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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Thanks again for ausgaf/subscription tab
Fuck moving my mouse all the way to the top of the page now.

I'm lazy, take this:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        LineHeight
// @namespace   http://www.neogaf.com/
// @match     http://www.neogaf.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=*
// @version     1
// ==/UserScript==

function addJQuery(callback) {
  var script = document.createElement("script");
  script.setAttribute("src", "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js");
  script.addEventListener('load', function() {
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.textContent = "(" + callback.toString() + ")();";
  }, false);

function main() {


and stick it somewhere


shut up cods jquery is totally nessesary in that script


but ever so delicious
New GAF mods, I know like 1 of the names and that's it.

How do I become one, I want to feel important at some stage in my life and modding you bastards could be that high point.

Got my pax ticket today. Also need to book in to have a camera inserted inside of me, from some point of origin, in the near future.

Good depressing times.


The mods and admins all have a vote in their secret forum as to who should be the next GAF mods. So basically be buddies with mods I reckon.

Dead Man

New GAF mods, I know like 1 of the names and that's it.

How do I become one, I want to feel important at some stage in my life and modding you bastards could be that high point.

Got my pax ticket today. Also need to book in to have a camera inserted inside of me, from some point of origin, in the near future.

Good depressing times.

Yeah, I don't recognise them at all. Feels bad.
Well, mobile GAF looks the same. Personally I like white space, and if they've made the text area thinner that's alright with me, is faster to read. If anyone is using my scripts and they're not working... It'll probably be a while until I get a chance to look at them.

shut up cods jquery is totally nessesary in that script
jQuery is great, but if you're just adjusting the CSS of one selector, you could probably do it in one line.

Actually if it's a tag and not something with an ID you'd have to do a loop using getElementsByTagName or getElementsByClassName... Least I think that's what they are off the top of my head.


Well, mobile GAF looks the same. Personally I like white space, and if they've made the text area thinner that's alright with me, is faster to read. If anyone is using my scripts and they're not working... It'll probably be a while until I get a chance to look at them.

jQuery is great, but if you're just adjusting the CSS of one selector, you could probably do it in one line.

Actually if it's a tag and not something with an ID you'd have to do a loop using getElementsByTagName or getElementsByClassName... Least I think that's what they are off the top of my head.

You're absolutely right. It'd probably be faster too. But then I'd have to LEARN something instead of just c/ping my script template. >_>
WTT: Got me an extra Slug Cruiser FTL card.
Need Stealth, Kestrel, Mantis, Rock & Federation.
Please trade with me!

Where are these new gaf mods?

Fuck yeah three posts per page now I have to scroll more oh god my fingers what the shit who even asked for this?!?

I know right. Gotta zoom out on Chrome to avoid it taking 10 minutes to scroll down the fucking page.

Might just run Mobile GAF on desktop instead.
Hotline Miami will be out next Wednesday for Vita/PS3/(maybe PS4?) crossplay, $10 or so.

Exclusive mask which turns on b&w (Flashes of Gameboy for me) mode.


Maybe you OT too much :p I honestly only recognise one of those names and none of those avatars. Are they all just OT regulars? What happened to NeoGAF? Is this now NeoOTAF?

Anyway, regarding new look:


They should make me an admin. I promise I would only abuse my power for trolling purposes good.

Say, does anyone have any advice as to what kind of bang I can get out of $500 in terms of upgrading my PC. I plan to change out the motherboard, graphics card, RAM and CPU. I was hoping to also get a hold of some software (Windows 7 / Office). Anyone able to point me in the right direction?


They should make me an admin. I promise I would only abuse my power for trolling purposes good.

Say, does anyone have any advice as to what kind of bang I can get out of $500 in terms of upgrading my PC. I plan to change out the motherboard, graphics card, RAM and CPU. I was hoping to also get a hold of some software (Windows 7 / Office). Anyone able to point me in the right direction?

Take your $500 to the Treasury Casino, put it on black. Take those winnings and put those on black too. Buy a daiquiri. Take your $2000 and purchase a gaming laptop.

You're welcome.
Wow, three observations from that test match:

First, I'm pretty sure the Bulldogs just lost Folau.

Second, Kurtley Beale. The poor bastard. He will never live those two kicks down for the rest of his career.

Finally, this game proved that as long as Union continues to put so much importance on kicks over tries, it will continue to be a shit sport.


Interesting GAF style change that was linked in Steam Chat. I like it.

Fuck yes awesome. Good balance between old and new.

Re-watched game 7 and a few highlights from the other games. Really feel for the Spurs - they had it in them but made some bad decisions. Those bad choices weren't dramatic, but in a game of inches at the high level of the Finals, every little thing counts. There are some ugly moments (Manu missing that catch) but the eat weren't flawless either.

Big sticking point - the Spurs inviting LBJ and other shooters to take so many pull-up jump shots whilst clogging the post. Maybe Popovich looked at the Heat's field goal performance and banked on their clutchness to falter and rcounted on his bigs to win more boards. Who knows - if they didn't do that, the Heat would have adapted to an alternate defense quickly anyway.

