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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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That was from October, who knows now that he's actually been elected.

I'm really gutted by this result as well. I have no idea what's going to happen now. I hope, that this is all for nothing and he won't actually be a bad president...but that's all I have now...hope.

I wonder how that works. Can the President unilaterally withdraw from a Senate ratified treaty ? That's assuming that Obama can get enough intransigent Dems / Repubs to back it before he leaves office.

If it's been ratified by the Senate before he gets in, then no...but that won't happen as I'm pretty sure Obama has to go into caretaker mode.
That was from October, who knows now that he's actually been elected.

I'm really gutted by this result as well. I have no idea what's going to happen now. I hope, that this is all for nothing and he won't actually be a bad president...but that's all I have now...hope.

If it's been ratified by the Senate before he gets in, then no...but that won't happen as I'm pretty sure Obama has to go into caretaker mode.

The US has a ... history of doing politically unpopular stuff in the lame duck session, where people who lost office just say screw it and do what they / their party wants. So I don't think its impossible. But I suspect establishment Republicans are too cowed to do it now.
Some by-elections today in NSW.

  • Labor wins easily in Canterbury, Linda Burney's old seat. The libs didn't run so the ALP got like 65% of first preference.
  • Labor all but guaranteed a win in Wollongong. Probably did better than expected as there always seems to be a big independent vote down that-a-ways. Not quite 50% FP but will be fine with Greens support.
  • Orange, the interesting one. A gauge on Dog racing and general coalition feeling and it's not good for Shining Mike and the ALP! 35% swing against the Nats with it mostly going to the Shooters, Fishers and Bogans and a couple of independants. Labor lost 5% as well. Brexit x 10! Tremendous, bigly! Labor was preferencing the SFF, not sure about the other way, but big swings to indies and minors always suggests a pox on the sitting member so there is a good chance the SFF will get across the line. The AEC did the initial preference count between Labor and the Coalition so a result may be a while.
Another reminder to PM if you want in on our group Crikey sub or want out (I'll PM everyone to confirm the second if I don't hear by the end of the month).

Or if anyone is interested in other group subscriptions (Australian, SMH, AFR , etc) I'll see if we have the numbers and pricing. I'll need at least 2 interested people per sub, with more being better.

darkace , if you're following this my email address is a Gmail one that should be obvious given my username, if you still want to join the Crikey one, drop me a line.
Australia dubbed 'fossil of the day' after lobbying for coal mine at climate talks

Australia has used a summit on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to lobby the US energy minister in support of the development of one of the world’s largest coalmines.

The move, by the Australian environment and energy minister, Josh Frydenberg, at the Marrekech meeting, won Australia the “fossil of the day” award, announced daily by the Climate Action Network to the countries that perform the worst at UN climate talks.


This is just getting sad now. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first we've gotten this reward either.
Whose clever idea was that juxtaposition?

The funny thing was a lot of Green groups thought this meant an integrated approach to how we look at energy production with environmental and sustainability concerns and quite liked the idea. Of course the reality was how we ignore environmental concerns entirely and just dig up as much coal as possible.

"So India, would you like our coal?"
"Well we're moving towards internal production and renewables in the next few years."
"We'll totes build you a sweet rail line from the mine to the port with Queensland taxpayers money and let you dump all the spoil on the reef."
"No tax? Lower royalties?"
"Will someone please take out coal!!!! Burn it, stick it up your nose, shove it down your pants, we don't care what you do with it."


So this bank firebombing in Melbourne is bad. It's also going to play out particularly ugly in the media and particularly the right-wing column space because of the background of the perpetrator:

* Arrived on a boat in 2013
* Possibly Muslim (Rohinyga)
* On a TPV

Whether or not these claims are true or relevant, the mere suggestion of them in the media is going to lower the tone of discussion substantially. And there's very little worse in discourse than a right-wing firebrand who feels vindicated in their unfounded generalisations.

"Will someone please take out coal!!!! Burn it, stick it up your nose, shove it down your pants, we don't care what you do with it."

