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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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The 77 first preference votes is irrelevant idiocy by the way. It's 77 BTL votes 1st preferences. Almost no one outside Tasmania got more than a couple of thousand (and the quotas are ~100 times that). He got several thousand from Hanson's surplus from ATL votes just like the 2nd-4th major party candidates are elected.

Kevin Bonham posted it as a bit of trivia and Twitter were morons.
So, who thinks that Bill Leak deserved the twitter backlash that he is now using to paint himself as the victim over?

This is a case where he deserves everything he's got so far. And its exactly what the Australian is paying him for so they deserve it too. My opinion may change if the Australian decides to scapegoat him rather than own their part in it though if people accept that.


The whole formula of outrage arksy, VKS et al were talking about a few pages back is relevant in discussion too, but the mode de jour of right wing commentators at the moment seems to be thus:

Phase 1: say something obscenely offensive
Phase 2: get called on it
Phase 3: (Profit) claim that your speech is being stifled and blame 'The Left' for everything
The whole formula of outrage arksy, VKS et al were talking about a few pages back is relevant in discussion too, but the mode de jour of right wing commentators at the moment seems to be thus:

Phase 1: say something obscenely offensive
Phase 2: get called on it
Phase 3: (Profit) claim that your speech is being stifled and blame 'The Left' for everything
A great way to develop and energise a dedicated base.
There's no way that letter, which he admitted to it being his, didn't come from sovereign citizen beliefs. Zero chance.

They might have come from Free Man / Posse Comitatus beliefs instead, not that that makes a difference to sane people, but it would technically be true.

And yes, Queensland is terrible and disappointing.
They might have come from Free Man / Posse Comitatus beliefs instead, not that that makes a difference to sane people, but it would technically be true.

And yes, Queensland is terrible and disappointing.
I hadn't realised or remembered that freemen on the land are different from sovereign citizens.

The living soul will be on Lateline in a moment.
Oh before we move back to community and thus have some extra readers : we run a group Crikey subscription if anyone is interested (you miss the Gifts but get a discount) , contact me if interested.

Also are there any other subscription media people would be interested in doing a group subscription for ?
Interesting article about the WA ONP rep.

Suggests as he is subject to being sentenced a the time of the election and the declaration it won't be as simple as filling the casual vacancy but a recount will be required going all the way back to when the first ONP candidate was eliminated. Now this could still result in the second ONP candidate being elected 12th or it might result in something different even effecting other already elected candidates from other parties.
Interesting article about the WA ONP rep.

Suggests as he is subject to being sentenced a the time of the election and the declaration it won't be as simple as filling the casual vacancy but a recount will be required going all the way back to when the first ONP candidate was eliminated. Now this could still result in the second ONP candidate being elected 12th or it might result in something different even effecting other already elected candidates from other parties.

Because everything was digitized due to the new system, the count back is actually trivial and has already been done: https://sirgraha.me/senate2016/#/scenario/wa_phon_1 / . Nothing changes. The AEC would have to do its own version of course but yeah.

The elimination of GTV makes things much more stable because things have to both be closer to be effected (because you don't get huge incoming votes) and they have less effect if they are (because you don't get near 100% outgoing flows to 1 target).
Oh yes. We should probably be shuffled off to community soon. Any New titles proposals given the Senate ?

For the political tragics one could argue we should wait for Senate terms to be decided but the difference is small. And its difficult to predict: most of the Crossbench is utterly indifferent (they get the same either way), Hinch would want s282 (gives him 6 years), Libs wants order of election (+1 Lib), Labor is stuck in the middle (they either give the Libs +1 or trade one of their own for a Green), Greens want s282 because they get +1 , don't give the Libs +1 and don't really care that Labor would be -1.

From a strictly reflection of the will of the voters sense s282 is superior (which is why it was added) but it's never been used because self-interest dominated the only time it could be (Labor + Dems had a majority and got to dud the Libs of 2 seats) so precedent favours order of election.


They might have come from Free Man / Posse Comitatus beliefs instead, not that that makes a difference to sane people, but it would technically be true.

And yes, Queensland is terrible and disappointing.

I wonder how many racist, sovereign citizen, One Nation voting queenslanders also believe in indigenous self-determination and a treaty enshring that.

Just a thought.

Oh wait. They're all hypocritical bigots who only believe in rights for white christians.
Oh yes. We should probably be shuffled off to community soon. Any New titles proposals given the Senate ?

[OT] - He who controls the punctuation controls the senate!
[OT] - Well that went well didn't it Malcolm.
[OT] - Yes there are people crazier than George Christensen in Queensland.
Caught Malcolm Roberts on the radio, back pedaling his sovereign nation stuff "I didn't research it enough and now that I have, I am no longer going down that path" but doubling down on his human co2 production is not having *any* effect on the climate, BS. "We should be making policy based purely on evidence, and there is no evidence at all".
While the other senator sorry I don't remember who said basically he did believe all the science, but it wasn't up to Australia to do anything, until everybody else did. The whole segment was shameful and sad.


