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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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Crikey said:
Earlier in the evening, the CFMEU’s Dave Noonan, the head of the construction union, described the difficulties the union had in ensuring the proper payment of 457 visa workers. He described a construction site that employed a mix of Chinese and Filipino 457 visa workers on $53,000 a year, which is the minimum that must be paid to 457 visa holders and well below the industry standard for the type of work they were doing. However, these workers were billed for substandard, overcrowded accommodation and transportation to the worksite by their employer, to the tune of $35,000 a year. The CFMEU tried to advocate on their behalf, with some success, Noonan says. But it couldn’t represent all of them as the Chinese employees had been sent back to China as soon as the CFMEU started asking about them.


New Essential Poll out, oh boy:

Level of immigration into Australia: Too high 50 About right 28 Too low 12
Increasing Australia's annual refugee intake from 13750 to 18750: Support 39 Oppose 44
How would you vote in a same-sex marriage plebiscite: Yes 58 (-2) No 28 (-2)
Federal 2 Party Preferred: L/NP 49 (+1) ALP 51 (-1)


Most of the problems with 457's stem from the fact that they're tied to a specific employer. Allowing employers to dictate terms with next to no fear of employees leaving makes some areas ripe for abuse.
That is another problem with them, yes.

But the context was how they are an example of a use of migration to drive down wages, which they definitely are in the contexts discussed.

It makes sense to me to import a senior executive if there are no suitable candidates locally, it's totally legit to have a way to do that. But construction workers? Really? What's next, 457s for factory and retail jobs?


That is another problem with them, yes.

But the context was how they are an example of a use of migration to drive down wages, which they definitely are in the contexts discussed.

It makes sense to me to import a senior executive if there are no suitable candidates locally, it's totally legit to have a way to do that. But construction workers? Really? What's next, 457s for factory and retail jobs?

Sure. Ideally most immigration restrictions would be relaxed. 457's drive up wages and employment on balance, just as teenagers entering the economy do.

There may be specific examples of 457's not working as intended, but this is at odds with the vast majority of them.





Outspoken Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm has defended his response to the death of sports journalist Rebecca Wilson, after critics labelled him “insensitive” and “cruel”.

Senator Leyonhjelm prompted backlash today after tweeting there “won’t be many Western Sydney Wanderers fans at Wilson’s funeral” in reference to a story Wilson wrote in the Sunday Telegraph last year.

Wilson, a renowned sports broadcaster, died overnight from breast cancer at age 54.

Senator Leyonhjelm today stood by his comments, saying the story “named and shamed fans of the Western Sydney Wanderers who she claimed had been banned by the Football Federation for loutish behaviour”.

“Some of the people named had never been banned, some had been banned on spurious grounds, and some were under 18 and should never have been named even if they had been legitimately banned,” Senator Leyonhjelm said in a statement to Daily Mail Australia.

“If you think that’s offensive, you need to get out more. I stand by my tweet. Furthermore, death does not suddenly absolve us of what we did when we were alive.”

His statement prompted backlash from other senators, including Labor MP Martin Pakula who demanded he “resign from the Senate”.



Her articles weren't great, were agenda driven and the sports of soccer/league won't miss her etc etc. But they aren't helpful in the aftermath of such a tragic event.
Why would the government own a painting lol

It sort of doesn't. The National Gallery does.

And I hope you can see why theres a public institution dedicated to making art available to the public, as opposed to stashing it with collectors or being charged significant amounts to enter private collections. And competition is not particularly good at reducing prices in this area because copyright laws are fantastic at creating effective monopolies on particularly pieces by disallowing works that are too similar (go invisible hand of the free incredibly captive market).

Also art by significant Australian artists is inherently of cultural relevance if not significance. Though the going price suggests that amongst collectors at least the artist is deemed significant in some way.


ok not gonna lie i just dont get art. i went with a girl to a gallery once and just about died

That and wine tasting. I just don't... get it. At all. It's not fun.
And in another episode of NSW politics, Baird is apparently at least considering backflipping on the greyhound racing ban because the Nats are revolting and government backbenchers are freaking out about losing rural seats in 2019. This fucking state, I swear...
And in another episode of NSW politics, Baird is apparently at least considering backflipping on the greyhound racing ban because the Nats are revolting and government backbenchers are freaking out about losing rural seats in 2019. This fucking state, I swear...

Fucking coward.

Shining Mike's lustre is gone. He probably won't even make the next election.
Fucking coward.

Shining Mike's lustre is gone. He probably won't even make the next election.

