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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Also you'd think the people advocating social and racial discrimination with respect to NT intervention/boat people could figure out fiscal discrimination and implement means testing like they did with uni fees, newstart, medicare etc in the late 1990s.




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yeah :(


In minor party news, Sex Party are far to the right of the Liberal party economically and Wikileaks put the Nationals ahead of the Greens in their prefences. http://onlythesangfroid.wordpress.c...t-and-did-aussexparty-betray-its-base-auspol/

Despite listing no economic policies on their website, the Sex Party have outed themselves as libertarians in the process of explaining why they preferenced One Nation ahead of the Greens and ALP: http://www.sexparty.org.au/news/1629-preference-problems.html

The Wikileaks crap could wind up giving us a coalition run sentate, which is a fucking scary thought, worse than Abbott winning: http://blogs.abc.net.au/antonygreen...iver-the-coalition-control-of-the-senate.html


In minor party news, Sex Party are far to the right of the Liberal party economically and Wikileaks put the Nationals ahead of the Greens in their prefences. http://onlythesangfroid.wordpress.co...s-base-auspol/

Despite listing no economic policies on their website, the Sex Party have outed themselves as libertarians in the process of explaining why they preferenced One Nation ahead of the Greens and ALP: http://www.sexparty.org.au/news/1629...-problems.html

The Wikileaks crap could wind up giving us a coalition run sentate, which is a fucking scary thought, worse than Abbott winning: http://blogs.abc.net.au/antonygreen/...he-senate.html

I knew Assange was a right wing libertarian numpty for a while now and had my doubts about the Sex Party (especially after the flat chest ban beatup) but I didn't know the later were that far gone.

Now I just need that ballot editor so I can spend an evening looking at the Group Voting Tickets.


Actually, I've just had a look through the WA Senate ticket (party list only, removed the individual candidates). I have broken the list up into my reasoned categories.

First off, the Right Wing Fruitloops

Australian Voice Party
Liberal Democrats
Smokers Rights
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party
Shooters and Fishers

The Left Wing Fruitloops

The 'Surely this is just a Troll Party'

Palmer United Party
Katter's Australian Party

The 'How could you betray our trust' category

Sex Party
The Wikileaks Party

Christian nutcases

Australian Christians
Rise Up Australia Party


Family First Party
Stable Population Party
One Nation

People who are anti science

No Carbon Tax Climate Sceptics
Stop The Greens

The 'Have a Cookie, but not too many you good hearted people' party

Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party

The Lesser Evil

Australian Labor Party

The Eviler Evil

The Nationals

The No Idea What You Stand For Category

Australian Sports Party
Australian Democrats
Australian Independents

The inoffensive and maybe just quite reasonable parties

Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
Animal Justice Party
Socialist Equality Party

My preferred options:
Secular Party of Australia
The Greens (WA)


I want a tag give me a tag
Actually, I've just had a look through the WA Senate ticket (party list only, removed the individual candidates). I have broken the list up into my reasoned categories.

First off, the Right Wing Fruitloops

The Left Wing Fruitloops

The 'Surely this is just a Troll Party'

The 'How could you betray our trust' category

Christian nutcases


People who are anti science

The 'Have a Cookie, but not too many you good hearted people' party

The Lesser Evil

The Eviler Evil

The No Idea What You Stand For Category

My preferred options:

Had a read through the Animal Justice Parties policeis the other night, they're not too bad, just looking for more humane practices, they're not telling us to be vegan or anything. seem a good bunch


Had a read through the Animal Justice Parties policeis the other night, they're not too bad, just looking for more humane practices, they're not telling us to be vegan or anything. seem a good bunch

Indeed. I wasn't going to be making up any more categories though but I may just do that now.


Middle class votes are important. That's why. It is logically against the main thrust of almost all their other policies, but middle class welfare wins elections.

The bolded could be the LNP's slogan (heh):


Depresses the hell out of me. Cash handouts to some of the least needy in middle suburbia, meanwhile services and 'community provisions' go to shit.

A great article on how things are not that bad (hopefully won't be news to most here):

So is there some explanation for this difference between perception and reality? I suggest six reasons, all somewhat speculative (establishing causes for perceptions is tricky), but all plausible.

First, is the political beat up. The Coalition and the Murdoch press have missed no opportunity to add to the din of complaint, particularly in relation to the carbon tax...

Third, we get frequent reminders of some price rises. They grab our attention. For example, the real cost of driving a car has been falling for many years, mainly because cars have been getting cheaper, easily offsetting higher fuel prices. But we don’t buy cars very often, while we may buy fuel a few times each month. Similarly, while we replace our electrical appliances only every 10 years or so, our electricity bills come quarterly, and we often fail to distinguish between price effects and our own changing consumption.

Good information for your watercooler and dinner table conversations tonight.


Middle class votes are important. That's why. It is logically against the main thrust of almost all their other policies, but middle class welfare wins elections.

It's certainly not inconsistent with the philosophy of Abbott himself though, he doesn't care much for capitalism, he's a full blown Burke-ian conservative. Him and Turnbull are basically from the opposite ends of the Liberal spectrum.


