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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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By now, theres probably a precocious gaffer or two who were born after the PS2 was released.

It makes me sad to think of all these kiddies who didn't get to grow up with a C64... or hell, some of them missed the Amiga too! :-(

I'm hoping the Raspberry Pi will be the modern equivalent.


OMG Idle Thumbs is a a day early!
Just in time for when my parents are out and I'm cooking dinner.
Excellent, Keikaku etc.


so it just dawned on me that EBExpo may actually be illegal. Hear me out.

In australia we have classification laws around video games. Under that law video games are not allowed to be shown publicly in Australia without a classification. There is NUMEROUS video games going to EBExpo that are unclassified in Australia, such as MGS Rising.

Now you might argue that this has happened for years @ press events etc. The difference is the press events are not classified as public events, and are instead trade events which is a major difference. EBExpo is a public event as anyone can go.

The other issue with EBExpo is they have not put an age restriction on those who can go. Again, MA15+ all over the place, kids under 15. You could argue that EBExpo is facilitating the viewing of restricted content to minors which is kinda illegal....

The way E3 gets around this its trade only. The way Gamescom gets around this is I believe all games must be rated via PEGI before they can be shown on the public days, same with TGS and CERO.

Just a thought.

The big litmus test will be EBExpo next year where EB is promising not to age restrict the expo but if there is R18 games, you can sure as shit guarantee they will have to age restrict it.

Something for PAX AU to consider as well... this isn't america. We have direct federal law that deals with this that cannot be avoided or excluded.

My 2c.

Last years expo had the trailer of Lollipop Chainsaw running. I was talking to the guy about it he said its actually a playable demo but got pulled at the last minute because it wasn't rated in Aus yet.
Dishonored on PS3/360 for $64 from Big W! Awesome launch day price.

Rough day for Port Adelaide :(

I'm embargoed on a thing I want to talk about

so instead, I will just say

a grenade rolled down a hill

Going for Taken 2, hope it does not disappoint.




Hey Ausgaf, haven't been round in the last few weeks. Works been cracking down on the internets.

What have I missed? Loving Borderlands 2, after I realized some bad RAM in my new PC was causing it to crash.


World Expo '88
We'll show the world!


Fun fact: I've been told that the spinnaker-style cover/roof things used for that are now sheltering the servos and KFCs at the CBD end of the West Gate Bridge. Apparently.

Edit: Fuck me, I think I still have one of these stickers that I got in a box of Weet Bix stuck to the inside of my wardrobe door at my folks' place.

That sounds about right, a lot of stuff was re-purposed. Like the strobe light that went over the city (Stefan bought it), the monorail (now at Jupiters), various statues (throughout Brisbane). I am sure there is plenty more.


I work a block away from Stefan's needle, I remember it being a lot brighter and multicolored when I was a kid :/

I think the only memory of Expo 88 I had was wanting to go to the Japan exhibit to see these newfangled HDTV sets they were showing. That was neat.

And r1chard it's a crime that kids grow up without knowing the beauty of the C64. It should be taught in primary schools.

Dead Man

I work a block away from Stefan's needle, I remember it being a lot brighter and multicolored when I was a kid :/

I think the only memory of Expo 88 I had was wanting to go to the Japan exhibit to see these newfangled HDTV sets they were showing. That was neat.

And r1chard it's a crime that kids grow up without knowing the beauty of the C64. It should be taught in primary schools.

This is how I know I am the best age. C64 was our computer of choice, both at school and among friends.


Man, watching Jurassic Bark, I feel vindicated that the episode feels forced as an intended tearjerker compared to Luck of the Fryrish.
I've heard that as soon as one gay couple gets married, all children will spontaneously die.

And crime will be legalised.

And all the world's crops will wither and die.

And Hitler will come back and rule the world.

Damn those gays!!!!


Dota 2!

- Added Magnus!
- Enabled Team creation.
- Made all 6.75b Parity changes
- Added around 150 new items to the store.




Isn't marriage a legal contract that can actually have absolutely nothing to do with the church or any religion whatsoever anyway? Also what happened to the separation of state and church?


And ze contractual basis of the aforementioned does make it rather difficult/messy for marriage to be for more zen 2 parties.


s116 of the Constitution

The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.

So it's a limited freedom. You can see that the Commonwealth is not free to
  1. Establish religions
  2. Impose religious observances [i.e. force persons to conform to religious observances]
  3. Prohibit the free exercise of any religion
  4. Require a religious test for any office or public trust

/edit as Fred points out though the states can do whatevs


Urgh religion, just die already.

Definitely agreed. They interfere in too many things that they make judgements based on old superstitions that don't work in our current society. Our understanding of things improves every day through research and discovery, yet religions decry it as heresy because it goes against what their 'histories' say.

I still think that the bible (which is the only one I've really paid any attention to, having gone to an anglican school) is a series of stories told to give people examples to live their lives by and examples of what not to do. Someone, somewhere along the line either took it too seriously, or decided to use it as a form of control over people.
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