Wow how did you find that? I remember making it. Well none of that from me this year since i have to work i wont be up that early in the morning.
That new controller. I want one.
Damn you Nintendo.
Am I the only one that doesn't watch conferences and just likes to get the news afterwards? Conferences are always so awkward.
Yeah I already turn that bullshit off on current games (like Twitter and Facebook integration) so that was a huge turn off for me.The only thing I dislike is the bubble comments while you're in game, dying, on the screen for the mario map etc.
Am I the only one that doesn't watch conferences and just likes to get the news afterwards? Conferences are always so awkward.
Most stuff is already leaking in the weeks before e3, will continue to get worse and e3 will mainly be for impressions and behind closed doors stuff.Nintendo wins E3 before E3 even starts. A new record.
Expect MS/Sony to copy next year?
That's awesome. NeoGAF.
Epic bought Big Huge Games. BEST NEWS EVA!
Nintendo wins E3 before E3 even starts. A new record.
Expect MS/Sony to copy next year?
lol NeoGAF.
Epic bought Big Huge Games. BEST NEWS EVA!
Looks like a dead on replication of the 360 controller form which is fantastic! Best controller ever and services every age group. The sticks above the buttons though is a bad choice, will have to wait and see how it feels. Dpad looks a bit worrying too.
They did the right thing though, hopefully it is a pack in otherwise 3rd parties may worry about take up.
Also great idea to announce all this and then leave the conference for showing it in action with some games. Best way to make the most of it.
Could be worse, they could be in the same place as the ones on the Dual Shock.Symmetric analog sticks is interesting and unexpected though. Might be an ergonomic decision.
Copying the 360 controller is an extremely good move. It's pretty much the bests controller ever besides the crappy D-pad. The buttons being swapped with the stick is weird and seems like they just did it to be different.
They showed off some online social stuff too. This summary does a decent job: didn't watch the Nintendo direct thing. I only know about the controller. Were there any megatons at all or were they just getting the boring crap out of the way so the conference will actually be good this year?
I didn't watch the Nintendo direct thing. I only know about the controller. Were there any megatons at all or were they just getting the boring crap out of the way so the conference will actually be good this year?
Oh and an iOS app.
is Choc the only one at E3 this year?
I have a tip. Get there first thing on Day 1 of the show and after lining up and going through security, head DIRECTLY to the Nintendo booth to have a hands-on play with the Wii U. I'm going to predict really, REALLY long, multi-hour queues for that based on what happened in 2006 with the Wii.
I dont get the hate for dualshock. OK, the analog sticks are too loose, but ergonomically its fine. Dpad ruins fingers (or it did mine when learning tekken throw combos back in 96). I like a symmetric controller, but I also like good resistance in the sticks like GC controller. Which also has superior shape to hold too.
I can see the abxy placement might be a bit weird, but given my fingers already rest in a comfy spot over the face buttons, it makes some kind of sense to me at least. Maybe it might even make a good pad for southpaw gamers given it is a L-R mirror image?
Anyway, like all controllers it doesnt matter until you hold it and find out yourself what its like.
I can see one other problem:
Wii U: clockwise from top goes xaby
360 goes ybax
I think that will confuse a few people with games that have colour prompts on screen. Imagine if the Wii U controller returned to the old SNES colour mapping too. CoD would be competitive for a change.
Maybe I just have weirdly big hands, but I always feel like I'm daintily gripping the Dual Shock while the 360 controller fits into my hand better. That's pretty much my only point of difference though. Generally they are both good controllers.
And with the button layout, isn't that the same as the layout in the Nintendo-Sega days? I could be wrong but I thought the Xbox just copied the old Sega layouts?
The WiiU dpad just looks a little too recessed for my hands. Won't be able to tell until I get hands on impressions as I said. Just going by the released PR material it is something for me to look at in the future. The stick position is more of a worry.Because it looks actually usable and decent. 360 dpad is poo, so its one less function you need to use. A working dpad just complicates things.
I'm a big fan, I just ran through Max Payne 3 with it and had a blast. Only issue is I'm not as great with the sticks as the 360 one. Also I don't like the triggers, 360 ones are much better for my hands and accuracy. It has a worthwhile Dpad compared to the 360 too! I like the placement of the sticks on both controllers though, the main thing is having the aiming stick down the bottom as it is easier for me to bring my thumb UP to the buttons rather than going down to the buttons.I dont get the hate for dualshock.
im pretty excited for the wii u now
seems nintendo may actually know what its doing!
Amazing they lasted this long really.