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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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What a mess.
Now they admit to finding a security flaw?

They paid $10m to IBM and $400k to load test a data-entry form and it failed under the load - sorry I don't buy the DDOS "blame it on foreign actor" crap - and then they find an exploit as well?

And all this under the technocrat Turnbull. Is he hiding now?


"Sabotaging the census" sounds stupid. Like, why? For what reason? More like "A wealth of information being submitted on threat of fines is tasty.

And all this under the technocrat Turnbull. Is he hiding now?

He's single-handedly fighting off teh hax. Sources claim he said it was "Easy to do."


Holy crap, first the census mess and now the Nauru leaks. Sadly, the latter is probably gonna be brushed under the carpet fairly shortly.

ABC news last night was on the Census and Olympics, with the 7:30 report following up on the Census. Not even a mention of the Nauru leaks.


ABC news last night was on the Census and Olympics, with the 7:30 report following up on the Census. Not even a mention of the Nauru leaks.
I'm pretty sure we saw things about the leaks on ABC News in Melbourne. Was that the local news or the national one on ABC24?
I would like to note that if Giles believes that he's an idiot, his government was already going to lose given that they've publicly imploded something like 3 times since the last election (they failed miserably in the Federal election which was before Don Dale and only got a second Senator because you only need 33%+1 to get a Senator in the territories), Don Dale was little more than putting him out of his misery.
Ah, Giles, hopefully your entire party is turfed out of parliament come the NT election, because your mob being kicked out of government can't come soon enough.

And of course Dutton is an incredibly shitty human being.

I really hope the government keeps fucking up so the polls plummet and Turnbull gets booted in favor of someone who will inevitably fuck up even more (Abbot, Morrison, etc).
Ah, Giles, hopefully your entire party is turfed out of parliament come the NT election, because your mob being kicked out of government can't come soon enough.

And of course Dutton is an incredibly shitty human being.

I really hope the government keeps fucking up so the polls plummet and Turnbull gets booted in favor of someone who will inevitably fuck up even more (Abbot, Morrison, etc).

Poor Morrison has been bleeding political capital since the coup and being Treasurer. The LNPs real problem right now is that no one that the Abetz/Bernadi/Abbott faction accepts is going to do better than Turnbull with the general public. Turnbull's unimpressive performance allows them to pretend Abbott wouldn't have been thrashred (and probably unable to get Senate Reform through because his ability to get Senate to vote against things they'd otherwise support approached a super power).
Poor Morrison has been bleeding political capital since the coup and being Treasurer. The LNPs real problem right now is that no one that the Abetz/Bernadi/Abbott faction accepts is going to do better than Turnbull with the general public. Turnbull's unimpressive performance allows them to pretend Abbott wouldn't have been thrashred (and probably unable to get Senate Reform through because his ability to get Senate to vote against things they'd otherwise support approached a super power).

Well, as you said, the right-wing are hopelessly in denial about Abbot's unpopularity, Turnbull barely saved the government from being turfed out after their first term, whereas Abbot would've lead the government to annihilation at the polls. I wouldn't be surprised if shenanigans happen, and the moderates get so fed up that they'd cross the floor for a no-confidence vote.
Well, as you said, the right-wing are hopelessly in denial about Abbot's unpopularity, Turnbull barely saved the government from being turfed out after their first term, whereas Abbot would've lead the government to annihilation at the polls. I wouldn't be surprised if shenanigans happen, and the moderates get so fed up that they'd cross the floor for a no-confidence vote.

If that happens the Coalition will be out of office for 20+ years because it will make the DLP / ALP split look like a picnic (the DLP split hurt the finance and human capital of the ALP about equally, a conservative / liberal split will leave the activists and the money in different groups). So I can't see it happening in the near future.


At this point I'm ready to accept a Duterte based Government.

Thats how much confidence I have in this Government and in any alternative.

Don't bring up the Greens because they'll never be in Government (thanks QLD for guaranteeing this), and some of their policies are beyond stupid. No nuclear power, effectively open door policy on refugees and economic migrants, reduced defence spending which will lead to China literally stomping us whenever they wish.