The weird thing is even with the usual suspects actively against the ban it's still got over 60% support, so who knows if it'll even help in net. They might save some country seats by backflipping but lose more potential Labor / Greens seats. With support that broad its not likely to help in the Legislative Council either but I suspect that they've given up on trying to take a majority there already anyway.
Making a new post to make this stand out

We're 4 months out from needing to renew our Crikely Subscription (I know this seems early but it was a little challenging to organize last time).

Please let me know if you're interested (if you're new) or not interested (if you've previously been involved). Costs will likely increase a bit this time since we won't qualify for the free member, since we're renewing rather than starting a subscription, but the exact amount will depend on the numbers.
Labor unanimously against the plebiscite, so it will be blocked in the Senate.

Nationals MP Andrew Broad threatened to bring down the government if it switched to a free vote on same-sex marriage, indicating his support for the government was "conditional" on it honouring all its election promises.

"The government that I am a part of and will remain a part of is conditonal on the fact that the only way that there will be a change to the Marriage Act in this Parliament is a plebiscite," he said. "My position as a member of the government is very clear on that."


Fucking coward.

Shining Mike's lustre is gone. He probably won't even make the next election.
Fucking coward is right. It was the one thing that I thought brought him even a tiny bit closer to someone like Daniel Andrews, and then he goes back on it. Absolute cunt who's clearly only in it for himself.

Making a new post to make this stand out

We're 4 months out from needing to renew our Crikely Subscription (I know this seems early but it was a little challenging to organize last time).

Please let me know if you're interested (if you're new) or not interested (if you've previously been involved). Costs will likely increase a bit this time since we won't qualify for the free member, since we're renewing rather than starting a subscription, but the exact amount will depend on the numbers.
How much was it last time again (roughly)? I'd be in again, but it's harder to justify with a wedding coming up in about a month. But if you don't need the money until late Nov-early Dec, then I think I can swing it :)

Labor unanimously against the plebiscite, so it will be blocked in the Senate.
Never a more appropriate time to use this:


Fucking coward.

Shining Mike's lustre is gone. He probably won't even make the next election.
Yeah, fuck that. That was the only thing the Liberals had going for them apart from actually getting public transport projects going.

Also fuck Luke Foley for taking up the cause of the industry.

You've got legitimate industries whose time may have passed come and gone, like the auto industry in Vic and SA and nobody's gone and defended them as vehemontly as the greyhound industry here. Those people had to find new jobs.

And then you've got this miserable lot who's made their living on the mistreatment and utter disregard of race dogs and other animals and they're allowed to carry on. Tough luck if it gets banned, find another job that's not steeped in animal cruelty.

It's amazing how such trivial things that will have a huge benefit to a lot of Australians and won't really make things any different for those against it is so important for those against it. There are so many more important things to deal with and threaten to withdraw support over. So amazingly feeble and petty.


Yeah Luke Foley has acted like a piece of shit on this.

I mean really, of all the causes, an industry complicit in animal cruelty that has had 50 changes to clean itself up and failed every time - that's the one to run with.

How many seats would this get Labor anyway? Working class does not have to be about low-class horrible industries who only achieve harm.

Baird is a shit, but is just a trapped puppet like Turnbull here.


It's amazing how such trivial things that will have a huge benefit to a lot of Australians and won't really make things any different for those against it is so important for those against it. There are so many more important things to deal with and threaten to withdraw support over. So amazingly feeble and petty.

Legit just fucking legislate it. The LNP shouldn't give a shit about SSM. So frustrating watching actual national issues be swept aside by something that barely even ranks. Let gay people get married, have wild sex orgies, corrupt our kids with their agenda, w/e. And then get back to actually running the country.

At this point the LNP members not backing SSM are just hurting their larger cause for an 'issue' that was lost decades ago.
I don't buy into this whole suggestion that greyhounds resulted in the massive kicking Baird got at the council elections. First people tend to vote all over the place and secondly single issue independents are far more likely to get elected as the scale is much smaller and people are far more likely to vote on local issues, footpaths, bins, zoning, the amalgamations etc...

The greyhounds are just one of a number of Baird's stuff ups: Randwick light rail hurting not improving public transport, west connect and compulsory acquisitions, can't sell the poles and wires, council amalgamations, not knowing there are people outside of Sydney, fucking up health care, lockout laws etc...
ETA - PHON looks likely to support anti-Union bills on basis of freedom (already passed the CFA legislation). Someone needs to explain to me how targetting Unions for special scrutiny improves Freedom because by most metrics it's the opposite.

How much was it last time again (roughly)? I'd be in again, but it's harder to justify with a wedding coming up in about a month. But if you don't need the money until late Nov-early Dec, then I think I can swing it :)

It will likely cost between $129 and $149 with $139 being most likely given similar interest to last year.

