Mr. Pointy
Labor need to sneak in a free vote on SSM into some bill that the government won't pick up on. Shit would be high-larious.
Labor need to sneak in a free vote on SSM into some bill that the government won't pick up on. Shit would be high-larious.
You can't sneak votes into legislation (because they are part of standing orders), only outcomes, so you could stick legislation to amend the Marriage Act anywhere you liked*, but you can't schedule a free vote on SSM without one of the following:
1) An absolute majority to overturn standing orders and schedule a vote..
2) A majority if you have scheduled you will attempt to overturn standing orders in the days business (if someone allows this they'd either be set on (probably metaphorical) fire and deserve it or have been told to let whatever it was pass, without needing to officially attach their votes)
*However sneaking such an amendment would be pointless, the House can reconvene and pass a disallowance/reversal motion since the Government still has an absolute majority.
Did they get this through the Senate as well ? Because that would be pretty funny.
I believe it was an amendment to a Government bill and in the end Labor agreed to help to have it removed as the Government would never have sent it to the Senate as is and the whole process would have to have been restarted wasting time. It was mostly just a procedural stuff-up and more 'unstable Government ' fodder for the press and insiders tomorrow.
I can't believe there hasn't been a single poll for the election tomorrow, not even The Canberra Times seems to give a crap. If the town wasn't coated in core-flute you wouldn't even know there was an election on.
What will happen? I have know idea. Potential outcomes in order (Lab/Lib/Grn/Ind):
- 11-12-2-0 Lab-Grn government
- 12-12-1-0 Lab-Grn Government
- 10-12-1-1 Probable Libs
- 10-13-1-0 Lib Government
Labor has 10 Green 1 and Liberal 11 right now. The 5th seat is up for grabs in 3 electorates.
- Murumbidgee: Most likely to go green for the 5th, Lib outside but need to win it for government.
- Ginninderra: Anyone could win the 5th. Most Labor area of Canberra so most likely but heaps of indies running there farming towards the libs.
- Yerrabi: 2nd best Lib area but is the focal point of the tram and they love the tram.
ETA- Anything worth looking at in Vic Local Gov next week ?
The variance in number of Greens predicted is ridiculous (1-4 with the most likely being 3 is Antony Green's take) and is well above the margin of change in a PR system with five 5 member electorates.
To be fair the uncertainty is due to the new structure which the majors passed to try and kneecap the Greens (it seems to be something of a hobby in PR states when Labor gets nervous enough).
I'm surprised by the lack of polling given that it's close but I suspect that no one wants to risk reputation on prediction with the new electorates.
The Greens think they are going to win the 5th in each seat, no chance.
While the greens are popular in Canberra, their vote is very concentrated. The central seat, Kurrajong has both the greenest area of Canberra (The Lentil Belt where I live) the area north of the lake and the bluest area of Canberra, those suburbs south of the lake concentrated around New Parliament House. As you get further away from the centre suburbs Green support dries up.
It will take a big swing for the Libs to pick up 2 of the 5th places and overcome Labor+Green totals. It's not out of the question but I don't sense the bats are out for the Labor party. There is disappointment and probably the love has left the relationship but they should crawl across the line in coalition with the Greens.
Very early results for ACT.
Libs seem to be doing well but it's swingy as hell (difference between prepoll inside and outside an electorate, evoting and on the day).
They don't seem to have done well enough to get a majority though so far.
So far it looks like it'll be the end of next week to get a final result.
ETA - Antony's Tech just rebelled. So that's normal. Drink!!!
Will come down to Yerrabi and those albeit very early numbers are very good for Labor/Green. No independent is getting elected so the Libs will need to win a 3rd in Brindabella which they have, a 3rd in Murumbidge which is very possible and a 3rd in Yerrabi which is looking very very unlikely.
Tram time!!!!
ETA:Signs Libs are probably doomed Business Chamber sucking up to Labor.
Yeah, the vote is really starting to fall off in Brindabella for the Libs and even in Kurrajong.
Didn't predict this yesterday and I don't think anyone else did.
No, I don't think so either. This was supposed to be close. It's more of a ROFLstomp. Some of the media said Labor may only get 5 seats (those people are morons but that they could make the claim with anything approaching credibility says something).
