Time isn't free, either, and I have a suspicion that the PA guys (and the guests they want to bring on the podcasts) are busy people. That time needs to be paid for, because it's compensation for them not being able to do other things that could be making them money.If somebody feels this KS is actually providing them with value, that's great. I don't think it is providing anyone with value though. the 10 aim aside (which pretty much destroys the validity of the whole damn thing), for established guys to say they need money to be able to do a podcast of all things is simple ridiculous. A podcast is not free to make at a decent quality level, but it ain't that much either.
Bringing it into terms I can relate to more easily, am I allowed to start a Kickstarter so I can do more comics? I mean, I have a day job and a car, so maybe that makes me too established?
Boris was watched once. While interstate. The town I grew up in was out in the sticks, and had 2 channels.
Oh man, I almost forgot what it was like to get so few channels. It would always weird out people from overseas.