Nintendo Switch Launch Thread: Now you're playing with power; HYBRID POWER!

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Hmm, I need a short-burst game for the switch. Thinking about Pyo Pyo but I am not sure. Maybe I will save money for MK8?
I really want Spelunky on here.

I'm playing GEM (Graceful Explosion Machine) right now in short bursts and loving it. You can either play to unlock new levels or work on crushing a previous record on a given level (plus challenges). A fantastic throwback to old time shooters.


Just got the Pro Controller. Wow, it's feels so much more high quality than the Wii U's one. Those face buttons are HUGE.
It might just become my main controller, even though I love the split joy-con style.
Just got the Pro Controller. Wow, it's feels so much more high quality than the Wii U's one. Those face buttons are HUGE.
It might just become my main controller, even though I love the split joy-con style.

Yeah. I still prefer the WiiU Pro's D-pad and battery life, but otherwise the NS Pro controller is a total upgrade.
I really hope someone at Nintendo or Platinum is thinking about the fans who missed Bayo 2 cus of the Wii U

im not one of the people who missed it but I still want a port of 1 and 2 😂
I'm not sure if I linked before to this grip for giving the Switch X360-style handles. Well, I ended up getting one printed. Including shipping cost $21, and from ordering to receiving was 4 days (with a Sunday in there) so not bad. As for how it feels--yeah, very comfortable to hold. In use I think the only notable problem is the L and R buttons. Since your fingers want to naturally sit on the new "fake trigger", ZL and ZR are in a position similar to the bumpers on an X360 controller. This leaves L and R as some new class of even closer shoulder buttons that it takes a bit more finger effort to reach. Also no surprise, but it adds enough bulk that it can't be stored in the BOTW Special Edition case, so actually taking it around will be a little extra hassle.


Welp, I'm a Nintendo Switch owner already. This signifies a few (embarrassing) firsts for me, this is the very first HD console I've ever owned, totally skipped out on the 360, PS3, PS4, Xbone, and Wii U.

It's also the first time I've ever bought a gaming console this close to its official release, I'd wait years before I bought a console after it had already come out, I've absolutely no games until Friday because I thought Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was already out but it is not, LOL, but I really wanted to play that game, I''m also ready for when the Smash Bros Wii U port comes out! and also Mario Odyssey and if I feel like it, might get BOTW digitally right now.

I've always been a Nintendo fan and I'm more of a casual gamer than a core gamer, so frankly the Switch is a better fit for me than an Xbox One or PS4, what I also like about it is that Nintendo supposedly plans to support this console exclusively instead of releasing a portable machine and a home console so I'll get all the Nintendo games that will release in the future on this system.

Here's hoping for a good few years with this console!
Welp, I'm a Nintendo Switch owner already. This signifies a few (embarrassing) firsts for me, this is the very first HD console I've ever owned, totally skipped out on the 360, PS3, PS4, Xbone, and Wii U.

It's also the first time I've ever bought a gaming console this close to its official release, I'd wait years before I bought a console after it had already come out, I've absolutely no games until Friday because I thought Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was already out but it is not, LOL, but I really wanted to play that game, I''m also ready for when the Smash Bros Wii U port comes out! and also Mario Odyssey and if I feel like it, might get BOTW digitally right now.

I've always been a Nintendo fan and I'm more of a casual gamer than a core gamer, so frankly the Switch is a better fit for me than an Xbox One or PS4, what I also like about it is that Nintendo supposedly plans to support this console exclusively instead of releasing a portable machine and a home console so I'll get all the Nintendo games that will release in the future on this system.

Here's hoping for a good few years with this console!
Congrats! Welcome!

Can't believe how many good games you missed though :p


I'm debating on whether to get another pro controller or a joycon pair for some Mario Kart action.

Currently own one pro controller along with my first pair of joycon.


I'm amazed that there is no preorder on the eshop. I would have liked to blow my money on Mario Kart und then go shopping in other regions.


I'm amazed that there is no preorder on the eshop. I would have liked to blow my money on Mario Kart und then go shopping in other regions.

The eShop as a whole right now is pretty bad. Hopefully it gets updated sooner rather than later.


Has there been any talk about Netflix/Crunchyroll apps? This thing needed those like yesterday, can't wait to start using this instead of my old tablet in bed for series.


...hate me...
I'm debating on whether to get another pro controller or a joycon pair for some Mario Kart action.

Currently own one pro controller along with my first pair of joycon.
I would personally get another pair of Joy-Con.

I have the same (original joy-cons + Pro Con) and next thing I'll get is another pair of joy-cons. That gets me 3 "full" controllers and 5 controllers total, plus really easy to transport 4 controllers.

But after that, yeah, I'd like to get a second Pro Controller (especially if Nintendo releases another color) and that will fully close up my Switch controller needs.


So not worth it
Puyo Puyo Tetris is life. It's such a fun game!

Love the game, getting utterly screwed like a pornstar in the online mode though, I have not the experience or the skill to beat anyone in either Puyo Puyo or Tetris for that matter. Back to single player for me.


Old tweet, also rumor, but Duck Game might eventually come to Switch. From the creator:



GAME are advertising pre-orders for the standalone dock. AFAIK you can't buy it elsewhere in the UK. Will be available from 19 May.




I really want one of these as well so that I can set it up for the kids and they don't have to play in the "adult's" sitting room. But £100 is daylight robbery. Any word on third party solutions?

£100 for a dock and £80 for a spare set of joycons - you might as well just buy a second switch..
I'm amazed that there is no preorder on the eshop. I would have liked to blow my money on Mario Kart und then go shopping in other regions.

Weren't last few Wii U first party games that did preload were automatically mined and distributed which is why Zelda didn't do it?