ETA - Calling the Canberra Libs the most conservative is rather overstating it. I'm a Queenslander,,and frankly your conservatives are light weights. The most progressive LNP State Premier we had in decades was setting up a police state.
It looks like the Sex Party must have run a pretty decent local campaign concentrating solely on the 2 southern electorates as being in the Central one, I had no idea they were even running!
Even when the Libs were in Power in the 90's at max they only had 7/17 of the seats and had to rely on friendly independent conservatives to form government. At the last election they managed 8 and it looks like 38-39% might be their high water mark. I think it would take massive maleficence on the behalf of the ALP or a very high profile and very moderate star leader to overcome the left wing nature of Canberra. One of the things that the Canberra Libs try very hard to hide is that while they are quite wet economically a lot of them are quite far right socially and that just doesn't play around here. The Likes of Coe, probable next leader and world class dribbler, Guilia Jones, Dozpot etc... are vehemently ant-SSM but it's really hard to get them to admit publicly to that.
It was clear that the Libs tried to create some friendly independents but instead of taking votes from Labor/Green and moving them to the indies it looks more like their own vote went to the indies and with vote exhaustion probably won't come back.
Is there any speculation on if this means any real change?Bob day is Quitting the Senate presumably to try and save his businesses.
Looks like Lucy Gighuhi will replace him as the 2nd Family First candidate.
I guess he's off to put his.... family... first
Is there any speculation on if this means any real change?
Is there any speculation on if this means any real change?
I think he might be off to put his creditors first!
Hard to tell, FF can appoint anyone really Lucy was just his running mate. Their party really seems like a mish-mash of ideas with the only real commom element being religion. Day was very close to the LIbs, ex-perennial Lib candidate and an IPA member. The next person may not be as easy a win for the Coalition in the Senate.
Things I have seen today in Australian politics.
- grilling of Triggs again. For 5 hours.
- Turnbull and the liberals struggling to work out what to do re the senator for liberties shotgun.
- Eric Abetz going ham at ABC managing director over left wing bias.
Good times.
Silly Malcolm, the wet lettuce he is, has been wedged on the one issue that even Labor and Green voters agree with John Howard. By Tony Abbott.
Let that sink in like a newspoll.
Things I have seen today in Australian politics.
- grilling of Triggs again. For 5 hours.
- Turnbull and the liberals struggling to work out what to do re the senator for liberties shotgun.
- Eric Abetz going ham at ABC managing director over left wing bias.
Good times.
Nationals and PHON voters don't necessarily agree though. This is one of those things where Howard actually took a political hut to do what he thought he was right.
So apparently Turnbull threw Abbott under a bus in QT by backing his ministers, Keenan and Dutton's version of the deal with Leyonhjelm. So Abbott stood up after QT and threw Turnbull back under the same bus presenting evidence of his version of events.
Good times.
This has all the hallmarks of a challenge in twelve months. Really seems like the cracks behind the wallpaper are starting to appear all over again.
I honestly can't imagine this going to full term either. Even Albanese is starting to chirp again so who knows, maybe he will be the next labor pm.
He could do it on the basis of 'We need to win and I can inspire and cut through much better' which I think is pretty much objectively true. Shorten is a damp squib who just happens to have been in while the Libs implode, he's a mild negative for Labor but that's still a negative.I don't see any path by which Albanese can be the next Labor PM, short of Shorten losing the next election or suddenly dieing / retiring from politics / disappearing. Knifing him is to likely to undermine the current lead, Shorten isn't epically unpopular like Abbott was.
Pure speculation here, but if the ALP polling isnt substantially higher than the Christensen's Rightwing Australia Party (CRAP) bu mid-late 2018 I wouldn't be surprised if they switched leaders.
The way they do it though is what will be different. It wont be knives out, it will be a silent step down after bickering behind closed doors, with the appearance of a personal decision. It's not about Shorten or any other potential leader - it's because of Rudd's rules that the ALP has a mechanism in place now to keep internal leadership fites out of the public eye. If they want to.
The ALP just needs to block basically everything and then roll into government next term on the back of 'turnbull owned by the right wing hurr durr'. Who actually needs governance when we can have populist tools harming our future for political points.