Put it in the christmas stockings of every Liberal, Republican and Tory voter.
Peter Dutton has also gone full Trump/UKIP in the last few days blaming Malcolm Fraser for making immigration 'mistakes' in the 70's. Mistakes is code for Muslim. I have a feeling it's going to get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better.

Rod Cullerton has send his submission to the High Court and as you expect, it's both a comedy and a tragedy. Full of ridiculous conspiracy nonsense and complaints about the elitist, the latest buzzword, court system.

Talking of elitists, probably the funniest moment this week was Turnbull complaining about elitists but pronouncing it "aye-leetest" instead of "ee-leetest" which is probably the most elitist way of saying elitist. The only possible way the scene could have been funnier is if he was wearing a top hat at the time.
Peter Dutton has also gone full Trump/UKIP in the last few days blaming Malcolm Fraser for making immigration 'mistakes' in the 70's. Mistakes is code for Muslim. I have a feeling it's going to get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better.

Rod Cullerton has send his submission to the High Court and as you expect, it's both a comedy and a tragedy. Full of ridiculous conspiracy nonsense and complaints about the elitist, the latest buzzword, court system.

Talking of elitists, probably the funniest moment this week was Turnbull complaining about elitists but pronouncing it "aye-leetest" instead of "ee-leetest" which is probably the most elitist way of saying elitist. The only possible way the scene could have been funnier is if he was wearing a top hat at the time.

Untrue, he could have worn a top hat , monocle and full White tie dress while holding a cane and with his Butler present.



Newspoll holding firm at 53/47 to Labor, confidence in Turnbull's ability to manage the economy has dropped below 50%. The government is bleeding.

Dead Man



One Nation has to be the most inappropriate name for a party since the Palmer "United" party.

Is there a rule that names have to be the opposite of reality?
One Nation has to be the most inappropriate name for a party since the Palmer "United" party.

Is there a rule that names have to be the opposite of reality?

Hanson had to tell Cullerton to come to a meeting through the ABC this morning as he wasn't responding to calls, emails! There are rumours that if he does survive he'll be off to the Katter party and if he doesn't it will be his wife or brother-in-law that replaces him and I imagine they will be equally recalcitrant.

From Anne Aly's facebook page, still live.

It's almost like there is a direct inverse correlation between the propensity to make death threats online and intelligence.
Hanson had to tell Cullerton to come to a meeting through the ABC this morning as he wasn't responding to calls, emails! There are rumours that if he does survive he'll be off to the Katter party and if he doesn't it will be his wife or brother-in-law that replaces him and I imagine they will be equally recalcitrant.

From Anne Aly's facebook page, still live.

It's almost like there is a direct inverse correlation between the propensity to make death threats online and intelligence.

I like that the first bit was about the lack of Christian radicalisation given that the psychopath is likely Christian. Its sort of perfect.
I like that the first bit was about the lack of Christian radicalisation given that the psychopath is likely Christian. Its sort of perfect.

Anyway it's not like Southern Central Africa is full of Christian Terrorist groups, or the Maronites in Lebanon or in India or even the Klan exsist and when it comes to Buddism in Sri Lanka or Burma, they never got up to anything.
Anyway it's not like Southern Central Africa is full of Christian Terrorist groups, or the Maronites in Lebanon or in India or even the Klan exsist and when it comes to Buddism in Sri Lanka or Burma, they never got up to anything.

True but less self-contained. Also far beyond the geo-social grasp I expect of the first Facebook poster.
Just saw Julie Bishop on The Project desperately attempting damage control over Dutton's blatantly racist declaration. Considering she's one of the least worst Coalition members in parliament, I actually kinda feel sorry for her having such shitty co-workers.

Really, though, Dutton needs to be punched in the fucking face.
Just saw Julie Bishop on The Project desperately attempting damage control over Dutton's blatantly racist declaration. Considering she's one of the least worst Coalition members in parliament, I actually kinda feel sorry for her having such shitty co-workers.

Really, though, Dutton needs to be punched in the fucking face.