Well, couldn't resist and just pulled the trigger: I'm a new Nintendo Switch owner. I was planning on waiting till Holidays to buy one, but I found a good offer and in the next months I'll be traveling a lot, so the Switch seems like the perfect companion for me and my couple

Last Nintendo console I owned was the Wii, I'm so excited about it! Getting Zelda and Mario Kart 8 this Friday, so I should be settled for several months lol


Please help me with my bad english
Got one! I've been trying to find one in a retail store since this Monday and my perseverance has finally payed off.

Took me a good two hours playing with it before my brain went like "holy shit, I've got a Switch" lmao.


Here's the Orzly stand...

Same stand that I use. I bought it because I fly a lot... it allows you to charge your Switch while it sits there and cost a fair bit less than the Hori version.

I like it a lot. The only negative I have is that its profile is quite large when in a bag.


Since BotW has been the only physical Switch game I've had until now, I hadn't thought about this before, but since the game cards are all read-only, I assume hot-swapping cards shouldn't be a problem?


Since BotW has been the only physical Switch game I've had until now, I hadn't thought about this before, but since the game cards are all read-only, I assume hot-swapping cards shouldn't be a problem?
don't do it it's going to give you a pretty nasty error. It's the one where even if you have a cartridge in the device won't read it unless you put a different one in


I'm supposed to receive my copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris tomorrow, can't wait to play the entire game. I enjoyed the demo with coworkers and my GF!

Along with MK8D next week, the next weeks will be quite busy.


So just got a Switch today!!! Really was my lucky day. My usual GameStop just sold the last one before I walked in, but he called around and did a inventory search and found that a store in another city had 3 in stock so my friend and I headed straight there. Guy was really cool and hooked me up.

First off, yes Nintendo. The hardware is amazing. It's so slick and comfortable. The joycons are small, but funny enough they are a nice size. I do not like the grip that much and will definitely be buying a pro controller, BUT holding the joycons individually feels so natural. It's like holding the Wii Remote and nunchuck all over again. Will probably be my perferred method of playing. I found myself snapping the joycons in and out just to hear the click lol

The dock itself is super tiny. I mean tiny. The PS4 looks like a beast compared to this thing. Even with the Switch in the dock it's still tiny. Nintendo really did some magic to make this as small and compact as possible.

I ended up buying Zelda, but I do have plans to get MK8D Friday. I mean I haven't played a Zelda since the GCN version of Wind Waker but when I saw the trailer at the January event, I said idk what it is about this game but I have to have it. Plus I've never really was a handheld gamer even though my favorite genre...jrpgs...was flocking to DS and 3DS en masse. Seeing the graphics of Zelda in handheld mode just make me smile like a kid. Like this thing is more powerful than the Wii U and way smaller than it. Like wtf!! Idk maybe I'm just easily impressed, but having beautiful games like that on the go, where I can pick them up and play them at any time, any where, is like amazing. I would rebuy every rpg I've ever played again if they came to Switch no joke.

I love the simple UI. Really clean and it feels really slick. Although reading GAF, ya'll were spot on. That eshop needs some MAJOR work. I'm like how am I supposed to find anything. I wanted to look at I Am Setsuna but it wasn't showing up and there was no way to search for it other than typing it in. I'll give them the launch pass for now, but if that shit isn't fixed by E3 or before, I'm going to really be frustrated. How is anyone supposed to find anything?!

Overall outside that grip, I love the Switch. It's modern, sleek, powerful and still very much Nintendo. I am very interested to see where this takes them in the coming years as I can see this becoming my defacto gaming device.

Sorry for the long post, just super excited and wanted to share with gaf lol.

P.S. just personal view on Switch selling out as I live in Michigan. I haven't seen a Switch anywhere. From Target to Gamestop to Bestbuy. The cashier said they sell out every shipment they get. He was also surprised when I got there that they still had Switches in stock to which I replied they were waiting for me lol. But there is also real excitement in the air about Switch. The workers are excited for it, the customers in the store were excited about it. I think this could be on some level a Wii-like thing. Maybe not as big, but defnintely putting buzz around Nintendo.
Similar to you I much prefer the joycons without the grip bc it reminds me of the Wii remote and nunchuck that I loved so much. Feels natural to me.


Similar to you I much prefer the joycons without the grip bc it reminds me of the Wii remote and nunchuck that I loved so much. Feels natural to me.

I love the nunchuck but I don't think it's very easy to alternate between the face buttons and the right stick, also using R and ZR can be tricky. I might just need some practice.
I guess I have a problem... I'm addicted to the Joy-Con Grip. I've even started using it instead of my pro controller

Meh, that's not a problem. I tried the Pro Controller at Best Buy, and I prefer the Joy-Con Grip. I'll be getting the one with the charger and another set of Joy-Con before the Pro Controller.
Got a Switch today purely for Mario Kart (and Ultra Street Fighter II next month). I hope it's worth it, have not touched a MK game since Mario Kart DS (which I purchased a DS-Lite just to play lol).

Don't ever intend on buying Zelda: BOTW - game doesn't interest me one bit. The only Zelda I would look into buying is a VC re-release of Zelda II: Adventure of Link from the NES, loved it. I've found every Zelda game I attempted to play in the years since, severely lacking and boring.


Man, Snake Pass is pretty fucking good.

Got a Switch today purely for Mario Kart (and Ultra Street Fighter II next month). I hope it's worth it, have not touched a MK game since Mario Kart DS (which I purchased a DS-Lite just to play lol).

Don't ever intend on buying Zelda: BOTW - game doesn't interest me one bit. The only Zelda I would look into buying is a VC re-release of Zelda II: Adventure of Link from the NES, loved it. I've found every Zelda game I attempted to play in the years since, severely lacking and boring.
What appeals to you about Zelda 2 so much?
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