I hate the reliance on the USA for defence more than anyone on this forum but because we don't have nuclear weapons or anything similar to deter others we have to rely on them.

To be honest if the Greens changed some of their policies they would make for an awesome Government and we would actually move forward as a country but as they are now that won't happen.

I'm more shocked that the Liberals haven't had us withdraw from the 1951 Refugee Convention. I'm guessing there's a massive cost to do so.


At this point I'm ready to accept a Duterte based Government.

Thats how much confidence I have in this Government and in any alternative.

Don't bring up the Greens because they'll never be in Government (thanks QLD for guaranteeing this), and some of their policies are beyond stupid. No nuclear power, effectively open door policy on refugees and economic migrants, reduced defence spending which will lead to China literally stomping us whenever they wish.

I hate the reliance on the USA for defence more than anyone on this forum but because we don't have nuclear weapons or anything similar to deter others we have to rely on them.

To be honest if the Greens changed some of their policies they would make for an awesome Government and we would actually move forward as a country but as they are now that won't happen.

I'm more shocked that the Liberals haven't had us withdraw from the 1951 Refugee Convention. I'm guessing there's a massive cost to do so.

If there's no enforcement and no domestic political consequences to the current course then why bother?

Dead Man

At this point I'm ready to accept a Duterte based Government.

Thats how much confidence I have in this Government and in any alternative.

Don't bring up the Greens because they'll never be in Government (thanks QLD for guaranteeing this), and some of their policies are beyond stupid. No nuclear power, effectively open door policy on refugees and economic migrants, reduced defence spending which will lead to China literally stomping us whenever they wish.

I hate the reliance on the USA for defence more than anyone on this forum but because we don't have nuclear weapons or anything similar to deter others we have to rely on them.

To be honest if the Greens changed some of their policies they would make for an awesome Government and we would actually move forward as a country but as they are now that won't happen.

I'm more shocked that the Liberals haven't had us withdraw from the 1951 Refugee Convention. I'm guessing there's a massive cost to do so.
Our defense spending is irrelevant regarding China. They can't invade with their current equipment and nothing we can install will stop them if they do have the equipment. They could destroy us, but only if the international rule of law is gone.
If there's no enforcement and no domestic political consequences to the current course then why bother?

There's no actual cost for withdrawing from treaties or agreements (their power is derived domestically from legislation). The cost of withdrawing from the Refugee convention is in our National Political Capital (and how valuable other agreements with us are perceived to be) but the former js in tatters anyway (and the latter is generally unaffected for the kind of economic policies the Liberals care about).

The only reason they don't withdraw is that such a massive break of convention might actually cause domestic attention to be brought to the matter and the whole thing runs on Someone Else's Problem / Out of Sight , Out of Mind.
Our defense spending is irrelevant regarding China. They can't invade with their current equipment and nothing we can install will stop them if they do have the equipment. They could destroy us, but only if the international rule of law is gone.

As a rule of thumb our defense spending is irrelevant against anyone who could and would actually successfully attack us.

It's more of a power projection spend (some good , some bad).

Our troops are well equipped and well trained but nowhere near numerous enough to oppose any one with the military capability to meaningful attack us. They are great for delivering aid, turning back boat , and invading countries on the other side of the world though.


Really as long as we have enough submarines to repel an invasion of say... Sydney Harbour it's damn near impossible to efficiently invade us. Australia is a logistical nightmare.

Dead Man

As a rule of thumb our defense spending is irrelevant against anyone who could and would actually successfully attack us.

It's more of a power projection spend (some good , some bad).

Our troops are well equipped and well trained but nowhere near numerous enough to oppose any one with the military capability to meaningful attack us. They are great for delivering aid, turning back boat , and invading countries on the other side of the world though.
Absolutely, and I actually support a slightly larger military than we have now. China is of no importance in forming my opinion though. I mainly want Australia to contribute much more to aid and peace keeping operations.
Really as long as we have enough submarines to repel an invasion of say... Sydney Harbour it's damn near impossible to efficiently invade us. Australia is a logistical nightmare.