Gotta get that 150k job first.

New life plan: drop out of uni, join the mining industry, get pregnant ASAP.

Out of interest - discrimination laws at present mean a person cannot be fired or not hired if they are planning to/likely to/about to/just have had a child.

But it still happens I bet, even if it cannot be proven.

Not saying it happens in the mining industry (I have no idea about the machinations of that).

But you would want to wait until 2015 at least, that's when it's meant to start.


Malcolm teeing off on current asylum seeker policies of both parties, saying both are 'cruel and harsh'. But not willing to disendorse the horrid LNP policy, carefully worded his answer.


I want a tag give me a tag
there's no one i want to vote for.

can't i just vote for wikileaks and NOT have my votes counted after a first count. stupid system
Secular Party above the line or donkey vote are the only reasonable choices. Most of the options are such granular variations of shit that voting below the line is a waste of time for everyone involved.


In America everyone is middle class.

In Australia, everyone is a battler.

From the mining magnates to the homeless. We are all struggling to make ends meet, and deserve the same help from government.


At least they're open about their economic policies, unlike the Sex Party who advertise all of their reasonable social policies but hide the unpalatable lunatic economic ideals out of view.

Such as?
(You're right, they are hiding them on their website)
Is it really surprising that a party called the "Sex Party" leads towards hardcore libertarianism? Weren't they founded precisely in response to the internet filter threat? That's why I said I was considering voting for them at the last election and everyone was asking me "but don't you hate the Greens?" for some reason.


surely I'm not the only one?

It is entirely possible for a party to have their social policies and not have libertarian economics. No idea where you'd get the idea that it isn't.

I think they came much later after the filter was dropped.


"The proposed Australian Internet Filter and data retention proposals are key issues for the party" Formed in 2009, same year as the Sex Party.



Their policies are fundamentally good intentioned with no dog whistling. Unfortunately they are myopic and impractical. But the heart is in the right place. Hell, even Australian Christian party has some good policies. They just got there by mistake since their world view is fundamentally discriminatory.


i'd join the first political party advocating for all monarchists be shipped off to the uk, preferable on leaky boats. #starttheboats
It is easy to have good policies when there is no chance of you ever actually having to implement them.

That is what killed the democrats and will probably kill the greens.

Dead Man

Why are they all clowns?

Liberal candidate unable to explain Coalition's climate change policy

A Liberal candidate in the northern Adelaide seat of Wakefield has admitted he does not know anything about the Coalition's climate change policy.

In a debate between Liberal candidate Tom Zorich and Labor member Nick Champion, mediator Peter van Onselen asked Mr Zorich to explain how the Coalition's Direct Action plan would work.

Mr Zorich told the audience he was not across the issue and did not have an answer.

"I will say to you as the candidate, as a candidate, as a candidate and a businessman I'm not across everything. My opponent has already acknowledged that. I'm sorry Pete, I haven't got much to tell you about that," he said.

Mr Zorich's response was met with jeers from the crowd.

He was then asked to explain why the Coalition had changed its policy from an Emissions Trading Scheme to Direct Action, and repeated he "did not have an answer for you here."

Mr Zorich was challenged about whether he should have understood his party's policy.

"I'm in a different sphere to where Nick Champion is and I will say to you now [I'm not] across all the issues Peter, and I will leave it at that," he said.

Opposition climate change spokesman Greg Hunt will be in Adelaide tonight to discuss the Coalition's Direct Action plan.

As a candidate, as a candidate, as a candidate, as a candidate, as a candidate, as a candidate, as a candidate, as a candidate, oh, and as a busineman, I have no idea.


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FWIW Today's Essential had it at a clean 50:50 and some pretty unsurprising figures on media outlet trust:

UPDATE 2: Essential Research bucks the trend in having Labor at 50-50, up from 51-49 a week ago. Both major parties are up a point on the primary vote, Labor to 40% and the Coalition to 44%, with the Greens steady on 8% and others down two to 8%. There is also a question on most trusted media outlets for election coverage, which as usual shows public broadcasters far more trusted than commercial ones, and papers which had traditionally been broadsheets more trusted than tabloids. Four times as many respondents (28%) had “no trust at all” in the Daily Telegraph as “a lot of trust” (7%). The Australian, recently heard hectoring the ABC for being too biased to be trusted as a host of leaders’ debates, scored well below the Fairfax papers. Also featured are results on firmness of voting intention and party and leader attributes, which you can read all about here.


I want a tag give me a tag
Are you saying we shouldn't be a republic?

I would not like us to be one, but obviously that's up to the general population!

we'll just lean even further towards america if we become a republic is my view :)

and I like Liz. she's cool.
I would not like us to be one, but obviously that's up to the general population!

we'll just lean even further towards america if we become a republic is my view :)

and I like Liz. she's cool.
Yeah, i know its weird but i dont mind having the queen as our technical head. The system works alright as is.


What about Chuck?

I'm not a monarchist, but I have no faith in the electorate deciding on a good alternative. I would much prefer the status quo to a popularly elected president.

How about just pruning the tree to the GG level? Quentin Bryce is a brilliant example of a dignified head of state.
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