We can definitely go deeper on the Ley thing though. https://www.theguardian.com/austral...-for-gold-coast-events-with-multi-millionaire
We can definitely go deeper on the Ley thing though. https://www.theguardian.com/austral...-for-gold-coast-events-with-multi-millionaire
But I do know that there are socialists out there who want to attack free enterprise and anyone who sticks up for it.
And I know that socialists, like alcoholics, will blame anyone but themselves. And whereas alcoholics can damage their own family, socialists can destroy the whole country.
Literally one of the most insane things I have ever heard from a politician.
The Menu said:The guests were served Chermoula spiced quail breasts with pomegranate molasses and Sydney rock oysters with chardonnay vinegar dressing, at the glitzy 185-person celebration that cost taxpayers almost $10,000.
XD, she's an ex-polly now so no staff to suggest to her that her statements could "use their phrasing improved" I'd guess.
But I do know that there are socialists out there who want to attack free enterprise and anyone who sticks up for it.
And I know that socialists, like alcoholics, will blame anyone but themselves. And whereas alcoholics can damage their own family, socialists can destroy the whole country.
Literally one of the most insane things I have ever heard from a politician.
Speaking of deeper, look what the cat dragged in.
Fucking helicopters.
I didn't say it will happen. I said we (the people) should demand it.
'X resigned' is such a disingenuous term when it only ever really means 'took a demotion which is most likely temporary'.
Do we base it on Twitter outrage?
I think I read that ~18 other MPs didn't charge anything.Turns out Simon Birmingham only billed the taxpayer for the taxi to and from Turnbull's New Years Eve soirée. Not airfares or overnight accommodation. That's something I suppose.
I was playing a game called J.U.L.I.A. Among the stars last night and the first planet you land on is Xenophon.
I think I read that ~18 other MPs didn't charge anything.
Yeah, it makes those that did look like absolute snouts.I think I read that ~18 other MPs didn't charge anything.
Lol and $60k 'secret scholarship' Frances Abbott was there. These people are like an elite glitterati, untouched by the poors below them.
Best protest slogan I ever heard was about that scholarship: "Tony Abbott - Fuck You. We want sixty thousand too!"
Looks like Cullerton might finally be gone though he's still trying to dig in sending nonsense letters to the queen and claiming the 21 day extension means he's not yet a bankrupt when in reality it was to give him time to get affairs in order. He apparently owes millions to someone else and is still involved in multiple civil and criminal court cases. I'll miss his nuttiness.
This might not be the end of him in the public spotlight yet. It still needs to be settled if he was elligible to run in the first place since that changes if PHON gets to appoint a replacement or if it goes to a countback which will elect the second person on the ticket (who I believe is Cullerton's Brother in Law).
Exactly my thoughts.And Ley is gone.
One person gets the axe and now Turnbull talking about a cross party bill and independent expenses commission. I imagine there will be a "truce" of sorts now so no one else loses their job. One person was thrown to the lions to entertain the masses/media so the rest can keep theirs.
Exactly my thoughts.
The actual response is and will be weak as piss.
Unless they change the rules about what can be claimed and what can't there will be no change. It will just outsource responsibility to this new independent office. Instead of Julie Bishop deciding herself that it's fine to go to the Polo on the taxpayer she can just say that the independent office said it was fine when she asked so don't blame me, blame the system and around and around we go again.
Oddly she's cancelled her yearly trip to the Polo.
Steve Ciobo made me laugh when he said the populace expected pollies to go to sporting events on the taxpayer. Talk about completely and fundamentally misreading the mood of the electorate!
Seems like Newscorp doesn't have much hope for the LNP at the next election. Dedicated an entire piece to freaking about the Labor Left having any influence at all and also vaguely suggesting that sitting Right MPs would get primaried (which is wildly unlikely, this is a party which keeps Right members in seats that are actually vulnerable from the Left).
Seems a bit early for this honestly, the election is at least 2 years away and more likely 2.5 years to keep the Senate in sync after a DD.
I don't think it's too much of an issue in Sydney. The left have the inner city seats and the right the outer ones. There's a massive Labor right ring around the west and they are all ministers as well.
It's a bit different in Victoria and people like Danby and Feeney should be primaried out as they will both lose those seats if not at the next election, the one after that.
I don't see too much growth from the left. They have always dominated in Tasmania, been very strong in the west, it's pretty even in SA and QLD and they are well behind in NSW and VIC. Just a sad dogwhistle from uncle Rupert.
I don't think anyone fears a swing to the left all that much considering Shorten's weak polling figures and the inability to capture to mantle in regard to key issues, entitlement being a recent example. However a populist swing seems very likely and that would be one that hurt the LNP more than anyone else simply seeing how many of their voters are old racist conservatives who love a bit o' Hanson.
I mean electorally I'll concede it's pretty far-fetched to see One Nation scalp a seat in Western Sydney but their are certainly pockets of discontent that could fester into Senate seat.
If neither major party turns it around, with a message that gives hope and resonates with more of the population, yes ON will continue to grown in Queensland.
But it's kind of like there's nowhere for the disaffected votes to go in the more populous states. If we were a younger country now would be a ripe time for a new party.
Exactly my thoughts.
The actual response is and will be weak as piss.
News Corps been throwing out expense claims about Labor and the Greens for like the past two weeks straight , ever since this broke.
Death by a thousand cuts for Turnbull.ReachTel poll shows a further degrading 2PP result for the government with 54/46 in favor of Labor.
We're getting into spill territory, now. Granted, there's nobody in government who can hope to recover the government's poll numbers. The government are in for a miserable two and a half more years.