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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

I'd really love to pre order the Game of Thrones RTS that comes out next week.

But when it is a week out from release and the very first glimpses of a game's engine are being released you know something might be up.
Can someone invite hijukal to the AusGAF Steam group? Thanks.

Can't believe it took me until 2011 to create a Steam account...

Also, the Genesis collection doesn't include Phantasy Star? WTF?


If AP is still $3 once I get home from work, I will double dip and grab it for PC I think. I loved the hell out of it on PS3, one of my favorite games of this gen for sure.
elfinke said:
If AP is still $3 once I get home from work, I will double dip and grab it for PC I think. I loved the hell out of it on PS3, one of my favorite games of this gen for sure.
It said $3USD and then when I logged in, $2 (but no "USD")... I'm new to Steam, is this weird?


codswallop said:
It said $3USD and then when I logged in, $2 (but no "USD")... I'm new to Steam, is this weird?
I see the store says 90% off, so that would be about right - just double check the invoice at the last step before committing.

I'm still dirty I missed Darksiders for $5 last week.

Also, I want to reiterate that that ABC article posted earlier about the asylum debate being 'worst in history' was very good. Fraser is a funny man, in a good way. Saddens me no end that it won't be reported on by the exact media it needs to be on.
Friday morning is garbage morning. Neighbor parked his bin right next to my car, the garbage men literally dumped half his trash on the boot of my car. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind tonight...
DeathJr said:
Friday morning is garbage morning. Neighbor parked his bin right next to my car, the garbage men literally dumped half his trash on the boot of my car. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind tonight...
Don't park in front of where the bin goes >:-(


DeathJr said:
By gaming I was implying mainly fps and shooter-type games, which have very fast moving images. The lower the response time, the better. 5ms will do the job but most gamers prefer lower response times to avoid ghosting effects.

Try playing a shooter with a 5ms screen. You will notice that sometimes the screen will go blank for a second. That happens because the response time is not enough to keep up with the changing pixels.

I've never had ghosting or the screen go blank even on the fastest shooters or games in general I've played.
midonnay said:
the world economy tanks and investors rush back to the safety of the american dollar/bonds.....

wat.....my head hurts >_<
For such clever people, they really do act like sheep sometimes. Thing is, when everyone else is being a sheep, the smartest thing to do sometimes is follow them.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Don't park in front of where the bin goes >:-(
My house is on the service road off the highway. The only place to park is in front.

Also, this has happened before. That guy always shoves his bin right next to my car even when there is plenty of space on the side.

I'll make my dogs pee on his gate.


I smell a Today Tonight story in the making.

Also, god damn it Australian dollar. I increased my pledge to a U.S. Kickstarter project safe in the knowledge that the upgrade is basically free because of the dollar, and I wake up this morning to find I'm out an extra $50.
DeathJr said:
My house is on the service road off the highway. The only place to park is in front.

Also, this has happened before. That guy always shoves his bin right next to my car even when there is plenty of space on the side.

I'll make my dogs pee on his gate.
If there's plenty of space on either side, park there. Bins go on the corner furthest from your driveway (unless that's inaccessible for whatever reason). Just don't park there on Fridays.


Dead Man said:
Hi, I'm in business, and when I fly, I like to feel special...

Fun fact. Did you know (in NSW at least) its illegal for a real estate agent to not reveal the sale price of a property when requested.

I asked on a property we looked at when it sold 3 times via email without response. I then told the agent if you do not tell me the price I will be forced to take it to Fair Trading upon which she replied that she is not legally allowed to give it out

So i smacked her back with the Act and the words from the Act which says she MUST give it out when requested

I finally got it.


midonnay said:
the world economy tanks and investors rush back to the safety of the american dollar/bonds.....

wat.....my head hurts >_<

This is how you figure out economists and investors.

take the most logical path, come up with the most logical decision and do the complete opposite

The US currency is still the reserve currency (although if they dont sort themselves out it wont be for much longer) and so therefore everyone goes to it.

