT. Everything else is bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Bleh Bleh. Oh woo! Voice implementation! That is really fucking new! Yay! So glad that I didn't have to just say it into my headset since you never allowed that functionality!

At least the voice function doesn't make you sit in your fucking parking lot to get the damn thing to see you. I use our 3rd bedroom for a study and I STILL don't have enough room to jump around properly to get it to do the initial sync so I can use the camera function!
I won't get into Nintendo bringing in a tablet controller for their next console along with the WiiMote. I already did I think a few minutes ago.

Televisions! They are selling well right? That 3D stuff is seeping in pretty damn good too. Off topic sorry, any way. TV's are having some problems now aren't they? A lot of companies having bomba sales and getting out of the business while the big dogs compete on price and image quality. People also want internet TV, or more importantly APP TV, so they can watch their pirate stuff or just stream that shit straight to their face rather than wait for ads and soap operas and Andrew Daddo and stupid radio waves travelling over oceans that take 6 months to arrive from the Americas. Motion controls ain't going to help sell TV's.

The Move is a more accurate WiiMote. Like, much more. Like very very accurate. It is very very accurate and does not make me angry when playing something like Resistance 3 or Killzone 3 or PixelJunk 3am. It is really great, like the Razer Hydra for the PC I imagine, I have only seen videos of the Hydra. The issue is that EVERY GAME IS STILL MARKETED FOR A CONTROLLER aside from a couple of 1st party efforts. The top selling games don't use a motion controller. Hell, last month in the US Prototype 2 was the highest seller!

I still think a mouse/keyboard combo is largely the best for all situations.
A great mouse and keyboard really does feel like heaven, even way way better than a lesser M/K setup.

Dual analog control or control pad games are generally a jack of all trades type scheme. Generally reviled as inferior to specialist setups, their inarguable strength is their adaptability to a wider variety of software than most other schemes.
Their greatest strength is price. It is cheap to get a controller that will play most games. If that motion controller came WITH your console it would be a flipped situation. Publishers and developers would no longer ignore the input and would accept it as the default setup. Nintendo hit on this with the Wii even if the 3rd parties did abandon them due to laziness and bad timing.

Wii U needs to have mandatory options for wiimote controls as much as it does for the standard pad controls.
Looks to be an option, pining its hopes that publishers expect that every household will have a WiiMote laying around somewhere along with the bundled WiiTab, although the WiiTab has a high probability of becoming the defacto input control for games.

I didn't say walk away from the hobby, I was saying vote with your wallet, which is what you do and that's great. I walked away from the hobby not just because I think the industry is dipping themselves in the sewer but also because I'm sick of the games themselves. I think games have come a long way in some areas, and in others they're severely lacking. It's in the areas that they're lacking that make me no longer interested.
When things get better I am really looking forward to badgering you to build a good PC setup and continually try and offer up games that I hope rekindle your love of video games, whenever I have gone through a lull in the hobby I have always hit upon a solid gold vein of games in the stream of shit that flows past our wallets.

Uncomfortable when Barnaby Joyce hits the nail on the head.
It was probably the nicest thing he has ever said about anyone! I bet his PR handler was like, "The fuck? Really? If this is tried successfully then I have NO chance of keeping my job! This guy is like redneck Hitler".

Part of my support for Lollipop Chainsaw is that I just want to support people doing interesting stuff that looks a lot of fun - I didn't buy Killer 7 at launch because I thought it looked really fun to play, and while I can't afford to be that guy anymore I can't imagine I'll be sorry supporting Lollipop Chainsaw and Gravity Rush within two days of each other.
It will make a great refreshment compared to the iterative fair that has been coming out while still being familiar enough to avoid alienating people during the first hour of play.

A Geelong Grammar School student is suing the school because she didn't get into law at Uni of Sydney. LOL.

.... Just do a year of arts and transfer when you get a higher GPA like everyone else?
.....that is what she is doing. Also you got CHOC'D.

Also also, just bought some moar cheese and pepper RRD chips. Self control FTL.
Yup, picked up a pack along with the Salt and Vinegar chips for $6! :(

If that's the future of pc gaming I'm suddenly pretty dubious. Whatever problems they have you can at least play consoles without an internet connection
There will always be an offline option of games, even if it does take a while for someone to figure it out.
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