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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


I want a tag give me a tag
Salazar said:
Knobheads, knobhead journalists, and journalists who report on the trivial views of knobheads.

Mainly US journalists I hope. I hope he's still well received in the UK. because he does not give one fuck about America lol


Jintor said:
Giving up soft drink wasn't actually as hard as I thought. (This is because I lapse about once a month and then immediately swear it off forever again)
Diet-rite portello is my one and only luxury as far as soft drink goes. But given the chance, I'd down gallons of the Torquay brand full-strength stuff without batting an eyelid.


I want a tag give me a tag
Hey Guys,

Impromptu MelbGaf meetup today at 5pm in the city :)

send me a PM if you're keen and I'll message you my mobile + details so you can join in!

edit: for food and beer!


Attendees confirmed will be me and Aon!




HolyCheck said:
Hey Guys,

Impromptu MelbGaf meetup today at 5pm in the city :)

send me a PM if you're keen and I'll message you my mobile + details so you can join in!

edit: for food and beer!

No can do, had to come in to work for a few hours, going to the Nike 40% sale now and then home to play Skyrim.

Skyrim > food and beer.
roosters93 said:
You mean Lily Collins?

2 Snow White movies in the same year. I'll probably see both lol.


HolyCheck said:
heads up guys: tin tin is an enjoyable and good movie.
i can confirm this

Fusebox said:
2 movies plus the Once Upon a Time series + the Disney Diamond edition of the original. What's with the revival??
that seems to happen a lot thesedays. my guess is that 1 movie gets pitched around and then instead of buying it studios just get someone to write another one for cheaper. hence a lot of similar movies coming out at the same time.


Ydahs said:
What do you feel it does bad? Controls?

And also, I should have been playing Xenoblade these past couple hours instead of browsing GAF. It's an amazing game.

EatChildren said:
Its a 7/10 game for me (single player). Far worse pacing than Uncharted 2 with really weak encounter design, which is annoying as they had some good ideas going on (like enemies flanking more). And as insanely gorgeous as the graphics are, especially towards the end of the game, I honestly thought some of the early stuff (
London Underground
) looked incredibly average (as in, what I expect from a modern console game, and nothing that blows me away).

Naughty Dog's Uncharted engines look ten fold better in brighter environments than it does in darker levels, in my opinion.

I guess EatChildren explained some of my issues with it, but in short form these are the issues I have:

* Terrible telegraphing as to where you need to jump/go. This is in complete contrast to the "My First Rockclimbing" golden shiny ledges that pepper the rest of the game.

* Walk into a room, see scattered blocks and you just go to them because there is an obvious battle coming up. No more surprises.

* Climbing up a ladder - WHOAH IT BORKE! - climb up twice as high. Again, contrived tension because the same mechanic was only just overused in UC2 and its willfully abused in UC3.

Those are the simple problems.

* The really bad problems are the chase/escape sequences where you are driving a drunk wet noodle around 90 degree turns and because Drake is over-animated, his half tuck gets caught on a wall and you die. Ten times over on the same sequence. Drake has bad handling.

* You die if you dont do exactly what the game tells you to do when platforming. Even if your idea was a jump to the ground from heigh X, you die. The game's scripted version can occasionally involve falling from a higher level and you survive.

* Too many "cinematic" levels where all you do is push forward and Drake is taking his sweet fucking time for dramatic effect. This is hindered further by the said bad controls when his foot gets caught on a grain of sand and you dont realise youre not moving for ten wasted seconds in a drawn out cutscene. Even MGS4 wasnt this self-indulgent.

* Chapter 15 has the single worst character control in the series. There is a reason for this, but it makes Drake far more annoying to control than the horse in SOTC.

* Some enemies appear out of nowhere with seemingly infinite health or ridiculous armour and they carry the only gun that can kill them.

* Bugged out levels where the ordinance required to take out the heavy armour does not spawn.

