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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Choc said:
Vince the year Fallout 3 came out was like this

and people want new consoles :( we are in the golden age of this generation!

What year was that? Mustve been pretty bad if Fallout 3 was the standout title.
So Modern Warfare 3 was fucking awesome. Could not have finished the trilogy any better. Fucking bombastic and fun as hell. Last level was fantastic and they tied it all in together really well. Some melancholy about how some things turn out but I wasn't expecting it to end in a rap song over the American flag or anything. Captain Price is damn cool. Insane that they had 5 studios working on it but I think that is more indicative of how Activision has gutted the studios and lumped them all together. The campaign only lasted about 5 hours apparently but it was brilliant from start to finish, shits all over Black Ops. Also noticed that Paul Haggis was involved in the writing. Thought the graphics looked great on PC, nothing mind blowing but I wasn't offended and was in awe of some setpieces. DAT PARIS MISSION.

I see that MW3 Vs. BF3 is quite the pissing match actually. It is like DS Vs. PSP all over again.

markot said:
I told you turnbulls that you could get Skyrim for 45 bucks from that site! And I already got the link! And its all super legit!
$35 at a site I guess I am not allowed to talk about on GAF any more? The key I got for RAGE wasn't Russian but I won't bring it up any more in case the mods get an itchy trigger finger.

Sutton Dagger said:
So any talk of CD-key sites will result in a ban...Reptile you better not mention Intkeys ever again :)
All right! No more I promise! From this day forth I shall track down each and every business that I advertise to others and beat the shit out of them until they confess to whether or not they have ever bought something from mother Russia. In mother Russia, key IS you.

Danoss said:
CD format to be abandoned by the end of 2012.

I'm sorry, how the hell is this a good idea? Paying top dollar for lossy, crappy sounding music. If it's in FLAC or something, fine, but I honestly don't see that happening. Everyone seems to love the crap quality MP3 format that music is released in, which isn't even 320kbps (which is still rubbish).

Wait? What? Fuck this shit! I still like buying CD's! I still buy new records too! Although 320kbps is fine for my ears I would prefer to pick it up as a physical product too! What the hell is going to happen to album art now?

codswallop said:
Anyway, it's moot with modern music, as it's mixed and compressed to sound good as an mp3 on car stereos.
Depends on the producer/mixer and whether or not the band is worth listening to. I will pull out my music snob card and say most of what I listen to is created to sound good through a quality pair of stereo headphones.

Danoss said:
The human ear believes louder music sounds better, and Death Magnetic is a prime example of why this is not a good thing to do.
Californication too. :(
At least the shining moment of Guitar Hero was to bring us an un-mixed version of Death Magnetic. Thanks Bobby!

Aon said:
1.1 has already been pushed out to Steam preloads.
Day One patch 1.2 confirmed.

pilonv1 said:
That's probably part of the plan, make up lost value from repeat purchases
Just like the launch of the 360, get everyone hooked on XBLA games and then BAM. RROD. You want access to those games? Buy another 360! /tinfoilhatof+4intelligence

commissar said:
GAF hyperbole is the fucking worst.
I think I'm gonna quit going to the gaming side for a while (again)
The intense whining and picking apart games to the point where even not having support for the colour blind makes it a slight against all gamers who ever existed has meant I haven't been reading many threads lately.

commissar said:
Apparently RAGE is not worth playing even if it was free.
Fuck, RAGE is so good I would even PAY to play it! It makes me wish that iD could some more damn games out before the next decade hits. The gunplay is top of the genre easily and the animation and driving and so much better than I ever thought possible for the title. I actually LOVE driving around in that buggy all the time. Hopefully they get some kind of DLC up and running for it. And the wingstick! I can see a lot of games trying to copy it in the future. Such a damn fun melee attack.

Sutton Dagger said:
I think it's great for the industry that Western RPG's manage to draw a big audience, hopefully it means that they won't feel obligated to make more COD dudebro clones.
I would prefer a decent COD clone to a decent Skyrim clone. Nothing has been worthwhile aside from the recent Battlefield campaign, at least that was a nice step up from Bad Company.

