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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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What really annoys me at the moment is tailgaters. They can see I have plates, and I never drive really slow, but for some reason people do it all the goddamn time.
The worst thing is in heavy traffic tailgaters who tailgate so close you can't see their number plates, and then they sit behind you even when they have the opportunity to pass. And when you move over because you don't want to get hit, they speed off and sit behind the next person.

Draw Something: quote for username


Seconded. Its really REALLY simple. Roundabouts are the worst for this =/

What really annoys me at the moment is tailgaters. They can see I have plates, and I never drive really slow, but for some reason people do it all the goddamn time. Last week I had some lunatic in a big four door ute speed right up to me, break suddenly, tailgate me, then repeat. But then I really do slow down :p


In motorcycle riding training you are taught that if someone tailgates you, slow down. It increases the reaction time between you and them, so they are less likely to rear-end you if you have to put on the anchors for whatever reason.

I take this a step further if the perfect situation arises. This situation would be: I'm not in a hurry, and it's only 1 lane each way with no chance of overtaking. I will sit on about 20km/h laughing to myself as their blood is surely boiling sitting on my arse. The game ends if they just stop tailgating me, I'll resume normal speeds and carry on my merry way, but this rarely happens
I meant as a "thanks" signal.....for merging, I use my signal if infront, and if the other car is ahead I give way.

seems like an empty gesture..... like waving to the bus driver (who is more focused on traffic) ....

never really got into it >_>
BAH! The wave is just about being a decent human being. If I am walking and someone stops I will wave to say thank you for bothering to think of me.
When driving if I let someone in I would hope for them to realise that I didn't HAVE to let them in, so a wave is just to show that they appreciate the interaction even if we both forget about it a minute down the road.

It gives you a nice warm feeling of community, as if the people around you aren't total knobs and actually want to make each other feel good.

The chances of shagging random girls on holiday would go up if i had a half decent smile and I could actually use my back correctly.
Nah you just need alcohol for that kind of thing. Worked a treat for me!

You know what pisses me off even more so

people who don't indicate. If the cops see it they should lose their licence until they take their fucking driving test again.

It's ridiculous and dangerous

I see at LEAST one car a day take a left at a roundabout without indicating. Really fucking fun when you are a pedestrian. They are obviously too busy trying to speed through the roundabout watching than to move their hand a few inches to indicate. Fuckwits.
Awesome. Sent the Touchpad away for repair after lunch on Friday and it has ALREADY come back to me, looks to be a completely new unit. Awesome turn around time by HP.

Comfy couch web browsing again!


Awesome. Sent the Touchpad away for repair after lunch on Friday and it has ALREADY come back to me, looks to be a completely new unit. Awesome turn around time by HP.

Comfy couch web browsing again!

I put Sonic comics on my Touchpad for the gf while she was laid up with a bad back, I haven't seen it since :(
I put Sonic comics on my Touchpad for the gf while she was laid up with a bad back, I haven't seen it since :(

If I can put Android on it so Facebook games run properly for her I will never have to give up the PC again :)

Also now I need to pull all my old Sonic comics out of storage.


What I really hate about driving is when youre doing 40 on a dirt road and an emu bolts right in front of your car. Luckily for him, he was doing about 40 as well and my brakes were good.

Big bugger too, would have made a mess on the car.

I put Sonic comics on my Touchpad for the gf while she was laid up with a bad back, I haven't seen it since :(

The Hedgehog? It's for your own good son.
Cool stuff. My Munchkin expansions are also on their way to Oregon as I type. The last set should arrive Monday and I might thus have just enough time to receive the package on Friday. Shall we set the date in stone? March 25 is the proposed date, guys. If that doesn't suit people then we'll do April 1 instead (no fooling). Danoss already said he's good, but what about the rest of you guys?

25th is fine by me.
Screw you guys hating on the old Sonic comics. Were so awesome back in the Sonic CD days. The Metal Sonic arc was fantastic.

