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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


I want a tag give me a tag
ended up buying a bluray playrr for $99 and four of my fave movies of all time for $10 each will post deets when im home.

am on my bus home now and it has free wifi. would it be bad to dl porn?


legend166 said:
So Kerrby's way out of this is to post an unfunny meme?

I mean, I guess it makes sense because he stole an unfunny meme from me, but still. I would have expected some more imagination.

Are you serious? Of course I knew it was your post, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it here completely out of context.


HolyCheck said:
oo thank you for this link, might get the 130gig for $250, I don't want the ps3 to play games, more just blu rays
Incidentally, this is a better link to the same deal. It forces it to use Amazon as the merchant (Only Amazon will ship them to Australia and the normal link might start switching between merchants otherwise). Shipping is $16. Mine ships later today, hopefully.

Here is a similar permalink to the console-only 160GB deal.


Jintor said:
We actually had a conversation about female drivers, so I can only assume it's karma of some kind
Then karma's a bitch indeed:lol

Also, I've already had 4 groups of kids bang the crap out of my door for trick or treat. Gonna be a long night.


commanderdeek said:
Also, I've already had 4 groups of kids bang the crap out of my door for trick or treat. Gonna be a long night.

Give them long lectures on why they're un-Australian for following American traditions.


commanderdeek said:
Also, I've already had 4 groups of kids bang the crap out of my door for trick or treat. Gonna be a long night.

Luckily the new place I moved into has front door access through the garage and the doorbell isn't working.

Going to be nice and peaceful this year :D


3chopl0x said:
That's very Australian of you to take things so seriously.
Thank you, I... wait!

You might not have been serious, but it's a pretty common attitude. Especially among cynical 20 somethings.
Fuck I am salty. Yarn time. A few weeks back I decided on my build and went down to the local Super Billing. I had made the build on PCCG but I wanted to support the local business for making the effort.
No items in stock.
That's okay, I didn't expect them to have everything on hand down here. He says the Geelong office have it and it will be shipped down by Tuesday. Coolio.
Tuesday and Wednesday come and go. On Thursday I call him up, "What's the beef dude? Where are those bits of metal and shit that I am planning on handing a fat sack of cash over to you for?". "Try again tomorrow".
Sure enough I call tomorrow the next day. "The parts came in! Come on down after work!"

Arrive: "Oh by the way. We can't get teh 690 Adv II until some time in November. They have the white one in Geelong for an extra $20 though!"

So while I am in Torquay I trawl the rest of Geelong for a substitute case. No dice. Like, none. No store in Geelong has a mid range case between the CM Centurion 5 and the Corsair 600T. Mo money, mo problems I know.
My soul was crushed, my spirits were low. My gf and child were getting cranky and malnourished. I scoot down a street I rarely use heading in the direction of Batmans house and oh shit! MSY? When did THAT come to Geelong? Salvation! I call sanctuary! Not only do they have a 690 (as well as the NVidia edition which I withheld my gaze from) but they also had the HAF912 for $104! A bit cheaper than the 690 and all the same features I wanted! They also had most of the parts I wanted for less than Super Billing (saved about $90) AND most of the stuff was sealed! Which means I might even be able to RMA in the future which would be nice!
Enter today: Left Torquay early so I could get back and get the CPU cooler, RAM and SSD for a fun night of build-a-pc-while-shitting-myself-that-i-am-going-to-break-the-motherboard. Go to push the door to Super Billing open and I seem to have affixed myself to a glass like substance. Turns out the door was locked. A little false clock that seems to have fashioned out of paper tells me the owner of the fake clock won't be available until 9:30. I will assume that means o'clock since it is in the shape of a clock. Fuck.
If he is also taking tomorrow off I will be super duper pissed off even more. If I drive down there and he isn't open at 9:30am I will just put an order into PCCG for the remaining parts, will work out cheaper and will hopefully arrive on Friday. Like I should have done in the first fucking place.


Also there was a hit and run at the roundabout near my house. People do fucking stupid speeds through the roundabouts here trying to beat the traffic, not surprised that a pedestrian was hit.

Omi said:
I still have sand in my vagina after they had a SPECIAL SUPER DUPER EXCUSIVE offer for pre-orders of ToMI where the slipcase for the collection was signed by Steve Purcell! Only $35! But then the game turned out to be mediocre. Story was bland, writing was unimpressive, none of the new characters had anything worth remembering, the artwork was bland (again, that word seems to sum up the series perfectly) and the controls were pretty bad.
Also shipping costs for the one DVD were silly since I had already downloaded all the episodes. Silly.
Sam & Max Seasons 2+3 were quite good though.

codswallop said:
Is there an OzGameShop of board games? Got about six weeks until I'll need it so no massive rush.
Give them a few weeks and I am sure they will start selling everything under the sun. Going to order some kick ass posters for the low, low price of from $7.50 inc. postage!!!