Danoss said:
Typically, new-game day is on a Thursday, why does Skyrim have to try and be special? Thursday is the perfect day for most as it's on or shortly after pay day and it is also the day of late night shopping.
Most people I know get paid at like midnight on Thursday night and at least here and in Geelong late night shopping is a Friday night. In any case who cares what day a game is released, if anything Friday or Saturday would be better for midnight launches or making a big deal out of it since the average age of the gamer is of someone with a damn job.

Choc said:
expect Australia to miss out on shit like this if this keeps up.
Why? Because ze pirates can get their hands on it early and upload to the interwebs where it has already been for days? If publishers continue to delay release in Australia more and more people will import, meaning less and less money for publishers as people are buying it cheaper and giving the difference to the companies who allow them access.

Fredescu said:
You're right, we never hear about devs getting closed down, they're all rich as fuck.
The developers are certainly the peasants in the industry with the publishers treating them however they want and taking a nice bit cut of the profits for ponying up the startup cash. As this generation goes on at least it seems like more and more developers have been able to self-fund to a better degree than at the release of the PS3/360.

Choc said:

lol bethesda didnt give Kucera a Skyrim disc because he shat on RAGE
At least it isn't unethical.

Clipper said:
And the store that doesn't have their stock yet and won't because they have a slower shipment and will lose all their customers to the big chain down the street who has fast shipping and a bunch of copies a few days early. What do you say to them?
Last time I saw a non-huge chain store selling games was Game Traders, and they closed down in Geelong back in 2006 or so. Shit, even GAME pulled out of Geelong last year. Pre-order exclusives and tie-in advertising are the main killers.

Danoss said:
You know what? Game companies should just stop giving review copies to anyone and just do their own reviews. It's essentially what they want isn't it?
I would love to see this happen, will give a bit more weight to the review knowing that they had to throw down cold hard cash just like I would have to. To be honest it makes me a little more trusting and accepting of Vooks reviews that he isn't sucking at the corporate teat.

Marshmellow said:
You can't copy paste a previous game and charge $100 for it.
Really? I have only played SP but there wasn't any overlap from the previous games. One building texture from the first MW was used in a map in MW3. Not sure how much further it goes than that and it could be a purposeful tip-of-the-hat to the earlier title. That isn't inflammatory enough for GAF these days though.

markot said:
Whys everyone got stupidney swans (hurr) icons anyway?!
It all started when Kerrby showed his great respect and appreciation for Legend and swore his undying love for him and the Swans. Next time don't get banned.

Rezbit said:
Also, anyone read A Feast for Crows? Not really spoilers, but just to be sure don't highlight as there are some impressions.

This book sucks! I mean regardless of the direction the overarching story is going, it's just sloppily written in parts, and reeks of filler. The worst part is it's just so boring. The best part was when Arya called people cunts!
So I'm not the only one? I didn't want to admit it here lest I get drawn and quartered for the unpopular opinion!

Marshmellow said:
While i am aware of all this Vince i consider my self on neutral ground because while i have basically despised the CoD franchise ever since CoD2:UO i have been enjoying BFBC2 and now BF3 at arms length.
How can you be neutral about something that you despise?

markot said:
I wish Nintendo made an FPS game >.< I mean, I honestly think that the greatness of Goldeneye and PD was imbued by Nintendo.

Have you NEVER played Timesplitters 2? It is obvious where the greatness of Goldeneye came from, and went to.

midonnay said:
Cds are just a waste of space at the shops
To be honest I can't remember the last CD I bought somewhere other than JB? Sanity has been a shitty sea of overpriced DVD's for years now and all the Leading Edge's have shut down or (also) turned to shit.

I will always have a special place in my heart for KMart though since that is where I bought The Downward Spiral from back in the day. They also had the tastiest fucking Cheeseburgers in the diner they used to have built in too! I would kill to see them come back!

