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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I like this pic



Heard reports from this on the radio in the morning and got the feeling something big was coming. Particularly this line:


(potential) BOMBSHELL! I laughed at the optimism of this but on the news tonight I saw a clip of Bill Shorten in which he deliberately stopped himself from saying surplus! "We don't believe the best way of getting the budget b...*catches himself, clearly thinking* erhhh getting better." Clearly the communiqué has gone out that from now on the Labor party will no longer refer to federal surpluses as a desirable goal in and of themselves.




He got overwhelmingly hammered for that in the ABC comments section. The narcissim is off the charts. Most of the comments referred to the Hunter Valley where not only do you get huge Coal power plants, but also open cut mines. One of which recently caught on fire. All this the same distance from his home seat as these wind mills.

You've also got to love how every photo attached to the story of the said windmills has been gorgeous.


Are you suggesting that privatisation is just a way of moving publc assets into the hands of the elite thus making them richer? We're an ownership society! Don't forget! Mums and dads bought Telstra! Mums and daaaaaads!


It's on the front page of the ABC, the miners are keeping their $2.4 billion per year fuel subsidies. Why? Because the farmers need it.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
lmao what a smarmy shit

no wonder someone from cabinet leaked the debt tax brainfart
"At some point, the interest payments alone will be over a billion dollars a month. That's dead money, that could otherwise be spent on services."
Well we can't have that, can we. Better cut services.

He looks like he's ether slowly shaking a baby or strangling someone.

Someone should teach him not to be so awkward with his hands when he talks.

To be fair it can't be comfortable to lie through your teeth like that.


Lol wut Hockey

Treasurer Joe Hockey is offering privileged access to a select group including business people and industry lobbyists in return for tens of thousands of dollars in donations to the Liberal Party via a secretive fund-raising body whose activities are not fully disclosed to election funding authorities.
The Independent Commission Against Corruption is probing Liberal fund-raising bodies such as the Millennium Forum and questioning their influence on political favours in NSW.
Mr Hockey offers access to one of the country's highest political offices in return for annual payments.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...eged-access-20140504-zr06v.html#ixzz30nmnEIow

Does that sound or smell kinda like corruption to anyone? Maybe technically it isn't... but it kinda... looks a little... you know... dodgy...


The Australian is reporting Hockey is going to sue for calling him out on his cash for private time. I don't know what he can sue for though, telling the truth isn't defamation or slander. Considering the number of lies he's told as a politician it would be the ultimate irony if he looses to the truth.

The other interesting part of all this is the Libs have pushed forward with the Heydon Royal Commission into Labor's business equivalent, the Union Slush Funds. There is strong chance of this blowing back into the Libs faces a la the NSW ICAC Enquiry. As we know that puts Abbott and Hockey front and centre.


It's on the front page of the ABC, the miners are keeping their $2.4 billion per year fuel subsidies. Why? Because the farmers need it.

Age of entitlement continues if you operate billion dollar businesses and can afford tax hikes.

If you're disabled, tough shit.
It wasn't going to work when Labor tried it 6 years ago and it's not going to work now. Waste of taxpayer's money during a "budget crisis"

Whether or not it works is irrelevant. Its just one more step down the road to socializing costs and privatizing profit, working its just a bonus. Though the numbers in countries where its been implemented have been cherrypicked to death by both sides which strongly suggests its effect is in the range of zero to small.


Probably know most of the protesters in that video. And I definitely know the first girl that appears in that clip.;p


It means they get their point heard. Unlike the Mining Corporations, students don't have the benefit of a $22 million dollar PR campaign. Who's worth more to Australia the mining companies or the education of our young? Why aren't their voices proportionate in volume?


Those protesters really got their well thought out, articulate point across.
What Mysanie implied in his post really - but there's plenty of well-articulated opinions and analysis by the likes of journalists and academics on why Christopher Pyne's plans for education are a load of fucking crap.. however a stunt like this draws far more attention to the issue than any of those things.


I say its fair game to be blunt in conveying a point when its around a policy issue that was never discussed a year ago.

If Gina Rineheart can get her fat ugly gob working at a protest march to challenge the injustice of taxing billionaires, then students can too.



Come on folks, production values count


Right wing take over the world plan:

1. Equivocate.
2. We're different.
3. Once in power, FUCK EVERYTHING UP, TIP THE SCALES. Center of axis has just busted right.
4. Lose power.
5. Repeat cycle.

Fuck fuck fuck. I can't believe I ever gave into the idea of equivocating labour and liberal. One's just incompetent at managing media that's got a hellish tilt against it. The other is a fucking devil puppet with a vampire (Murdoch) sticking its hand up its asshole.


There's a lot of those about though

Oh I know. I used to roll my eyes at those types in uni, arguing with the local Socialist Alliance anti-war outdoor desk standee when they were protesting US bombing kosovo/serbia (on a technicality, it was NATO). Their heart was in the right place but their methods dont win new converts.

The point now is that the obnoxiousness is strongest when coming from the smug cunts in suits who smile whilst knowing full well they have all the power and the means to do what it takes to ensure fat profits and zero liability. People like Murdoch, Rinehart, big corporate types like the US banks, sycophants of such in Australia. Those companies are the real bastards.

So yeah, I dont mind a bit of clumsy protest slogans. It at least serves as a reminder there are still humans in this society.


Just when we thought the asylum seeker situation couldn't get any worse...


Supposedly this is the embarrassing situation for Indonesia's president Yudhoyono. How the hell is this embarrassing for him? I just don't get the Coalition's thinking at all. It's getting weirder and weirder.
That's pretty fucking clever by the Abbott guv'ment, though. Why not chuck a few extra invaders back on a boat? Before you know it, there'll be no-one left in detention and it would have all been magic! At least, that's what we'd want those country-invading Indonesians to think.
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