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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

Shaneus said:
Edit: Yes Jase, there is! I actually have one or two episodes from XBL that were free to download in HD. Actually, I may have deleted them as a result of only having 20gb at the time... but they were actually quite entertaining. Probably worth watching if you enjoy the IP.
It was weird, I was quickly scanning the isles for Studio Ghibli films and as I moved on to the next shelf I had that feeling; you know, the one where you've fleetingly seen something important. Maybe the word... Pinata... no... no... f-f-f-fuck. Viva Pinata cartoons. Will. Not this week, maybe next week.

Gazunta said:
Yep! Two of the episodes were based on Party Animals :) Very cool to see stuff I helped make appear in a cartoon!
Was it made over here? Or was it farmed off somewhere cheaper?

Gazunta said:
I am enjoying the new job very much, thanks everyone who asked, but I am completely wiped out. Who wants to draw Funny Webcomic this week? :)
Yes. Yes I do. Serious offer if you're serious.

You're just teasing, aren't you?


Whelp, it turns out the PS3 wireless controller fiddles with whatever radio relay dad is using to bounce the foxtel control signal around the house, so no more Driver until Mum goes to sleep. :T


Planet_JASE said:
It was weird, I was quickly scanning the isles for Studio Ghibli films and as I moved on to the next shelf I had that feeling; you know, the one where you've fleetingly seen something important. Maybe the word... Pinata... no... no... f-f-f-fuck. Viva Pinata cartoons. Will. Not this week, maybe next week.
From what I can tell, it's had a VERY limited DVD release *anywhere*. Australia got 3 DVDs, the US/Canada got 4 (although 52 episodes aired). Other than buying those three, it looks nigh-on impossible to get any more of the episodes... even
. Which is a shame... I remember enjoying the ones that were on the XBL Marketplace ages ago (which were in HD, too).
Oh, and thanks to you, you bunch of assholes I will soon be in possession of a Kinect.

I'm weak willed and you're all a pack of enabling pricks.

...sob... why do you all ignore my plight?


Because Child of Eden is a transcendant experience

what exactly you're transcending I'm not sure

but you'll damn well transcend it!
Jintor said:
Whelp, it turns out the PS3 wireless controller fiddles with whatever radio relay dad is using to bounce the foxtel control signal around the house, so no more Driver until Mum goes to sleep. :T
The joy of bluetooth technology! Maybe those all in one remotes would work better for foxtel?

I take all the blame for forcing motion tech onto you dear sir!


trinest said:
Hey if we are compairing our tragities to be assholes, the one I posted in the first page I think should be up there.

if we combine our families we could probably recreate Breaking Bad


DeathJr said:
Dynalink. Modem+Router, bought from TPG with their ADSL2 connection. First time in 3 years having this issue.

Weird, Dynalink are quite decent. I only asked if it was D-Link because I had that exact issue when I first set up my net, more then 1 device connected = constant crashes. Turned out it was the router running out of RAM.

Got a new router (TP-Link) and all has been fine.


Jintor said:
Because Child of Eden is a transcendant experience

what exactly you're transcending I'm not sure

but you'll damn well transcend it!
Viscerally transcend it! With immersion!

Dead Man

codswallop said:
Toured Edo Castle's grounds, visited a maid cafe, picked up Tecmo Super Bowl (boxed) for 20 yen and played with a Virtual Boy at Super Potato. Today was a pretty good day.

Also posted my Twitter details in the first few pages of this thread if someone would care to update the list.
Sounds like a great day, for sure!


Lies. It's slightly more accurate with a controller, and you get vibration. But I think it's better without one.


RandomVince said:
Its better with a regular controller.

For score runs, yes. But for a visceral experience that transcends the term "video game" and immerses you like never before, the Kinect version is the way to go.

The above is partially said in jest, but it really is probably the closest we'll get to anything feeling like Minority Report/hacking in Johnny Mnemonic.
ClivePwned said:
Payton leaves 343i. Oh dear.
Yeah that was surprising. At least it means more interesting projects to follow. Would be nice to see him move over to Platinum to help out on MGS Rising for a bit too. ;)


Just finished the filming of Insight. I knew beforehand that I didn't really have much to contribute and I spoke for maybe a minute or two.

I'm the tall fidgety guy sat in the front row who rambled incoherently and said 'NeoGAF' on television.
Bernbaum said:
Just finished the filming of Insight. I knew beforehand that I didn't really have much to contribute and I spoke for maybe a minute or two.

I'm the tall fidgety guy sat in the front row who rambled incoherently and said 'NeoGAF' on television.
I hope you were wearing a hand drawn 'AusGAF Represents!' T-shirt Bern, or I will be very disappoint.

Also Nox is the 3rd last EA game. Losing hope that either SysShock 2 or Blade Runner will turn up. Le sigh. At least Westwood is getting a run, such a great studio back in the day.
3chopl0x said:
more then 1 device connected = constant crashes. Turned out it was the router running out of RAM.

Could be RAM issue, after resetting the router multiple times, it was working fine for a while. 1.....2.....3 devices were connected and it was stable. As soon as the 4th one came on, it rebooted.