* Hand to hand combat is tedious and repetitive, with the exact same combos required. Mash square, triangle prompt, mash square, hammer circle prompt, mash square and see which scripted finish Drake uses this time. Then you die when the sniper beam that has been on you for half the fight while you have been stuck in said scripted QTEs finally discharges. Then do it all again!

I've seen more variety in a Street Fighter 4 match between Ryu and Ken only users.


All of this makes the game extremely frustrating because it also has one of the single best sequences in the series. Chapter 20
horse chase
is just stunning in how free form it is. Which makes it stand out even more because the other chapters are incredibly restrictive and limit what you can do almost entirely.

I'm incredibly disappointed in the game because I know that ND can and have done better. I assume its not a spoiler to say this, since all Naughty Dog games have it - those into the screen escape sequences like in Crash Bandicoot's "Hog Wild" level. ND have been making such levels for 15 years. And they fucked them up entirely in UC3.

The game is a massive disappointment after the excellent first two games. Naughty Dog have pedigree and I really expected better from them this time around. And, hell, I didnt even mention the shooting because it's fine for me.


reptilescorpio said:
Isn't it only $30 for the CE pre-orders? Swapped my Skyrim to a ME3 one and she said they could only transfer to a regular one unless I came in and put down another $20. Fuck driving all the way to Waurn Ponds for that.
Ahh that's probably it. Pre-ordered Zelda LE :D

I forgot how smooooooth MW multiplayer is. Might try some Skyrim later.


but ever so delicious
So i started UC3. I got up to chapter 4 before i figured that was enough for now. The game really needs some anti-aliasing and the controls are real shitty, Although i guess it's typical uncharted but they really seem off for some reason.

Will continue it tomorrow, Maybe.

Also Jintor, That's pretty awesome :D


Thanks for the impressions EatChildren and RandomVince. Hopefully I'll still be able to enjoy it even though it does seem to have taken a big step back from U2.

Also guys, do you think there would be any legal issues with collecting review scores from certain websites (similar to what GameRankings does)? I'm experimenting a little with a site concept I thought of a year or so ago and if I manage to pull it off, I might make a website based on it. I think a review score with a link to the actual article will fall under fair use, right?


Uncharted 3 is a rental. Unless you intend to play multi. That's my advice. Then go back and play UC2 again to cleanse the palate. I'm on what I assume is the final sequence or two, so my opinion may change in an hour. Check back then for more rage!

edit: or two minutes. The series staple of
different enemies
has just appeared and this is going to end in tears.
None of the uncharted games have much re-play incentive, but I have heard good things about the multiplayer for no. 3.

Playstation is due to arrive the day of my last exam. BRING IT.

markot said:
Well, Gervais is kind of a dick, but he is funny >.<

Kind of a dick? That guy give me chills. I find it hard to find him amusing because I'm so annoyed at how much of a dick he is.


evlcookie said:
Also Jintor, That's pretty awesome :D

Oh, I didn't make it. I'm too busy with law to draw right now.

On a side note, my law notes are a fucking work of art. I think I might be able to fit my entire term's worth of notes onto two double-sided a4 pages.

shanshan310 said:
Kind of a dick? That guy give me chills. I find it hard to find him amusing because I'm so annoyed at how much of a dick he is.

He's funny because he's a dick.


omg, don't steal the horse from Whiterun stable.

It's a fat, waddling piece of shit. The upside is that you look hilarious on it.


Wait, do horses have differing run speeds? I was using that horse until I accidentally plunged it off a cliff.

Also, how do I use these dragon souls on these shouts?


I want a tag give me a tag
Jintor said:
Oh, I didn't make it. I'm too busy with law to draw right now.

On a side note, my law notes are a fucking work of art. I think I might be able to fit my entire term's worth of notes onto two double-sided a4 pages.

He's funny because he's a dick.