Anyone know where to buy US PSN cards online without getting slugged extra fees?
Best Buy US store. Choose digital delivery and use the address they tell you to use. $47aud for a $50usd card.


Anyone know where to buy US PSN cards online without getting slugged extra fees?

As reptile said, Best Buy, provided you buy the DIGITAL versions of the cards.

However, also ensure you try using your plain old Aussie card first. That's what I do with my AMEX to buy points. For the account, I have the following info:

Address: My real Aussie street address
City: My real Aussie suburb
State: California
Postcode: 95120
Country: United States

The above postcode is for San Jose, but any real Californian postcode (or one in another state without sales tax for online purchases) would do.

It seems that when validating your address with the credit card company, PSN only uses your name, the street address and city/suburb to determine the match. It doesn't care about the postcode, state or country (at least for my AMEX card).


Holy shit.

Anyone remember Victor Meldrew in that old BBC sitcom One Foot in the Grave?

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is on ABC right now, and he's in it. Only he's about 30 years younger and has hair
part ranga

voice still the same though.


Today has been my first sick day since I started the new job. It took an after hours medical visit to convince me I need to take a day off and rest.

Today so far I have drawn a comic, napped, watched C64 playthrough videos on the Xbox 360 YouTube, napped and played some video games.

Fuck, I feel like a million dollars. I'm going to have another nap.
What is your avatar Vince

I'll even wave to a driver as a pedestrian when someone stops to let me across the road or whatever. It's a nice courtesy, a way of saying "thanks". Like Fred said, it makes the world a better place. It's the little things.

I'm a big believer in this. I know I'm on a pedestrian crossing so I have right of way but having had people drive through the crossing while I'm already on it like complete cunts, I appreciate it.

Everyone here should play Draw Something!

Eh it's stupid. There's no way to win and it's eternally stuck on Turn 99.

Did he wave at least?



Eh it's stupid. There's no way to win and it's eternally stuck on Turn 99.

Totally agree. The Draw Something Hype really annoys me. Its hardly a game. I'm going to go yell at clouds now.

What pisses me off the most is when those people who play it don't know what pictionary is. RAWRG

Rooster what is your avatar


Totally agree. The Draw Something Hype really annoys me. Its hardly a game. I'm going to go yell at clouds now.

What pisses me off the most is when those people who play it don't know what pictionary is. RAWRG

I don't really care what it is, it's fun.
Totally agree. The Draw Something Hype really annoys me. Its hardly a game. I'm going to go yell at clouds now.

What pisses me off the most is when those people who play it don't know what pictionary is. RAWRG

Rooster what is your avatar

iSketch is so much better but I haven't tried their iOS app because it looks pretty crap.

Pictionary related:


My favourite show (Community) starts again tomorrow!


I grew up in a time when liking "techno" was uncool, but I always kinda liked Flat Beat.

Yay for Fred!


As reptile said, Best Buy, provided you buy the DIGITAL versions of the cards.

However, also ensure you try using your plain old Aussie card first. That's what I do with my AMEX to buy points. For the account, I have the following info:

Address: My real Aussie street address
City: My real Aussie suburb
State: California
Postcode: 95120
Country: United States

The above postcode is for San Jose, but any real Californian postcode (or one in another state without sales tax for online purchases) would do.

It seems that when validating your address with the credit card company, PSN only uses your name, the street address and city/suburb to determine the match. It doesn't care about the postcode, state or country (at least for my AMEX card).

Thanks for that, just purchased some PSN monies and waiting for the email to come through. Cheers
ffs. The touchpad keeps logging me out of NeoGAF when I try and reply to someone.

Touchpad owners! How do I get Android running on this thing? I really mainly need it for web browsing, Facebook & Facebook Games, Twitter, Gmail (and maybe some Exchange for work) and some streaming of music/videos from my PC.


I googled yours. Which song should I listen to to get an idea?

He has a pretty wide range of styles. I mainly picked it as I love the hell out of the artwork for that Softbo EP.

Turned it upside down since we live upside down apparently.
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