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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Commision of audit was full of shit about average doctors visits.

The thing that bemused me about this was not the (gross) lie but the rational it was used to justify:

Tony Shepard said:
All Australians, on average, go to the doctor now 11 times per year. I just don’t think we’re that crook.

Tony Shepard said:
…the idea stemmed from a view that the system was being abused as Australians were visiting their GP an average of 11 times a year.

Something that’s free is not valued; this will give people pause to think, ‘Will I go or not?’

This just goes to show how little thought this commission put into any of its 'ideas'.* How is it a fucking good thing to discourage people from taking precautions? How does putting off a minor problem, they could potentially become a big problem (involving ER and specialists) save money? Have they looked at the US system at all??

Flabbergasted that anyone this dense could be given any power.*

*assuming that any of this was done in good faith
Commision of audit was full of shit about average doctors visits.

The thing that bemused me about this was not the (gross) lie but the rational it was used to justify:

This just goes to show how little thought this commission put into any of its 'ideas'.* How is it a fucking good thing to discourage people from taking precautions? How does putting off a minor problem, they could potentially become a big problem (involving ER and specialists) save money? Have they looked at the US system at all??

Flabbergasted that anyone this dense could be given any power.*

*assuming that any of this was done in good faith

Don't forget the reason this clown is against Wind Power is that he can see the Collector Wind Farm, north of Canberra, from his house.
I only just noticed the implication that he's arbitrarily decided what should be the normal number

There's also the small matter that the variance is going to be pretty large (i.e some people with chronic conditions may require weekly monitoring while some people go 0 times). As such the mean (which is what is commonly meant when average is used so I'm assuming that's what is used here) isn't very useful. The mode is probably a better view (and boy I don't get to say that much).


There's also the small matter that the variance is going to be pretty large (i.e some people with chronic conditions may require weekly monitoring while some people go 0 times). As such the mean (which is what is commonly meant when average is used so I'm assuming that's what is used here) isn't very useful. The mode is probably a better view (and boy I don't get to say that much).
Nobody gets to use the mode much.

And yeah I don't think much statistical analysis went into this at all.


I don't understand how Uni students aren't already paying back their fair share when they hit the income threshold. What exactly is Pyne actually talking about? I admit I get completely lost once they start talking about private colleges needing to receive funding to stay competitive blah blah blah what are you talking about
I really wish they would separate the two territories in the poll. How am I meant to know whether it is the disastrous NT LNP party or public sector cuts in the ACT that are to blame for the "territories" figure.

I suspect the comedy capers in the NT are mostly to blame though!


In a minor distraction from our nation's very serious intelligence budget deficit, Geoff Shaw is a crazy person


“If in society we are saying there should be more women on boards, there should be more females in parliament, well you are killing them,” Shaw told the Herald Sun.

“Here in Australia we can’t kill snake eggs but we are quite happy to kill an egg in the tummy and it should be the safest place for a baby to be.

“How can any women who are pro-women’s rights say that you can kill girls?”

Tummy eggs tho, ammirite


Shaw said he also wanted doctors to provide pain relief to foetuses during abortion procedures and for babies to be resuscitated if they survived abortion attempts.
But... the entire point of current legislation is that they're physiologically incapable of feeling pain...

What a waste of anesthetic

I don't think we can take credit for it. That sigh is the Libs work.
I meant the prediction that this place would be shit without him.


I really wish they would separate the two territories in the poll. How am I meant to know whether it is the disastrous NT LNP party or public sector cuts in the ACT that are to blame for the "territories" figure.

I suspect the comedy capers in the NT are mostly to blame though!

Plus they are diametrically opposed demographically


Is it weird that I actually agree with the debt levy? I mean it's only going to be on people making above 150k+ and they should be paying more taxes anyway if they are trying to balance the budget. It can't all be done via spending cuts.

It's the one thing Abbot has done that I can support


Is it weird that I actually agree with the debt levy? I mean it's only going to be on people making above 150k+ and they should be paying more taxes anyway if they are trying to balance the budget. It can't all be done via spending cuts.

It's the one thing Abbot has done that I can support

Piss easy to get around unless it's somehow enforced as an absolute minimum I.e. no tax deductions applies to it . Also get around trusts.
Is it weird that I actually agree with the debt levy? I mean it's only going to be on people making above 150k+ and they should be paying more taxes anyway if they are trying to balance the budget. It can't all be done via spending cuts.

It's the one thing Abbot has done that I can support

No. I philosophically support more progressive taxation. The problem with this is that its terribly cynical (the rumoured sunset clause means its impossible to extend). This is just the illusion of fairness to compensate for slugging the less wealthy on education and health without touching any of the real wealth of the rich (which is primarily investments and is thus either capital gains or franked).

