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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

Choc said:
since when does that matter, Telstras 4g covers probably 0.01% of australia, and they have launched it with a bang

4G does not mean it REQUIRES 4G, 4G can work on 3G

Yeah I get that but what's the point of segmenting your marketbase and installing (presumably) more expensive hardware if it's only going to benefit such a small percentage.


9AM Today:

Kritz said:
"Rage is the combined effort of four years of iterative design taking elements from the best of the genre but adds significantly less to it when you combine the sum of its parts. The enthralling wasteland and charmingly bland environments will be enticing to the hardcore enthusiasts but borderlands and fallout and bulletstorm and stalker."


20 minutes ago, by a person who is paid to tell people words:


The story doesn't matter, and the world mixes Fallout with Borderlands for something that feels both routine and bland. Your character wakes up in a dystopian future, and then another character hands you a gun and tells you to start killing.


RAGE commits the sin of blandness


Imagine Borderlands with the fun stripped out, or Fallout without actual choice, characters, or consequences. None of the game's ideas are thought out or fully explored, so the game feels like a series of dead ends in a world that is hard to care about, in which you play a bland character doing boring things against stock enemies using weak guns. I only finished RAGE because I was paid to do so, and the process was a struggle; the game never presented me with a hook to continue playing,


Most shooter fans will be fine skipping it altogether. This a game that seems content with getting in its own way as much as possible; it works as a satirical look at why open world games often fail, but as a standalone game it's maddeningly bad.


To give you a sense of how ridiculous this game can be, here's a sample mission: my goal is to go to the next town to drop off some supplies. First I have to speak to the mayor, who tells me I need to change out of my conspicuous clothes before he'll talk to me, so I have to find the tailor. No sweat, right? Back to the mayor.

Once I get my new clothes, the mayor says I have to rent garage space and talk to the sheriff. So I do those things, but the sheriff tells me I can't have the supplies that need to be delivered unless my buggy has guns. To get guns, I need to talk to the guy at the race track. After talking to the guy at the race track, I'm told I need to speak to another guy to set up races for the slips to get the guns—when I find that guy, he tells me to speak to his guy so he can schedule the race...



Choc said:
To give you a sense of how ridiculous this game can be, here's a sample mission: my goal is to go to the next town to drop off some supplies. First I have to speak to the mayor, who tells me I need to change out of my conspicuous clothes before he'll talk to me, so I have to find the tailor. No sweat, right? Back to the mayor.

Once I get my new clothes, the mayor says I have to rent garage space and talk to the sheriff. So I do those things, but the sheriff tells me I can't have the supplies that need to be delivered unless my buggy has guns. To get guns, I need to talk to the guy at the race track. After talking to the guy at the race track, I'm told I need to speak to another guy to set up races for the slips to get the guns—when I find that guy, he tells me to speak to his guy so he can schedule the race...



"The game is completely linear, so it's silly when the menu asks if you'd like to accept a quest or decline it. If you decline it, the game simply doesn't continue, so why would you say no?"



I want a tag give me a tag
Choc said:
wait what? I thought once yo uwere fully licensed in one state it carried over

at least it does in NSW, what the fuck Victoria?

also buy them? Your state is FUCKING SHIT if thats the case, how fucked is your public purse if you can't even give something you legally MUST DISPLAY for free

i got given 7 sets when i got my P's

Yep, have to remain on them for 4 years minus the time I was on my P's and full license in SA.

and to determine that time I had to give them permission to send a fax to the SA office, then I had to book another appointment for a fortnight (for which they're only open weekdays, so I took half a day off today to do this)

so I just said no thanks, give me a 4 year one, I'll just work out myself when the 4 years are up (minus full license and P's in SA) and authorise for the fax to happen then so I can come in then and get my full license, rather than come in now get my P's with an expiry of 4 years minus Full + P's, then come in and get my full in the 2.5 years or whatever.

Rezbit said:
Wow that Vic Roads stuff is some straight bullshit. How can they drop you from full license to P's? Furthermore, why didn't you kick up a stink Holy?

Also, should I just up and move to England?

It was 8:30am, I was tired and needed to Pee.

