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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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Good, the less time someone spends being AG the better our country gets.

Hey now given the choice of him scrutinizing or doing his legislation stuff, I'll take him scrutinizing given his function as a law officer has largely been awful. He's the standard muppet who basically does whatever the hell NatSec or Law Enforcement says regardless of things like civil liberties or legal standing.

ETA - I agree with Arksy again. Weird. I really should keep count of that and on what topics.

Maybe he's up there shopping for a new bookcase and just happened by?


Daily Telegraph Headline:

A hell of a way to ruin your day.
Holy crap, the Murdoch papers are not good at subtlety, are they?

Edit: You know what, here's something more positive and relevant - Pope continuing to be a national treasure:



The swing is on in Herbert. In a massive turnaround it's now down from 12 to 7 votes in the LNP's favour.


It finished at 8 votes in ALPs favour, so auto recount there obviously.

The generally acceptability of racism is the mainstream media is just so depressing now, I feel kinda helpless.
Remember when we banned the Irish because they were the most deadly terrorists of the 20th century.


I think the most galling part of these situations is the complete idiocy (or evil cunning) required for this position: on one hand the % of immigrant Muslims who are terrorists is tiny and on the other the amount of Muslim immigration is tiny (with Muslim refugees a fraction of that). And yet yet somehow its a brown horde of terrorists.

ETA - Also have some blatant Anti-democracry. http://www.smh.com.au/comment/business-shouldnt-get-a-vote-in-any-fair-election-20160717-gq7gzh.html

And I'm probably more sympathetic to businesses getting a vote than most here (I'd be okay with business owners being treated like multiple homeowner's and being able to choose where they wanted to cast their single vote like the rest of us). Giving them 2 freebie votes is appalling.


Could you just incorporate yourself and vote three times?

Also Australia has had more than a million Muslims over the past half century and we've had less than half a dozen attacks by Islamic radicals. I'd take those odds.


Could you just incorporate yourself and vote three times?

Also Australia has had more than a million Muslims over the past half century and we've had less than half a dozen attacks by Islamic radicals. I'd take those odds.

I believe that the City of Sydney has something like that if I recall.


Regarding the next Auspoligaf thread I feel semi-strongly that it should be called.

AusPoliGaf |2016| - A Strong, Stable Government.

AusPoliGaf |2016| - Turnabout Turnbull
AusPoliGaf |2016| - A Leader in Search of a Party

AusPoliGaf |2016| - One Nation under Hanson

AusPoliGaf |2016| - NXT stop instability!

These are all totally valid titles.

With a 'government' 'mandate' now in place it's about time to relegate the clubhouse to Community.

Will leave the door open on thread title suggestions before notifying a mod.
These are all totally valid titles.

With a 'government' 'mandate' now in place it's about time to relegate the clubhouse to Community.

Will leave the door open on thread title suggestions before notifying a mod.

We should probably wait for the Senate results no ? The election isn't really over until we see how much fun is actually to be had.


I believe that the City of Sydney has something like that if I recall.

More people have died in Australia from falling out of their beds in the past decade than have died from terror attacks in the last century.

Terrorist attacks, whilst horrible like any violence, are a rounding error in this country.

Domestic violence and violence related to severe mental health issues, on the other hand is a far more pressing set of issues which, if similar funding was pumped into, would see far more lives saved and improved than spending billions on reds muslims under the bed.

I stand to be corrected if the billions pumped into the military panic have actually prevented a dirty nuke or chemical weapon attack, but I doubt that such a thing would have even been possible in the country. Like vaccinations, perhaps the fact you dont notice their effectiveness works against them. But I can't honestly stand on the same side of an argument as Andrew Bolt so my guess is there havent been any attacks planned of any significance.
More people have died in Australia from falling out of their beds in the past decade than have died from terror attacks in the last century.

Terrorist attacks, whilst horrible like any violence, are a rounding error in this country.

Domestic violence and violence related to severe mental health issues, on the other hand is a far more pressing set of issues which, if similar funding was pumped into, would see far more lives saved and improved than spending billions on reds muslims under the bed.

I stand to be corrected if the billions pumped into the military panic have actually prevented a dirty nuke or chemical weapon attack, but I doubt that such a thing would have even been possible in the country. Like vaccinations, perhaps the fact you dont notice their effectiveness works against them. But I can't honestly stand on the same side of an argument as Andrew Bolt so my guess is there havent been any attacks planned of any significance.

