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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Salt the earth, kill all humans. Australia is over

Or just systematically round up and kill all L/NP members and voters ( those on the Labor right too) and usher in an ungodly socialist paradise

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe the left parties are finally actually acknowledging leftist economics.
Ha! That'll be the day... sigh.

True, but reaching 100% gdp to debt ratio is the apocalyptic scenario for non reserve currencies.
Is it? Reinhart and Rogoff claimed that once debt to GDP reached 90% or so growth was cut in half, but that was proven to be a load of old cobblers. As bomma said, Japan's government debt to GDP is positively ginormous.

And a meteor hitting Earth is bad.

Guess we better starting living 12km under ground. finally a use for all those mines.

And speaking of Japan, this articles misses a point here:
What matters for countries with high levels of government debt is how high the net interest repayment burden is. This separates the US and Japan – countries with a relatively high level of government debt – from the basket-case PIIGS nations (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain).
What separates those two groups is that the former are monetarily sovereign and have a default minimum demand for their currency (to pay taxes/do business with) and therefore bonds (as the monopoly providers of risk free debt denominated in their currency). Eurozone countries do not have this: if I wanted a low-risk, low-reward return on Euros why would I choose Greek or Irish government debt over French or German?


The Commission of Audit is basically done by the Business Council of Australia who are essentially a collection of the people and companies funding the Liberal Party. Using this audit would be the equivalent of Labour using the Unions. At least the Unions would represent a decent slice of the population at around 30% membership. The BCA is just a bunch CEOs. They represent less than 0.01% of the population.


Audit Commission attacks idea of minimum wage

The Commission of Audit has recommended a drastic cut to the minimum wage, and a radical overhaul of the national system.

The minimum wage is now $622.20 a week, which is 56 per cent of average weekly earnings.

But the commission wants to cut the minimum wage to about $488.90 a week, which is 44 per cent of average weekly earnings.

It wants to phase the change in over 10 years.

The commission says the new lower minimum wage should then be used as a “minimum wage benchmark” and states and territories should be able to set their own minimum wages – using the benchmark as a guide – to compete against each other for labour and business.

The proposal attacks the very idea of a national minimum wage.

literally class warfare



Actually I agree with this - small businesses are going to suffer if this doesn't occur.

Anyways - here's the main links:



I laughed my ass off - selling the Australian Mint LOL how fucking retarded can you get? You never go full retard.

And buried in there is what we all knew - they want to sell the NBN.


Actually I agree with this - small businesses are going to suffer if this doesn't occur.

Anyways - here's the main links:



I laughed my ass off - selling the Australian Mint LOL how fucking retarded can you get? You never go full retard.

And buried in there is what we all knew - they want to sell the NBN.








So, is it King Abbott, Mein Fuhrer Abbott, President Abbott, or Abbott the Clown?

What's with the Commonwealth bodies being scrapped - anyone can elaborate?

If in reference to the minimum wage - it's because with the winding down of the mining boom and the cuts to public service you're going to have a lot more people out of a job. With so much supply but having a high minimum wage you're not going to be able to get most of them employed. But having a smaller minimum wage that same business may employ two people instead of one, or prevent them from cutting jobs (between wage reduction and no job I'd argue most people would choose the wage reduction).

Too many people on welfare would increase the deficit even more.


So, is it King Abbott, Mein Fuhrer Abbott, President Abbott, or Abbott the Clown?

What's with the Commonwealth bodies being scrapped - anyone can elaborate?

If in reference to the minimum wage - it's because with the winding down of the mining boom and the cuts to public service you're going to have a lot more people out of a job. With so much supply but having a high minimum wage you're not going to be able to get most of them employed. But having a smaller minimum wage that same business may employ two people instead of one, or prevent them from cutting jobs (between wage reduction and no job I'd argue most people would choose the wage reduction).

Too many people on welfare would increase the deficit even more.

Isn't the problem aggregate demand in that situation, not supply of workers? If there's no need for workers then there's no need for workers.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

I think they missed a few obvious ones tbh:

- Government departments such as Centrelink should be able to sell customer information to advertisers and other interested parties.