I'm not one to kick up a fuss, I just passivly swear at them in a polite tone "well we have a c*** of a situation here dont we :)" *signs*


Salazar said:
It's like university admin staff went into game design.
Thats pretty much all ID games imo, but at least they did it so damn well that you forgave the 'no story or characters' and stuff >.<

Now its just embarassing imo.

Doom and Quake were great because the genre was new, and they added so much, but also pushed it forward. Now? Its... feh.

Its like Germaine Greer, she was great in the 60 and 70's when she had something to fight, now you kinda just want her to shut up cause she is embarrassing women.

Weird analogy / 10.


i feel sorry for Gaz now

he has to say the game is awesome as he works for AU Distributor


deep down as a game designer he knows that is a load of shit ;)

fap because ars has a reputation of telling it how it is whereas ign gamespot etc do not

IGN gave it 8.5 by the way and called it a 'safe shooter'

how is a safe game 8.5

It's a fairly traditional shooter, too, favoring smaller zones of combat instead of the open spaces seen in Far Cry 2 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Larger explorable areas exist in id Software's wasteland, but they're merely playgrounds for the vehicles. You can ride around in buggies and heavily armored cars, blast rockets at bandit vehicles and speed over jumps to smash floating beacons and earn extra rewards. It can be fun for a while, but by the time you get to Rage's second half, it starts to feel more like filler. The gunplay is always entertaining, as you adventure through corridors and interiors lined with hiding spots as mutants erupt from unseen spaces and bandits fire pistols and shotguns. Rage is not revolutionary shooter, but it's extremely well made.


HolyCheck said:
Yep, have to remain on them for 4 years minus the time I was on my P's and full license in SA.

and to determine that time I had to give them permission to send a fax to the SA office, then I had to book another appointment for a fortnight (for which they're only open weekdays, so I took half a day off today to do this)

so I just said no thanks, give me a 4 year one, I'll just work out myself when the 4 years are up (minus full license and P's in SA) and authorise for the fax to happen then so I can come in then and get my full license, rather than come in now get my P's with an expiry of 4 years minus Full + P's, then come in and get my full in the 2.5 years or whatever.

Hang on, you have a full SA licence? But they won't transfer that? Can only presume because of the P1/P2 thing.

When I moved to Vic I still had a Provisional licence from Tas, had to wait for that to 'expire', then went in the next week or soemthing to get a full Vic licence otherwise they were going to give me a Provisional licence which I had to purcahse for a minimum of 3 years. Bit strange vicroads.


Yeah but choc, you pimped LA Noire which was poo.

Btw do you ever make a statement in the middle ground? Is anything ever anything else but shit or awesome? :p


RandomVince said:
Yeah but choc, you pimped LA Noire which was poo.

Btw do you ever make a statement in the middle ground? Is anything ever anything else but shit or awesome? :p

Sometimes stuff is shisome.


Jintor said:
Ars has a decent reputation.

It's (the ars review, that is) getting (predictably?) shit on in the Gaming review OT. I dunno, I rather liked the ars review, even if it was a tad cynical, the points the reviewer was overly cynical about are hard to argue with.


I want a tag give me a tag
Omi said:
Hang on, you have a full SA licence? But they won't transfer that? Can only presume because of the P1/P2 thing.

When I moved to Vic I still had a Provisional licence from Tas, had to wait for that to 'expire', then went in the next week or soemthing to get a full Vic licence otherwise they were going to give me a Provisional licence which I had to purcahse for a minimum of 3 years. Bit strange vicroads.

Yes full SA License. In hindsite I should have just said sorry no thanks, and gone to the SA roads place when I go to adelaide in 2 weeks and extend my license (it was expiring in 2 months so I had to do something)


RandomVince said:
Yeah but choc, you pimped LA Noire which was poo.

LOL, agreed, I was bored of the game within half an hour.

Also, meh to video game journalism, it's a flawed concept. I might like the game, I may hate the game, but I think will make my own mind up on that.