Money shouldn't be necessary until early December at the earliest. I'll pay up front and get the money back later, if we get to close to deadline , so I can leave the collection to late.


It will likely cost between $129 and $149 with $139 being most likely given similar interest to last year.

Money shouldn't be necessary until early December at the earliest. I'll pay up front and get the money back later, if we get to close to deadline , so I can leave the collection to late.

I'll actually pay up this year. I had to make do without as I was pretty short on money.
I'll actually pay up this year. I had to make do without as I was pretty short on money.

If anyone else is in this situation feel free to drop me a PM, and I'll try and work something out (be it a payment plan or a partially subsidized subscription if others are willing). We do get larger discounts for more people.


It will likely cost between $129 and $149 with $139 being most likely given similar interest to last year.

Money shouldn't be necessary until early December at the earliest. I'll pay up front and get the money back later, if we get to close to deadline , so I can leave the collection to late.
Awesome, and that timeframe should be perfect. I'm in!


Labor unanimously against the plebiscite, so it will be blocked in the Senate.

While I'm a straight as an arrow but still support marriage equality - I'm actually OK with this. The amount of media saturation the right wing nutters would have done for an 'no' campaign (we all know they would have gone to town) would have been depressing and cringe worthy.

I think equality will happen, but not until the next Labor government.
While I'm a straight as an arrow but still support marriage equality - I'm actually OK with this. The amount of media saturation the right wing nutters would have done for an 'no' campaign (we all know they would have gone to town) would have been depressing and cringe worthy.

I think equality will happen, but not until the next Labor government.

Seems probable, at least one Nat has already threatened to quit the Government if there's a free Vote , and they don't have the majority to risk it (I can think of at least 2 others who'd likely either go Independent or jump to PHON).


Keeping some people worse off so everyone can be worse off together isn't really a reason to be for taxes. And this is just indexing it to inflation so that people don't end up in a higher bracket through bracket creep. It's long-term policy so we solve problems before it actually occurs on a large scale.

Also income tax is a tax on income, not wealth. You can be asset rich and income poor, just as you can be income rich and asset poor. We should be taxing the first, not the second.

Finally, most taxpayers will have earnt more than 80K a year for a few years by the end of their productive lifetime.

Also the fact the Greens member said tax cuts don't do anything for the economy really explains how they went to the election on the platform they did.
Keeping some people worse off so everyone can be worse off together isn't really a reason to be for taxes. And this is just indexing it to inflation so that people don't end up in a higher bracket through bracket creep. It's long-term policy so we solve problems before it actually occurs on a large scale.

Also income tax is a tax on income, not wealth. You can be asset rich and income poor, just as you can be income rich and asset poor. We should be taxing the first, not the second.

Finally, most taxpayers will have earnt more than 80K a year for a few years by the end of their productive lifetime.

Also the fact the Greens member said tax cuts don't do anything for the economy really explains how they went to the election on the platform they did.

I suspect you're defining tax payer pretty narrowly there, the median income is $39 000. Bracket creep at the top end isn't effecting most of the population (these cuts are for approximately the top 20% of income earners). And there are excellent social reasons to avoid over concentration of wealth, like the way they have a disproportionate influence on our political system through media control, lobbying and networking. This isn't a thing you can wind back, just like the ability of capital to avoid things they don't like was intensified by globalisation and there's nothing a country can do about it even if they wanted to because capital flight will occur. It's a nice trick being able to ensure that political change can only ever move in the direction of your interests.

Rupert Murdoch demonstratably has more influence than I do and he's not even an Australian citizen, and I'm in the group that benefits from these cuts.
So One Nation's Brian Burston wants the ABC to be defunded and replaced by a "Patriotic Broadcasting Corporation" instead.

Holy shit, that kind of name makes state-run media from China and Russia look subtle. I know hardcore right-wingers have a hard-on for fascism, but good grief, One Nation is composed of crazy people.
So One Nation's Brian Burston wants the ABC to be defunded and replaced by a "Patriotic Broadcasting Corporation" instead.

Holy shit, that kind of name makes state-run media from China and Russia look subtle. I know hardcore right-wingers have a hard-on for fascism, but good grief, One Nation is composed of crazy people.

He wants it done because he thinks the ABC is biased against mainstream (read very conservative) Australians. The irony must be near tangible.

I do have to wonder how the hell you can think replacing an Australian broadcaster with a Patriotic broadcaster would make things less biased. One of these things is clearly less inclusive than the other. Unless he intends to broadcast in favour of all kinds of patriotism but given One Nations relationship with Multi-culturalism I suspect not.