Gazunta said:
Well, that's that then.

Does this mean you are fired? If Bethesda cracked the sads so hard over Scrolls I would hate to think what they will do to you!

Choc said:
Somehow LA Noire PC hasn't broken
Retail stores don't care about PC gamers. Didn't it come out yesterday on Steam? Or was that GMG? Am I still allowed to talk about GMG? Fuck I am paranoid now!

Also the pirates have had LA Noire for 2 days now Choc.

Kritz said:
Considering I'll only play for a few hours it'll probably just be us talking about the scripted first hour where nothing interesting happens..
Like all of the game then? :)
Seriously though the dual wield looks like it will be fun at the least.

Choc said:
EB is a blight on this countries game industry in many ways. Wish i could go into details, but we would be better off in many ways without them.
I don't think you would find ANYONE outside of EB and EB shareholders who would disagree with that. They have many shitty business practises and bloat an already overburdened supply chain but I don't care about them breaking street date.

Kritz said:
Oh, also, here's a thing I did for people who like AusGAF chat and have keyboards that have macro keys.
I owe you a coke (or similarly priced beverage) good sire.

Omi said:
Seriously. Street breaks make my week.
My copy was in the post yesterday. Oh noes choc! :p
You didn't buy it from a local retailer though so no one was hurt! Or wait, does that make you a pirate? Since you plundered a better price from a poor, defenceless carrier across the sea? Think of their children back home at Port!

BaptistBlacktick said:
Should I feel guilty? I probably won't even get a chance to play it tonight as I'm going out for a meal with the wife, but I just got all giddy when I heard about the street date break!
Possible bonus sale of Skyrim. Were you planing on picking it up tomorrow or was this break enough to convince you to buy now rather than a month or two down the track?

Choc said:
EBGamesAus EB Games Australia (twitter)
We won't be fined. We waited until we had full permission to sell.

Choc said:
Dead man it takes time to implement change and update retailer contracts
also you know, people wanted to give them as much chance as possible to show they can handle it
they obviously can't
change will happen

Axiom said:
In the meantime, my Game.com.au order is still stuck at pending. :(
Their internet order monkey only works Tuesdays. Might even be only a half day with the latest budget cuts actually.

RandomVince said:
Oh I missed that ><
I'm on your block list aren't I? Wait, why am I asking since you can't read this anyway? :(

jambo said:
Unfortunately it was revealed today that CoD Blops is close to becoming the first game to sell over 15 million copies in the US. I can definitely see MW3 going on to beat that =[
MW3 up 33% on Black Ops and 50% on MW2. I give it 4 more years before the crash and burn. Depends on how Sledgehammer follows up MW3.

Jintor said:
Top 20!

Who Posted?
Choc 1,111
The leak was coming from INSIDE the internets? Quick turn off the internets before he steals it all!

Rezbit said:
John Daly cracked the shits again after hitting six balls into the drink. Hahah, he's so shit but makes me laugh.
Hope we didn't give the little shit any money to entice him to come over here. Not a fan of Scott but damnnnnnnnnnnn that Albatross was nice! Mmmm. Alba.

BananaArnie said:
also i hear christmas music in the shopping center.
Been hearing it around the shops since July chap. Man the economy does love commercial religious holidays!

Fogz said:
Twice the Price and Street Broken
HAS to be in the title along with 5/5. Maybe something about importing too.

Rahk said:
Earlier today I saw a HN catalogue with Skyrim saying "Out Now!"

Doesn't necessarily mean they started selling it though.
KMart released their catalogue with it Out Now a few days ago and had to put up signs saying "Sorry but the publisher has changed the release date at the last minute". lol

shanshan310 said:
Put me on the poster next time :D
Everyone who was around at the end got on the poster! Someone should organise it ahead of time for the new thread. I vote Kritz. Go to work comic boy. Hips and nips, work it.