You guys realise him and Karl ARE friends right?
It's not like he just teases him and pays the crap out of him all the time. They are buddies. If you want to hear some one ACTUALLY be mean to Karl, listen to the early XFM radio shows when it was clear Karl and Steve did not get along, and Ricky was friends with both of them. The Karl / Steve banter is uncomfortable.

and if your he's mean is more towards his in your face "so and so is shit" jokes, ie his opening at the emmies last year. Says what he wants. Can't fault that.


shanshan310 said:
Kind of a dick? That guy give me chills. I find it hard to find him amusing because I'm so annoyed at how much of a dick he is.
I'm really, really torn on him. His observational stuff and a small amount of the times he's a dick to people is quite funny, but the vast majority of the time he makes me feel massively uncomfortable. For example, I loved the first series of Extras but when he started getting cocky in the second, as accurate as it may be, I just didn't enjoy it. Same with Idiot Abroad. Most of the funny on his end comes from insulting and lauging at Karl and it just makes me queasy.
Shaneus said:
I'm really, really torn on him. His observational stuff and a small amount of the times he's a dick to people is quite funny, but the vast majority of the time he makes me feel massively uncomfortable. For example, I loved the first series of Extras but when he started getting cocky in the second, as accurate as it may be, I just didn't enjoy it. Same with Idiot Abroad. Most of the funny on his end comes from insulting and lauging at Karl and it just makes me queasy.

Yeah, me too kinda. Some of the stuff he does is funny, but most of it was too over the top. The invention of lying was pretty terrible though. It seemed to me like the whole thing was a stab at Christianity, which made the whole thing a bit uncomfortable. There is making a joke in a movie about it, which would be funny, but the movie kind of took it too far. I dunno what you guys thought about it though. If you haven't seen it, don't.


Fredescu said:
Just had a friend try it and it wouldnt let him buy it. Just timed out.
I managed to grab it. It's currently downloading.

It only worked through my steam client, not through the website.
I feel like I played a completely different game to that of Vince and EatChildren. Not sure what more to say. Maybe you will look more fondly on the game after a replay down the track.

Shaneus said:
Most of the funny on his end comes from insulting and lauging at Karl and it just makes me queasy.
Gervais, Merchant and Karl don't look at it as making fun of Karl, more just showing the world what kind of person Karl is and letting everyone appreciate him for what he is. It really is a documentary into the life of being friends with Karl.
reptilescorpio said:
I feel like I played a completely different game to that of Vince and EatChildren. Not sure what more to say. Maybe you will look more fondly on the game after a replay down the track.

Same here, it's a solid 9/10 for me. Didn't even notice the diagonal lag until it was over blown all over gaf and ND forums,. and even then it didn't affect my experience. Agreed it was not as epic as UC2, but the start of the game was lovely, the ship levels were amazing and the desert...boy oh boy....pure awesomeness.


Just finished Uncharted 3.

It's the definition of a 3 stars (out of 5) game. Great setting, great theme, great spectacle let down by terrible controls and design choices.

I'd wager that the average death count on the escape sequences was one per minute, all because of bad animation and sticky controls. It felt like a return to 4-way directional movement at times. It breaks the illusion and looks ridiculous when you fall to your death after the final event all because Drake controls are bad. I dont know why, it feels off.

So yeah, 3/5 and as good as Halo 3 in comparison to the rest of the series.

And to be crystal clear, I have zero complaints about shooting controls. They were fine. Character movement, platforming and hand to hand combat was where it fell down - especially in escape sequences and arena battles.

UC2 > UC1 >>>> UC3.

edit: I think it might be series fatigue in part. I get less patient with series contrivances with each successive entry in some games. Minor faults or quirks become more invasive and less charming as they become overused (eg crumbling ledges and last second saves). They overdid it slightly in UC2 with the overhanging train carriage level, and they outdid themselves with it in UC3.

The last two games I completed were Batman and UC3. I caved on my promise to boycott them of course. I dont regret playing them, but they were both a disappointment for different reasons after their excellent precursors.

