Yet the states can do all of those things.
That can't be a real reading of the situation can it?
/edit Huh... states don't legislate, but they theoretically could. Of course it's politically insane to do so, but... huh
Yet the states can do all of those things.
Isn't marriage a legal contract that can actually have absolutely nothing to do with the church or any religion whatsoever anyway?
Urgh religion, just die already.
That can't be a real reading of the situation can it?
I have a feeling that Queensland used to have some weird religious law, but I can't find it now. Some sort of restriction on new religions./edit Huh... states don't legislate, but they theoretically could. Of course it's politically insane to do so, but... huh
I have a feeling that Queensland used to have some weird religious law, but I can't find it now. Some sort of restriction on new religions.
That was the main point of that referendum question in 88. To make section 116 apply to the states too.
I wasn't voting age at the time, but from what I'm reading now, the freedom of religion question was bundled with extending the right to trial by jury, and "to ensure fair terms for persons whose property is acquired by any government". They seem pretty reasonable but it got smashed in the voting. Reading this: it sounds like the main problem was lack of bipartisan support. Peter Reith was heavily against the religious freedom question. God knows why.Really? Okay, so as I was not there at the time (being either unborn or a newborn) what else was in the same referendum that made people not accept it? Or did it just seem not that important at the time?
I wasn't voting age at the time, but from what I'm reading now, the freedom of religion question was bundled with extending the right to trial by jury, and "to ensure fair terms for persons whose property is acquired by any government". They seem pretty reasonable but it got smashed in the voting. Reading this: it sounds like the main problem was lack of bipartisan support. Peter Reith was heavily against the religious freedom question. God knows why.
Definitely agreed. They interfere in too many things that they make judgements based on old superstitions that don't work in our current society. Our understanding of things improves every day through research and discovery, yet religions decry it as heresy because it goes against what their 'histories' say.
I still think that the bible (which is the only one I've really paid any attention to, having gone to an anglican school) is a series of stories told to give people examples to live their lives by and examples of what not to do. Someone, somewhere along the line either took it too seriously, or decided to use it as a form of control over people.
A lot of people pick a political party like they pick a football team, and go with the bulk of what their team says. The internet doesn't change that.
went to a catholic school and this is what we were taught.
I don't really care if people are religious, in some ways I'm kind of jealous, but when organised religion attempts to assert control over the masses a line has definitely been crossed.
We don't use Santa as a reason for the need to impose GST on imported goods, likewise, religion should never be brought into the political sphere, unfortunately, it's all about the votes.
edit: I wonder how many politicians actually genuinely believe in god and aren't acting like it for votes and popular opinion
To some, politics just isn't that interesting or important. Witness this thread when politics talk goes on for too long. In Australia, the politics is basically party for the business owners vs party for the unions. It's easy enough to pick one side to sympathise with and just switch off from the rest.I guess in the end people like to be led?
The worst part is that according to the census, the atheist community is pretty sizable. Most people I know who identify as Christian don't even go to church, let alone read and follow the teachings of the bible. The politicians seem to be pandering to some 'silent majority' that doesn't even exist! But they all do it, so we can't vote for some other party and show them with our votes =/
Poll: Who do you think should lead the Coalition to the next election?
Read more:
Tony Abbott
Malcolm Turnbull
Australia is learning slowly.
To some, politics just isn't that interesting or important. Witness this thread when politics talk goes on for too long. In Australia, the politics is basically party for the business owners vs party for the unions. It's easy enough to pick one side to sympathise with and just switch off from the rest.
I guess if they don't push the point too much in regards to policies (in which they really don't, at least as far as I can tell) the atheists really don't care for the most part, but at the same time they are (like you say) pandering to the vocal (I say vocal because of people like Jim Wallace from the ACL) minority. So in that sense it's win-win I guess..
Dover street market was nice, thanks commanderdeek (I think). Really flash shop, slightly out of my price range though.
I guess atheists as a whole don't have an organised agenda as such so it's probably tough to get them to rally together, or maybe we are just too lazy
As an atheist the whole idea of atheist "congregations" and the like boggle my mind. And they do exist. They have conferences. And talk about how awesome atheism is. Whatever
As an atheist the whole idea of atheist "congregations" and the like boggle my mind. And they do exist. They have conferences. And talk about how awesome atheism is. Whatever
I guess atheists as a whole don't have an organised agenda as such so it's probably tough to get them to rally together, or maybe we are just too lazy
have you seen /r/athiesm?
dear god they're awful
have you seen /r/athiesm?
dear god they're awful
Society in general seems to be heading that way.I see atheism as aggressively individualistic.
For the ausgaf mac lovers, Any particular applications I should get for this thing?
Church isn't 100% about spreading the word of God. It's also about having a sense of community where you regularly meet with people that you otherwise might not. It's a weekly ritual where you think about morality and other philosophical topics. I think throwing out this sort of thing when leaving religion is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.At a religious convention it's all about spreading the word of the lord etc.
Nailed it.went to a catholic school and this is what we were taught.
Church isn't 100% about spreading the word of God. It's also about having a sense of community where you regularly meet with people that you otherwise might not. It's a weekly ritual where you think about morality and other philosophical topics. I think throwing out this sort of thing when leaving religion is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Yeah, something like that. Maybe like but they've specifically said "We do not intend the network to be a club or organization that has gatherings" so that's sad. They do have meetups.I just wonder what the theme of an atheist convention is. Or maybe as you are kind of alluding to it could be more of a "good will" convention but they are making the distinction that it's not slanted by religion.
Must have slipped Obama some flu tablets. The drowsy kind.American debates are rubbish. Obama fumbling, Romney surprisingly slick but content is a morass of contradictory bullshit
Fixedhave you seen /r/?
dear god they're awful
25% off games at GMG (including XCOM which comes with the pre-order skin pack and a free gift copy of Civ5)
25% off games at Amazon (including Sleeping Dogs for $22.50 and Bulletstorm/Burnout Paradise/Mercenaries 2/Mirror's Edge/Saboteur pack for $7.50)
I fear that atheist communities would end up as big circle jerks like they do on line. The types who think they are smarter than everyone else are almost as bad as the types that think gay marriage will ruin their own marriages.
Society in general seems to be heading that way.
I get married in 3 weeks and have purposefully changed any sort of implications in the 'readings' that marriage is strictly between a man and a women. I like to think I'm doing my part
I am duly authorized by law to solemnize marriages according to law; and Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.; and Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.
I am still not convinced MT makes for a good politician, let alone the leader of this country. He is very intelligent but seems to come at things more as a financial analyst than a political observer. The way he and his cronies (people like Joe Hockey) have handled the NBN debate has been nothing short of horrible. Would he be better than Tony Abbot? Sure, but there are probably a million people in this country at this point that would come across a better leader than that twerp.
It's old, but I laughed so much: