So the reason the ALP has called Cowan was that they found 200 votes for Aly in the Luke Simpkins pile!
My family has been here since all the way back to about 1962 and my best mate can trace his family back to the 1860's gold rush in Queensland. Yet because I'm anglo as and he still looks Chinese even though he's only about 3/8s or so guess who cops the racist abuse and the general mistrust?
In the eyes of many, many of who I suspect voted for Hanson, this has and will always be an Anglo-Saxon country. If only everyone pretended to be Anglo all our problems would be solved, everyone would have a great job and house and we'd grow supermodels on trees or some such.
I'd love Hanson to answer the question one day, what exactly is this Australian Culture migrants need to adhere to? Is it mateship? Guess what every country has that, pretending Australia is somehow unique in this jingoistic aspect is nonsense. Australian culture is pretty generic and derivative but saying that is "Un-Australian', the worst insult possible and without the influence of multiculturalism on this country it would be a pretty fucking boring place.
Actually they were votes for the Greens, it's just that Greens preferences flow to Labor at something like 75%. And they were all being counted as Liberal. Woops.
ETA - You'll never guess who the Australian blames for Hanson's rise. http://bit.ly/29PBsIf