The vainglorious way some agencies have reacted to stopping terrorist attacks that they've pretty much planned , recruited , funded and executed suggests that we'd know about it if they had stopped a real attack at that scale. Probably not while it was happening but as soon as it was thwarted.
Hanson has turned the crazy up to 11 in QandA.

Asking Sam Dastyari if he is Muslim? Funniest thing all year.

The next 3-6 years should be fun.


Hanson has turned the crazy up to 11 in QandA.

Asking Sam Dastyari if he is Muslim? Funniest thing all year.

The next 3-6 years should be fun.

Can you watch QandA online live? I don't have a TV anymore.

Also I'm a fan of Larissa Waters. She's the reason the Greens were on my Senate ballot paper.
Can you watch QandA online live? I don't have a TV anymore.

Also I'm a fan of Larissa Waters. She's the reason the Greens were on my Senate ballot paper.

I believe you can stream ABC24 live on iview, the abc website and even youtube.

I like her too. Big fan of the sensible side of the Greens, Ludlum, di Natale, Waters, Wish-Wilson and Shane Rattenbury in the ACT. The likes of the watermelons in NSW and Tas and SHY in SA not so much.


I believe you can stream ABC24 live on iview, the abc website and even youtube.

Cool, thanks, will check it out.

I like her too. Big fan of the sensible side of the Greens, Ludlum, di Natale, Waters, Wish-Wilson and Shane Rattenbury in the ACT. The likes of the watermelons in NSW and Tas and SHY in SA not so much.

There's something in the water in NSW that makes the political parties awful. Lee Rhiannon wouldn't be out of place in my campus' Socialist Alternative group.

Also, yea, love Di Natale. Him and Turnbull are my two favourite pollies. The world needs some shipping fiction between the two of them.


I believe you can stream ABC24 live on iview, the abc website and even youtube.

I like her too. Big fan of the sensible side of the Greens, Ludlum, di Natale, Waters, Wish-Wilson and Shane Rattenbury in the ACT. The likes of the watermelons in NSW and Tas and SHY in SA not so much.
I put Simms over SHY and it frustrates me that an insufficient number of others did the same.


AusPoliGaf |2016| I don't like it
AusPoliGaf |2016| Halal snack packs for all!
AusPoliGaf |2016| No Country for Motoring Enthusiasts

Eh, it's a Tuesday.


My suggestions

AusPoliGaf |2016| Representative Swill

AusPoliGaf |2016| My groceries just gone
I don't like it

AusPoliGaf |2016| Boundless* plains† to share‡

* Minimum wage only, dont take our jobs
† No Chinese agricultural investments
‡ Except for Muslims because Pauline, George, Tony, Sonia, Eric and Corey say so


I believe you can stream ABC24 live on iview, the abc website and even youtube..

Q&A is also livestreamed through Facebook Live video as well. Currently that is the only place you can watch it live outside Australia without some elaborate trickery. As someone in New Zealand now, it's quite annoying!
I forgot to mention, Hanson thinks she might win 7 seats in the Senate. I think that's the newfangled math at work, she'll get 3, anymore would take a pretty extraordinary preference flow.

I voted the first time Hanson was elected, my first time. Don't blame me, I voted for Keating.
In my head you were mid-20's.

Nah, I'm in my early 30s.

My family were Liberals on one side, Nats on the other (with the exception of an Aunt and a Niece). So my political development was rather unorthodox for a lefty. Also I've spent most of my adult life either in an academic environment or as a Programmer/QA Lead/Mechanics/Balance tester/Community Manager for a games company.


Mine's a Keating/Turnbull-esque swing voting dad (Voted Keating 90-96, Howard 98-04, Rudd 07/13, Gillard 10, and MT 16) with a Greens' mum. I guess that old adage of Greens voters being doctors wives is true in our case. I aligned heavily with the Greens when I was younger (I was pretty much a champagne socialist) but I've moved more towards the centre thanks to travelling the world and being at uni.

Of course now being at uni and surrounded by people whose voting choices are between Socialist Alternative and the Greens, I'm practically a radical by relative standards. Although I don't have it quite as bad as my Young Liberal cousin at my uni's sister campus.

