I said it in the other thread, but it's like Shorten's been dialled in with the Konami code for all the ammunition he's come armed with.
Does it matter about what side of the floor the applause was, or are you just counting the gallery?IDDQD
edit: standing ovation in parliament house. Not seen that for a long time. Maybe the Apology? But that was not really an ovation-occasion, more a sombre acknowledgement type of speech. This was angry.
lol, after a month of silence, @LiberalAus Twitter account tweeted five times in the space of a minute:
"Around the world, the word Liberal represents vision, forward thinking and the bold change required to forge a prosperous future. Labor are too old fashioned and conservative to deal with the challenges facing modern Australia; they want to chain Australians to their dreams of the past instead of liberating them to face the future on their own two feet. This election, vote Liberal, and liberate yourself." - Liberal party election ad 2016.I'd take no policy over the steaming pile of bullshit the libs are trying to pull tbh
"Around the world, the word Liberal represents vision, forward thinking and the bold change required to forge a prosperous future. Labor are too old fashioned and conservative to deal with the challenges facing modern Australia; they want to chain Australians to their dreams of the past instead of liberating them to face the future on their own two feet. This election, vote Liberal, and liberate yourself." - Liberal party election ad 2016.
The state Premiers called them on it straight away though so it wasn't exactly a masterstroke
How could they? There won't be any internet for them to look it up on.You should save that for posterity, so if they do end up using it, you can charge them for it.
How could they? There won't be any internet for them to look it up on.
The states are basically in open rebellion.
I guess they'd assumed that the states would all be under Liberal control by this point in the year like everyone else did, and also assumed that they'd go along with it.
They all are under Liberal governments except for ACT and SA.
Knowing that their re-election campaign is literally a joke would be reward enough.You should save that for posterity, so if they do end up using it, you can charge them for it.
Good speech. Shame no-one except Greens voters will pay attention. At least we know where the Greens stand, of course.Forget Shorten's speech, watch this one.
Hockey: "I'll fuckin' cut ya"U WOT M8
It's already a thing at this point, the truth isn't going to stop itSadly Crikey did audio analysis and is pretty much 100% sure Pyne said "Grub". There's a story on it in today's issue.
Hockey: "I'll fuckin' cut ya"
Pyne: "Yeeeeaaahhhh cunts"
Well, Pyne's no Whitlam.I know grub is a lower tier insult, but it's funny that it's gained so much traction considering the shennanigans people usually get away with in there anyway
It's somewhat annoyingly overshadowing his signalling to BishopI know grub is a lower tier insult, but it's funny that it's gained so much traction considering the shennanigans people usually get away with in there anyway
You might appreciate thisI know grub is a lower tier insult, but it's funny that it's gained so much traction considering the shennanigans people usually get away with in there anyway
Christine Milne's speech is damn good.
It's an injustice that she is written off as a loon by the unwashed masses.
Well the Australian people are good at picking people out for what they are.
I have an election campaign vs budget comparison, that given the election result, might suggest otherwise.
Unless we, as a nation, value cruelty to asylum seekers and fewer corporate impositions over things like honesty , health and education.
Anyone listening to Hack on triple j? The Carla woman is has pretty much said if you homeless it's your fault and you should get a job. Also spending money on the environment is totes stupid! Who knew?!
Hack is over now but wow, that was an incredible of ignorance and cruelty. Always scary to encounter another young person who holds such hard Right political views.
Didn't you see the poll where a near majority of people thought we weren't being tough enough on Asylum seekers?
Although now that Abbott has been revealed as someone who doesn't keep his word I think a larger group of people are going to be very hostile to him. I mean, I'm a damn party member and even I think the budget goes too damn far, and that's saying something.
That's why I placed it a as a comparative , because people obviously see it as a positive, and I know at least some people see greater corporate freedom as a positive too. The other side are also things that I'm pretty sure are almost universally regarded as positives. Essentially I'm questioning whether they picked it well or whether they value the first over the second. I suspect the former more than the latter.
I can respect this part, but I'm honestly in disbelief that anyone could seriously believe that Abbot would keep every single one of his election promises. For one thing it would be impossible (a regressive Paid Parental Leave scheme, scrapping taxes and fixing the budget , all while making no cuts) and for another, it would leave the Liberals about as hollow and purposeless as the ALP, with the only thing they could claim they stand for is for the big end of town , since it would toss pretty much their entire political ideology overboard.
Well consider me a fool, because I didn't think he'd raise taxes, or if he did, I didn't think he'd raise taxes by this much.
I'm all for cutting spending, but do it in a way that doesn't completely fuck the most vulnerable in our society. Why did middle and upper class welfare stay the same?
There's bits and pieces that I like here and there, I love the Medicare co-payment. Granted it's because my own mother basically goes to the doctors once a week to have a chat and not based on any real analysis of the entire industry.
I could never ever vote for Labor or the Greens because they oppose freedom of speech, which is a deal breaker in and of itself but they also support higher taxation and government controlling our lives, which basically means for someone like me it's Liberal or bust.
This is why I've been passionately arguing for more democratic control over our politicians for the last 30+ pages. Hopefully some of you will come around.![]()
I don't consider you a fool. I mean your own statement pretty much confirms that you knew that he couldn't honour all his election promises exactly (and I have a hard time believing that any political party could). And I can understand you feeling that the ones you believed would honor were valuable enough to vote for. That's an entirely rational (and intelligent) position..
I actually agree with in a lot of ways on Freedom of Speech (which I sometimes feel may get me thrown out of the Leftist club) and on greater democratic control though I'd prefer checks built in to avoid it devolving into a tyranny of the majority or a psuedo-anarchy (where everytime legislation is passed a recall vote happens).
True I may have been able overboard there, but having an attitude of "lol, homeless people, climate change and unemployed youth' is difficult to accept when it's coming from an established young business owner.I know it's not unique to the left and is probably part of human nature but that whole "Everyone who disagrees with me is a monster." is becoming really trite.
True I may have been able overboard there, but having an attitude of "lol, homeless people, climate change and unemployed youth' is difficult to accept when it's coming from an established young business owner.
Don't mean to single you out, I'm guilty of this as well. It just frustrating on both sides. People on one side are frustrated because they painted as monsters and the other people just can't understand why they can't see it from their perspective.
Politics gon' politics.
Hmm.A spokeswoman for the minister said both Ms Bishop's university engagements on Friday "proceeded happily".
Well if it makes you feel any better there's a bunch of places with recall mechanisms already in operation, Canada being the closest example. The history where these things are in place basically operates that if a recall is called for a purely partisan reason such as the no confidence motion in Canada and the recall of the mayer in Wisconsen, it usually just ends up strengthening their position rather than destroying it but it works incredibly well where MPs have acted poorly. (Like say, Slipper & Thompson).