Marshmellow said:
But beyond that, is anyone thinking of getting Halo anniversary. Mates are trying to get me to buy it so we can play. Not sure if it is going to be worth the 70 odd dollars or whatever it is coming out at. Thoughts? Hype?

legend166 said:
So, um, Kerrby is stealing my posts from Big Footy, and then posting them here.
You snooze you lose. Should make a script that crossposts automatically to GAF, BigFooty, Reddit, Twitter, etc.

jambo said:
Someone put up 25 minutes of Skyrim on YouTube. It looks like an Oblivion mod =\
Maybe they are full of shit and it really IS a mod, not Skyrim. Shamamalongadingdongholio.jpg

Bernbaum said:
So, um, legend166 is stealing my posts from Big Footy, and then posting them here.

I like you. You have gumption.

Rahk said:
Aren't PS3 bundles like $300 here now these days, or is it $400?
For some reason I recall RRP for the small HDD bundle being $249 but I may be hallucinating again.

Omi said:
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNdmxKriRaI

Oblivion looks pretty shit these days, but I will be honest. This still looks pretty shit. Check out the cart/horse path finding and animation ffs.

evlcookie said:
Holy I picked up planet earth from zavvi and it works five on my au ps3.
Aren't we in the same region as the UK for Blu Rays?

commanderdeek said:
Then karma's a bitch indeed:lol.
Shit son! VERY lucky Dragona ain't around no more or you woulda been sent packing for that insult on the female lifeform!

Black Forest Cake incoming!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I don't hate Halloween because it is America, I hate it because it's stupid.

Also American.


VOOK said:
I don't hate Halloween because it is America, I hate it because it's stupid.

Also American.

I wish it were bigger here. Dress-ups, candy and a cheeky celebration of the macabre. At its core, Christmas and Easter are kinda stupid too, but they're fun and you get to eats loads of garbage food! I'm not a Christian but celebrate both, and I'd celebrate the crap out of Halloween in Australia if we didn't just turn it into another reason for a piss-up.

I'm totally down for doing a Mexican Day of the Dead in Mexico at some stage.


WTF! I totally thought that was legend until I saw him quoted as Fredescu. Why you messing with our minds man?

Or did legend change his username lol


midonnay said:
do people actually trick a treat in Oz?
We've had kids knock on our door on occasion. Haven't always had candy lollies for them but we've never been on the receiving end of a 'Trick'.

VOOK said:
Ding ding ding!
Fair call. Yeah, we're good at ruining things like that. Case in point: that horse race thing this week.
Bernbaum said:
I'd celebrate the crap out of Halloween in Australia if we didn't just turn it into another reason for a piss-up.
Why not both? :(
The League made it awesome! We could too! Find ourselves a monkey and a keg and we are all set.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Bernbaum said:
Fair call. Yeah, we're good at ruining things like that. Case in point: that horse race thing this week.

Any excuse will do!

Someones 27th birthday (not even special), someone going away to Bali for the weekend (you know to get drunk as well), got a new job, got fired. The alcoholics need not a reason, just an excuse to help legitimize their habits.

Got totally pissed and smashed all the furniture? But it was Halloween!

It's a relationship of convenience.


Nothing wrong with enjoying a few frothies VOOK. Hell I don't even need an event. You know what I'm going to have some frothies tonight. Whatever, I do what I want.


The reason why it's seriously confusing is because people like Fred, Legend, VKS, Bern and Gaz have had the same avatar for the past 4 years, or slight variations of them.

Change it back!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Rezbit said:
Nothing wrong with enjoying a few frothies VOOK. Hell I don't even need an event. You know what I'm going to have some frothies tonight. Whatever, I do what I want.

Absolutely nothing wrong with having a few. Go for it.

Using American children events and horse races as an excuse to get totally smashed? Not so much.


Bernbaum said:
I'd celebrate the crap out of Halloween in Australia if we didn't just turn it into another reason for a piss-up.

What if we use it as an excuse for a piss up AND to get costumed up?


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I have just had a horrendous weekend. Spent most of it in bed, sick. Looks like tomorrow is going to be the same.
Me too. I've got this insane cough with a headache to match that ruined my entire weekend.

Spent today at home and I've got a tonne of work to catch up on tomorrow. Sickest I've been all year, but I only took last Tuesday and today off. Working with this headache was absolute torture last week and I'll be going to work tomorrow regardless of how I feel.

To make matters worse, I chose against my better judgement to watch Jurassic Park 2 and 3 on BluRay. They are not good films.


VOOK said:
What would they dress up as?

Honest question.

Hitler with a burqa

From what I gathered they dressed up like as Dracula (costume, covered in blood, had pointy teeth) but were wearing also wearing the scarf. Some think that it's not representing the religion well to non Muslims and that it' a "bad look".

I replied that it's better that they appear they're free and having fun, which might show non Muslims that y'know, they're normal people.
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