Caught Malcolm Roberts on the radio, back pedaling his sovereign nation stuff "I didn't research it enough and now that I have, I am no longer going down that path" but doubling down on his human co2 production is not having *any* effect on the climate, BS. "We should be making policy based purely on evidence, and there is no evidence at all".
While the other senator sorry I don't remember who said basically he did believe all the science, but it wasn't up to Australia to do anything, until everybody else did. The whole segment was shameful and sad.

Is that your subtitle suggestion for the thread? It's a good one.

Or if it needs to be shorter, how about "the whole segment was shameful and sad"
New One Nation Senator Rodney Culleton could become ineligible to be a senator. He is in police custody after turning himself in for failing to appear in a NSW court for stealing a tow truck driver's keys in 2014. He is also going to court later this month in WA, charged with stealing a car.

Larceny carries a maximum penalty of five years jail, which could deem him ineligible to be a senator.

The constitution says anyone convicted of crime that has a punishment of at least one year's jail can't be a member of parliament.
New One Nation Senator Rodney Culleton could become ineligible to be a senator. He is in police custody after turning himself in for failing to appear in a NSW court for stealing a tow truck driver's keys in 2014. He is also going to court later this month in WA, charged with stealing a car.


It'll likely just lead to a recount electing the 2nd on the ticket (his brother in law).
Amazing quote from the NSW ONP Senator Brian Burston on why they fell apart in QLD after the 1998 election and why they will be more successful this time around.

"They ran dopes, unemployed, inexperienced, not all that intellectual.... we're more cohesive than the previous bunch. We're a more intelligent bunch for a start."

I don't know how you can say that with a straight face.
Amazing quote from the NSW ONP Senator Brian Burston on why they fell apart in QLD after the 1998 election and why they will be more successful this time around.

I don't know how you can say that with a straight face.

To be fair the living soul does seem to be intelligent, just also delusional. Being Smart doesn't meant you aren't crazy and can make rationalising your delusions easier.

And Hanson herself is pretty good at the harnessing rage at the other to her own advantage.


To be fair the living soul does seem to be intelligent, just also delusional. Being Smart doesn't meant you aren't crazy and can make rationalising your delusions easier.

And Hanson herself is pretty good at the harnessing rage at the other to her own advantage.

Sophisticated racists?
Sophisticated racists?

That shouldn't be so surprising. Racism was the main stream view in Europe for centuries and the arguments in defense of it were often very sophisticated. It's only in the last ~50 years or so that racism in the Anglosphere has come to be associated with crude bores (and those playing to their worst impulses).

(For a modern example: The arguments against homosexuality are often just thinly veiled cover of religious views but the veils and reasoning are often sophisticated (or at least sophistry). )


I think I'm going to put Nick Xenophon's name on my census form tonight.

The conspiracy theories are getting out of control.
I'd rather we stop the ABS getting so aroused over data integration while they're semi-erect. The current census is relatively inoffensive, but data integration is not something I'm comfortable with. And I say that as an engineer who loves overly granular datasets.
I'd rather we stop the ABS getting so aroused over data integration while they're semi-erect. The current census is relatively inoffensive, but data integration is not something I'm comfortable with. And I say that as an engineer who loves overly granular datasets.

Data integration without permission because people would be unwilling to give you permission is one of things that should get a bureaucrat fired as unfit for duty.
a friend that was working on it said that it can handle ~360 unique logins a minute.

which doesn't seem like a lot.
Assuming exactly 360 unique logins are made every minute, that's only 21,600 unique logins an hour, or 129,600 unique logins between 6pm and midnight. Let's say the average number of people per house is 4, that's only half a million people (518,400) getting through in those hours. With all the talk of the ABS expecting 15 million people to do it online, it can't be right.


Log in to your 2016 Census
Error Icon
Thank you for participating in the Census. The system is very busy at the moment. Please wait for 15 minutes before trying again. Your patience and cooperation are appreciated. [code 9]

Forget it


As someone who used to work for the company providing the tech services for the Census, let's just say I'm not surprised.

For what it's worth we got on at 6pm and had no trouble.


We didn't even receive our letter. Last I checked, their website said "Don't... don't call us. L-later, call us later. Not tomorrow, maybe Thursday." If they had maybe better advertised the fact that you could complete it early, then maybe-- Who am I kidding, Australia is a nation of procrastinators.
David Kalisch from the ABS said the census website was attacked by hackers four times yesterday.

"The online census form was subject to four denial of service attacks yesterday," he said.

"The first three caused minor disruption, but more than two million forms were successfully submitted and safely stored."

Mr Kalisch said the site was taken down just after 7:30pm after the fourth attack as a precaution to "ensure the integrity of the data".

"It was an attack, and we believe from overseas," he said.
http://ab.co/2aPWjKw - via @abcnews
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