- Monetise Parliament House. I wanna see luxury apartments for rent in the wings, the Speaker's Chair for sale at the ex-government furniture warehouse and MPs at question time huddling around on those hard white plastic chairs.

- Instead of cutting off welfare after 1 year and encouraging recipients to move like they're proposing, they should do it after one month. This may sound harsh, but it frees up funds to be able to purchase every welfare recipient a bus or train ticket to the state of their choosing, allowing them to start a new life of opportunity. This goes hand in hand with the renewed focus on robust competition between the states.

- Privatise the Reserve Bank.

- Federal funding for the arts should only be granted on the stipulation that the artist will then work at the Manus Island detention centre for a period of time commensurate to the funding received.


I think they missed a few obvious ones tbh:

- Government departments such as Centrelink should be able to sell customer information to advertisers and other interested parties.

- Monetise Parliament House. I wanna see luxury apartments for rent in the wings, the Speaker's Chair for sale at the ex-government furniture warehouse and MPs at question time huddling around on those hard white plastic chairs.

- Instead of cutting off welfare after 1 year and encouraging recipients to move like they're proposing, they should do it after one month. This may sound harsh, but it frees up funds to be able to purchase every welfare recipient a bus or train ticket to the state of their choosing, allowing them to start a new life of opportunity. This goes hand in hand with the renewed focus on robust competition between the states.

- Privatise the Reserve Bank.

- Federal funding for the arts should only be granted on the stipulation that the artist will then work at the Manus Island detention centre for a period of time commensurate to the funding received.

You forgot:

- Exclude 457 visas from minimum wage - increases immigration by allowing for cheap labour - God knows I need a few servants around.

- Decrease business taxes - tickle down economics guys!

- Transform all housing commission homes to units - more space efficient - and charge them $5 a night. Should reduce the debt on constructing them into units.

- Mandatory euthenasia for people who cannot afford Medicare co-payments - can't afford it can't afford to live.

- Remove HECS loans and only allow private loans - the free market should keep the loans cheap. No interest rate limit because free market.

See everyone - everyone's got to share the pain! Don't worry as long as you can work 7 days a week you're fine!


What's with the Commonwealth bodies being scrapped - anyone can elaborate?


They also want a single Commonwealth ombudsmen to replace the ombudsmen for Fair Work, Taxation and Private Health Insurance. Are they insane? Do they think you reduce your capacity for work and efficiency goes up?

Lol and they want to merge the Family and Federal Courts and the Federal Circuit Courts - and, get this - they want to take the Law Reform Commission and put its functions into the A-G's department. Yeah! That's smart! We'll consolidate the review and reform board into the thing it's reviewing, nothing could go wrong there!

Dead Man


They also want a single Commonwealth ombudsmen to replace the ombudsmen for Fair Work, Taxation and Private Health Insurance. Are they insane? Do they think you reduce your capacity for work and efficiency goes up?

Lol and they want to merge the Family and Federal Courts and the Federal Circuit Courts - and, get this - they want to take the Law Reform Commission and put its functions into the A-G's department. Yeah! That's smart! We'll consolidate the review and reform board into the thing it's reviewing, nothing could go wrong there!

Good lord. On the one hand I am not surprised the commission has no idea of the concept of conflict of interest, on the other hand, holy shit are those stupid.
Setting this as the standard of comparison will mean people will be pleasantly surprised by the budget, instead of being unhappy with an identical budget.



That was my first reaction to the debt levy. He's doubling down though and it sounds like he's actually going to do it. It's absolutely bizarre. Career suicide.

This Commission of Audit is so out there in its extremity that it's blatantly a door in the face. It amazes me they are so brazen to even release it. This kind of document would make even the American Republican's nervous. They are going to have to back off, but still, it's just one more chip off the Rights credibility.

Has anybody seen this article in The Australian...