HolyCheck said:
Yes full SA License. In hindsite I should have just said sorry no thanks, and gone to the SA roads place when I go to adelaide in 2 weeks and extend my license (it was expiring in 2 months so I had to do something)

that plus the fact its illegal to live in a state more than 3 months with another states licence

Teamxbox.com: 9.5
GameTrailers: 9
CVG: 8.9
Eurogamer: 8
GameSpot: 8
G4TV: 8
1UP: B
The Telegraph: 7
Strategy Informer: 6.5
Joystiq: 6
Co-Optimus: 6
Ars Technica: Verdict: Skip


HolyCheck said:
Yes full SA License. In hindsite I should have just said sorry no thanks, and gone to the SA roads place when I go to adelaide in 2 weeks and extend my license (it was expiring in 2 months so I had to do something)

I find it amazing that they won't recognise an interstate licence like that. They must have changed things along with the other provisional changes in 08 I guess. :(


x3n05 said:
LOL, agreed, I was bored of the game within half an hour.

Also, meh to video game journalism, it's a flawed concept. I might like the game, I may hate the game, but I think will make my own mind up on that.

Agreed. Ignore hype. Ignore bought reviews. Ignore manchildren reviewers. Play demo.


Jintor said:
Ars has a decent reputation.

I feel like Shawn Elliott would have an aneurysm after reading that review. The clichés and repetition of words make it so uninteresting to read. I wonder if it's becoming too hard to tell my parody from the real thing when I can create a fake press review without playing the game nor seeing any media of it since E3 and have it be so similar to a professional work.

Yes, I am proud of myself. No, there is no flaw in my arguments. Stop trying to find them!
reptilescorpio said:
Ella Morton is over rated.




Choc said:
deep down as a game designer
I haven't been a game designer in years

and Happy Feet 2 will prove that point very well

Waiting for the Giant Bomb review, I trust Brad's opinion on all things id more than anyone else. And that's not me spruiking or anything, just the way it's always been since we hung out on IRC and he flipped his shit that Paul Steed personally handed me the gold master for Quake 2 for review ahead of anyone else in Australia.


but ever so delicious
Looks like rage will be getting some mixed reviews. I won't cancel my pre-order after checking out the ars article.

I do find it interesting that a game that's taken so long to make turns out shit, Like DNF. Maybe there should be a limit on game development, 3 years max and if it's not done throw it out the window and work on something new. It feels like after you go past a certain point that you only end up chasing your tail, falling behind what else is being created and putting out a product that's so far behind what's currently "in" that it just falls apart.


evlcookie said:
Looks like rage will be getting some mixed reviews. I won't cancel my pre-order after checking out the ars article.

I do find it interesting that a game that's taken so long to make turns out shit, Like DNF. Maybe there should be a limit on game development, 3 years max and if it's not done throw it out the window and work on something new. It feels like after you go past a certain point that you only end up chasing your tail, falling behind what else is being created and putting out a product that's so far behind what's currently "in" that it just falls apart.

Hey, don't be starting that theory. Diablo fans might cut you.
Honestly, by the time a game comes out I have already decided if I am going to buy it or not. I gave up reading reviews a while ago. The closest thing to a review I look at these days are Giant Bomb Quick Looks, and they usually just hype me up more for something I'm already going to buy.

Rage looks good IMO, I'll probably buy it eventually.


evlcookie said:
Looks like rage will be getting some mixed reviews. I won't cancel my pre-order after checking out the ars article.

I do find it interesting that a game that's taken so long to make turns out shit, Like DNF. Maybe there should be a limit on game development, 3 years max and if it's not done throw it out the window and work on something new. It feels like after you go past a certain point that you only end up chasing your tail, falling behind what else is being created and putting out a product that's so far behind what's currently "in" that it just falls apart.

team fortress 2


The one thing that does concern me about Rage, is the PC issues people are having in the OT. Bad framerates, flickering, and some instances of the game not even running. Hopefully there will be a patch before mine unlocks :)


evlcookie said:
That went through many iterations though, almost like they threw everything out and started each time, which i think they did.

Can't argue that Duke didn't go through many iterations :D

it's just they fuckin' kept all of them


I want a tag give me a tag
DeathJr said:
Why live in mitcham if you work in Fitzroy and don't even drive? You're wasting a lot of time traveling, and mitcham isn't even cheap to live at.

other way around stalker!
Omi said:
I find it amazing that they won't recognise an interstate licence like that. They must have changed things along with the other provisional changes in 08 I guess. :(

They don't recognise student cards interstate either. When I went to Melbourne they charged me Adult fare for the train and movies. /rage.
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