Dastardly Jerks
The far right guys, just, I can't fathom.
Wonder if the guy who brags about watching mainstream media is reaslising the correlation between that and why he's so scared of terrorism...
The far right guys, just, I can't fathom.
Wonder if the guy who brags about watching mainstream media is reaslising the correlation between that and why he's so scared of terrorism...
It's more that given inequality you can have "lift the tide" as high as you like but scarce goods will still be confined to those in the top most area (because their contention will automatically increase their "value" to that point) whereas non-scarce goods behave as you'd expect with "real income" ie they become more common possessions. The limited supply of such goods means that their accessibility is determined by relative not absolute wealth.
All goods in the market are scarce, that's why they cost money. Do you mean luxury goods?
If you mean luxury, they're far more common than a few decades ago.
I mean , as I said before, things that are in very rare supply like political influence and (pseudo-)natural monopolies, you can rise the tide as much as you like but those things are never going to be held by anyone but the absolute wealthiest in a market economy.
A University of Melbourne study has found only one electorate will likely vote against SSM, Maranoa (prime Hanson land).
A few other electorates might vote against if undecideds fall one way.
Apparently some Tory senators have today stated that whatever the overall vote, they will vote how country voters in their states vote. Cowardly.
A University of Melbourne study has found only one electorate will likely vote against SSM, Maranoa (prime Hanson land).
A few other electorates might vote against if undecideds fall one way.
Apparently some Tory senators have today stated that whatever the overall vote, they will vote how country voters in their states vote. Cowardly.
Can th rest of the country make queensland secede?
Just re-do the constitution to have population proportional Senate representation.Can th rest of the country make queensland secede?
Just re-do the constitution to have population proportional Senate representation.
Then we'll no longer be held hostage by backwater Senators, only the odd lucky freak like Hitch.
Not really related, but am always amused/disgusted that Australia has two states named after Queen Victoria. So lame.
I'm sure if every electorate voted Yes they'd find some other excuse. "I'll only vote for same-sex marriage if straight country voters above 65 who wear hats on Tuesdays in my state vote yes"Apparently some Tory senators have today stated that whatever the overall vote, they will vote how country voters in their states vote. Cowardly.
I'm sure if every electorate voted Yes they'd find some other excuse. "I'll only vote for same-sex marriage if straight country voters above 65 who wear hats on Tuesdays in my state vote yes"
I'm sure if every electorate voted Yes they'd find some other excuse. "I'll only vote for same-sex marriage if straight country voters above 65 who wear hats on Tuesdays in my state vote yes"
Indeed.Eh they'd just go with voting their conscience ultimately. One of things about the Plebiscite followed by a conscience vote is that it allows conservatives with conservative electorates, conservatives with moderate electorates and moderates with conservative electorates to all Vote against (providing political cover at both the party and electoral level).
A University of Melbourne study has found only one electorate will likely vote against SSM, Maranoa (prime Hanson land).
A few other electorates might vote against if undecideds fall one way.
Apparently some Tory senators have today stated that whatever the overall vote, they will vote how country voters in their states vote. Cowardly.
Hanson actually said she'd Vote how Queensland votes.
Ha ha, oh no no... See, Regional QLD isn't QLD at all.
It's Aussie Florida.
Wasn't that study based on ABC Vote Compass inputs, aka a voluntary web poll?
Speaking of polling, the government's standing in the polls has dropped even further, the quickest decline in primary vote for a re-elected government other than Gillard's. 52-48 to Labor.
If this trend continues, and I have no reason to think it won't, Turnbull is fucked, and I sincerely doubt there's anything the Coalition can do to reverse their fortunes aside from maybe replacing him with Bishop, and we know that's never gonna happen. Morrison would be even worse than Turnbull. Bringing back Abbot would result in a trainwreck and a spectacular return of a Labor government in 2019 if not sooner.
I wonder how Prime Minister George Christensen's numbers look. He got another win today.
that was physically painful to read
Support for the plebiscite has fallen from 70 per cent earlier this year to 39 per cent, a Newspoll in The Australian on Wednesday shows, with 48 per cent of respondents saying they favour a vote by members of Parliament to resolve the issue.
The poll found 13 per cent of respondents were undecided.
Among Coalition voters, 47 per cent support a plebiscite compared with 44 per cent who support a parliamentary vote.
On the question of same-sex marriage, 62 per cent said they would vote yes while 32 per cent said they would vote no, with 6 per cent undecided.
Everything's coming up common fucking sense.Wow.
Basically negates Brandis' claim that the people want a say. Everything's coming up Shorten.
Chances 'Sunland Stuart' will catch on? Near zero?I assume Stuart Robert is toast? *assume*
Chances 'Sunland Stuart' will catch on? Near zero?
I assume Stuart Robert is toast? *assume*
I think it's pretty unlikely any benefits were gained by the company as a result of the donations, but it's still best if he resigns. Politicians need to be above even a hint of corruption.
There is no one in party politics above a hint of corruption. Getting pre-selected is the art of selling yourself. And being a Parliamentery member means participating in fundraising (and no, corporations and unions do not give out of the generosity of their hearts, they expect access at best and favorable outcomes at worst).
You can donate from a company that benefits without corruption or expectations of access. A company that imports donating to the free trade party, for instance.
Personally I think federal politics is just about corruption free. It's state and local where the problems are (almost always related to land zoning).
A once-in-a-fifty-year storm knocks over some poles in South Australia and cuts power nation-wide, certain government figures immediately blame renewable energy. Unfortunately, Malcom Turnbull also used it as an excuse to claim that the state goverment's renewable energy target was "pursuing unrealistic emissions targets over energy security". What little respect I still had for him has evaporated.
Everything's coming up common fucking sense.
A once-in-a-fifty-year storm knocks over some poles in South Australia and cuts power nation-wide, certain government figures immediately blame renewable energy. Unfortunately, Malcom Turnbull also used it as an excuse to claim that the state goverment's renewable energy target was "pursuing unrealistic emissions targets over energy security". What little respect I still had for him has evaporated.
A once-in-a-fifty-year storm knocks over some poles in South Australia and cuts power nation-wide, certain government figures immediately blame renewable energy. Unfortunately, Malcom Turnbull also used it as an excuse to claim that the state goverment's renewable energy target was "pursuing unrealistic emissions targets over energy security". What little respect I still had for him has evaporated.
yeah it's paywalled.Oh, going back to the topic of immigration being used to drive down wages, the end of this article talks about 457s being used to drive down construction wages (paying the minimum allowed by 457s (which was below market) and then rorting them on transport and accommodation. (May be paywalled , if it is let me know and I'll excerpt the appropriate paragraph).