Key Abbott fundraiser, John Caputo, linked to fraud, ICAC hears

It's way down the page and actually free to view. This ICAC thing is getting dangerously close to Abbott. He's also been linked to Nick Di Giralomo. It surprises me how little coverage it's gotten. Maybe because the budget lead up is such a cluster fuck. Even still it's all related. The people writing the crazy audit above are certainly mixing with the people fraudulently funding the Libs campaign. It wouldn't be a surprise if some of them were the same people
If the planes were ready in 2008 then Krudd would have signed for them instead of Abbot.

K. Rudd wasn't banging on about MASSIVE DEFICITS SLASH EVERYTHING though so in 2008 it would've just looked like silly, excessive defence spending on clunkers instead of the complete shit that it is in the current context.
Might be concern too. They got in with a much smaller majority than normal for a change of government after a hung parliament , and their honeymoon period was much shorter. They might feel that they need to force their reforms through now or never. And some of these reforms aren't things that would be simple to undo (unlike many of Labor's key policies which were trivial to adjust or privatize).
I love how the Audit report's heralds are all saying how it recommends ways to end wasteful middle class welfare, yet I distinctly notice it mentions nothing about negative gearing. It's a propaganda document, little more.
Hockey confirmed people born after 1965 aren't elligible for an aged pension until they're 70.

The great economy myth: 'There is no crisis'

On news.com.au, Is this the beginning of a media turnaround?
When I first saw the headline "The great economy myth: 'There is no crisis'" (it has changed now), I thought they were saying "There is no crisis" is the myth and that might have been the intent.


While on the subject of the NSW Police Minister, did you know that the NSW Attorney-General's department got scrapped and its duties are actually now under the direction of the Police Ministry?

Can't imagine what could go wrong with the A-G and the Police under the same department, especially when one has seniority over the other


While on the subject of the NSW Police Minister, did you know that the NSW Attorney-General's department got scrapped and its duties are actually now under the direction of the Police Ministry?

Can't imagine what could go wrong with the A-G and the Police under the same department, especially when one has seniority over the other

I never paid attention back then on account of being too preoccupied with pretty girls, but did Howard's mob ever reach this level of moustache-twirling cartoon villainy?

WorkChoices aka the Choice to Screw yourself over or have no job, was pretty bad. The Howard government also pretty much marked the beginning of our current political position on asylum seekers. Generally speaking, though, the Howard Government was bouyed by burgeoning resources and a low dollar, its really hard to justify social cuts in that environment.

They did also inenptly privatise Telstra which lwas to many of the current telecommunications problems (due to Telstra being huge and effectively government backed withour the oversight that should bring). The parallels to the NBN are actually remarkably strong.

Though they were genuinely terrible at addressing climate change/environmental issues for both ideological and pragmatic (losing the resource boom would have been terrible for their books) reasons.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Heard reports from this on the radio in the morning and got the feeling something big was coming. Particularly this line:

“Well I can tell you by the end of this you’ll regret having given that answer.”


Maybe the left parties are finally actually acknowledging leftist economics.

I'm sure Labor has other, worse reasons for voting down the 'levy', but the actual reason should be that debt and deficit is not inherently bad.

I'd like to think that they've finally rejected neo-liberal orthodoxy but I'm not going to hold my breath.
(potential) BOMBSHELL! I laughed at the optimism of this but on the news tonight I saw a clip of Bill Shorten in which he deliberately stopped himself from saying surplus! "We don't believe the best way of getting the budget b...*catches himself, clearly thinking* erhhh getting better." Clearly the communiqué has gone out that from now on the Labor party will no longer refer to federal surpluses as a desirable goal in and of themselves.


I never paid attention back then on account of being too preoccupied with pretty girls, but did Howard's mob ever reach this level of moustache-twirling cartoon villainy?

They waited for a majority in both houses to become full on ideologues.

These guys didnt get the memo. So at least they will be one termers.
Polititions get a special pensions after they leave office, he will never have to worry like a normal citizen would. He would get lucrative consulting gigs after office too.

They all just head straight back to Canberra, various state governments and sell their access as lobbyists to the highest bidder.
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