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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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from http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37948720&postcount=7605



sure its ign but man, slammed

Incidentally, mine own answers:
1. I own a motion control device (3 on last count)
2. I enjoy them for the most part
3. The software is interesting, far often more than blockbuster traditional games
4. I'm more interested in motion + pointer controls than dual analogue
5. My least wanted feature for xbox 3 and ps4 is the systems themselves
6. I want motion control coverage
7. I actively want good motion control, a la Skyward Sword and Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy
8. I own 3 touch screen devices
9. Buttons are needed but capacitive touch is fundamentally broken. I could do with multitouch resistive, however
10. I'm indifferent to bad games or games that require bad input methods. Such as capacitive touch only.
11. Fuck IGN.


I want a tag give me a tag
This is some seriously funny shit! She was a shit student, skipped class and was on a suspension list and didn't even finish her studies at Geelong yet feels it is their fault she couldn't study law at her "preferred" uni yet could have gone to other unis like Deakin! AND her mum is suing for half a million dollars of lost revenue of a chocolate fortune cookie business! BWAHAHHA! You can't write this shit.

Yes! Go buy now!

Her mother, Elizabeth Weir

mother of god.

The replicators are coming.



sometimes you want to just go and put your hand through a wall because someone won't fucking listen to you and you have a big problem on your hansd

fucking higher ups


You can't be serious. There is no evidence of this at all.

When its implemented well, it is incredible.

Skyward Sword, Sin & Punishment 2 and PES on Wii are all great examples of traditional games that are improved with motion controls.

edit: of course, there are bad examples too. But not every game is suited to every control method.


Mostly thanks to pointers, not motion controls. I know SS goes further, and I'm not saying they can't be done well, but "the future, no more joysticks lol" is making a bigger claim than "they can sometimes be done well".


You can't be serious. There is no evidence of this at all.

beside two of the big three embracing the tech fully and the other being dragged along?

besides it seeping into consumer electronics like television controls?

The only reason gamers are so ambivalent with motion controls is because of accuracy.

Remember the madness when the Wii hit e3? its only a matter of time before the technology improves to meet gamers' expectations.


I think motion is good when its implemented well. Im not a fan of the kinect style though. Minimalism!



Mostly thanks to pointers, not motion controls. I know SS goes further, and I'm not saying they can't be done well, but "the future, no more joysticks lol" is making a bigger claim than "they can sometimes be done well".

Like I said, I dont think any control method will be "the future". Kbam is great for a large number of genres, but especially something like an RTS or dungeon crawler.
Arcade sticks and steering wheels are also standard inputs that are unrivalled for two particular genres. More advanced stick setups are great for mech games, flight sims.
Touch screen controls (for those able to use multitouch) are great for tower defence games, rhythm games, they also allow for a resurgence of point and click adventure games even though the genre is not exclusively best on them.

Dual analog control or control pad games are generally a jack of all trades type scheme. Generally reviled as inferior to specialist setups, their inarguable strength is their adaptability to a wider variety of software than most other schemes.

Motion controls (and I use the wii's full suite of controller functions here - ie remote + nunchuk) are great for improving upon the shortcomings of dual analogue. It affords greater accuracy in FPS games. It makes RTS games playable. It makes up for the lack of decent AI in soccer games by giving you control over multiple players at once.

The biggest drawback for motion controls as far as they have been implemented is in shoehorned scenarios in party style games where the game itself is unappealing and the player is made to feel a fool for it. Where it has been properly implemented though (Wii Sports), it is one of the single biggest steps forward for gaming in decades. Since analogue control, I guess.


The good thing about the wii is the attatchments, I mean it goes over board at times, but you have options and different settings for different games.


beside two of the big three embracing the tech fully and the other being dragged along?
Followed by Wii sales falling off a cliff, while touch screen gaming goes through the roof.

besides it seeping into consumer electronics like television controls?
People romanticised Minority Report, but the controls just aren't very efficient when you need to do a function other than look cool for a movie. Buttons/touch will always be better.

The only reason gamers are so ambivalent with motion controls is because of accuracy.
No, it's because they're inefficient and completely unnecessary for a great deal of genres. A button press is the most abstract action and can be applied to a whole lot of things easily. Gesture control predates motion control in consoles when people put it in browsers and games like Black and White, but gesture control was terrible back then even with an accurate mouse. Accuracy is irrelevant.

