Max Payne is out today and I will have to brave one of these things called a "retail store" in order to procure it. Big W have it for $68, here's hoping they have it in or don't have an idiot behind the counter.
Call me a dreamer.
The fuck happened to netbank? Shit's using at least 5 different font sizes for the same piece of information. Who the fuck designed this?
My guess was the same people who made the Coles self-service checkouts.
It's because Steam's offline mode is a complete piece of shit and they've never bothered fixing it.
Anybody see that earth rotation spinning thread in OT? I've never laughed and cried more at the same time in my life
Its only going to get worse with the war on science and learning.
The Uncharted 3 blows away Witcher 2 on PC posts make me tense up.
Surely not! Someone said that on GAF?!
Words to that effect. The detail in Witcher 2 doesn't match up.
so Mark Webber is mental
Aussie Formula 1 star Mark Webber has claimed that the unpredictable nature of the 2012 season might alienate some fans.
In the five races thus far in 2012 there have been five different winners from five different teams and Webber isn't sure that's what fans want.
"I don't know if they [fans] will get sick of seeing so many different winners," Webber said.
The Uncharted 3 blows away Witcher 2 on PC posts make me tense up.
LOL must be a QA error, take it back to Safeway and ask for a new one.
He was a sexy, sexy bassist. Many a mood improved by his awesome lines and licks.One last note before I go: RIP Donald 'Duck' Dunn. Bassist in Booker T. and the MGs, as well as (more famously) The Blues Brothers. Along with MCA, a shit time for bassists
Booker T. & the MG's - Time is Tight (live)
I don't see a need to walk away from the hobby, just walk away from those who you don't feel are treating you with respect. I vote with my dollar and companies with shitty practises get my dollar from out of the bargain bin at which point their return is less than someone selling me a coffee. I've bought 3 copies of The Witcher 3 at full price and will continue to support those who I feel are moving the industry in a better, fairer direction.Whoever it was that predicted/feared we would become a slave to the things that we love is appearing to be correct. Whilst a lot of people don't approve of the way they're being treated by these companies, they're encouraging them by peoples apparent unwillingness to say "enough!" and walk away. And so the trend continues.
Since it is out a day early I have the urge to pick it up. Even though I will be disapoint. And can't afford it.Max Payne is out today and I will have to brave one of these things called a "retail store" in order to procure it. Big W have it for $68, here's hoping they have it in or don't have an idiot behind the counter.
Call me a dreamer.
Has worked fine for me over the last year, long ago it never worked but since a fresh Steam install on a new SSD it has been perfect. Try clearing your Steam install and running the offline mode while connected and then disconnect.Semi-related, but i cant acess my steam games in offline mode. In fact I can't log in at all. Anyone know why?
In contrast NAB have really improved their web banking setup and the updated Android app now is very intuitive and very handy. Join the winning team!The fuck happened to netbank? Shit's using at least 5 different font sizes for the same piece of information. Who the fuck designed this?
JB have some decent Blu Rays on sale, grab some of the $8 bargain bin ones for $4!JB have a sale where if you buy any bluray player (including a PS3) from them
you can buy any bluray disc or box set for %50 off (limit of 30)
The Uncharted 3 blows away Witcher 2 on PC posts make me tense up.
Words to that effect. The detail in Witcher 2 doesn't match up.
Must be a DrForester magic? Haven't checked the thread but he is incredibly good.lulz
E3 gifs are so funny
Salazar! $30 off $150 at ASOS
Yes! Go buy now!A Saucerful of Secrets?
Yeah, i thought today was the 18th for some reason.
Anyway, playing MP3 now.
In short its great.
Cutscenes are annoying. Like someone went nuts checking out FX presets in iMovie
Seems like the Housers used themselves as the templates for some idle rich asshole characters max works for in the early levels
Yes! Go buy now!
game ruining lag in a single-player game.
Kinda hope the games industry does eat itself to death so it can be reborn as not crap that hates consumers.
30 minute Korean oral in 2 hours. Farrrrk. Why did I play Diablo last night.....
30 minute Korean oral in 2 hours. Farrrrk. Why did I play Diablo last night.....
Starcraft may have helped.
go read up the last of us E3 impressions from judges week
30 minute Korean oral in 2 hours.
Campbell Newman vows to live up to the standards of Joh Bjelke Petersen.
We are through the looking glass now. Mad Cunt Factor is off the charts.
Campbell Newman vows to live up to the standards of Joh Bjelke Petersen.
We are through the looking glass now. Mad Cunt Factor is off the charts.
Campbell Newman vows to live up to the standards of Joh Bjelke Petersen.
We are through the looking glass now. Mad Cunt Factor is off the charts.
Dictatorship central.
i am stunned beyond belief that QLDers do not step the fuck up and demand a house of review called the senate in their parliament
its bananas you guys do not have one. Welcome to QLD. Dictatorship central.
30 minute Korean oral in 2 hours. Farrrrk. Why did I play Diablo last night.....
Salazar! $30 off $150 at ASOS
Holy shit. Queenslanders.The people voted to keep it, but the Legislative Council then went and voted itself out of existence...
Hai Guise, I went and picked up DIABLO 3 as well. I couldn't handle not being involved!
They had one, Choc.The people voted to get rid of it.
No, I was wrong. The people voted to keep it, but the Legislative Council then went and voted itself out of existence...