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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


DeathJr said:
Pink Floyd is overrated.



but ever so delicious
Kritz said:
Can't argue that Duke didn't go through many iterations :D

it's just they fuckin' kept all of them

I think the difference was DNF tried to keep up with the times along with putting in their own crazy shit and changing engines since it was so far behind and the guy wanted "perfection".

In TF2s case i guess they just threw it out the window and said this shit isn't working, let's start again. Going by the TF2 wiki it seems like they created 3 or 4 different games and then decided on one.


x3n05 said:
Also, meh to video game journalism, it's a flawed concept. I might like the game, I may hate the game, but I think will make my own mind up on that.

Just to check, what do you define as 'games journalism'? Opinion writing?


Gazunta said:
Waiting for the Giant Bomb review, I trust Brad's opinion on all things id more than anyone else. And that's not me spruiking or anything, just the way it's always been since we hung out on IRC and he flipped his shit that Paul Steed personally handed me the gold master for Quake 2 for review ahead of anyone else in Australia.


what you're saying is that you can personally introduce me to brad shoemaker right



Jintor said:
Just to check, what do you define as 'games journalism'? Opinion writing?

Call it what you will, but ok, opinions. Like assholes, everyone has one. So rather than trust the judgement of someone that is paid to write about something, I would rather form my own.

edit: to be clear, the same goes for any form of media 'journalism', be it movies, books etc
shanshan310 said:
They don't recognise student cards interstate either. When I went to Melbourne they charged me Adult fare for the train and movies. /rage.
Yeah, students don't get concession travel in Victoria. Your card should have worked at the movies though, they just look at the picture, nothing else. My uni card expired few months ago, I still use it sometimes nobody bothers to check the validity.
x3n05 said:
Call it what you will, but ok, opinions. Like assholes, everyone has one. So rather than trust the judgement of someone that is paid to write about something, I would rather form my own.

edit: to be clear, the same goes for any form of media 'journalism', be it movies, books etc
Shh..don't talk like a sensible person, someone might say your opinions are outrageous...


x3n05 said:
Call it what you will, but ok, opinions. Like assholes, everyone has one. So rather than trust the judgement of someone that is paid to write about something, I would rather form my own.

edit: to be clear, the same goes for any form of media 'journalism', be it movies, books etc

Well yeah, but how do you judge something you haven't experienced yet? All you can do is ask people who have experienced it beforehand. Whether that's people who are paid to do it or people who are just word-of-mouthing the stuff, that's all other people's opinions.


DeathJr said:
Games that take you long to make and turn out shit:

Alan Wake
Too Human
Duke Nukem Forever

...and now Rage.

Meanwhile, Mario Galaxy 2 took under two years and is the best game this generation.


I want a tag give me a tag
DeathJr said:
Stalker? I used to live in mitcham and travel to my uni in Fitzroy...

Also, I didn't know you were sharing a room with 5 other roommates.

that was a joke! lol

i'm not sharing a room with 5 room mates. wut?

shanshan310 said:
They don't recognise student cards interstate either. When I went to Melbourne they charged me Adult fare for the train and movies. /rage.

Student cards are private institution, license is government?

hence why student cards dont work for you to use public transport in another state because something.

but they work at movies because something
RandomVince said:
Meanwhile, Mario Galaxy 2 took under two years and is the best game this generation.

SMG2 has definitely been my favourite game on Wii. It is also only one of two games on Wii that I've finished.

hey Skyrim will be good. But it will be buggy at launch due to the following formula

((a+c) x c) x d = f

a = scope
b = open world
c = Bethesda
d = PC
f = ffffffffuuuu


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Skyrim is going to be another soulless chore through an ocean of bugs and stupid game design just like Oblivion.

Unless they somehow pull a Morrowind 2 and Bethesda rises above their Oblivion/Fallout 3 tarnish and prove they can make good RPGs.


EatChildren said:
Skyrim is going to be another soulless chore through an ocean of bugs and stupid game design just like Oblivion.