Shaneus said:
What the FUCK happened to their logo? Damn, that looks horrible.
I am actually tempted to pick up a copy as the cover looks damn awesome. Love the style. Doubt I would read it though.

shanshan310 said:
Maybe we need some sort of chat thing rather than a thread, or be allowed to continue after 20,000 posts? I have a feeling the mods are going to get annoyed if they keep needing to sticky new threads.
But we need this stuff archived on the internet in case we start dropping dead one by one and need to do some cool Hardy Boys shit to investigate which one of us is the killer! Or do you guys prefer Nancy Drew? Nah Hardy Boys were the shit.

Omi said:
Officially had to drop the kids cot today due to him thinking standing up in it was a great idea. That isn't something you should be doing at 7 months ffs :x

He isn't really a 'baby' anymore I guess :(
We did it early too just because he was getting too active and impatient. Getting him into a bed next week now that he is running around everywhere. My new favourite thing about little kids is the way they point their pinky fingers out when they do anything. Looks so dainty and hilarious when he is eating a bit of toast or trying to climb his slide. :)

He also broke into the study today and got Shadows of the Damned up and running before I found him. Thankfully he didn't get to a checkpoint and ruin my red gem run, the little bugger.

Choc said:
i like this idea :)

yes the idea guys is that when legned finishes it it gets passed on like UC2

so we have a community copy of Uc3 :)
That is damn cool, loved doing it with books amongst some friends.

Maybe we could start some kind of trade system just with paying for postage?


Choc said:

Dead Space
Far Cry2
Fable II
Fallout 3
Mirrors Edge
Left 4 Dead

Yeah, 2008 was pretty weak compared to this year and 2007. Bioshock was 2007 btw.

I'd also put 2008 below 2009, even though 2009 and this year are pretty similar.


Tribes Ascend is fucking amazing, and I only have shitty access to the two base classes and all I'm doing is rocketing around with a spinfusor and skiis. Goddamn. It's a pity the UI is like 90's level of clunkiness.

I'm seriously considering shelling out for the VIP pass. Yeah, 'm considering PAYING for BETA (Although progression transfers into full game, so you're just paying for the full game early essentially)


Fucking hell, rep. Did you feel sorry for people being sad when they're not quoted in your super mega posts and just quote every single person that has posted in this thread?
Rahk said:
Fucking hell, rep. Did you feel sorry for people being sad when they're not quoted in your super mega posts and just quote every single person that has posted in this thread?
I like to think that my posts have some substance behind them.

Also fuck staying up late for bargains when the damn site won't load because so many people had the same idea. This ain't no fun! I don't even know what is available next!
That was a massive quote-post.

This thread is an example of why I tend to avoid traveling outside AusGAF. The amount of misogyny is embarrassing. The cries of "serious first world problems here", "would", "FTFY", "u mad" and, worst of all, "butthurt" from drive-by posts really shines GAF in a poor light.
Doncamatic said:
That was a massive quote-post.

This thread is an example of why I tend to avoid traveling outside AusGAF. The amount of misogyny is embarrassing. The cries of "serious first world problems here", "would", "FTFY", "u mad" and, worst of all, "butthurt" as drive-by posts really shine GAF in a poor light.
Oh no Solo got banned! I loved that guy's posts.

Also I WANT this book so hard.

BanShunsaku said:
Some kind of home made pastry filled with chicken, pesto and other green looking things. Tastes great! Nice work female companion. You can stay another day.


reptilescorpio said:
I like to think that my posts have some substance behind them.

Also fuck staying up late for bargains when the damn site won't load because so many people had the same idea. This ain't no fun! I don't even know what is available next!

How could you NOT quote this

3chopl0x said:
the only thing that came during his dream was choc himself


trinest said:
You don't even see the product packaging until you finish the transaction and have the product these days. So what is the point.