Producing Authoritarian racists with corrupt tendencies is Queenslands specialty what are we supposed to contribute to the Federation if we can't send people like Hanson and Dutton to Parliament ?


Just saw Julie Bishop on The Project desperately attempting damage control over Dutton's blatantly racist declaration. Considering she's one of the least worst Coalition members in parliament, I actually kinda feel sorry for her having such shitty co-workers.

If they cant/wont condemn dutton's remarks they are culpable for the harm the comments do.

People who are apologists for bigotry dont deserve sympathy.
And Dutton accused Labor of misrepresenting his speech (ahahaha) and also said that the hate speech and death threats towards Anne Aly is Shorten's fault for daring to question him.

Fuck off, Dutton, go jump off a bridge.


Pauline's speech today was fucked up.
I was pretty impressed at how she was able to go from "Back in my day we called Mediterraneans wogs and they just put up with it" to "Why do these people not think of themselves as Australian?" without a hint of irony.
Even John Howard would have sacked this guy by now.

George Brandis up to his neck again.

Basically conspired with the WA Government to take the proceeds of Bondy's business. Brandis instructed Glesson to back this stance but separately the ATO asked Glesson to act for them except the ATO had the law on their side and Brandis didn't. Brandis must know where Turnbull buried the cat or something.

I was pretty impressed at how she was able to go from "Back in my day we called Mediterraneans wogs and they just put up with it" to "Why do these people not think of themselves as Australian?" without a hint of irony.

It's racist that you don't take my good-natured racist abuse in the spirit it's intended.
Even John Howard would have sacked this guy by now.

George Brandis up to his neck again.

Basically conspired with the WA Government to take the proceeds of Bondy's business. Brandis instructed Glesson to back this stance but separately the ATO asked Glesson to act for them except the ATO had the law on their side and Brandis didn't. Brandis must know where Turnbull buried the cat or something.

Howard was canny enough to never let him anywhere significant in the first place.
Yeah, Brandis should never have been given the position of Attorney General. According to The New Daily, even Turnbull is really sick of Brandis constantly embarrassing the government.

Also, the NSW Planning Minister, Rob Stokes, has undermined the federal government's position on negative gearing and the CGT discount by openly saying we should get rid of both. It's basically started a shouting match between the feds and NSW over the issue, with the feds saying the state should be doing more to open up supply (lol) while the state says they're already doing more than enough (in some ways too much, in fact), even Stokes basically argues that increasing supply really basically amounts to increasing supply for investors rather than for first-home-buyers, who they can out-compete.
And if you needed any further proof Abbott wants to be PM again.

Choice highlights:

  • Return to the 2014 budget
  • Make him a minister so he shuts up
  • No more innovation or agility as people don't understand it, either does Malcolm to be fair.
  • The price of power is too damn high, or coal baby!
  • Climate change, lol what?
  • The SSM plebiscite is the most important commitment ever made in the history of government and cannot be broken under any circumstance. All other promises like superannuation, no cuts to the ABC, Medicare, education don't count.

Completely and utterly clueless and anyway Malcolm still has 24ish weeks of bad Newspolls to go.

He's also writing another book, it'll probably make good mulch like Battlelines.
Barnaby finally released the CBA over the public service move to Armidale and the results weren't great. Something like $155 million a year and 365 jobs taken out of the ACT economy for only $77million and 189 in Armidale with a moving cost of $25mil and a total loss of expertise as no one wants to move.

I bet Turnbull won't be going away for a while, leaving Barnaby in charge can prove disastrous.
Rumours going around of an imminent cabinet reshuffle, maybe as early as Friday, in a bid to ward off far-right members from crossing the floor. Pass a few bills then drop the reshuffle late Friday and hope everyone is already in Holiday mode.

Brandis has to be in trouble, O'Dwyer as well. If it is to sure up Turnbull's support from the right you might see the likes of Andrews, Abetz or even Tones come back in again and there's no way the right wing will be dudded if Malcolm wants to be PM in 2017.


With not an ounce of self-awareness.
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