I'm not disappointed the Spurs lost (and I'm far from jubilant for Miami) but I feel real damn sorry for their big 3, Danny Green and Leonard. The Spurs don't care that they're not loved like the big market teams are loved but Tony Parker is a fantastic athlete and a nice guy in interviews and I felt particularly sorry for him watching him file off the court at the buzzer.


Maybe you OT too much :p I honestly only recognise one of those names and none of those avatars. Are they all just OT regulars? What happened to NeoGAF? Is this now NeoOTAF?

I never OT (unless a juicy thread is linked here). I recognise them all (-1) from gaming.

Say, does anyone have any advice as to what kind of bang I can get out of $500 in terms of upgrading my PC. I plan to change out the motherboard, graphics card, RAM and CPU. I was hoping to also get a hold of some software (Windows 7 / Office). Anyone able to point me in the right direction?

Roughly how much gaming would you be doing on it? If little to none, you don't even need a dedicated video card. If some, what do you have now? I seem to remember you having an E8400 CPU or something of that era but I don't remember the video card.


Second, Kurtley Beale. The poor bastard. He will never live those two kicks down for the rest of his career.

No sympathy. O'Connor deserves just as much blame though.

Finally, this game proved that as long as Union continues to put so much importance on kicks over tries, it will continue to be a shit sport.

Nah mate.

Solid game of rugby. So many Englishmen at the bar. They all come out of the woodwork for these events apparently.
I understand EvilLore will go back to the old GAF design when Quarter to 3 announces they're not changing a thing (apart from charging for access).

I don't care if someone else made the same joke

In other fake news, Christians up in arms when the movie World War Z implies people can come back from the dead after three days.


You know what sucks? Someone dragging me into doing a change tonight that was supposed to be a simple thing i could do at 11pm and then go to sleep. But then I get a call at 1am saying "it's not working." All I did was put in the config they told me to. LET ME GO TO SLEEP.



i'm pretty glad i don't need to be ready for that sort o crap anymore. but i still do extra work at home on weekends just out of habit:/
Take your $500 to the Treasury Casino, put it on black. Take those winnings and put those on black too. Buy a daiquiri. Take your $2000 and purchase a gaming laptop.

You're welcome.
E = { ($1000 x 0.49 + $0 x 0.51) x 0.49 + $0 x 0.51 } - $10

E = { $490 x 0.49 + $0 x 0.51 } - $10

E = $480.20 - $10

E = $470.20

Wait a minute!

Roughly how much gaming would you be doing on it? If little to none, you don't even need a dedicated video card. If some, what do you have now? I seem to remember you having an E8400 CPU or something of that era but I don't remember the video card.
I would be doing very little of my gaming on it. My lifestyle for the forseeable future is such that what little gaming time I do get is mostly limited to handhelds or other devices that enable me to play while simultaneously doing something else.

I have an HD4850 in there right now. Would it be worth digging out another on the (very) cheap and cross firing or something?


I would be doing very little of my gaming on it. My lifestyle for the forseeable future is such that what little gaming time I do get is mostly limited to handhelds or other devices that enable me to play while simultaneously doing something else.

I have an HD4850 in there right now. Would it be worth digging out another on the (very) cheap and cross firing or something?
Crossfire is rarely worth it. Definitely not worth the hassle for you. On board graphics is just about at 4850 levels these days, so I reckon your best bet is just to use the on board graphics on a board that gives you the option of putting in a decent card down the track if a game pops up that you must play.

What sort of stuff would you be using it for? Just office apps etc? Any heavy lifting like video editing?
Wow, three observations from that test match:

First, I'm pretty sure the Bulldogs just lost Folau.

Second, Kurtley Beale. The poor bastard. He will never live those two kicks down for the rest of his career.

Finally, this game proved that as long as Union continues to put so much importance on kicks over tries, it will continue to be a shit sport.

I was a cracking game, I feel pretty bad for Beale, he was great until those kicks. You're right about kicking points though. I was watching the game with a South African dude, and he was saying when he first moved here he didn't understand Australians complaints about kicking. Apparently in Pretoria the crowd will just explode when even a field goal is kicked.

Izzy was incredible. I'm honestly stunned he didn't make it in AFL. He's got so sucking much talent.



Not sure if you already have an SSD so I put one in each build. If it's for productivity rather than gaming, you're better off putting the money towards one since you'll see a huge improvement in responsiveness. Prices from Umart. If you buy this stuff you can get OEM copies of Windows from them too.

This is the "I never ever want to overclock" build. You can still chuck a dedicated video card in down the track if you want. You can upgrade the mbd if you want more expansion options or the CPU if you need grunt.

The "I'll probably overclock at some point because I like free performance" build. Last gen CPU because it's cheaper and supposedly overclocks better than the new one:

The "I'd like to overclock but I'd also like the latest CPU":
You're a fantastic person, Fred.

I hope to use your services in the near future, so this was clearly me pointing out the obvious but also served to ingratiate myself.


Big thanks to Hamchan in Steamchat for recommending the use of Tunnelbar as a VPN for the purchase of Steamworks games locked by region at GreenManGaming.

I now have access to the full catalogue at GMG and am very happy.

VPN's confuse me, and Tunnelbear is easy easy easy.
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