The fact is the US dollar will most likely be always sought after whereas a company can go broke....

so you take your money out of risk.

People rush for gold as well.


jambo said:
All the flags in Victoria Square are at half mast, did something happen?



jambo said:
All the flags in Victoria Square are at half mast, did something happen?

If it turns out to be the death of an Australian Soldier or a previous tragedy I take this 'joke' back but i think its

for the death of the US and World Economy.

flags not half mast in Sydney must be Adelaide based.
Choc said:
The US currency is still the reserve currency (although if they dont sort themselves out it wont be for much longer) and so therefore everyone goes to it.
I've withdrawn US dollars from a Cambodian ATM, found $20USD on the ground in Dubrovnik, Croatia and shook my head at American tourists buying souvenirs in the Korean DMZ last week.

Stupid USD.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
If there's plenty of space on either side, park there. Bins go on the corner furthest from your driveway (unless that's inaccessible for whatever reason). Just don't park there on Fridays.
So I can't park in front of my house, but my neighbor can dump his bin in front of my gate?
DeathJr said:
So I can't park in front of my house, but my neighbor can dump his bin in front of my gate?
If he dumps his bin on your side of the property line, move it to where it belongs. Just don't complain about getting rubbish on your car if you park in front of where the bin is meant to go.

I have a neighbour who parks his ute right in front of the bins we put out. It means that the garbos can’t access it and that can mean spilled rubbish everywhere when they have to go around to get them.


So, I'm taking the build slowly due to still being in the deep endgame of Xenoblade. This was where I was as of last night (photo taken this morning).



Came out of my room this morning and got a weird look from my housemates friend who was sleeping on the couch.

I should have been the one giving weird looks, this is my house :C
Shaneus, has your copy of the Bastion soundtrack arrived yet? I ordered one at the same time you posted about it, which is getting close to a month ago. Still no sign of it.
Choc said:
Blizzard digital

if you say you want the US editions of the products you get the US price

US price may not be a good thing today ;)

I just want the games, none of the paraphenalia. Probably Just SCII and Diablo 2
Thanks for the AusGAF invite, anonymous person. Now I need to actually give Steam some money so I can actually enter chat and not look like a friendless loser.
Does Steam Crazy Taxi work with a controller?

Edit: Oh... there's an icon that says it does. Should learn to read.

Edit 2: Does it include the original Dreamcast soundtrack or the gimped one that XBLA got recently?


Planet_JASE said:
Shaneus, has your copy of the Bastion soundtrack arrived yet? I ordered one at the same time you posted about it, which is getting close to a month ago. Still no sign of it.
I'd completely forgotten about it, tell you the truth. I can't remember when they were supposed to be sent, but it was a week or two after we both ordered it. I actually remember seeing a post on their FB about sending them off a few weeks ago so we should've seen them by now, I'd think. Couldn't be too far off, at least... shipping from the US usually isn't quite as bad as Europe.


Wow @ the US economy and investors racing to safety there. While theyre at it, they may also consider the safe havens of Greece and Italy.

US is busy debasing its currency with QE1/2/3/4/5/..., has unsustainable debt and no positive outlook according to the IMF. So investors go in and throw good money after bad. o_0


Selfish pricks.


I finally got my flash physics engine working, and the results look really, really good. Essentially there are a bunch of particles that are all gravitationally attracted to each other, and they will eventually form these big masses as they all stick to EA Hitler. The fun part comes from launching small, really fast particles into these planets and watching shut explode everywhere. When I get home I'll post the .swf for people to look at.

Unfortunately, I can't think of how to build a game around this. It has a really, really satisfying 'peggle moment' as everything explodes, but I need to actually have there be something for the user to do that isn't just watching my engine climax.

Game design is fun. Only took me... 3 weeks to fix a single line of code, and now my engine is kicking.
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