I hope Uncharted 4 gets a major overhaul. It needs one, as the wonky platforming and genre tropes have worn out their welcome. Drake is missing fluid controls of his character. If I could name one series where the character controls well (in a similar genre/playstyle) it would probably be Vanquish or Metal Gear Solid 3. I think they need to take a look at character animation and range from those games, because there is a strong disconnect between the player and character in Uncharted 3. And that is really surprising.
RandomVince said:
I'd wager that the average death count on the escape sequences was one per minute, all because of bad animation and sticky controls.
Really? Only died once
as young Drake running up the stairs, didn't jump up over the door properly first shot as I wasn't expecting it. Was the only death in the escape scenes.

In any case everyone has their own opinion and own tastes. Not everyone is going to agree on everything. Even though I powered through UC3 in 3 sittings I am very, very happy that I made it only the second day one purchase of the year (after The Witcher 2).
Saints Row 3 character ready for deployment. Will play a proper run first and then do crazy shit with a clown faced hooker in steampunk fashion.

Logitech GT wheel for $100
Logitech Ultimate Ears 200, 4 sets for $18. Decent cheap headphones for those who break them constantly.

RandomVince said:
Minor faults or quirks become more invasive and less charming as they become overused (eg crumbling ledges and last second saves). They overdid it slightly in UC2 with the overhanging train carriage level, and they outdid themselves with it in UC3.
It's a hallmark of the series and won't change. The game is focused on cinematic gameplay, trying to recreate the movie going experience of the Indiana Jones movies. UC4 will be bigger and better again with new locations. Also UC3 sold boatloads so I doubt Naughty Dog will feel pressured to burn their studio to the ground and start the series from scratch.


Nah I think I've managed to explain to myself what the issue with it is. There is a disconnect between the player and character via controls. They are inconsistent, limiting and imposing at times, and unresponsive at others.

As mentioned in my last post (edited), Vanquish and Metal Gear Solid 3 both have player characters that are vastly more responsive and intuitive to control than Drake. I think by virtue of completing the first 4 acts of Vanquish rules out the "you're just slow" non-sequitur from DeathJr.

I can play games fine. I have trouble with games that partially attempt to play themselves and leave the player confused due to inconsistencies.

edit: Also this was made before reptiles post above. I know it sold well. But it feels like a step back from UC2. And again, that is nothing to do with the shooting.
edit 2: for the sake of comparison, I also happened to find UC2 was more enjoyable and better than any Indiana Jones film.
DeathJr said:
I don't think there will be a UC4.
Pfft Sony will complete it without Naughty Dog if necessary. The last 2 franchises that Naughty Dog left dormant were taken up by other developers and it wouldn't be any different here, aside from Uncharted 3 being such a mega hit that it is now a given. Even Naughty Dog have said it will probably happen.

RandomVince said:
Nah I think I've managed to explain to myself what the issue with it is. There is a disconnect between the player and character via controls. They are inconsistent, limiting and imposing at times, and unresponsive at others.
Would you compare it to the control situation in Killzone 2?

I had no problems controlling Drake and getting him to do what I wanted after the first hour or so. The sidestepping took a little adjusting but it quickly became second nature.


DeathJr said:
I don't think there will be a UC4.

How can you compare UC with Vanquish?

Third person action game with cover-shooting mechanics. And just the fact that Vanquish has more responsive controls than does UC3.

reptilescorpio said:
Would you compare it to the control situation in Killzone 2?

I had no problems controlling Drake and getting him to do what I wanted after the first hour or so. The sidestepping took a little adjusting but it quickly became second nature.

I didnt play KZ2 beyond chapter 2 because it was boring. I'd compare it to GTA3 on foot controls, and imagine trying to get Clyde to finesse a football past four defenders Messi style. Its not going to happen.
I can tell that the next Burial album will give me an aneurysm of joy when it flows down my unworthy ear canals.