Remember the madness when the Wii hit e3?
I do. I remember buying into it and being thoroughly disappointed every year with the software. I loved both Boom Bloxes, but that's about it.

Like I said, I dont think any control method will be "the future".

Where it has been properly implemented though (Wii Sports), it is one of the single biggest steps forward for gaming in decades. Since analogue control, I guess.
Not just properly implemented, but proper genre selection as well. Steering wheels are a form of motion control too and they're great for racing games and nothing else. The Wiimote is decent for a very small handful of actions too.


Followed by Wii sales falling off a cliff, while touch screen gaming goes through the roof.

They fell off a cliff due to lack of software support. 1st party can only support a system for so long.

Not just properly implemented, but proper genre selection as well. Steering wheels are a form of motion control too and they're great for racing games and nothing else. The Wiimote is decent for a very small handful of actions too.

I dont agree that steering wheels are motion control, otherwise pressing buttons is motion control. The distinction to me is that motion control is an abstract input method that requires gestures. Steering wheels allow for a very deliberate input that is precisely 1:1. Just the same as moving a mouse, or pointing a reticle with the wii remote pointer.

Actual motion controls are a bit different, but I'm not sure I'm conveying my thoughts into words all that accurately here.

I think the wii remote + nunchuk has proven more than competent for all genres a control pad is used for. Sports, fps, third person action games, platforming - pretty much all genres aside from arcade fighting games. Now, that isnt the result of motion control alone. It is down to a combination of motion, pointer, analog stick and button inputs - but that is still a highly versatile control scheme worthy of far more quality games than the token efforts it received.


They fell off a cliff due to lack of software support. 1st party can only support a system for so long.
The 1st party didn't support it very well either. The speed with which they abandoned the vanilla wiimote to move onto other peripherals was a bit annoying.

I dont agree that steering wheels are motion control, otherwise pressing buttons is motion control.
What I meant was, the same principles apply. They work for a specific subset of things.

I think the wii remote + nunchuk has proven more than competent
I'm not debating the usefulness of the wiimote and nunchuck. Pointer controls on a console is a good thing.


Fair enough.

I just hope they dont abandon the concept of pointer + nunchuk controls next console, since it has a lot of useful things to add to game controls. Wii U needs to have mandatory options for wiimote controls as much as it does for the standard pad controls.
I spoke in Japanese D:

Hopefully he only lasts a few minutes...

it's funny because boyfriend?! is Korean-Australian..

Campbell Newman vows to live up to the standards of Joh Bjelke Petersen.

We are through the looking glass now. Mad Cunt Factor is off the charts.

No way =\ why would you even say that?! His reputation is awful.

Though at this point he could say literally anything and still be in the clear.


So I sorta understand what Webber is saying. At least, it's not as crazy as you guys are making it out to be. People are saying the exact same thing about golf - there are too many winners.


So I sorta understand what Webber is saying. At least, it's not as crazy as you guys are making it out to be. People are saying the exact same thing about golf - there are too many winners.

I'd much rather have lots of competition and a more even playing field than a repeat of the Schumacher years.
Was this well-received ?.

Neither of the lecturers made any indication that they were listening. One of them was writing the whole time, and the other figeting with the script. It was just an "erm what was the line..?" followed by a face palm. I really REALLY don't like speaking assessment. Guess I pick the wrong major :p


I think you're cherry picking your examples here. Do you think Hasbro really gives a shit about their customers when they're putting out their umpteen versions of Monopoly? If they could tie the board game to some sort of authentication mechanism that would ensure them more money, I have no doubt they would. Guys like Days of Wonder on the other hand probably care a lot more about their customers.

It's exactly the same in the video game world. The big guys are doing whatever it is they can to please the shareholders and make the money they've promised they'll make.There are tons of small developers out there who truly care about their customers. Stardock, for instance, have been putting out DRM-free games for years. The ARMA 2 guys (Bohemia Interactive?) are, right now, developing patches which resolve issues in a user-made mod. Do you really think there are no more examples of this?

Gamers should stand up more, sure, and not buy games when they've promised they won't buy to prove a point. But ultimately, even though DRM gets in the way and servers go offline at an alarming rate, the reality is that the vast majority of customers don't give a shit. Gamers who want to play "old" games are a tiny minority. It's an unfortunate reality that many games will never properly be archived for future generations, but will many of them even care about games that didn't break new ground in any way?