This again? The bottom line here is that big tobacco are concerned enough about the impact of plain packaging on their profits to spend millions hiring public relations companies, setting up lobby groups (Alliance of Australian Retailers) and launching legal action based on bilateral trade agreements with Hong Kong (British American Tobacco).

The retailers lobby groups argue that plain packaging will impact the livelihood of small business through decreased sales and British American Tobacco is prepared to take the government to the high court to show that removing their ability to brand products in unconstitutional and violates their competitive rights under Australia's trade agreements.

At the same time, however, we've got media coming out of their PR firms claiming that plain packaging won't do anything and will be a waste of government spending, so why bother?

It doesn't take a marketing genius to realise you can't have it both ways and that ultimately, these companies understand the impact of marketing on their profits and will fight back when those profits are threatened. And if their profits are threatened by the potential for decreased sales, then it's fairly clear that plain packaging will be doing something.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The sooner this generation is over the sooner I can get fancy high resolution textures and none of this pixellated junk *looking at you RAGE*.


what it takes away is the status symbol of having expensive ciggies in your purse

and for young people, thats a big thing


BanShunsaku said:
Dex are behind the majority of mine, funnily enough. Looking back, it's pretty easy to spot when my ADD is under control from it and when it's running rampant. The fact I'm doing one or two quotes a post should give some indication ;)

I also tend to ramble.

reptilescorpio said:
Also I WANT this book so hard.
11.22.63 (Hardback)
By (author) Stephen King
Don't get much harder.

Dead Man

Agyar said:
This again? The bottom line here is that big tobacco are concerned enough about the impact of plain packaging on their profits to spend millions hiring public relations companies, setting up lobby groups (Alliance of Australian Retailers) and launching legal action based on bilateral trade agreements with Hong Kong (British American Tobacco).

The retailers lobby groups argue that plain packaging will impact the livelihood of small business through decreased sales and British American Tobacco is prepared to take the government to the high court to show that removing their ability to brand products in unconstitutional and violates their competitive rights under Australia's trade agreements.

At the same time, however, we've got media coming out of their PR firms claiming that plain packaging won't do anything and will be a waste of government spending, so why bother?

It doesn't take a marketing genius to realise you can't have it both ways and that ultimately, these companies understand the impact of marketing on their profits and will fight back when those profits are threatened. And if their profits are threatened by the potential for decreased sales, then it's fairly clear that plain packaging will be doing something.
While I agree with you, there is some wriggle room for the tobacco producers with that argument. They may fear losing market share to cheaper competitors among new smokers, while believing the size of the market will not contract.
Fusebox said:
I'm proud to say I can't remember ever seeing any of the major AusGAF players being misogynistic arseholes in those types of threads.

That's true. Only reason I wade into those threads anymore is to see the mass-bannings along with the beleaguered, but well-reasoned, discussion on behalf of Cyan/Technomancer/Orayn/Devolution.


reptilescorpio said:
Also I WANT this book so hard.

Damn! I stopped collecting his books around The Dome and I've since boxed them all and put them in storage (pretty sure I've got all of them except for some of the obscure magazine-only shorts) but that's enough to make me wanna start up again!

Although I'll probably just get the 5 buck ebook instead. :(


I like how people just pull sports out of their ass in this thread at times >.<

Cricket is named after the insect its most related to.... by which I mean the sound of crickets indicating boredom or silence and what nots!

600+ words to write.... 20 minutes to Skyrim >.>... think I can make it! Might have to lower my standards and Quarter ass it... was going for the half at least...
am I correct in assuming MW3 does support dedicated servers- but only for private non-ranked games? The rest is p2p like MW2? Or am I missing a setting?


ClivePwned said:
am I correct in assuming MW3 does support dedicated servers- but only for private non-ranked games? The rest is p2p like MW2? Or am I missing a setting?
All ranked stuff is p2p cause activision is evil and hates you.


markot said:
I like how people just pull sports out of their ass in this thread at times >.<

more interesting than people complaining about john howard or whoever is prime minister these days and what people ate at university.
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