RandomVince said:
Third person action game with cover-shooting mechanics. And just the fact that Vanquish has more responsive controls than does UC3.
The problem with the comparison is that Vanquish was designed around the slide mechanic and is at its best in wide open areas while the Uncharted series tends to have smaller areas with an emphasis on traversal combat. Vanquish certainly nailed the controls though, even if they take a bit of getting used to.
RandomVince said:
Third person action game with cover-shooting mechanics. And just the fact that Vanquish has more responsive controls than does UC3.

Vanquish = Third Person Shooter (like Gears of War).

Uncharted = Third Person Action-adventure (like Tomb Raider).

WORLD of difference!


DeathJr said:
Vanquish = Third Person Shooter (like Gears of War).

Uncharted = Third Person Action-adventure (like Tomb Raider).

WORLD of difference!

You're not listening or paying attention.

I'm comparing UC3 vs Vanquish in terms of control responsiveness. I'm not going to say this again because this is the third time.

Simply put, I move in Vanquish and my character responds with minimal delay. I move in UC3 and Drake keeps going, stops, turns awkwardly and gets stuck on a wall/corner.

So yes, there is a world of difference: one is good, one is not.

reptilescorpio said:
The problem with the comparison is that Vanquish was designed around the slide mechanic and is at its best in wide open areas while the Uncharted series tends to have smaller areas with an emphasis on traversal combat. Vanquish certainly nailed the controls though, even if they take a bit of getting used to.

See above, minus the contempt because youre actually engaging in discussion. :)
RandomVince said:
Simply put, I move in Vanquish and my character responds with minimal delay. I move in UC3 and Drake keeps going, stops, turns awkwardly and gets stuck on a wall/corner.
Uncharted has floaty controls because it is a friendly game, you might look to miss a jump but it will automatically pull you across enough to make it, auto aim on the gunplay, walk to an edge and Drake will stop rather than walk right off.

Vanquish is a score attack based game where the controls make or break the experience. Without twitch controls you would have a lot of problems as the encounters aren't as telegraphed the first time through as a cinematic game like Uncharted.

Also the way the frame rates are handled and the triple buffering in the 360 version of Vanquish make a fair bit of difference in the crispness of the controls. I even noticed playing MW3 on PC how much easier it was to pull of headshots and feel like a damn Superman compared to on 360 just because of the added graphical techniques.


reptilescorpio said:
Uncharted has floaty controls because it is a friendly game, you might look to miss a jump but it will automatically pull you across enough to make it, auto aim on the gunplay, walk to an edge and Drake will stop rather than walk right off.

Vanquish is a score attack based game where the controls make or break the experience. Without twitch controls you would have a lot of problems as the encounters aren't as telegraphed the first time through as a cinematic game like Uncharted.

Also the way the frame rates are handled and the triple buffering in the 360 version of Vanquish make a fair bit of difference in the crispness of the controls. I even noticed playing MW3 on PC how much easier it was to pull of headshots and feel like a damn Superman compared to on 360 just because of the added graphical techniques.

How would you compare to my other suggestion, MGS3? That game was built on hand drawn animation versus motion capture, yet still felt far more responsive than UC3. On top of that it isnt a twitch game either.

It may be something as simple as input lag, perhaps. But something about UC controls feels categorically wrong to me. Unless I had some measure to quantify it by, I doubt I could explain it comprehensively.
DeathJr said:
Uncharted = Third Person Action-adventure (like Tomb Raider).

Not in my experience with the first game. Maybe the other two changed things up, but there was a huge focus on shooting in the few hours I spent playing Uncharted. I killed as many dudes in it as I did in just about any other shooter I've played in the last couple of years.

Comparing it to Tomb Raider is disingenuous.
HolyCheck said:
Hey Guys,

Impromptu MelbGaf meetup today at 5pm in the city :)

send me a PM if you're keen and I'll message you my mobile + details so you can join in!

edit: for food and beer!


Attendees confirmed will be me and Aon!
Sorry I couldn't come guys! Next time
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