I'm well aware how it works, and I'm disappointed you think otherwise. But I play the 'designer' board games as they're referred to, not the commercial ones like Monopoly. For the reasons above and also because the big guys can't put out a decent board game, they're terrible.

The same reason I have nothing to do with Dungeons & Dragons as the maker, Wizards of the Coast, is owned by Hasbro. The game is now made to appeal to everyone and it's shithouse.

If you think I'm cherry picking my examples, I think it best that you look at the games I own and play. None of them are by the public companies you're referring to (except my misstep of actually buying D&D 4e as my first RPG before discovering how much it sucks). Whilst Days of Wonder and Rio Grande games are the big boys of the industry, they're hardly Hasbro. I've cherry picked the games I own, not the examples I used.

You'll also notice that I said not every video game company is like this. It would be nice if that point wasn't glazed over. I was saying that enough of them are like that to make it all unpalatable.

Danoss, I completely get where youre coming from, but I don't think boycotting will work. Most people will just buy the game and put up with it, because its better than not playing the game at all. Then there are the problems that dont come to light until after release, for example skyrims ps3 lag. You can yell all you want about what a shitty move it is (and that was extra douchy of them), but people already bought the game and they know they can get away with it again. In the end you lose if you put up with it OR you boycott it..

Well obviously boycotting doesn't work if people don't actually do it. That is exactly what I was saying. Going without is not an option for people. A lot of peoples backlogs are enormous, but somehow they still can't go without something new.

The attitude of 'playing it is better than not playing it' does nothing other than encourage the behaviour that people dislike. It'd be better in the end if people voted with their wallets instead of being a slave to this form of entertainment, but I know that will never happen.

I don't see a need to walk away from the hobby, just walk away from those who you don't feel are treating you with respect. I vote with my dollar and companies with shitty practises get my dollar from out of the bargain bin at which point their return is less than someone selling me a coffee. I've bought 3 copies of The Witcher 3 at full price and will continue to support those who I feel are moving the industry in a better, fairer direction.

I didn't say walk away from the hobby, I was saying vote with your wallet, which is what you do and that's great. I walked away from the hobby not just because I think the industry is dipping themselves in the sewer but also because I'm sick of the games themselves. I think games have come a long way in some areas, and in others they're severely lacking. It's in the areas that they're lacking that make me no longer interested.

I have the stomach to go without something if I believe I'd supporting something I disagree with by purchasing it. I know I am making exactly zero difference, because most people don't do the same, but it makes me feel better about myself by doing so.


The man who launched a sexual harassment case against Speaker Peter Slipper has made a formal complaint about comments made by political heavyweights Bob Carr and Barnaby Joyce.

James Ashby's lawyers this afternoon lodged a formal complaint of victimisation with the Human Rights Commission over remarks made by the senators on Twitter and to the media.

The complaint cites a tweet from Senator Carr which said "this Ashby seems more rehearsed than a kabuki actor", while Senator Joyce described Mr Ashby as "only slightly less dodgy than Slipper".


JBs buy a blu ray player get 50% off movies is pretty good. My local store hadnt jacked the prices back up which was weird. Also was sold out of diablo 3, can't remember the last game that sold out.

Also motion controls suck (the only exception being light gun games).


I never played the original Diablo's, didn't really get into Titan Quest...but I liked Torchlight. I'm feeling that traditional internet gamer thing of 'missing part of the conversation' with Diablo 3.

So two questions to my AusGaf brethren -
Is the multiplayer just playing the single player levels over and over again with people for loot or random? Is the multiplayer good enough to warrant $70 more than Torchlight II?

Part of my support for Lollipop Chainsaw is that I just want to support people doing interesting stuff that looks a lot of fun - I didn't buy Killer 7 at launch because I thought it looked really fun to play, and while I can't afford to be that guy anymore I can't imagine I'll be sorry supporting Lollipop Chainsaw and Gravity Rush within two days of each other.


Is the multiplayer just playing the single player levels over and over again with people for loot or random?
Yes. There is gear grinding involved so you can take on higher and higher difficulties.

Is the multiplayer good enough to warrant $70 more than Torchlight II?
Should be able to get D3 for $55 and T2 for $15 in a four pack, so the difference is really only $40. Still, no. Only if this genre is your thing. D3 will likely have better balance and longevity than T2, but that only matters for the people that put 100s of hours in. I like to play a lot of RPGs so I will play both.

Path of Exile is another in the genre and will be free to play when it comes out, but it's always online too, so is like super evil or something.
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