But this never used to happen in the past. There have always been 10+ devices connected to the router and at most 6 being used simultaneously. Why now!


DeathJr said:
Could be RAM issue, after resetting the router multiple times, it was working fine for a while. 1.....2.....3 devices were connected and it was stable. As soon as the 4th one came on, it rebooted.

But this never used to happen in the past. There have always been 10+ devices connected to the router and at most 6 being used simultaneously. Why now!
Maybe it needs to be upgraded? Maybe even try saving the settings to a file, flashing the firmware (even if it's the same version) then reloading the settings. Might not help, but it's worth a crack.


Shaneus said:
For score runs, yes. But for a visceral experience that transcends the term "video game" and immerses you like never before, the Kinect version is the way to go.

The above is partially said in jest, but it really is probably the closest we'll get to anything feeling like Minority Report/hacking in Johnny Mnemonic.

Visceral, maybe. For a transcendent experience, try to 1 credit something like Ikaruga. That's my goal. Full on matrixy shit. *-*


Jintor said:
Sorry Bern, we had to cut that in post :p
Y'know, wouldn't be surprised if they did.

Jenny asked me how I felt about my PSN details getting nabbed, to which I responded 'indifferent'. Not exactly amazing television. I did sit next to the one guy who actually knew what he was on about and talked a bunch. Because of him, you get to watch a bored Bernbaum shuffle his feet, get a pantsboner in his jeans and clasp longingly at the switched-off iPhone in his pocket.


RandomVince said:
Visceral, maybe. For a transcendent experience, try to 1 credit something like Ikaruga. That's my goal. Full on matrixy shit. *-*

Visceral? Visceral is like... blood and guts and being really there, man. Child of Eden is about waving your hands and being lost forever in the beat.
Shaneus said:
Maybe it needs to be upgraded? Maybe even try saving the settings to a file, flashing the firmware (even if it's the same version) then reloading the settings. Might not help, but it's worth a crack.

It's already upgraded to the latest firmware. I even restored the backed up settings from my PC. I guess it's time for a new router, or I disable access to my housemates' devices and watch them suffer.
Bernbaum said:
Y'know, wouldn't be surprised if they did.

Jenny asked me how I felt about my PSN details getting nabbed, to which I responded 'indifferent'. Not exactly amazing television. I did sit next to the one guy who actually knew what he was on about and talked a bunch. Because of him, you get to watch a bored Bernbaum shuffle his feet, get a pantsboner in his jeans and clasp longingly at the switched-off iPhone in his pocket.
Can't wait to watch this riveting tv!

So can someone spell out what Gaz's new job is or no? Lol


Hey, anyone able to tell me what Mighty Ape are like with shipping on preordered games? Forza 4 LE is cheapest there (by far) but if it takes an extra week to get here, then I'll just grab it locally.


Shaneus said:
Hey, anyone able to tell me what Mighty Ape are like with shipping on preordered games? Forza 4 LE is cheapest there (by far) but if it takes an extra week to get here, then I'll just grab it locally.

I can't speak for pre-orders but when I bought Metro 2033 off them a while back it arrived in under a week.


Neverender said:
Fruit Ninja Kinect is amazing. Considering buying a Kinect to play it. That is all.



3chopl0x said:
Actually thinking back I'm nearly 100% sure it only took 3/4 days to arrive, sent Tuesday morning and arrived Friday afternoon.
It looks like they've accounted for any shipping time anyway. ETA on it leaving their hands was the 7th, which works out to me getting it roughly around launch day, if not earlier.
ClivePwned said:
Payton leaves 343i. Oh dear.

"I've decided that I'm not going to waste one more day working on something that doesn't speak to my values"

Did MGS4 speak to his values? Because I'll be plenty happy if Halo 4 doesn't turn out like that.

Hopefully the game doesn't suffer from it, or isn't already a huge POS. I'm interested to see where 343 takes the franchise.

Did anyone else watch that twentysomething show on ABC2? Triple J had been talking about it all day. It was really average. Not really funny, not really dramatic. Just something that was occupying 30minutes of tv scheduling.


I know I've been bitching a lot about this equity assignment but the more I re-read it the more I'm convinced the person who wrote the question was either insane or deliberately attempting to push their bullshit religious/theological agenda on us.


Kerrby said:
Did anyone watch Good News World last night?

Basically an hour of the Good News Week team hanging shit on the Gover
n[/spoilr]ment with Cal Wilson, Tom Gleeson and Akmal yelling inbetween.

Awful, only got 590,000 in the ratings in its first night.
I watched it yesterday... biggest bleh, the GNW momentum dropped really badly. Everything is staged. Like, I know Good News Week had staged segments, but at least the interaction between special guests was nice, at least that was entertaining.

I just got tickets to the live recording for the 17th, not I'm not sure if I want to go anymore :\


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Jintor said:
Awesome. 1500 words of complete and utter bullshit complete. Time to load up some Driver.

1100 words of Starfox I put up tonight ;D


VOOK said:
1100 words of Starfox I put up tonight ;D

Game writing is 300 time easier than law writing, I counted

Choc this game is so awesome. I love the incidental story dialogue, especially the asian streetracing brothers, they're hilarious
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