Also my first ever vote was for Blob Shorten. I feel kind of tainted tbh. Nowhere near the class of Keating or Gillard :<.
Mine's a Keating/Turnbull-esque swing voting dad (Voted Keating 90-96, Howard 98-04, Rudd 07, Gillard 10/13, and MT 16) with a Greens' mum. I guess that old adage of Greens voters being doctors wives is true in our case. I aligned heavily with the Greens when I was younger (I was pretty much a champagne socialist) but I've moved more towards the centre thanks to travelling the world and being at uni.

Of course now being at uni and surrounded by people whose voting choices are between Socialist Alternative and the Greens, I'm practically a radical by relative standards. Although I don't have it quite as bad as my Young Liberal cousin at my uni's sister campus.

Also my first ever vote was for Blob Shorten. I feel kind of tainted tbh. Nowhere near the class of Keating or Gillard :<.

Yeah, I'm probably in the latte/champagne sipping socialist set by the definition of most who use that label.

And ouch, yeah being a Young Lib in Uni Politics at all but a few G8/Catholic Universities must suck atm. University price deregulation is probably about as popular as driving nails into your own eyes.

I'm a Queenslander myself but my encounters with SA are largely limited to them handing out pamphlets that I think take a paranoid and unnecessarily negative view of be US and I'm not exactly a rosey glasses type on that.


Yeah, I'm probably in the latte/champagne sipping socialist set by the definition of most who use that label.

I'll convert you yet comrade.

And ouch, yeah being a Young Lib in Uni Politics at all but a few G8/Catholic Universities must suck atm. University price deregulation is probably about as popular as driving nails into your own eyes.

I think uni price dereg is a good idea. I don't let anyone at uni know though. I even told the girl who handed me an anti-dereg rally pamphlet that I'd attend because she was pretty cute. I'm a terrible neo-liberal shill.

I'm a Queenslander myself but my encounters with SA are largely limited to them handing out pamphlets that I think take a paranoid and unnecessarily paranoid view of be US and I'm not exactly a rosey glasses type on that.

My campus is the most active SA campus in the country. They're everywhere. Even in the academia. With one half of my degree being a humanity a whole heap of my lecturers are outright marxists. I've had entire lectures dedicated to the evils of any sort of inequality at all.
I'll convert you yet comrade.

I think uni price dereg is a good idea. I don't let anyone at uni know though. I even told the girl who handed me an anti-dereg rally pamphlet that I'd attend because she was pretty cute. I'm a terrible neo-liberal shill.

My campus is the most active SA campus in the country. They're everywhere. Even in the academia. With one half of my degree being a humanity a whole heap of my lecturers are outright marxists. I've had entire lectures dedicated to the evils of any sort of inequality at all.

Which Uni ? I'm at Griffith (the Nathan Campus). I can tell you aren't there because we have almost 0 Humanities (I actually forgot about the hidden building that entire faculty is in).


Which Uni ? I'm at Griffith (the Nathan Campus). I can tell you aren't there because we have almost 0 Humanities (I actually forgot about the hidden building that entire faculty is in).

Griffith Nathan. I do a social science apparently. I never knew they were distinct from humanities. Wait make that two social sciences.
And ouch, yeah being a Young Lib in Uni Politics at all but a few G8/Catholic Universities must suck atm. University price deregulation is probably about as popular as driving nails into your own eyes.

I was in the Young Labor party at a G8 university. Our meetings consisted of drinking beer and working out new ways to torture the young liberal guys. Our days were full.
Griffith Nathan. I do a social science apparently. I never knew they were distinct from humanities.

Huh. Weird. Guess it shows the difference in faculties (Social Sciences and Humanities are the same same faculty). I know where your building is but I completely forgot it existed. Its like a different world. I've been in IT / Engineering / Science (and got shoved into the Environment building for Maths class). I don't think I've set foot in Humanities.

I might have had someone from there for the Science Ethics class I had to do in second year upon reflection.

Also Griffith SAlt needs a better net presence if they are so dominant , Social Alt UQ trends higher and their Facebook page is dead. They are seriously letting the University down.


UoA is absurdly left wing that SAlt was getting so out of hand that the university had to step in. Although it's hilarious that last year Labor right grouped up with the Libs to push out the Labor left and Greens. Was the first time that the Libs were ever in charge of the Union, lol.


I was in the Young Labor party at a G8 university. Our meetings consisted of drinking beer and working out new ways to torture the young liberal guys. Our days were full.