We don't exactly have any critical resources either, our resources are stuff that would allow for low tech self-sufficiency but we don't have huge amounts of oil or rare earth metals or other high Tech high value resources. And area for area our agricultural production isn't great compared to most places that aren't called Russia.


Absolutely, and I actually support a slightly larger military than we have now. China is of no importance in forming my opinion though. I mainly want Australia to contribute much more to aid and peace keeping operations.

I want more of this - we seem to be good at peace keeping operations.

Really as long as we have enough submarines to repel an invasion of say... Sydney Harbour it's damn near impossible to efficiently invade us. Australia is a logistical nightmare.

I know it's impossible to come in from anywhere else except the Harbour - but more about how we'd get bombed to death long before any ground troops could reach us.

As a rule of thumb our defense spending is irrelevant against anyone who could and would actually successfully attack us.

It's more of a power projection spend (some good , some bad).

Our troops are well equipped and well trained but nowhere near numerous enough to oppose any one with the military capability to meaningful attack us. They are great for delivering aid, turning back boat , and invading countries on the other side of the world though.

Hence why I brought up the Nukes and co - it's a deterrent more than anything I doubt we'd ever actually use them. It's part of the reason why we effectively follow the USA into everything since they'd have our backs.
They also need us as well for Pine Gap and Geo-spatial Intelligence reasons.

Man, the technical reasons behind the Census stuff ups sure are interesting.

It'll be the stuff of legends. Hopefully (though of course it won't happen) they put a blanket ban on ever contracting IBM to do anything ever again. As someone else mentioned ( I think in this thread) they could have used Microsoft Azure instead and everything would've worked out fine. Having a decently coded site would have also helped - someone on Reddit (I think again) mentioned the login was rated to handle 300 (3000?) logins a minute?

Clearly didn't know about Central Limit Theorem - there's always a bigger peak request as you increase the amount of users. They had to have the login handle millions at once - afterwards Azure could have scaled down the amount of VMs to save $$$. The rest of the process would've been a decreasing curve since everyone would have gone through the Census at a different speed. Is the site even up yet?

We don't exactly have any critical resources either, our resources are stuff that would allow for low tech self-sufficiency but we don't have huge amounts of oil or rare earth metals or other high Tech high value resources. And area for area our agricultural production isn't great compared to most places that aren't called Russia.

I was referring more to the Green's Policy - China wouldn't be invading us for resources it'd be more to get rid of that pesky Pine Gap and related intelligence gathering sites.
A Chinese company bought out the main Australian lithium deposit because they knew what the local owners apparently did not, that lithium deposits were only going to get more valuable as battery use takes off so instead of paying Australians for the processed metal they could just buy the land for a bargain price and dig it out themselves..
A Chinese company bought out the main Australian lithium deposit because they knew what the local owners apparently did not, that lithium deposits were only going to get more valuable as battery use takes off so instead of paying Australians for the processed metal they could just buy the land for a bargain price and dig it out themselves..

Jokes on them. That's not actually how Australian resource rights work (it's the reason CSG companies can force owners to let them build on their properties because mineral rights remain the property of the State governments).

ETA - What got darkaces banned ? Saw he was banned in the Narau Files thread but I haven't reached a point where he's said something that should have gotten him banned yet. I kinda miss having a Labor Righter around to go with our token actually liberal Liberal. This thread can get to be too much of a lefty love in for my taste at times.
ETA - What got darkaces banned ? Saw he was banned in the Narau Files thread but I haven't reached a point where he's said something that should have gotten him banned yet. I kinda miss having a Labor Righter around to go with our token actually liberal Liberal. This thread can get to be too much of a lefty love in for my taste at times.
Sexual abuse happens in all institutions, it's a fact of life. The sides aren't pro-sexual abuse and anti-sexual abuse, they're: We can reduce sexual abuse in such a way that it doesn't reduce the efficacy of the program, and we can't reduce sexual abuse without increasing drownings. I'd like to believe we can, but standing around crying about how racist we are for implementing a policy that commits evil through action to stop a greater evil through inaction isn't achieving it.