Unless they somehow pull a Morrowind 2 and Bethesda rises above their Oblivion/Fallout 3 tarnish and prove they can make good RPGs.
I wouldnt hold my breath!

Also what I like about Nintendo games, is that they do 'gameplay' Mario games are pure awesome in your hands, screw story and all that crap, half the fun is in simply controlling the game.

Honestly, ID used to be that with FPS games. Now? (Now being since Doom3!)

I think Carmack doesnt really give a crap about games anymore, and it shows >.< he is more interested in rockets and crap.


EatChildren said:
Skyrim is going to be another soulless chore through an ocean of bugs and stupid game design just like Oblivion.

I do not intend to play the game proper. I intend to wander and mess up vulnerable forest animals with an axe.


Jintor said:
Well yeah, but how do you judge something you haven't experienced yet? All you can do is ask people who have experienced it beforehand. Whether that's people who are paid to do it or people who are just word-of-mouthing the stuff, that's all other people's opinions.

I can't, which is why I take the risk on something that I think I will like. If I am really unsure, I will wait for the game to go on sale and try it again. I used to put a lot of stock into reviews, opinion pieces etc but I often found myself at odds with author of said article/s, and don't get me started with applying a numerical metric to a game. I make some terrible decisions on game purchases, but I also make many great ones. *shrugs* it works for me :)

Remember, this is just my opinion, in your eyes it may be wrong, and THAT I can respect.



Originally Posted by DevelopmentArrested:
Ben Kuchera:

I can't help but think a lot of outlets aren't reviewing Rage, they're reviewing whether or not they'd like to get Skyrim early.


x3n05 said:
I can't, which is why I take the risk on something that I think I will like. If I am really unsure, I will wait for the game to go on sale and try it again. I used to put a lot of stock into reviews, opinion pieces etc but I often found myself at odds with author of said article/s, and don't get me started with applying a numerical metric to a game. I make some terrible decisions on game purchases, but I also make many great ones. *shrugs* it works for me :)

Remember, this is just my opinion, in your eyes it may be wrong, and THAT I can respect.

Hey, I've got nothing against it. Just seems impossible to me to isolate 'I think I'll risk this game' from 'Well, these people liked it, and these people didn't, and I have a fair idea of the types of games these people like and don't like...'


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
MrSerrels said:
Thanks man! Means a lot!

And Vooks - the fact that you shit on most people who do this full time is testament to how good a job you do.

I fear your news digging skills!

They are pretty pretty dangerous. I really wonder what some full timers actually do with their days.

Jintor said:
At some point you just have to start sacrificing time from other areas of your life, man

I don't know if I can, I mean the hour or so before work I spend on it, the countless work hours I spend on it and then the trip home, before dinner, after dinner. Kinda means I have no time left in the day for anything but my site.


Choc said:

Originally Posted by DevelopmentArrested:
Ben Kuchera:

I can't help but think a lot of outlets aren't reviewing Rage, they're reviewing whether or not they'd like to get Skyrim early.
I cant see through time >_<!


evlcookie said:
What the fuck at the epilogue of a storm of swords. What, wait, what, hrm.

Is it home time yet, fuck!

Haha I know man. Read it yesterday. No spoilers since others are reading it too though.


Oblivion seems to be one of those love/hate games. For me I couldn't get enough of it, it was buggy mess at times but I managed to put in ~110 hours before I was done. Skyrim can't come soon enough.



Characters you like die!

Characters you hate survive!

The rule? Only the good die young. Or when you start liking them >.<


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
markot said:
I wouldnt hold my breath!

Also what I like about Nintendo games, is that they do 'gameplay' Mario games are pure awesome in your hands, screw story and all that crap, half the fun is in simply controlling the game.

This is why Skyward Sword and Mario 3D are my only two 'must have' titles for the rest of the year. Uncharted 3 comes up there too, as even though I'm not overly dedicated or obsessive with the franchise as some, I do enjoy them and I know the campaign should be fun (multiplayer is nothing).

Otherwise, that's it. BF3 beta turned me off a day one purchase, and no amount of Bethesda false promises can commit to a day-one Skyrim purchase.