My Young Liberal mate says his meetings consist of figuring out ways to oppress the poor. I can never tell if he's serious or not.
My Young Liberal mate says his meetings consist of figuring out ways to oppress the poor. I can never tell if he's serious or not.

I'm pretty sure that actual Liberals spin it either as the moral duty of a strong work ethic , or the opportunity to innovate and aspire and forge your own destiny free from Governmet interference when being serious.

ETA - Oh, you have the Macrossan too. That makes more sense. And explains a lot. The SAlt rallies would be on the square just outside there and SEET is mainly at the opposite end of the Campus. I woulda past a bunch going to Northern Theatres in early Undergrad but I was doing 3 majors back then and didn't have any time for student politics.


Huh. Weird. Guess it shows the difference in faculties (Social Sciences and Humanities are the same same faculty). I know where your building is but I completely forgot it existed. Its like a different world. I've been in IT / Engineering / Science (and got shoved into the Environment building for Maths class). I don't think I've set foot in Humanities.

I might have had someone from there for the Science Ethics class I had to do in second year upon reflection.

Also Griffith SAlt needs a better net presence if they are so dominant , Social Alt UQ trends higher and their Facebook page is dead. They are seriously letting the University down.

I'm not gonna lie I know very little about the uni. It's just a means to an end. I spend as little time there as possible.

From memory though the poli-sci unit is very well regarded at Nathan. In my year I'm fairly sure it topped out UQ to be the best in the state.

I'm pretty sure that actual Liberals spin it either as the moral duty of a strong work ethic , or the opportunity to innovate and aspire and forge your own destiny free from Governmet interference when being serious.

The second speaks to me. I do strongly believe people should have the right to choose their own path. It's the job of the government to provide a means to start on the path, and a way of allowing you to best follow it. From there, outside regulating excesses and smoothing bumps, it's all down to the individual.

ETA - Oh, you have the Macrossan too. That makes more sense. And explains a lot. The SAlt rallies would be on the square just outside there and SEET is mainly at the opposite end of the Campus. I woulda past a bunch going to Northern Theatres in early Undergrad but I was doing 3 majors back then and didn't have any time for student politics.

My interactions with student politics have consisted of being lectured by somebody from Socialist Alternative until I agreed to vote for them in the student union to shut them up. And aforementioned pamphlet girl.

Also yea most of my lectures are N16, N22 and N73. And the Northern lecture halls for the majority of my electives.
I'm not gonna lie I know very little about the uni. It's just a means to an end. I spend as little time there as possible.

From memory though the poli-sci unit is very well regarded at Nathan. In my year I'm fairly sure it topped out UQ to be the best in the state.

The second speaks to me. I do strongly believe people should have the right to choose their own path. It's the job of the government to provide a means to start on the path, and a way of allowing you to best follow it. From there, outside regulating excesses and smoothing bumps, it's all down to the individual.

My interactions with student politics have consisted of being lectured by somebody from Socialist Alternative until I agreed to vote for them in the student union to shut them up. And aforementioned pamphlet girl.

Also yea most of my lectures are N16, N22 and N73. And the Northern lecture halls for the majority of my electives.

Yeah it is. I didn't realize that was at Nathan though, thought it was at one of he other campuses. I used to live on campus, and my course load meant I was in third year before I got a free day during the week. I know the SEET area of the Campus pretty well as a result.

I'm really not liking your chances of converting me. I'm rather partial to collective action and provision. I'm skeptical of collective authority without checks though (I'm pretty strongly pro-civil liberties in a way that makes me feel like an escapee from the 1960s on GAF sometimes).


Yeah it is. I didn't realize that was at Nathan though, thought it was at one of he other campuses. I used to live on campus, and my course load meant I was in third year before I got a free day during the week. I know the SEET area of the Campus pretty well as a result.

I couldn't live in campus. I have no idea how you do that. 10 contact hours is enough for me.

I'm really not liking your chances of converting me. I'm rather partial to collective action and provision. I'm skeptical of collective authority without checks though (I'm pretty strongly pro-civil liberties in a way that makes me feel like an escapee from the 1960s on GAF sometimes).

Don't get me wrong, I'm strongly collectivist as well. It's not an individualist vs collectivist argument. The reason capitalism works for the collective is because it empowers the individual.
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