This is one of those times where good intentions isn't enough.
I didn't realise he was an extremist utilitarian.

I'm not sure he is. His assessment of greater evil vs lesser evil there is kind of messed up. The utility of avoiding people drowning at sea compared to putting people in a situation that is designed to be (at the most charitable interpretation: perceived to be) worse than drowning at sea, seems to severely mess up the utility values.
In news that will surprise no one outside the terminally optimistic s282 goes unused again (I even called the use of the precedent argument).

So 6 years: The first 6 Senators elected in each state.
3 years: Territory Senators + Last 6 in each state.

So that's everything done and dusted.

Do we have a favoured thread title ? I might poke someone to send us back to OT now that we've exhausted all possible claims to relevance beyond the ABCC vote (the DD trigger) and no one believes it was actually important.


I didn't realise he was an extremist utilitarian.

He also seems to conveniently forget that the drownings that are lessened are just the drownings on the way to Australia. The people who would be making the trips here are still making the trips, just to other countries now. They're still drowning we just don't have to take responsibility for it anymore.

He also seems to conveniently forget that the drownings that are lessened are just the drownings on the way to Australia. The people who would be making the trips here are still making the trips, just to other countries now. They're still drowning we just don't have to take responsibility for it anymore.


That's actually somewhat optimistic they may have been killed or imprisoned instead since there's no guarantee the other routes that would require on land are actually safe. They aren't leaving from countries that honour the Refugee Convention (some are signatories but lack the economic and bureaucratic structured necessary to honor it). These are people who , by definition, thought a chance of drowning was better than their other options. Our nation "humanitarian" posture on this is hypocrisy and sophistry. We're saving them from the frying pan by keeping them in the fire.
Jokes on them. That's not actually how Australian resource rights work (it's the reason CSG companies can force owners to let them build on their properties because mineral rights remain the property of the State governments).

Its not resource rights its working mines. The biggest lithium mine in the world (Talison) was bought first by the Chinese (Chengdu Tianqi) at a bargain price, who then sold 49% to the americans (Rockwood) and now they are boasting about it. It could have stayed as an Australian company.
Its not resource rights its working mines. The biggest lithium mine in the world (Talison) was bought first by the Chinese (Chengdu Tianqi) at a bargain price, who then sold 49% to the americans (Rockwood) and now they are boasting about it. It could have stayed as an Australian company.

Ahh, yes, that makes sense, you certainly can but pre-existing infrastructure and equipment.
So Tony apparently laments today's "hyper-partisan politics". Which was pretty much entirely his fault.

something something stones something something glass houses

Also, NSW Labor is using Morrison's decision to block Chinese bids on Ausgrid (on the same grounds warned by NSW unions during the NSW election) as ammunition to get egg on the state government's face. Say what you will about Foley and NSW Labor, but the former basically putting Baird between a rock and a hard place is glorious to see. Baird is probably pissed at Morrison right now for fucking him over, since Morrison is making it look like Labor and the unions were right about electricity privatisation all along in the eyes of many voters.



I don't even understand his point by using the law. He seems to think it makes some kind of statement but I'll be buggered if I can tell what



I don't even understand his point by using the law. He seems to think it makes some kind of statement but I'll be buggered if I can tell what

I suspect he thinks him winning such a case would supposedly point out how bad the law is for free speech.
Wow, Sovereign citizen Malcolm Roberts vs. Brian Cox and Lily Cerna on QandA tonight. No contest.

Prediction of show:



I'd rather just listen to Cox and Serna on their own show. It could just be those two talking, no-one else. Q&A doesn't deserve their intellect and Tony Jones can just interrupt himself all fucking evening as far as Im concerned.


Oh nice, Lily Serna. Likely for her environmental science interests that I didn't know about until now.
She works at Atlassian now too. I learnt about that before it was even official 'cause a friend works there and was like "Holy fuck Lily Serna came in today".
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