codswallop said:
I just picked up a Synology DS1511+ a couple of weeks ago. Besides one of the HDDs being DOA I've found it really great. Much better than my old WHS box; it's smaller, quieter, runs everything I need, and plenty of stuff I don't.
I thought about picking up a synology as well. One of the cheaper 4 bay ones. I think because it uses it's own thing for raiding, I'm a little afraid that if it does bite the dust then i'm stuck with hard drives i can't recover stuff from. Where as if i use say WHS then it's at least in ntfs and i can just try and pick stuff off it.
Unraid seems to suggest that if you do lose say 2 drives in a 4 drive raid, You can still get whatever data is off the 2 drives left instead of it all being lost.
Also I think part of me wants to learn what a raid is all about, why i'm using it, if i even should use it and so on. On top of that it would give me a chance to learn a little more about home networking since the goal is for it to be connected to my house (when i get one, ok if i get one) sometime down the future.
I seem to learn and retain information best when i'm actually hands on, Reading a book or a wiki gets me no fucking where.