The parallels to the carbon price (is whether or not something comprises a tax and this a broken promise) also stinks of hypocrisy.


Oh boy, they're raising the fuel excise tax for all of us.

Mining company fuel rebate of over $2.4 billion, untouchable. Carbon tax on big polluters that's bad, get rid of it. Tax on miners getting a huge fuel rebate and exploiting our resources, bad for the economy.

The debt levy and this fuel excise in isolation I'm actually ok with. But why the fuck are we doing it when you consider the options above? The power of the lobbying groups over the Libs is out of control. Our last election was bought.


What's up?

You know.....

I was watching Q&A the other day, with Pyne and Burke, when Socialist Alternative made their protest. I hardly ever watch Q&A but I was passing through the channels so I thought I'd watch.

At the end both Pyne and Burke were talking about the speakership and how much of a robust democracy we have, and I thought to myself that these people were speaking out of their ass.

Are we really condemned as a nation to successive governments who completely lack both integrity and accountability for the shit they do? Integrity in the sense that they know they can promise shit and then break that promise, and accountability in the sense that there's dick all we can really do until an election?


If only people weren't so stupid, or we had a time machine. Sadly, there is fuck all to be done at this point.

I am kind of amazind they are so intent on pissing off every segment of society though. Just mind bogglingly hateful and myopic.
Fingers crossed Clive Palmer goes mad(der) with power and forces a double dissolution.


Oh boy, they're raising the fuel excise tax for all of us.

Mining company fuel rebate of over $2.4 billion, untouchable. Carbon tax on big polluters that's bad, get rid of it. Tax on miners getting a huge fuel rebate and exploiting our resources, bad for the economy.

The debt levy and this fuel excise in isolation I'm actually ok with. But why the fuck are we doing it when you consider the options above? The power of the lobbying groups over the Libs is out of control. Our last election was bought.

Yep. If anyone had any doubts as to where priorities lie, apart from being a deluded fuckwit, here's your proof.


From the Devil's Dictionary:

CONSERVATIVE, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.

LIAR, n. A lawyer with a roving commission.

ELECTOR, n. One who enjoys the sacred privilege of voting for the man of another man's choice.

CORPORATION, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.

I think there's something in that for all of us.


A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Is it weird that I actually agree with the debt levy? I mean it's only going to be on people making above 150k+ and they should be paying more taxes anyway if they are trying to balance the budget. It can't all be done via spending cuts.

It's the one thing Abbot has done that I can support
It seems that the levy does have some support from the left/centre, with those same people still using it to hammer Abbott for breaking a promise. If you're interested though, here are some reasons I (and others) don't support it (plus Elaugaufein and mjontrix's points above):
- We don't need to balance the budget.
- Temporary levies for raising funds at the federal level are pointless and distort/clutter things.
- The levy is progressive, but technically so is taxing someone on $40k 50% and someone on $60k 75%. The Coalition's overall policy mix is still regressive and the levy looks like it will cut in as low as they thought they could get away with. Consequently, it will probably reduce demand and growth.

You know.....

I was watching Q&A the other day, with Pyne and Burke, when Socialist Alternative made their protest. I hardly ever watch Q&A but I was passing through the channels so I thought I'd watch.

At the end both Pyne and Burke were talking about the speakership and how much of a robust democracy we have, and I though to myself that these people were speaking out of their ass.

Are we really condemned as a nation to successive governments who completely lack both integrity and accountability for the shit they do? Integrity in the sense that they know they can promise shit and then break that promise, and accountability in the sense that there's dick all we can really do until an election?
Yes. Yes we are. Welcome to disillusionment land, where less worse is the best you can get. Pull up a white plastic chair and help yourself to a store brand scotch finger.

That said, Pyne and Burke probably both sleep with a book on parliamentary procedure under their pillows, so there's a chance it's not quite as bad as it seems and that a decent chunk of their colleagues feel as jaded and powerless as the rest of us!
Welp: The Queensland government has now spent $6 million on an interactive advertising campaign designed to get people to be okay with asset sales, but it turns out what people wanted was higher taxes.

Can you guess what the government response was ?


A survey shows company directors have become much less confident in the Abbott Government since it was first elected.

Back in the second half of 2013, just after the Abbott Government took office, almost 70 per cent of company directors expected the new administration to have a positive impact on their business decision making.

In the latest Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) survey, this figure has slumped to just 30 per cent.

This loss of confidence has also translated into a fall in the proportion of directors who believe the Federal Government understands business - from 55 per cent last year to 48 per cent now.



This is what I was saying to someone earlier, even the people that are trying to appeal to don't understand what the fuck the government is doing.

The only thing I get is that we're moving towards a UK usa hybrid model - the privatisation of the UK with the crappy education and health system of the usa, with the worst of the class system of both countries combined.

It's a shit sandwich I tell you.
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