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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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Why can't the majority of people in this country merge properly, is it that hard a principle/skill to grasp?

If they're not in front of you, they're not interested. That seems to be the general attitude. As a motorcycle rider, it's dangerous as hell.


If they're not in front of you, they're not interested. That seems to be the general attitude. As a motorcycle rider, it's dangerous as hell.

And because of the idiots, the end result (apart from the dangerous situations) is that it slows traffic down even further.
Not sure if anyone from AusGAF is planning to get the iPad 3 (fuck it, I'm calling it the iPad 3), but Big W will have the 16gb model for $498 on Friday, starting at 12:01AM. That won't last long I assume.
Starting to get sick. Slept five hours. Drank far too much last night. Not necessarily in that order. Feel like crap.

Say hello to your new cider overlord:

What is it?


Not sure if anyone from AusGAF is planning to get the iPad 3 (fuck it, I'm calling it the iPad 3), but Big W will have the 16gb model for $498 on Friday, starting at 12:01AM. That won't last long I assume.

I am planning on getting one.

I assume that the $498 is for the WiFi model?


Not sure if anyone from AusGAF is planning to get the iPad 3 (fuck it, I'm calling it the iPad 3), but Big W will have the 16gb model for $498 on Friday, starting at 12:01AM. That won't last long I assume.

But... thats only 1 dollar off the rpp >.<; (Oh wait thats the US rrp >.>!)


Nope. Fez is made by a Japanese Messiah, come to save Japan from Epic Sucktitude.

All bow before him and adopt his significantly crapless ideas. Together, they can save the Japanese industry.


I dont buy into the whole narrative of western games being oh so superior this generation. There have been good ones sure, but the rumours of the decline of Japanese developers has been greatly overstated.

Sure, namco and konami and capcom have been less than their stellar selves - and others like hudson and irem have sadly passed, but at least those devs are still putting out the occasional gem such as PES Playmaker, Monster Hunter and PAc Man CE.

Then you have three Japanese developers in particular that have done very well this gen: nintendo (esp EAD Tokyo, and IntSys), From Software and The E half of S-E. To lesser extents you have Atlus, Sega, Swery and Suda51 as well (less prolific output, still high quality).

I'm not going to say western games are worse - but there are few I can point to aside from Valve - that make it an open and shut case.

I think it's just a case that western publishers and western studios and western media have decided that this is the narrative for the industry at present.

The only countries that have really died in the arse this generation are the UK which once had a thriving and creative games industry (which seems to have been killed off by US publishers), and Australia which never had a proper go at it and was murdered in its sleep.


I think it's just a case that western publishers and western studios and western media have decided that this is the narrative for the industry at present.
We've seen an explosion of indie games in the west in recent years. Outside of stuff like Kairosoft and Carpe Fulgar localisations, we don't get to see much of the same from Japan. Perhaps Japan hasn't declined, but it hasn't massively increased it's (English speaking at least) output in the same way that the west has.


We've seen an explosion of indie games in the west in recent years. Outside of stuff like Kairosoft and Carpe Fulgar localisations, we don't get to see much of the same from Japan. Perhaps Japan hasn't declined, but it hasn't massively increased it's (English speaking at least) output in the same way that the west has.

How much of that is down to language barriers though? I cant imagine small indie studios or one-person projects would have time to translate if a game is text heavy. That might account for some of it at least.


Yep, some of it would at least be due to localisation costs. I bet most of the western indie games we play aren't translated into Japanese. The two main platforms pushing indies at the moment are PC and iOS, and the PC isn't popular at all in Japan, so that's part of it too.


I'm selling my iPad 2 and getting a 4G iPad 3, so not sure if BigW will have much of a better price than the Apple store.


Raspberry Pi will now be $38 instead of $55. That sounds tempting even though I only have a slight idea of what it is. Cookie, do I want one?


Yep, some of it would at least be due to localisation costs. I bet most of the western indie games we play aren't translated into Japanese. The two main platforms pushing indies at the moment are PC and iOS, and the PC isn't popular at all in Japan, so that's part of it too.

I was under the impression that iOS was quite popular in Japan.
I get annoyed when I go out of my way to let someone in and I don't even get a cheeky wave.

God I hate that. I'll often wave more than once just to make sure the person has seen me waving.
I really hate it when there is a long line of slow moving traffic already merged and some bright spark runs up the now empty lane to merge right at the end. Fuck off cock head. You're a rude twat
Having a fun filled day at San Francisco airport since my flight to Canada was cancelled. However the 8 hours have gone by pretty quick thanks to free wifi than every now and then asks you to reconnect by ether filling in a short survery or watching an ad video for luxury cars.

Pro tip: if i'm so cheap i need free wifi, i'm unlikely to buy a BMW.
just seems really awkward to do so.
Thanking someone for making your life easier is awkward? Do you say 'thanks' to someone at the grocery store if someone lets you in front of them because you have one item and they have a whole trolley full of stuff*?

