Well, as Napoleon supposedly said, "never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake". The comparisons to the GOP become more apt by the day, really. It's gonna be interesting if the backbenchers doubling down on conservatism will either force Turnbull to accomodate them or make them chuck him out, neither of which would help their primary vote.
That being said, my main worry is Coalition voters who are defecting from them mainly moving over to One Nation instead of Labor or the Greens.
Australian sensationalist headlines excepted real support for One Nation is still from ~4% to 12% depending on state (with the 12% being Queensland). They mainly seem to have cleaned up the "too conservative for the Coalition" Other voters for the most part, with a bit of chew into the Coalition in rural areas (as always it seems to be *really* concentrated in what were traditional National Seats and to a lesser extent what were Labor Right going further back).