Because women are on average worse off than men economically almost any change will be worse for women than men unless there's some correlation that tends to favour women embedded (childcare subsidies for example). Even high income tax rises likely benefit men more because women are far more concentrated at the bottom of the top bracket.


I think equality will happen, but not until the next Labor government.

The wave of support for Labor will be huge when it happens, and the PM says "Today is a historic day, blah blah blah, we have brought about equality for all Australians, blah blah blah, and we did it without an expensive plebiscite and a media campaign that set to hurt our fellow Australians.'


I suspect you're defining tax payer pretty narrowly there, the median income is $39 000. Bracket creep at the top end isn't effecting most of the population (these cuts are for approximately the top 20% of income earners).

Another 5% of the population would have entered the second to top tax bracket in the next few years, while in ten years time it'd be closer to 35% of the population. It's long-term policy.

And there are excellent social reasons to avoid over concentration of wealth, like the way they have a disproportionate influence on our political system through media control, lobbying and networking.

I don't disagree. But we're talking income taxes, not wealth taxes here.

Also I'm less sympathetic to media control arguments now. Media is far less concentrated than it was even ten years ago. There are moderate left papers (Guardian, Crikey), far left (Independent, New Matilda), moderate right (The Australian), far-right (probably, I don't go searching for these). It's essentially demand driven, not supply as it used to be.
Another 5% of the population would have entered the second to top tax bracket in the next few years, while in ten years time it'd be closer to 35% of the population. It's long-term policy.

I don't disagree. But we're talking income taxes, not wealth taxes here.

Also I'm less sympathetic to media control arguments now. Media is far less concentrated than it was even ten years ago. There are moderate left papers (Guardian, Crikey), far left (Independent, New Matilda), moderate right (The Australian), far-right (probably, I don't go searching for these). It's essentially demand driven, not supply as it used to be.

I agree with you online, the physical media is still very much a Murdoch game, though it's far less effective than it once was in shaping opinion. The demographics mean it's still significant in regional areas (and so Queensland, etc). Far right online publications exist, yes. If you're a centrist who thinks the Greens are ridiculous I'm not sure what you'd make them, their economics are heavily protectionist (also BUY GOLD) and they usually want to return to a gold standard (which I think we both agree would be horrendous), and their social and political stuff is comes from an alternative timeline. It's worse than the stuff you get from SAlt, where America is the great Satan, at least it's actually true that America isn't the moral paragon it likes to make out. These people seem to think illegal immigrants get to vote, and Muslims make up 20%+ of the population.

I'm sure their are saner far right publications similar to the Independent and Newatilda but I haven't seen many. I suspect that News Corps regional adjustment of how Right wing (eg the Daily Telegraph) they are eliminates a lot of the market.

Seems to be a similar situation in the US where the Drudge Report seems to be the next notable thing to the Right of Fox (I'm not convinced Breitbart has a personal relationship with reality whereas Drudge at least occasionally checks in).

I guess the other thing is that a lot of that demographic still favours physical papers and TV so you're moving into the alt-right by the time you hit a large enough web comfortable market.
So they've stuffed it up again.

Turnbull government accidentally supports Labor in second embarrassing parliamentary Blunder

The Turnbull government has suffered a second embarrassing failure in Parliament, effectively voting to call on itself to explain its own failures on multinational tax avoidance.

Labor said the mistake is unprecedented in the federal Parliament, the first time a second reading amendment has passed the House of Representatives and leaving uncertainty about how the government could unwind its position.


Pyne has some 'splaining to do even though it looks like Kelly O'Dwyer was the main culprit.


Edit: So it looks like the government forgot to vote no on a 2nd reading on how the government has been terrible in regards to tackling multi-national tax avoidance and the parliament just passed a unanimous resolution that they are.


So they've stuffed it up again.

Turnbull government accidentally supports Labor in second embarrassing parliamentary Blunder

Pyne has some 'splaining to do even though it looks like Kelly O'Dwyer was the main culprit.


Edit: So it looks like the government forgot to vote no on a 2nd reading on how the government has been terrible in regards to tackling multi-national tax avoidance and the parliament just passed a unanimous resolution that they are.

Oopsie daisy
So they've stuffed it up again.

Turnbull government accidentally supports Labor in second embarrassing parliamentary Blunder

Pyne has some 'splaining to do even though it looks like Kelly O'Dwyer was the main culprit.


Edit: So it looks like the government forgot to vote no on a 2nd reading on how the government has been terrible in regards to tackling multi-national tax avoidance and the parliament just passed a unanimous resolution that they are.

Did they get this through the Senate as well ? Because that would be pretty funny.
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