* This never happens any more...


I meant as a "thanks" signal.....for merging, I use my signal if infront, and if the other car is ahead I give way.

seems like an empty gesture..... like waving to the bus driver (who is more focused on traffic) ....

never really got into it >_>


It's not an empty gesture, it really goes a long way. I'm likely to forgive someone for doing a jerk move on the road if I just get a simple wave. It's like "well, at least he waved, that was nice of him".

I'll even wave to a driver as a pedestrian when someone stops to let me across the road or whatever. It's a nice courtesy, a way of saying "thanks". Like Fred said, it makes the world a better place. It's the little things.
Also, getting the recognition that you've done something good is likely to encourage you to do that again.

I always pull in front of people in heavy traffic Thailand-style so they have no option but to let me in, and follow up with a thanks/apology wave.


Also, getting the recognition that you've done something good is likely to encourage you to do that again.

I always pull in front of people in heavy traffic Thailand-style so they have no option but to let me in, and follow up with a thanks/apology wave.

lol, thats what I mean >_<

some drivers signal "one click" and immediately barge in and do the "whoops did I do that" erkel hand signal :p

just seems so fake to me.


but ever so delicious
I don't think I will be going on holiday, Off to some beach or whatever.

I might take a week off, whenever the fuck that can happen, and hit up the dentist to slowly start sorting out my horrible teeth along with a physio for my back.

The chances of shagging random girls on holiday would go up if i had a half decent smile and I could actually use my back correctly.


some drivers signal "one click" and immediately barge in and do the "whoops did I do that" erkel hand signal
Sometimes that's the best way to keep the traffic flowing. You have to be a bit forthright sometimes because if you lose momentum and sit stationary with your blinker on waiting for someone going 80kph to stop and let you in, you piss off a whole lane of traffic, not just one guy.

just seems so fake to me.
The wave isn't meant to plumb the depths of human emotion and form a lifelong bond between you and your new lanemate. It's just meant to be a small recognition that you appreciate that you might have briefly inconvenienced them in a some small way, and confirmation that you didn't push in front of them because you're an alpha male brute asserting your dominance, but you're just some guy in a car like them. Unless you are doing it to assert your dominance and impress potential mates, that's not "fake".


Everyone here should play Draw Something!

I considered it, but since much of AusGAF has let my GameCentre invites pass by, I haven't bothered.

In other gaming news, there have been a couple of new arrivals. SydGAF board gamers can now enjoy 5 player Pandemic with the acquisition of the expansion. We can also get our strategy on with our very own copy of Power Grid; it's a bit more serious, but no less fun.


There are four more games on their way, once Milsims and Unhalfbricking can pull their finger out and post my stuff. The above games and the games from other places were ordered within minutes of eachother. Games Empire have delivered these items to my door before the others have even packaged my stuff up, so I called the others lazy Victorians, in a way, on Twitter, to see if I could stir the pot a little.


i am on draw something chocy82au


FIFA street is fucking AMAZING. Perfect recreation of Futsal in that mode (has outs and proper rules)

the actual normal mode is a bit OTT


You know what pisses me off even more so

people who don't indicate. If the cops see it they should lose their licence until they take their fucking driving test again.

It's ridiculous and dangerous



I considered it, but since much of AusGAF has let my GameCentre invites pass by, I haven't bothered.

In other gaming news, there have been a couple of new arrivals. SydGAF board gamers can now enjoy 5 player Pandemic with the acquisition of the expansion. We can also get our strategy on with our very own copy of Power Grid; it's a bit more serious, but no less fun.


There are four more games on their way, once Milsims and Unhalfbricking can pull their finger out and post my stuff. The above games and the games from other places were ordered within minutes of eachother. Games Empire have delivered these items to my door before the others have even packaged my stuff up, so I called the others lazy Victorians, in a way, on Twitter, to see if I could stir the pot a little.

Cool stuff. My Munchkin expansions are also on their way to Oregon as I type. The last set should arrive Monday and I might thus have just enough time to receive the package on Friday. Shall we set the date in stone? March 25 is the proposed date, guys. If that doesn't suit people then we'll do April 1 instead (no fooling). Danoss already said he's good, but what about the rest of you guys?
You know what pisses me off even more so

people who don't indicate. If the cops see it they should lose their licence until they take their fucking driving test again.

It's ridiculous and dangerous


Seconded. Its really REALLY simple. Roundabouts are the worst for this =/

What really annoys me at the moment is tailgaters. They can see I have plates, and I never drive really slow, but for some reason people do it all the goddamn time. Last week I had some lunatic in a big four door ute speed right up to me, break suddenly, tailgate me, then repeat. But then I really do slow down :p
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