Salazar said:
I do not intend to play the game proper. I intend to wander and mess up vulnerable forest animals with an axe.

Pretty much. Hulking barbarian slaughtering all in his wake is the only way to play Bethesda games.

EDIT: I wish I got paid to write. Well, I do for Trouble, but one $50 piece a month doesn't pay the bills.


VOOK said:
I don't know if I can, I mean the hour or so before work I spend on it, the countless work hours I spend on it and then the trip home, before dinner, after dinner. Kinda means I have no time left in the day for anything but my site.

I don't mean your site specifically, I just mean... you know... writing. But I get what you mean.


Choc said:
wait what? I thought once yo uwere fully licensed in one state it carried over

at least it does in NSW, what the fuck Victoria?

also buy them? Your state is FUCKING SHIT if thats the case, how fucked is your public purse if you can't even give something you legally MUST DISPLAY for free

i got given 7 sets when i got my P's
Theres usually like heaps of piles out the front of the RTA too.

Plus NSW has better looking licences.

So wtf Victoria, get your act together.


I'll probably enjoy vanilla Skyrim a lot but we all know the game's quality will only reach its peak when all the mods start coming out.

jambo said:
RAGE system reqs have been updated

XBOX360 or PS3

XBOX360 or PS3

PS3 version it is!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Jintor said:
I don't mean your site specifically, I just mean... you know... writing. But I get what you mean.

Yeah, like there's this piece I wanna write about how iOS 5 is going to change the way people use their iPhones. Because for the last 4 months while using the Beta it has changed and opened up a whole swag of new things.

I'm not a tech writer by any stretch, it's not a deep and complicated look into how all the functions work etc, but just something on how iOS5 is the shit.

But alas, time.

NB. I should point out at least one person has asked me to write stuff for a certain publication and I have enjoyed doing that and very thankful for the opportunity to do it. That's really helped and inspired me too.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
hamchan said:
I'll probably enjoy vanilla Skyrim a lot but we all know the game's quality will only reach its peak when all the mods start coming out.

This too. Outside of the whole Master Race usual dick stroking, the one big thing console Bethesda game players are missing out on are mods. The Elder Scrolls community is one of the most active of them all, and the stuff they do with those games is incredible.


Jintor said:
Hey, I've got nothing against it. Just seems impossible to me to isolate 'I think I'll risk this game' from 'Well, these people liked it, and these people didn't, and I have a fair idea of the types of games these people like and don't like...'

I can understand that. Another part of it, I guess just comes from the fact that I haven't found any people that review PC games (my primary platform) that I enjoy reading or listening to. Once Sean Elliott/Jeff Green (1UP/CGW/GFW) and Chris Remo (Gamasutra and Idle Thumbs) left the scene I never really gravitated to reading anyone else. Since then, most of my experiences with reading about PC games or watching videos about them (e.g. Giant Bomb) have been more negative than positive so I kind of gave up.

I have been gaming since I was around 8 (early 80's) and there was no review media (at least that I knew of) back then and buying games (yes at that time, my parents money) was purely a gamble where you could only go by the pictures on a box, that looked nothing like the game itself. Doing so was on one hand, negative (in that you could end up with some terrible games, E.T.) but then on the other hand find some hidden gems (e.g. Combat) that you would pour hundreds of hours into. In saying that I am happy to take the good with the bad, at least while I can afford it :D.


I definitely don't disagree with the notion that you, yourself, are the ultimate arbiter of whether or not you really enjoy something, but other people's opinions are still something I take note of when looking for more stuff to look at. I would never have discovered Dwarf Fortress or Minecraft for instance on my own.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Vook's list of games I don't give a fuck about this year include;

- Rage
- Modern Warfare 3
- Skyrim
- Gears of War 3
- Halo (again)
- Assassin's Creed Revelations

Come at me bro.


shanshan310 said:
They don't recognise student cards interstate either. When I went to Melbourne they charged me Adult fare for the train and movies. /rage.

I still haven't seen a tram inspector yet.... what do they look like? ._.
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